Hey guys! It's been a long time, and I thought you guys deserve some kind of an update about this story, and future stories I hopefully will be posting.

So, I'll start with the bad news. At this point I still have no idea where this story is going. I need to sit down with this story, and just figure it out. I may just end up rewriting this, but I promise that this story will be completed one day. I have no idea when it will be completed, but I promise to you all that it will.

Now good news! This summer I will be posting various one shots. Most will most likely be Fairy Tail, and I have a few ideas for Diabolik Lovers one shots with a possible multi chapter story in this category. There may be some one shots for my favorite book series, The Grisha Trilogy.

The Fairy Tail fanfics I am working on are:

The Summer of One shots- this is a series completely dedicated to pure fluff between NaLu. My goal with this series is to encourage myself to write more. I am not writing as much as I want, and this is a way to start writing more. Also I really want all of you guys to send me prompts that you want to see. A lot of the prompts I have so far are just ones I got offline and while their good I can't think of some fluff for the prompts. With this story I already have one chapter up and I would mean a lot if you guys could read it. Going along with that if you guys don't have an idea to send me then please send me creative criticism. I want to improve my writing, and I can't do that if you all don't send me something to help me improve.

Before the Beginning: What if Lucy knew Natsu before she joined Fairy Tail? What if they knew each other in a different life, but what if Natsu isn't Natsu? This one shot will hopefully be posted within the next two weeks. I am almost done with it, but it still needs a bit of work.

The Rage of the White Witch: This is not a one shot! This summer I will be posting the prologue to this story to see how you guys would react. This is my take on the classic Lucy leaves the guild. This story will not be published this year! I am going to write the whole thing out and then post it, so expect it to start coming out next year. I am posting just the prologue this year to see how you guys would react, and how you like it. Plus this is a way for me to have you guys start encouraging me to write more. If I know people want to read my work I hope that will motivate me more.

Diabolik Lovers fanfictions:

Ayato's Valentine's Day Plan: It's Valentine's Day and Ayato wants to be with Yui, but things don't always go as planned. This is a fic I thought of around Valentine's Day, but I couldn't work on it until recently, so I hope to post it at some point in July.

There are some stories that I did not share with you guys because I am still working the kinks in them. It will take time that is probably more than a year, so instead of getting your guys' hopes up for you to only be disappointed later, I am keeping them to myself for now.

If you guys have gotten this far, thank you so much for sticking with me for this. I would like to bring up some other things that have to deal with my offline life.

First of all I would like to say that Fanfiction is not my priority. I now have a job, more specifically my first job, so that's fun. While I do work, I do have free time that is usually taken up by required school reading, and a program that I use to keep up with math. Plus I am studying for the SAT and ACT, and I am learning Japanese and French along with that. At this point I feel like I am making excuses as to why I can't write and post, but I promise I'm not. Time is just being eaten away, and I'm trying to over fill it.

If you guys aren't already aware, in my freshman year of high school I let fanfiction, Wattpad, and anime distract me causing me to get low grades. This past year my parents and I agreed that I would not be allowed to read fanfiction, Wattpad, and watch anime while school is in session. Now that school is out I am on a trial run for those three. So at any point during the summer if my parents think I should drop fanfiction, I will have to.

Also because of this I am not caught up with any manga or anime at this moment, so if I happen to get a fact wrong in anything please tell me immediately.

Thank you guys for making it this far, I look forward to what the future holds.
