A/N; Here's the second! I didn't plan on uploading it until I finished the third, but eh. I'm kinda running out of energy tbh. All of my stories plots are a jumble.


Song; Watashi He - Lollia.

Disclaimer; I own -Man, ye I do.

''Mother said that when I was cranky, I would turn into a wolf―which was all the time!'' ―Yuki, Wolf Children.

Silent near the door, vibrant sky-blue eyes blazed with the essence of life swirling around in them. The male at the door crossed his arms over his chest, watching the occasional rise and fall of Allen's chest as he breathed in and out. The boy hadn't woken up over the past two days he'd been staying at the blue-eyed male's and it made him worry about the other's well-being―mostly because the whitette was a new addition to the group―one of the Omegas. The reasons why Omegas were rare within packs is mostly due to the fact that it's the lowest ranking member of the pack―lower than pups. Omegas are the weakest of the pack, but they learn from the pack as they age. They're the last to eat, submissive to the other members in the pack, and could or can be impregnated―especially if they're male―something that was rare on its own. Most Omegas get so sick of being picked on in the pack that they leave and the rank of Omega vanishes for quite sometime, but another Omega would need to be picked as soon as possible in order to keep the pack functioning. When changing into an Omega―like Allen was―one had to be careful throughout the whole process and watch out for any type of signs. If something went wrong, there went another life down the drain. It's dangerous for one to become an Omega due to the amount of things going on with the body―the amount of hormones that flood the person constantly over the next few days, after being bit of course. He continued to wonder if the other would be able to pull through so that he could meet the rest of the pack and possibly the other packs. That was only if he survived. A huge if, it was.

The blue-eyed figure relaxed, letting out a sigh, eyes closing momentarily before opening once again to see the figure on the bed curl up into a ball on his side, pulling the blankets over himself before quickly switching positions. He was sure the other disliked sleeping on his back for two whole days without much movement while unconscious. The whitette flopped onto his stomach, groaning in pain while doing so. He planted his face into the pillow his head had been resting on for the last two days. The whitette felt warmer than he originally did and it bothered him, yet he didn't complain about it. It made him feel quite uncomfortable though. He raised his head, eyes still halfway opened, to get a good look at the male standing in the doorway, smirking. Neither of them said anything, just stared at each other until Allen rolled over, groaning at the pain that shot through his lower abdomen and from his lower back, and up from there. The figure in the doorway moved slowly―as to not startle the other―over to the bed, sitting in the chair that he'd planted there earlier when he brought the other in, sat next to the bed to examine the flushed Omega who looked very irritated with him already. He watched as the other rolled over, now facing him, his arms wrapped around his abdomen like it was about to burst. His body heat was killing him―slowly. He could see it in the other's liquid silver eyes that shimmered in the moonlight. Allen's eyes filled with tears, none slid out from the rims of them though. They just lingered there. Waiting, patiently for their chance. The boy's breath became a bit more labored after a few more seconds. He looked directly into the other's flaming blue eyes before speaking. His voice sounded unsure, full of pain, and practically asking to be put out of his misery, yet he still wanted the questions that swam through his mind to be answered―directly this time instead of the other conveniently dodging them constantly. He must've been hiding something if he wasn't answering the whitette's questions that night.

''What's your name?"

''Kanda,'' replied the bluenette, eyes flicking to the arms which were protectively wrapped around the whitette's stomach. ''Are you going to remove your arms so I can examine you or not?" He lifted an eyebrow in a questioning look.

Allen did just that, a lot more curious about his surroundings and the male that was about to probe around his stomach, he wanted to get up and explore―wanted to ask the other many more questions, but that would have to wait for another day―the exploring part, that is. Allen knew the only way he could try weaseling his way out of this mess now was by asking the other as many questions as possible, obtaining answers as frequently as possible; he would even go to extreme lengths as to get the answers that were laid out in front of his face, invisible to his sight. He could feel his exhaustion from the day before. It tugged at him like two dogs fighting over a scrap of meat. It weighed him down and rubbed its victory in his face. It made him feel heavy once again―like he had that day before conveniently passing out on the ground in front of the group of werewolves. His heart throbbed violently within his chest as if to say that he was still alive―for now.

