Thank You
First of, before I lose all of your interest by the time I get to the actual thank you's, I am planning to write a sequel to this story. I will be working on it, trying to get some chapters built up before I start to post.
It may take a while for me to get it out so if you would like me to email you when you I do post it, please email me at revelations22_17@hotmail.com or leave a review to this "chapter" giving me your email address and telling me you would like to be added to my mailing list for the sequel. Even if you think I have your email address, please give it to me again and then I can guarantee that I will send you an email when I finally start to post.
Also, for those of you who have been to my website, with the help of Davan, who is also an amazing web master, I have changed it around a little bit and will be posting my story there as well. You can visit and I will try to put up tentative dates for you guys for the sequel. O- and I have a banner for Shadow of the Past under the stories by Silmarien section that you might want to check out. It features a pic of Legolas and Valia.
I want to thank each and every one of you for all your incredible support during the past few months. You will never realize how much of a motivation it was to receive all your reviews.
Unfortunately I couldn't thank you all individually in this thank you page or it would have taken me forever (as it was it took me forever just to get everyone's name written down. But know that I appreciated all your reviews.
If you don't see your name below, I am sorry. I tried my hardest to get everybody but I might have missed some.
Alright, on to the thank you's:
Personal Thank You's:
Davan- What can I say to my most amazing beta who's reviews I enjoy ever so much? Thanks for all your support dear, especially through all those times I wanted to kill this story on the spot. I do not think this story would have gotten this far without you, or else would have ended in a sudden tragedy.
Legolas' Lover/ Enelya- To my most random reviewer who was with me from almost the very beginning, thanks for making me laugh so hard ever time I read your reviews. I have looked forward to each and every one of them.
SaraPezzini- Thank you for all your reviews and supporting my story from almost the very beginning when it was still unnoticed. I appreciated all your kind words.
margarita- *blushes and then blushes again* Thank you for all your overwhelming praise that you lavished on me.
Aramer- Thanks for the tons of reviews. Good luck with all those stories you seem to have swimming through your head all the time.
Rachel- Thank you for all your sweet reviews. I truly enjoyed reading each and every one of them.
Jynessea Greenleaf- You are too cute :) I loved getting all your reviews. They always made me smile
Spades- Thanks for the dwarvish idea, which I still plan to use in the sequel to my story. If I don't, yell at me :)
Elf Ears- *sigh* I just love your name. Thanks for all your reviews and support over all the many chapters of this story.
Crystal- To the girl with the same name as mine (who even spells it the right way), thanks for all your reviews :)
doodlebug- What can I say? I absolutely love your name!! It is the most adorable thing I have ever seen :D Thanks for reviewing my story so many times and giving me the chance to squeal about your cute, cute, cute name :)
ElfPilot- Thank for the beta help and all your reviews.
TigerLily713- I hope that there comes a time when your Eomer story receives just as many reviews as my story has received. You deserve it. Thanks for all your reviews.
Winter's Roar- Your reviews truly were a joy to read and gave me enough of a boost to continue writing from chapter to chapter. Thank you so much.
A special thanks to those who left tons of reviews in my inbox ( I looked for your reviews with much anticipation each and every time I posted a chapter :)
Usako, Imaginator, Shufen, BaMBbLeS, Aidenfire, Nevavariel, Musicgrl, Kairi, Lili, Crimson Starlight, Jazzy, Princess Istawen, Undomiel Evenstar, Crabby Optimistic Potent Sulta, Kestrel Rae, ObsidianDream2005, Niena, Fadesintothewest, nixie, Tap-dancing Hobbit, Blackstardust, u-chan, Alegna, littlesaiyangirl, sanshi, Obsidian Starlight2002, The Story Weaver, Silver Magiccraft, Auror198, kyma-Lijah-obsessed
And thanks to all others who left one or more reviews:
Luintathraiel, LotR Fan, Black Jaguar 12, Melestel, nanashi, Legomanfan, kat, sweetangel22, Shadow Cat, jing-chan, hooked for life, Anon, Yavanna, Linda, Devils Little Doll, x-silver-saffire-x, ZeldaDragon, just2spooky, the_ringspell, me, SunStar, Rina, blu-eyed-belle, feanen, Thalionorial, poppy1, Crazy J, flipped, KK, Ashley, YingRui, poppy, Calandrea, Kate, Brittany, yeen, Aurienia, Sokochan, WyldeKat, phoebemoon, Peacockgirl, Labtec, Kelly, Angel, Klepto_maniac, Electra292, She-Elfwarrior, moirasmith, Asteroid, LegolasIsSexylas, darkraven, Elessariel, Jetnis, Dana, Alanya, Mira, cherryfizz, lady alarien, Vorbis, Dawnwalker, abbey, Pheonix Ashes, Bex, Hehehe Wouldn't You Like To Know, jeffiner1127, arina, Silent Echoes, miao-miao, Jade, Stephanie, Gertrude, enigma, Elenya, Catwoman-Huntress, Dragon's Leader, Aru, Annabell, Lady Arabian Knight, nanana, Legolas Girl, Suzie, Mel, Beboots, Bridgette, Dave Rocks, Imbefana, midnight-star, Mara, Jedi Ha'Li, Nithrowen, Aquagurl13, draco, kata, kaki, Narcissus724, Imlhawien, Galorin, Luthein Seregon, Lovely, Emily, Tavnia, joc
Thank You :)