A/N: Word prompt. No word limit. Unbeta'd.

Rated: T

Fandom: Twilight

Word Count: 844

Genre: whatever Tearful & Anxiousness falls into

Bella POV

Standard Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight; SM does. No copyright infringement is intended.

Write a story that involves a countdown, starting at 10, ending at 0.



Ten minutes until we'll know. I lean forward in my spot on the couch, resting my elbows on my knees. I stare at my wringing hands, not really seeing them. Edward's leaning back against the cushions, arms crossed in front of his chest, staring straight ahead. He'd be the epitome of calm if it wasn't for his right knee, rapidly bouncing, showing his anxiety. I don't have to look over at him to know that every thirty seconds he runs a hand through his hair before going back to crossing his arms.


My mind wanders back to the day we lost her. It was the middle of the night when the pain in my lower abdomen woke me, therefore Edward, from sleep. I whipped the covers off, finding blood on the bed sheets. Miscarriage. We don't know if it really was a little girl, but I like to think so.


The doctor took some tests and eventually came back with the result of that I can't carry to term without medical help. So we tried, and tried, and tried. We failed each time and I just couldn't take the pain anymore. It hurt too much, but I only have myself to blame. Edward, God bless him, kept trying to talk some sense into me and convince me that we didn't have to do this and just adopt. But I wanted my very own. I wanted a child that we created and I grew inside my belly, and I was going to do whatever it took to do it.


I finally gave in, though. We would have had a baby boy six months ago, but the mother had a change of heart. It turns out that her family had left the wrong impression on her when she'd told them she was pregnant. She thought they'd shun her and wouldn't let her live in their house anymore unless she gave it up. When she found out they made a mistake and wanted to fix it, she backed out a few months before her due date. Selfishly, we were crushed, wanting to finally have a child we could call ours and love him as such. But a big part of us was happy for her and her family for wanting to right a wrong.


Now, sitting in this chair in the hospital waiting room, I pray that this one doesn't back out at the last second. I mean, as woman who wants a baby so bad, but is incapable of carrying, I can't fault another for wanting to keep theirs, the one they carried inside of them for nine months. I can't begin to understand what that must feel like, despite my own history. For a woman to give up her child for adoption, for whatever reason, is admirable. Edward and I are receiving a gift from someone who can give life to another, but not take care of it properly at this time in her life.


I can't take it anymore. Releasing my hands from their own death grip, I look and reach over to Edward, grasping his hand. He lets me take hold and squeezes mine a couple times. He knows how I'm feeling as I'm almost positive he feels the same.


My knees start to bounce and my lower lip rolls inward, trapping itself between my teeth. Are we ready for this? I'd laugh at myself if I could. I feel I've been ready for a baby for years.

Is the baby okay? What about Kate?


Sitting becomes too much, so I stand up and pace. My left arm comes across my middle and under my right elbow as I bring my right hand to my mouth, chewing on my thumbnail.


My nerves are shot and I think I'm going to go crazy. I need to know who's going to walk out of here with a new baby girl. I've come to like this teenager, wiser than her age, and she has assured us that she won't change her mind. I just can't help the little voice in my head that says that she could, giving me doubts. I also wonder if we're ready for the little angel.

"Bella, babe." Edward stops my pacing by standing in my way. Pulling me into a hug, he says, "It's going to be okay. We have everything we need for a newborn and I even remembered the thank you gift for Kate." With my face buried in his chest, I nod. "I love you."

"I love you, too."


Now slightly relaxed, we sit back down, holding hands. I close my eyes, take some deep, cleansing breaths, and try to maintain the slight calm Edward succeeded in giving me.

I'm startled by the opening of the door. I look up and see the doctor walking over to us.


"Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. I'd like to inform you that you have a healthy baby girl and I can take you back to see her now, if you'd like?"