Arthur called the attention of everyone on the training pitch with a sharp whistle. Everyone, with the exception of those who already knew Dave and Karkat, looked at him questioningly.

"I'd like you all to meet Sir Dave, and junior knight Karkat," the prince began," they are from a far away land named, uh," he waved at Dave in an attempt to prompt him. Thankfully, the other knight took the hint.

"I'm from the, uh, kingdom of Texas," Dave said with nervous a gesture to himself. He waved a hand in his friend's general area, "and Karkat is originally from the land of Alternia."

Arthur nodded before he continued, "I expect you all to treat them with respect. They will be joining us today."

A murmur of excitement went through the younger knights.

One of the braver ones, a red haired, freckled face boy, spoke up, "May I ask the Sirs a question?"

Arthur looked at Dave expectantly.

"Shoot," the blond teen said with a wave of his hand.

"He means go ahead," Karkat said as he huffed at Dave.

"I don't see a sword on either of you," the young knight, Sir Kay Arthur remembered suddenly, said uncertainly. His eyebrows drew together, "does that mean you fight with different weapons?"

Karkat scoffed at the simple question. No shit, he thought as he rolled his eyes and, before Dave could answer, the troll jumped in.

"I fight with sickles," he answered proudly only to look at the humans in confusion as a murmur went through the group.

"Like," the red haired knight said as he fought a smirk "like a farmer?"

A chuckle ran through the group at their peer's jab. Arthur opened his mouth, perhaps to reprimand the young man, but the troll had turned his attention towards him. Karkat scowled at the red-haired boy in front of him.

When the man began to squirm under the scrutiny Karkat spoke, "no you fuck nugget, like a warrior of Alternia. Anyone have a problem with that?" Any smile in the group left faded as he looked at everyone in turn, "no? Good."

Fucking disrespectful, the troll thought as the group looked anywhere but his eyes. He heard Dave sigh beside him.

"Aw, c'mon Kar. It was a joke," his friend said as he threw an arm around the troll. He ignored the others attempt to shrug him off as he addressed the group, "don't mind him. He's always like this when he stays up too late. You should see him when he finishes one of his shitty romances."

The knights once again grinned as they watched the two interact. Merlin couldn't help but laugh at the look of utter disgust on Karkat's face, or the subtle smirk that Dave wore.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Karkat said as he whipped around to face his friend; the young knight's comments momentarily forgotten. He felt blood rush to his cheeks as he willed Dave to shut the fuck up.

Dave took a step back and threw his arms up in an exaggerated shrug, "I just mean when you're weird romances take a, many times glaringly obvious, turn you get all pissy."

How fucking dare, Karkat thought indignantly as he bared his fangs. He opened his mouth to retaliate but was interrupted once again by Arthur.

"Gentleman," he said sternly while obviously fighting a smile of his own, "as much as we would all love to hear you argue, we have have a schedule to keep."

Karkat once again became aware of the others around him and he felt his blush deepen. He sunk as far as he could in his make-shift scarf.

"Sorry," he mumbled around the cloth.

"My bad," Dave said not at all sincerely.

"Right," Arthur said as he turned back towards the knights, "I need you to pair up. We're working on sparring first to see how everyone's improved."

As the knights paired up and took their places on the training field, the prince turned towards the other two. Karkat had come out of the scarf and was mumbling to Dave about how, sickles are a fine weapon, and besides who the fuck learns like this, the prince stepped closer to them and both of them looked up.

"Would you two like to join," he asked. I need to see how other kingdoms train, the political side of his mind said. They're a challenge, said the part that enjoyed the sport of sparring. He waited with baited breath as the two friends looked at eachother as if they were talking without speaking before they both nodded to each other in a silent agreement.

"I'd rather not. I only fight when I have to," Karkat said gruffly. The grey teen's tone held no room for questions or arguments. Arthur hid his disappointment and made a note to ask Karkat later.

"I'm down but I only have Caledfwlch here," Dave said as he patted the broken sword in his belt.

Arthur gestured to Merlin to hand Dave a practice sword, "you're more than welcome to use one of our swords."

The servant extended the practice blade handle first. After a brief moment of consideration the other blond took the, fairly old, sword and tested its weight. Arthur tried to hold in his surprise as the other knight swung with unfamiliar movements.

Rather that the broad circles and careful wrist work the his knights used, Dave swung as if he made to chop wood. His stance was always moving. Arthur noted the odd way he kept one foot a pace in front of the other.

He brought of his observations as Merlin's voice came from behind him, "that's a different stance, eh?"

Dave, apparently, heard the comment too as he turned to face the servant.

Arthur held his breath, you idiot, he thought, you insulted them. The prince had seen nobility offended over much smaller things.

"Oh, yeah," Dave said, a look of sadness came over his face before his emotionless mask was back in place, "I guess learned a bit differently."

Arthur let out the breath he hadn't known he was holding. If Merlin had said the wrong thing Father would have him in the stocks for a month, he shuddered at the thought of his friend, servant he reminded himself harshly, in the stocks for that long. It was then that the prince looked around and realised that Dave and him were the only two without a partner.

Dave seemed to realise this as well as he looked at Arthur, "just us then, huh?"

"It would appear so," the prince responded.

With that the other knight walked to an empty area of the grounds and turned to Arthur expectantly. The prince merely shrugged good-naturedly as he followed the younger man onto the field.

Dave had to fight the urge to smile broadly as the prince stood across from him. Before he got into a fighting stance he held up a hand to stop the prince from starting. Arthur looked at him quizzically.

"I just want to know your rules, dude. I usually go with fight until someone surrenders," Dave explained, "but if you guys do something different you should let me know."

Arthur nodded and thought for a moment before responding, "We'll go first to be knocked off his feet, shall we?"

"Sure," Dave said before he got into his stance, "ready when you are."

The prince wasted no time in rushing forward with a war cry. Oh man, Dave noted mentally as he easily sidestepped the prince and turned to face him again, he's so slow. Arthur was rushing back to him again and Dave easily blocked his swing. He nearly smiled at the look of surprise on the prince's face as he pushed him away and sent him off balance.

Arthur shot out a quick jab as he righted himself, which caused Dave to step back. After a few more of the princes wide swings something occurred to Dave. His strikes are meant for opponents that are farther away, the young god realised; he quickly stepped in close to the prince to test his theory. When Arthur backed up in a few hastened steps Dave smirked to himself. Checkmate, he thought as he, once again, blocked the prince.

Dave decided to use his actual speed and, in a blur of red, was behind the prince. He caught the man's leg as he stepped to turn around and upended him in one quick movement.

Arthur let out a surprised, "oomph," as the wind was knocked out of him. Dave placed the end of his sword above the prince's heart. I hope those medieval movies weren't lying about this particular custom, he briefly thought.

"Good spar, man," Dave said as he let the swords point fall away. He leant down to offer the prince his hand.

As he hauled Arthur to his feet he became aware of the distinct lack of noise where, just a few moments ago, the sounds of clashing swords had been heard.

"Uh, Dave?" Karkat's gruff but uncertain voice sounded from behind him. As Dave turned around he was met by, not only the sight of the other knights as they stared in shock, but of king Uther.

So, guess who actually found out how to continue the story? Sorry for the long delay, work and classes have taken up most of my time.
Anyways please tell me what you thought and have a good day/week! c: