fffff this is two months late. I'm sorry. I'll get back to updating as soon as I can. But for now, this.

The morning of when this Vriska girl was supposed to come was completely different from normal.

Number one; Karkat wasn't here. He wasn't the one who woke you, it was Kanaya, oddly. When you asked where Karkat was, she had stayed silent, making you extremely worried. You respected her lack of words though, and choose not to push it; it was probably nothing.

Number two; It wasn't quiet nor peaceful. Due to short notice of the princesses arrival, Roxy and her own servants, Porrim and Jane, were running around, making sure everything was clean and perfect. Roxy was a complete freak when it came to guests, as in she needed to be liked in every situation- Who didn't like her? She was also worried that if the three of them saw the castle being dirty, they'd leave immediately. So she was doing it for your sake too, you "needed" a good impression, apparently.

When Kanaya had successfully gotten you up, she lead you into her room, Rose sitting on the bed with fancier-than-usual clothes in her arms.

"Jesus Christ, how important is this?" you ask, clearly confused with all the sudden activity.

"Well, this is the day you may be getting a girlfriend finally," Rose explained smuggly, a smirk on her face. That made a clear frown in annoyance pass your lips.

"Shut the fuck up."

Deciding she didn't want any arguing, Kanaya quickly took the clothes from Rose, handing them to you.

"I need you to go put these on. Once your done, come back to me. I need to make a few changes on them, alright?" she ordered like a mother, the slightest soft smile on her face. Oh jeez, how do you refuse to that? That's right. You can't. Then again, there was no reason to refuse anyways.

You gave a nod, taking the clothes and heading into the bathroom. It was only a bit bigger then your own, considering you were a man who had less needs then women. Well, less kinds soap and towels than women, from the looks of it. You observed yourself in the mirror once the clothing was on, the outfit being a simple white button up (the sleeves were a little too long), going along with the fancy white trousers and dress shoes. You decide to tuck those pants in. You didn't want Kanaya sticking her hand your pants for you. It was kinda obvious Kanaya was going to add some stuff.

You peeked out of the bathroom, and once seeing that Rose and Kanaya were simply talking, he stepped out, Kanaya standing up from the bed once she noticed him.

"Come here," the troll motioned you towards her, and you obliged immediately. In Rose's lap and her sewing kit, and beside her, opposite of where Kanaya had been sitting, where multiple ribbons, along with a, what it seemed like a gold belt. You wouldn't be surprised if it was real. Kanaya didn't need any stool for you. You were 6'3 and she was 5'6. If anything, you may of needed to kneel down.

Once Kanaya had you at the appropriate straight position and made sure you'd stand completely still, she moved back to the ribbons. She took a minute, looking between you and the row of fabric. You and Rose were patient, much to her satisfaction. Kanaya then came to a conclusion, lifting up a velvet red colored one to match your eyes. Well, it was darker than your eyes, but it would work.

He came back closer to you, motioning for you to tilt your head up, which you did. She wrapping the ribbon around your neck, like a choker, before setting it in place. Kanaya moved back and grabbed the belt, handing it to you to put on. It definitely had weight to it, so it was actual gold.

After that was put on, Rose opened up the sewing kit and Kanaya took white thread and a needle out.

For the next ten minutes, Kanaya fixed the extra long sleeves with her practically professional hands, and in the end, they fit snug and comfortable.

"God damn, Kan. You're like a miracle worker," you mumbled to yourself, though Kanaya caught that and gave a flattered smile. She put the supplies away under the bed.

Rose stood, giving you a glance. "I am going to go see if your future wifey is here yet," the blond teased, purposely bumping shoulders with you as she past, that smirk from earlier back. Kanaya chuckled, sitting down herself as you sighed and Rose left the room. A few awkward moments passed before Kanaya decided to break the silence; "You shouldn't listen to her. I honestly don't think you'll be marrying her," he said, catching your attention.

"What?" you raise an eyebrow. "Why is that? Is she like some ugly hag, or major bitch, or what?"

Kanaya let out a breathy sigh. "Well, from what I can gather from the things I hear about their kingdom, Ms. Serket- Vriska, likes to steal. She is also quite the control freak."

Oh. "Yeah. I'm definitely not into that." You take a seat next to Kanaya on the bed.

Another minute of silence. You too sure could put up a conversation, can't you? Where is Rose?, you think.

"..Can you at least tell me if Karkat's okay or not?" you ask, turning your head to look at her

She only gave a shrug. "Yes, I'm sure he's fine. Or, I hope he is." +3000 points to your worry meter. You aren't going to question further. After another excruciating ten minutes, Rose came in, looking far more annoyed than you've seen her in a long while.

"The bitch is here." Her tone was pretty flat, though that was how it usually was.

