The 9th Demon Prince of Gehenna: The King of Shadows

Chapter 1

(In Assiah)

Bon sighed as he walked with his friends and his new classmates. The normal half of school had ended about an hour ago and they were all now headed to the other part of the school that only a few knew about. "The Cram School for New Wannabe Exorcists" as he likes to call it. It had been a week since the Cram School had started and so far it had just been book reading about what they would be facing if they stuck around long enough to become Exwires. Bon could understand that it was for the ones who didn't know that demons were real and didn't grow up with it like he and his friends had; but it just made him feel bored. Luckily today they were going to see if any of them where Tamer Type Exorcists.

He already knew that he wanted to be an Arias and Dragon Exorcist. An Arias was someone who fights with words from the Bible and Sutras; Dragons were Exorcists who fights with guns. Though now that he thought about it, it might help him with being a Tamer too. If he couldn't use his guns or was stuck chanting, a familiar would be a good idea to help keep him safe and reach his goal faster.

One of his friends tapped him which brought him out of his thoughts.

"Hey you okay there Bon?" Asked Shima when he saw his friend lost in his head.

Bon gave a small smile to his friend. "Yeah, just seeing how helpful it would be if I got a familiar."

Konekomaru giggled at that. "That's just like you to add more work to yourself to reach your goal."

"Yeah Bon, we wouldn't want your head to overload on us and blow," Shima add.

Bon just rolled his eyes at them as they headed into the classroom.

(In Gehenna)

Astaroth rested on the ground under a tree in the garden as he stared up at the red sky of his home. He was taking a break from his work. Though he couldn't really call it break as he heard the sound of running coming his way. He let out a sigh as he knew his little time of peace was soon to be over before it could even really start. Getting up so that he now had his back resting on the tree. As the running got closer he turned his head to the direction of it and gave the newcomers a bored look.

"Brother!," One of them shouted at him.

"What do you two want? I was enjoying the quiet." Astaroth shouted back.

"Don't be like that brother," The other said as they reached him. "Besides, doing nothing is boring and not fun at all."

The King of Rot rolled his eyes at his fellow princes as they sat down together next to him under the tree. He didn't hate his brothers but having sometime to yourself was rare and didn't happen to much. You have work to do as a Prince of Gehenna and all the fights you get into with other demons or your own brothers. Their father would fight with them every now and then to keep them fit and strong. It was Satan's way of father-and-son time besides the times when they ate meals together. Though even at meal times he never really talked to them and just listened to them talk or fighting with each other.

"You haven't answered me yet," He told them.

"We were going to go sneak into Assiah without letting father know. Sammy sent us one of his keys saying I was old enough and strong enough to finally see it!", said his youngest brother.

Astaroth laughed to himself at the nickname the youngest gave one of their oldest brothers. Though his nickname was Ashy so he really didn't have room to talk. "Hmmmm, I guess that sounds better then laying around."

His youngest brother gave him a bright smile that not even a life at Gehenna has ever darkened. His father had brought his little brother from Assiah 13 years ago saying that there was now a new prince to join them. The baby in their father's arms was covered in blue flames that looked so much like the King of Gehenna's. Satan raised the baby on his own until the age of 5; after that the other princes got to help raise their new brother. All of them helped their new brother become a strong prince of Gehenna like them and their father. Iblis spent the most time with the young prince to help him control his flames since he was the Demon King of Fire.

"So you'll come with us then!?" The little prince asked, his smile getting bigger.

"Sure why n-," Astaroth did not get to finish what he was going to say as a strong gust of wind came out of nowhere and hit them.

"What's going on?!," His other brother asked as he raised his arms to cover his face from the wind.

"I don't know!," He shouted back as he threw up his own arms to cover his face and closed his eyes to the wind that stung them.

The wind got louder but both of them could still hear their little brother speak. To what he was talking to they didn't know, but what they heard him say made their eyes widen.

"I've heard your call and so I shall come," The voice that came out of their brother's mouth didn't not sound like his carefree self but to that of when he was getting ready to fight.

When their brother finished speaking the wind disappeared just as fast as it had come and when they looked to where their little brother was sitting beside them yet all they say was an empty space like nothing was even there.

(Back in Assiah)

"Now you just need to put some drops of your blood on the paper and say the first thing that comes to you." The teacher told them after he had summoned his own familiar to show them what to do.

Bon watched as his classmates tried to summon a familiar, but only two of them were able to. One was a blonde girl who summoned a baby Greenman; the other was a purple haired girl who summoned two Byakkos. One of the kids in his class didn't even try to summon a familiar and just stared at the paper with their puppet before letting it go and fall to the floor. Bon looked at his own paper as he dropped some of his blood on it. As soon as his blood hit the paper he could hear a voice in his head and he opened his mouth to speak them.

"Hear my voice and come at my command to see my goals become realty!" He shouted and watched as the paper glowed blue when he was done speaking.

A little blue flame came out of the paper that made everyone's eyes widened at it. Every one had seen that fire before; they had all seen fire like that 13 years ago. The Blue Night. A voice came from the flame that snapped them out of anything that blue fire had brought to their mind.

"I've heard your call and so I shall come," The voice said as the little flame jumped from the paper and started to grow bigger and shape into a form.

Everyone watched as the little fire turned into a large flame and slowly took the form of a person. Everyone was scared that Satan himself was going to come out of the flame and kill them. Even though a part of them knew that the Lord of Gehenna could not come to the Assiah by a simple familiar summoning on a piece of paper. especially by someone who wasn't even an Exwire yet. They watched as the blue flame started to take the form of a young male maybe in their early teens. The flames started to slowly disappear leaving just a dark night blue-black hair boy with pointed ears and sharp black nails that looked like claws. The boy raised his head and everyone saw that his eyes were the same blue as the fire he had come from.

The boy's eyes met with Bon's as they knelt to one knee like a knight would to their master but when the boy spoke once more to the new Tamer made everyones' eyes widened even more.

"My name is Rin. The 9th Prince of Gehenna and the Demon King of Shadows. What do you wish of me, my Master?"

A/N: Hello my dears! I hope you like my first story! Please tell me what you like of in your reviews! I well update when ever I can and I'm already working of Ch. 2!

My Chapter was Bata by my beloved Badger.

See you soon dearlings!