"SHINING ARMOR! HOW DARE YOU BETRAY TWILIGHT LIKE THAT!? YOU HAVE SOME NERVE MISTER, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?" Cadence yelled in her Royal Canterlot voice at the same stallion that she thought was a good stallion.

Shining Armor was sweating up a storm at the venom filled words Cadence spat out at him. The stallion had made a poor choice of words with his response.

"I-I-I was stressed okay? Tw-Twi-Twilight was acting like a filly." Shining stuttered as he backed away.

Cadence stomped towards the stallion and punched him in the mouth, and knocked out a tooth.

"Which one of you filly brained traitors should I burn first? Rainbow Dash you and Rarity are close on my list. I think I'll begin with you two." Spike said as he sent out some green flames at the two.

"Stop that Spike...WOAH!" Pinkie Pie snapped before a green flame hit her.

"I'm very disappointed in you Tia, how could you treat your own loyal pupil like that? Haven't you learned anything about being a good leader? And I'm supposed to be the evil one for crying out loud!" Discord scolded Celestia while he had a unamused look on his face.

"I-I-I thought she..." Celestia started before a loud boom was heard outside the castle.

Everyone in the throne room rushed out to see what was happening. What they've seen was nothing anyone could have predicted coming.

Outside of Canterlot Castle, several of the residential homes were destroyed be a dark fire spell. Some creatures were surrounding most of the areas.

The creatures looked like ponies made from shadows with a deep purple colored eyes, mane and tail on each of them. The beings looked like miniature Alicorns. The creatures seemed to be furious about something but no pony knows what it was or why they looked familiar.

"What in my name is going on?" Celestia said as the shadow ponies attacked the grounds.

At the sound of Celestia's voice, the shadows turned towards her and spat out some venom filled hisses at her. The shadows charged at her and the others in a rage.

"Well, what are these varmints angry about?" Applejack asked as the shadows attacked the group.

For some reason the shadows had been hostile to everypony and Discord, but were docile towards Spike. The drake gotten a better idea of what these creatures were pissed off about.

"Oh great, my Changeling Invasion has been foiled by these stupid shadow rejects..." Queen Chrysalis angrily said before a beam hit her in the chest.

"How dare you call my dear subjects 'rejects'?" A familiar voice said with anger. All of the ponies, and the two different male species seen who it belonged to, Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle had gone through some kind of transformation. Her purple fur had became a purple hued black color, her mane and tail became a darker color with a red stripe. Twilight's seven star Cutie Mark became a void with fire crystals. Twilight's eyes became a glowing red orange and her teeth became razor sharp. The biggest changes over all about her was that she grew to the size of Princess Luna, her horn was longer, and she has bat wings on her back. Twilight Sparkle has became a dark Alicorn thanks to her friend.

"TWILIGHT!?" All but the Changeling said when they've seen the new Alicorn in front of them. The Alicorn chuckled at the name she was once known as.

"Hehehe, I'm afraid you've gotten the wrong mare. I am not that rag doll puppet you know as Twilight Sparkle anymore. I am the Shadow Flame Queen, Darklight Inferno!" Darklight said as she sent out some flames.

"Darklight Inferno? That's a lame name Twilight." Rainbow Dash said in her typical attitude. That remark earned her a death glare and flame from Darklight.

"Shut up before I kill you bitch! Hell I'll kill you anyway, you had it coming since you tortured my dear brother...NO my Son, Spike like a rag doll." Darklight said as she gotten up close to the blue Pegasus. The heat emitting from the agitated Alicorn had burned off some of Dash's fur.

"Twilight, this isn't you. Stop please," said Celestia as she stepped close to the new Alicorn. Darklight Inferno just sighed in disbelief and turned towards her with her eyes shut.

"Well, well, well Princess Candyass herself. You think your all high and mighty with your 'ability' to raise and lower the sun. How long did you think I was going to dwell on your betrayal? I've warned you about Cadence and you ignored me, kind of like when you betrayed Luna." Darklight said as she approached her former mentor. Her voice was eerily quiet with a hint of venom.

Celestia backed away from her former pupil and was near the point of embarrassing herself in front of everypony in the chambers. Darklight quietly giggled at how humiliated she had just made Celestia look. Darklight Inferno just shook her head at the show Celestia was performing and turned towards Shining Armor with a look of murder in her eyes. Shining Armor gulped at the glare his betrayed sister was sending him.

"Uh...Hey Twily... Your not mad at me right?" Shining asked like he was the stupidest idiot to walk on earth. Spike, Cadence, Discord, and Chrysalis face palmed themselves at Armor's stupidity.

"Let's see; you never wrote to me, you didn't tell me about the wedding, you lied about being there for me, you defended that damn changeling when I was defending your sorry asses...minus Spike's of course, and my personal favorite. YOU FUCKING DISOWNED ME AND FORBIDE ME FROM COMING TO YOUR STUPID WEDDING! You have no right to use that nickname, worm. I've done had enough of you and all of these puppeteers pulling on mine, Spikes and every citizen in this kingdom." Darklight roared at her former brothers face.

"Now wait a minute here, what in tarnation are ya'll talkin about?" Applejack asked as she foolishly trotted towards the dark Alicorn. Darklight Inferno fired a fire ball at Applejack and sent her flying. Everypony but Spike was flabbergasted at Darklight Inferno's attack.