Whatever Kanda and his group of werewolves were planning, it was probably something serious since they went through all that trouble to get to him. His eyes widened for a second before returning to the sleepy look he had on his face, way too tired to fight off the heaviness that threatened to plunge him into another long, stiff sleep. He was way too tired to continue fighting with whatever was now happening to his life. He had to continue reminding himself that it was a good sign that he was still alive and not dead or eaten alive by something unfamiliar―other than Kanda's group. ''Where am I?"

''My place,'' Kanda answered. The bluenette's hands slid up the shirt that the whitette was currently wearing―now a gray t-shirt since Allen's previous one was ripped and filthy due to all that running―he would never have run that much in his life―it was far too much for a human―especially if that person's personality was centered around being submissive towards others―something that made them Omega-worthy. Allen thought he'd die from all that running, the adrenaline rush, and his panic attack. Kanda now prodding and feeling around for anything unusual watched for signs of distress―his eyes flicked from the boy to his hands that worked around the other's rather flat stomach. Almost done, he was about to relieve the other of his extra day of bed rest when he gained a few grunts and painful looks from the whitette―nothing serious until he went downward: his lower abdomen. Kanda pressed his thumb against the flesh just a few inches away from the whitette's v-line, making him groan and grip the sheets, hands taking in fistfuls of the pure white and cream colored sheets which made the blankets that were piled on the bed shift. ''Does this hurt or feel weird?" Although Kanda knew the answer, he wanted to hear the other say it for himself―he wanted to be sure the other would admit to being in pain rather than enduring it any longer. He could practically read the smaller male like a book, and was sure he wouldn't like it if he read him aloud.

''Both―ah!'' The whitette flinched in his spot, a small whimper ran up his throat, escaping his mouth.

Submissive. Very submissive.

Kanda's intuition about the whitette was right, he'd make a perfect Omega―too perfect.

''Shit. You might be bloated for a while due to the physical changes your body is undergoing. I feel like you should sleep for a bit longer before doing any physical activity. You're still pretty tired from all that running and all the excitement,'' the bluenette cleared his throat, eyes flicking to the boy's exposed stomach. ''Other than that, you need a shower.''

At that, Allen's face turned a bright red―his face flushed even more than he thought possible. He felt like his face was on fire. He knew what the other meant by excitement and he wanted to smack―or argue with the other for being too perverted the night before, he just didn't have enough strength to do so. He didn't want to put up with arguing with the other, knowing it was pretty much useless anyway―the other looked to be stubborn. ''What's going on with my body?"

''Your insides are making space for a uterus. I'll explain it later, just don't freak out or anything. I'm sure you can get up tomorrow without a problem―you probably can now. I'll be watching over you for awhile though. I'm not allowing you anywhere outside until I know you'll survive. Some would die within just a few days of turning―mostly since Omegas can carry their own young,'' Kanda's fingers brushed against the pale, swollen flesh of Allen's lower stomach. His eyes filled with worry for a second before vanishing without a trace.

''Great. I'm a complete freak now!'' Allen growled aloud, withdrawing from Kanda's comforting gesture, he moved to the other side of the bed, glad it was twice the size of a regular bed so he could get away from the other. The whitette let out a sigh, curling up on the right side of the bed, away from the bluenette sitting on the other side with his blue eyes still blazing. They blazed like they had the other night, seemingly a bit duller than when he first saw them, yet they still mesmerized him to the point of not being able to look away. He just didn't want to believe what he was hearing now that he was waking up―in someone else's bed! Someone he barely knew. He already had to deal with a horrible life as it was so why make it harder for him to survive―now being an Omega would only make things worse from now on. ''A-aren't Omegas below all the other pack members? Why me? My life is horrible as it is. You're not helping by throwing me into some supernatural shit where I take the bottom rank.''

''Yes, Omegas are on the bottom. They eat last when the hunters return to the pack, they get picked on the most out of everyone else, and they are able to carry their own children―well, the males that is. Only Alphas are able to breed with them―some Betas are an exception to the rule which is mostly because they're second in command in the pack―it is rare for a Beta to breed or pair with an Omega. I haven't seen it happen yet though,'' Kanda stood up and left the room, feet sounding on the wooden floor in the hall as he moved to the bathroom that was directly across from his room. He grabbed a handheld mirror then retreated back into the bedroom where Allen laid. He'd moved since the other left―into the center of the bed to continue observing what the other was about to do next. Kanda crawled onto the bed, mirror in his left hand, sat down, then flashed the mirror in the whitette's face, showing off the new snow-white ears that sat atop his head which made those silver eyes of his go wide.

''I have ears―''

''And a tail. You have human form, the in between form, and the full fledged wolf form. I will allow you to have ears and a tail as long as I am around. No one else should be able to see your ears so you'll need to hide them. You can't take on your wolf form yet because of how weak you are. You're lucky to have access to your in between form. This is the quickest I've seen someone access it. I think you tapped into it yesterday, but I wasn't paying much attention. I have pack-related things to deal with―especially now that my father can't wait to meet you and because you're the new Omega of the group. We're a pretty small pack, but we're tough to get rid of. It's not easy,'' he put the mirror away on the nightstand and pulled Allen into his lap, the whitette leaned into him for support. Kanda tugged at the adorably fluffy ears atop Allen's head. He stroked the inside of Allen's ear which earned him a soft purr that erupted from the boy's throat. The bluenette watched as those liquid silver eyes slowly closed, eyelashes fluttering in the process. ''You should take a shower, Moyashi. It'll do you some good. Unless you want me to join you.''

''Hnnn. I dun wanna…'' The whitette snuggled into the bluenette, his face pressed against the other's chest as he settled down in the male's lap, letting out an exhausted sigh. He slowly began to drift off into sleep like a cat rolling around in a patch of grass out under the bright, warm, comforting sunlight. A satisfied, fat cat.

Not used to this, Kanda sweat dropped violently, but allowed the other to snuggle and press against him for comfort. He'd need lots of comfort in the days to come, yet he ignored the other's actions and spoke with a firmness in his voice―with authority that made the other flinch away, eyes wide before remembering not to give in. ''Moyashi…''

Allen let out a groan, sliding from the blankets and sheets that clung to him as if to say 'stay. Ignore him'. The whitette shuffled out into the hall, to the bathroom where he removed his shirt and flung it at the other male in the room, pouting.

''Don't make that face,'' Kanda scolded.

''I'm dying on the inside and you're making me get up. You could've at least carried me,'' the whitette removed the rest of his clothes, stepping into the shower. He stretched out in the tub then curled up as if he could try getting sleep without possibly drowning himself. Kanda followed him into the bathroom, kneeling down on the side, he turned the water on―hot enough to help the muscles in the other's stomach relax, but not hot enough to scald him and leave terribly, unwanted scorch markings.

''You're just bloated. Think of it as a female on her period.''

''That analogy doesn't help at all,'' groaned the other, rolling onto his other side so he was now facing the other. He stared into those blue eyes of his, sparkling with mischief and curiosity―like he didn't expect this from the other. ''Why did you choose me to be an Omega in your pack?" He asked, eyes slowly closing as the water began to fill the tub. It sloshed and splashed onto his pale skin, turning it into a bright red; his face became more flushed than it originally was. He forgot about the immense pain he was in and embarrassed the warm flow of water that planned to keep him warm for some time.

''Fine,'' Kanda huffed, dodging the question Allen had asked. ''Think of it as being fat.''

''That's just rude, okay―how could anyone live with you when you have that type of attitude?" Allen opened his left eye to peek at the other. He'd closed his eyes earlier taking in the warmth the water had to offer him―until he got out of the tub, that is. He partially didn't want to leave the water now that he felt a lot better than he was lying in that bed, practically dying. The pain had lessened and the whitette was slowly lulled to sleep by the rhythmic lapping of the waves and the warmth that surrounded him. He pretty much forgot that Kanda was still kneeling down just in front of him, observing him without saying anything else.

With a bottle in hand, the bluenette squeezed the contents onto the whitette's pale flesh, watching him squeal and attempt to twist his body so he could splash water or smack the said male, but failed terribly. The cool liquid was blue and smelled of jasmine with a hit of lavender and another scent he couldn't pinpoint.

''Clean yourself,'' Kanda grunted, standing up to leave and grab another towel from the dryer. He knew the other would want to be warm, but not as warm as he was when he awoke―warm enough to continue on with his resting, yet not warm enough to make him wake up constantly. ''You smell better.'' He told the other, grinning, stepping out of the bathroom while Allen's eyes snapped open at his insult. The whitette began scrubbing himself while the bluenette moved to the kitchen, listening for the dryer to come to a stop so that he could fling the towel at the other. Maybe then he could get some of his own sleep! Kanda rubbed his face, then raked his fingers through his hair. His exhaustion was present on his features, making him look even more irritated than ever.