You snorted. "What'd she say to you?" you ask. Now it's your turn to smirk.

Rose scoffed, an eyebrow raised to match Kanaya's, who was also in question. "She didn't say anything, actually. It was her actions. She almost back handed me when I can up behind her- She did it on purpose. Then she tried to play it off like she didn't try."

Rose sighed, lifting a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. "She's just.. Very loud. So be careful how close you are to her, Dave."

You nod at the explanation and stand, leaving a worried Kanaya on the bed. You could tell she wasn't just worried about how Rose was treated.

"Will do. W-" you didn't have to finish that thought. "Dining Hall. Breakfast is ready."

You nodded again. It was like Rose to read your mind. Or anyone's mind, really. Before even taking a step forward though, you heard an 'oh, wait!' come from Kanaya, as she ran to her closet and opened it. She pulled out your cape. It was a mixture between red and black, along with a bit of white fur decorating the side and top. You already had one, but that one was completely red. Now since it seems you have an upgraded cape, you could give your old one to Karkat. There had been multiple times where you caught him napping while curled up in it. You would just laugh though as he would refuse that he never did such a thing. You were sure it'd make the boy happy. If you could find him.

Kanaya draped the cape over your shoulders. It was heavier and bigger than the last one, but still smaller than your fathers. That one drags on the god damn ground.

After a check over your outfit, making sure everything looked good and was comfortable, Rose and Kanaya let you go, and you speed walked to the Dining Hall. You didn't want to be late.

Upon arriving, you realized they hadn't started eating yet. The chatter silenced as you walked in, sudden nervousness hitting you before Roxy quickly motioned for you to sit next to her, which you quickly did. The conversations continued casually. You took this chance to look at who was at the table.

There were a few unfamiliar servants; probably from Vriska's kingdom. At the other end of the table, there were three chairs. One had Vriska's mother, Vriska herself, and- Oh shit. Was that Karkat? You couldn't tell. Whoever it was had their head down, tucked away in their arms. They had Karkat's hair and horns though. Yeah, that was him. You look back at Vriska, who was practically staring at you as she giggled at her mom and whispered whatever the hell she was thinking to her. It made you slightly uncomfortable. Never mind. It made you really uncomfortable.

You shifted a bit, and looked away from her. Your attention was brought back though when her mother stood up and coughed loudly to get everyones attention.

"Hello!" she greeted, and the dude-falling-asleep-that-looked-like Karkat's head shit up, proving your suspicions. It was him. And looked dead tired. Vriska slapped his back to knock said tiredness out of him, a chuckle of mockery leaving her.

Her mother continued, "My name is Queen Marquise Spinneret Mindfang Serket-" lordy what a name, she even added "queen" before it,"-and I am the mother of my two daughters, Vriska and Areana Serket-" where's the other one? "-It just so happens that this lovely young lady will be getting married to the prince." You could of sworn you could the faint whisper of "if she doesn't fuck it up" come from Karkat, which caused Vriska to punch him in the arm roughly, though she kept that proud and confident smile through it.

It seemed that Karkat didn't want to look at you. You don't know why, but you make a note in your head to ask him about it later.

You zoned out completely after the first minute of the speech, sighing.

'Why am I here again? Oh that's right. To meet a girl. A girl who apparently steals and likes slapping people. Slapping Karkat and Rose. Your attractive, hell yeah, but you looked selfish as hell already. That is not a good quality. At all. Kind of makes me wanna to flip the table. That's impossible though, this table was huge and probably weighs a thousand and two pounds. Why is it so big even? It's not like anyone sits at it frequently. Hell, I don't. Mom and dad eat in their bedroom together. Who the hell uses it? Do they even know how much they could get if they sold it? A lot of money. That reminds me. Money. I really needed some. I should ask dad for some money after this whole date party and go buy some cool stuff. More shitty swords. And apples. And apple juice. Mmm. Apple ju-'

Your random thoughts were interrupted by Roxy's nudge in your side, shit did they ask you a question? Oh god oh god oh god. Mom Serket was already sitting now.

"Um. Yo."

Nice one, Dave, what th k-

"Yo!" Rose was right. She's loud. At least you didn't fuck up. Or it didn't seem like you fucked up.

You glance at Karkat. Oh my God. His hand was over his mouth, though it was clear he was smiling with his cheeks all lifted like that. He was even probably holding back a laugh. You huff, looking around again as Jane and Porrim pass out plates of the breakfast; simple eggs, bacon and pancakes, along with the delicious biscuits Jane always made. Yum.

From the corner of your eye, you caught Vriska taking Karkat's plate- whoa they're actually feeding him this shit?- and hold it out of reach of him, getting rewarded with a protesting 'hey!"

You sigh. Oh boy.