based on the writing prompt "following a set of glowing footprints"

Ladybug leapt from rooftop to rooftop, scanning the city of Paris for any signs of trouble. It had been a quiet week in Paris - far too quiet. The akuma attacks from Hawk Moth had been steadily increasing over the past few months and suddenly, they stopped. She and Cat Noir have been scheduling extra patrols in preparation of a large akuma attack - speaking of which, where was that dumb cat? Ladybug paused on a building near the Eiffel Tower and called Cat Noir. She tapped her foot impatiently as the phone rang once, twice, three times. Finally, he answered, looking rather disheveled; his normally messy hair was more tousled than usual and there was some questionable stains on his leather catsuit.

"Bonjour, my lady!" he said with a forced smile. "How, uh … how are you today?" He combed his hair with his fingers, desperately trying to make himself look somewhat presentable.

Ladybug frowned, not sure what she should ask about first. She decided to go with what she originally called him for: "Cat, our patrol started thirty minutes ago. Where are you?"

"I, um …" He chuckled sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. "Funny story about that, my lady …"

Ladybug grimaced. "Okay okay, never mind. Can you - wait, what is that?" She ran to the edge of the roof and scrutinized the bottom of the Eiffel Tower. Was something … glowing? "Cat, are you anywhere near the Eiffel Tower?"

"Why yes, why do you - AGH!" Ladybug's attention returned to the call; for some reason, Cat Noir seemed frantic. Was he in danger?

"What the - Cat! Cat, what's down there?!"

"N-no, no, it's nothing, my lady!" He was now trying to obscure the camera on his phone. "No need to come down here and investigate -"
In a flat voice, Ladybug said, "I'm coming down to investigate."

"My lady, there's no need -"

Ladybug hung up and leapt from building to building down to the base of the tower. Now that she was closer, she could see that the glowing was a luminescent set of footprints. Cautiously, she extended a finger to touch the nearest footprint and saw that it was some kind of glowing paint - had Hawk Moth targeted some poor painter? Her eyes followed the footprints around the base of the tower and then - up onto the tower? She climbed up the metal beams, tracking the footsteps. As she ascended, she could hear Cat frantically muttering to himself. What was wrong with him? She turned towards Cat's voice and her heart skipped a beat as she realized that the footprints led directly to him.

Ascending faster now, she swung around the tower and landed at Cat's feet. "Cat, are you alright? Is -" Ladybug was speechless as she took in Cat Noir's appearance. The questionable stains she had seen earlier were blotches of the same glowing paint. He had hidden his hand behind him, but not before she had seen a paintbrush with glowing bristles. His sheepish grin only made him look more suspicious. The two stood in silence for a while.

Finally, Ladybug broke the silence, hissing, "What were you doing, you dumb cat?"

Cat Noir refused to meet her glaring eyes. "Well, uh …" He pulled out the paintbrush from behind him and stared at it, as if asking for help. "I …" Sighing, he hung his head and motioned to an estate nearby. "Follow me, my lady. Please …"

The two traveled to the estate. As they neared their destination, Ladybug recognized the estate as the home of Adrien Agreste. Her heart skipped a beat - would she be able to see her crush? She inspected as many windows as she could as Cat Noir led her to the expansive backyard. Waiting for them in the middle of the yard was a medium-sized canvas splattered with the same glowing paint that coated Cat Noir. The "painting" was so messy, Ladybug couldn't tell what it was supposed to be at first. Then she saw the five spots surrounded by a circle …

"Cat … did you try to paint me something …?" she asked.

"Yes, my lady …" He scratched the back of his head, embarrassed. "My, erm … friend had a can of glowing paint he desperately needed to get rid of, so I decided to try to make something with it. Then I realized what time it was, I was already late for the patrol …"

Ladybug folded her arms, smirking. "And you tripped over the paint can?"

Cat Noir pouted. "I was trying to wash it off, but you decided to investigate my glowing footprints -"

She stepped forward and pulled him into a hug, cutting off his thoughts. As his face became a bright shade of scarlet, Ladybug whispered, "I thought you were in danger." She squeezed him tighter. "Don't you dare worry me again, you dumb cat."

Gently, he wrapped his arms around her and replied, "I promise, my lady."