Allen on the other hand began cleaning himself with the rest of the body wash Kanda left him with as quickly as possible so he would have more time to take a nap in the water, wanting to drown in it's warmth. He dunked his head into the water and scrubbed at his face before doing it again then removing the water from his face. The younger male finished as soon as he could, stretched, then laid out in the tub in an attempt to continue sleeping which was ruined when Kanda walked in, holding a dark blue towel in his hands for the other.

''Let's go. You need to rest―not in the tub,'' Kanda said, watching as the other let out a loud groan, put his hands in the water and pushed himself up, snatching the towel from the other quickly before wrapping it around his small body, blushing madly. ''It's not like I don't have a dick either, Moyashi.''

More blushing followed after.

''You're actually pretty cute when you're a blushing mess. When you're either angry, confused, vulnerable. I'd have to think you're more cute when you're sleeping. I do hope you know that you like cuddling,'' the bluenette smirked, knowing that the other would probably freak out now that he was being hit on by someone he barely knew.

''Er―I would like some fresh clothes,'' Allen said, ears burning a bright red. A small yawn slid from his mouth, causing his eyes to water. He ignored the other's comment about his sleeping habits.

Kanda walked out of the bathroom, and into his room with Allen who was desperately clutching at the towel as if the other would yank it from him. The older male continued smirking at the other's behavior―even when he handed him a pair of clothes the younger had made an attempt in getting Kanda to leave the room, but the male refused to do so, claiming that Allen would possibly hurt himself due to how incompetent the bluenette thought he looked at the moment―if Allen was like this all the time, Kanda knew he made no mistake in choosing the whitette as his pack's Omega; something that made him want to celebrate by skinning Lavi alive. He returned his attention back to the flushed whitette standing in front of him, still holding onto the towel as if it were a life reserve. The clothes he was given were placed on the bed. Silence was their only friend until the bashful whitette spoke up, silver eyes shining with a tad of determination hidden within them.

''Um, can you like...give me some space―er, I don't need s-someone babysitting me…'' Allen's ears throbbed a bright red; they poked out from behind the, still soaked, pure white strands that framed his face. He continued staring down at the ground, fidgeting nervously in his place; his heart rate increased with each passing second―just as it had when he was being chased, first, by classmates then by Kanda and his pack members; the two he met briefly seemed quite nice from what he could tell, but he didn't know much about them other than the fact that the one with the lone emerald eye was the most energetic out of the group. It made him wonder how someone like Kanda could withstand someone so happy.

''This is my room and I'm also male―I'm just not able to carry my own young like a certain someone. I'm not an Omega―I am an Alpha,'' Kanda stated, crossing his arms over his chest. He knew that all of the recent events surrounding Allen would confuse him and make him more insecure and uncertain, but Kanda just wanted the other to be strong for when he officially entered the group as the lowest ranking member who would mostly get picked on―something he would make sure wouldn't happen because he found the whitette quite interesting rather than boring or dull like most Omegas―they'd usually give in quickly, but Allen was different than them. He just knew deep down that he was. ''Or I could strip you myself.'' He offered, a sinister aura washed over Kanda, making Allen squeak and back away, knuckles now white from clinging to the towel tightly―as tightly as he could.

Allen saw the mischievous glint in Kanda's eyes and saw this as the moment where he should back away. His blush darkened in shade, quickly turning from a bright pink to a flaming red. He could practically hear the blood rushing through his ears like the pounding of a waterfall or like the sound of rushing water with strong currents. A pout formed on the whitette's face, ''F-fine. If you won't go out can you please turn around? I-I don't feel comfortable with someone wa-tching me put on clothes…''

Kanda let out a huff, rolling his eyes dramatically as if he were going to die and turned around. He ran his fingers through his bangs while the whitette dropped the towel and began to quickly dress himself, not trusting the bluenette standing not that far away from him. Kanda, bored out of his mind glanced at the other out of the corner of his eye, almost choked on his own saliva when he caught an eyeful of Allen's butt, causing the other to grab the nearest object―a book― and chuck it at the other as he slipped on the pair of boxers he was given along with the set of royal blue sweatpants he was given; the shirt that he had yet to put on was white and silky, yet a bit see through. The book that had been thrown was thick―around six hundred pages long―sailed through the air to slam into the bluenette's face with so much force his nose was gushing blood.

''You're a pervert. If you want to stare at someone please go stare at a female instead of a male. It's very uncomfortable,'' Allen huffed, placing his hands on his hips. His eyes shimmered with more uncertainty as he began to scold the other. ''At this rate I won't have any innocence left.'' He pouted childishly.

The Alpha put a hand to his nose to see how much damage had been done to his nose―luckily it hadn't broken or anything. He'd just been smacked in the face with a book by a small bean sprout―an Omega―with an impressive amount of force that shocked the other, but temporarily. Blue eyes flashed with curiosity. He kept a hand over his bleeding nose, knowing he'd have to take care of it later. ''You are an idiot. You're lucky you didn't break my nose!'' He huffed, already tired from what had happened so far and their day was only beginning.

''Well you shouldn't be such a peeping tom!'' Allen's face burned even brighter.

''Shut up, sprout!''



''Girly-haired samurai wanna-be!''

''Fuck you!'' Frustrated and forgetting about his nose he pounced on the other who squealed and moved to the side as if to dodge the other, but Kanda knew he'd try escaping by slipping through him because of how tall he was; Allen was short, making it easier for him to slip from things. Kanda wrapped his arms around Allen's waist, earning a loud shriek and a fit of giggles afterwards. The whitette's eyes went wide when Kanda's fingers brushed against his stomach, causing him to let out loud laughs. Within seconds he was practically sobbing with laughter. Kanda pulled the whitette in closer to him―glad that his nose had begun to stop bleeding; the throbbing had also stopped―fingers continuing to brush against the whitette's pale skin. A sinister grin spread across Kanda's face. He now knew where the other's sensitive spot was (other than his neck and ears).

''OHMYGODNO―FFFT…!'' Allen sobbed, tears already spilling from his eyes.

''Give in already.''

''Never! I―gah!'' Laughter filled the room―pure laughter that made Kanda smile. The whitette's laughter reminded him of bells or wind chimes, but that was all until Allen tensed up at the other sound that came from his mouth. He placed his hands over his mouth, a fit of giggles threatened to break through the silence.

''Did you just snort?"

''N-no. You're mistaken! I did nothing of the―'' Before Allen could continue, Kand went back to tickling the other's bare skin, fingers rubbing against the pale flesh that was a bright pink, ''―OHMYGODWHY.'' Allen screeched while trying to fight off the laughter that bubbled from inside.

''You just snorted. Admit it! Accept your fate!'' Kanda grinned, holding on to the thrashing Allen in his arms. He was sure he'd get smacked or elbowed somewhere; he didn't care though. This was definitely worth it―especially if it meant his nose would actually break this time.

''I-I-I yield!'' Allen gasped out almost silently, but loud enough for the other to hear, yet Kanda ignored it and asked what the whitette had said. ''I YIELD! GODHELP,'' he screeched, a sobbing wreck of laughter. Tears streamed down the sides of his face.

Kanda let go and watched as the other flopped back against him, panting heavily, gasping greedily for air―something he was thankful to have at a moment like this. The Alpha watched as the Omega lifted himself from the other in order to grab at the shirt that still sat on the bed. He flopped back down on Kanda's lap and slid the shirt on, still trying to breathe. A shiver ran down the whitette's spine while the bluenette rested his chin, momentarily, atop Allen's head of white hair.

''We should fix your nose or you'll get my hair dirty with your blood,'' Allen said, turning his whole body around so that he was now facing Kanda, legs partially secured around the bluenette's waist while Kanda's supported Allen's back.

''I'm not dying,'' Kanda grunted. ''We need to eat―mostly you because your stomach has been eating itself for the past few days you've been resting. After that you should go and get more rest.''

''Carry me to the kitchen then.''

''Hell no!'' Kanda nipped at Allen's nose, watching the other's cheeks fill with air in disappointment. ''You've got legs so you can walk,'' he sighed, standing up and practically yanking the other to his feet with him. ''Your stomach is surprisingly loud. Have you eaten anything in the past few days? Before my pack jumped you, I mean.''

''No. People usually steal my lunch or throw it in the trash right when I sit down,'' he tugged gently on the black long sleeved shirt the other was wearing. ''What are you going to make?"

''Hn,'' the other looked into―or tried to look into the whitette's eyes, but was disappointed when he looked down at the ground in a shy manner. ''I usually eat soba. I can make things other than that though. Do you have a preference of what I make?"

''Not really. As long as it's edible and food then I'm fine―unless it's sweets. Then, yes,'' he sighed softly, ''I kind of want some now.''

''That doesn't give me an idea on what you want to eat,'' Kanda rolled his eyes while Allen went back to clinging to his sleeve, gripping it with his index finger and thumb. The bluenette flicked the other's pale forehead, eyes shining brightly in the light.

After deciding to make something that could accommodate to both of their tastes, two made their way to the kitchen to figure out what they could make without arguing over Kanda's strong preference of soba. Allen eventually let go of Kanda's shirt to sit down in a chair, legs pulled into his chest, he wrapped his arms around his knees while the other absentmindedly browsed through the kitchen; Kanda told the other that he wasn't willing to eat sweet things, so pretty much everything on Allen's mind was eliminated without a second glance.

''Since we aren't getting any ideas, I could try making sushi and rice balls…'' Kanda offered. He had turned around to face Allen, but wasn't gaining the other's attention. The whitette still seemed embarrassed about what had happened not even five minutes ago. ''I'll need your help in making the rice balls though. I'm not going to make the entire thing myself, just so you and I could both eat.''

''But I thought we were going to make cupcakes!'' Allen finally looked up, eyes shining brightly with tears.

''Do not give me that look...''


After helping Kanda make lunch, Allen had sat back down while Kanda finished fixing up their meal. He rested his head against his knees, closing his eyes and within seconds the whitette was asleep. The soft sound of glass and silverware clinking had lulled him to sleep. Well, he tried to sleep, but Kanda poked him in the side with his index finger, making the smaller male jump and almost fall from the chair he was somehow still sitting in.

''If you're tired try eating then you can get a nap in,'' Kanda scolded, sitting down next to the whitette who kept his feet on the chair rather than letting them hang.

Allen bit into one of the rice balls he was given, eyes half-lidded and slowly closing while he chewed.

''Don't eat and sleep, idiot,'' he rolled his eyes.

''Shut up. I'm both hungry and tired―especially after you prodded me with your fingers. I swear I died in that room because of you,'' Allen responded before shoving the remainder of his rice ball into his mouth along with the others he was given.


''I like food, hush.''

''You're pretty much done with all of your food. You just shoved it all in there―''

''Are you going to eat yours?" He opened his silver eyes, smirking with satisfaction.

Kanda placed his own set of rice balls onto Allen's plate. ''I'm not going to eat them after what I just saw.''

''It's good food. Don't judge me. I haven't eaten until now so I'll eat about anything,'' he munched on another rice ball he had pushed into his mouth.

Kanda began eating his sushi, knowing that if given the chance, Allen would eat his as well.

''So what am I actually doing here in your apartment?''

''Recovering and adapting. Let's just hope you really don't die though,'' he huffed, grabbing onto Allen's now empty plate. The whitette's face looked like a chipmunk with his protruding cheeks. ''It'd be a shame and I'd be on the lookout for more possible pack members. You're our only Omega.''

''I'm taking a nap then. Care to join Mr. stick up my ass?" He leaned against the chair, yawning now that his mouth was clear of any trace of food, supporting the fact that he'd eaten.

''I should have you brush your damn teeth before doing that. God. When I was sleeping in my bed, you'd roll over and breathe in my damn face.''

Allen put a hand to his face, eyes wide. He exhaled a few times before turning to the other male. ''My breath doesn't smell. You have problems.''

Kanda rolled his eyes, placing a container full of tic-tacs onto the table for the other. ''Shove a few of those into your mouth before you continue your sleep marathon.'' He stood, finished, throwing the plastic plates into the trash. He mostly used paper or plastic plates to save him time cleaning. He would clean his dishes a few times a week to keep them from collecting dust.

Allen watched the other stride across, into the hall and over to his room.

''Well this'll be fun, won't it?"

A/N: So I finally finished it. I wanted them to eat sushi and rice balls, but then I was like ehhhh. If anything doesn't seem to fit it's because I went back in and edited and changed a few things since I didn't like the way I phrased certain things in certain places.

Also, expect me to post a circus Fanfiction sometime soon. I'm working on a shit-ton of other Fanfictions as you all can see. I'm pretty much rewriting all of my stories except for my one-shots. Memories will be redone and possibly will go into the Yullen category now instead of it being Seraph. I have not touched Seraph of The End for a while so I may either drop it or work on it, but for a different community.

Expect a few chapters of SAO sometime in February. Possibly in the beginning.

Word count without either A/N; 5,400!