Freyja walked back with her friends, listening to their gruesome stories of how they killed their dragons.

"The Nadder almost got her too, I swear she wouldn't have noticed if it did though." Alpha laughed.

Blitzen frowned. "I wish you wouldn't talk about her like that."

Alpha looked at him quizzically. "Like what?"

"Like she's stupid or something! Tyrah's not stupid, she's just, um…" Blitzen blushed and looked away.

"It's not my fault she's as bright as a cloudy night." Alpha said. "Besides, the only reason you defend her at all is because you like her."

"Even if I didn't," Blitzen said. "You shouldn't go around calling people names."

"Yeah," Stoni said. "If we did that we'd be as bad as Sigrid."

"Speaking of Sigrid, what happened with you two today?" Alpha looked over at Freyja. Freyja stepped over a rock as they climbed up the hill back to the village.

"We just had a little disagreement, that's all." Freyja sighed. They passed a small stream near the cliff face, where the Training Arena lay below the village. Freyja could hear the sounds of shouting coming from the arena.

"What's going on in there?" Freyja tried to catch a glimpse of what was going on inside.

"I don't know, wanna check?" Blitzen asked. Freyja nodded. She was glad to have a friend that thought so much like her sometimes. They both ran over to the Arena and searched for a boulder low enough to look over.

Inside, multiple soldiers swarmed around something Freyja couldn't see. They barked orders and threw ropes to each other. As they moved, Freyja caught glimpses of blue scales.

"What are they doing?" Freyja mumbled.

Alpha leaned down next to her. "Merrideth led a dragon hunt today, my guess is they brought back whatever they caught." That would explain why Merrideth had been gone when Freyja had left, normally she stayed at home in the mornings, and got her work done later.

"Maybe that's why Dyri held training away from the arena today." Stoni mused. "But I thought the point of dragon hunting was to kill dragons, why would they bring one back alive?"

The four vikings in the Training Arena backed up as they finished their job. Lying there in the arena was a blue dragon, with yellow wings and dark blue stripes. Its wings were tied to its back, its legs bound, and its mouth roped shut. It struggled against its bindings and lashed its tail back and forth. One soldier was knocked down by its tail.

"Stupid dragon!" The viking cursed and got to his feet. He brushed of his tunic and tried to look dignified despite the fact he had just been knocked off his feet. "I can't wait for Merrideth to kill that thing."

"I'd kill it myself right now if she gave the command." Snorted a viking woman. It was Stoni's mother, Bufflegs. She put her hand on the man's shoulder. "Maybe if you ask nicely Matthias, Hammerfist will let you kill one of the others instead."

"No one is killing anything. Merrideth wants to save them for the fights for the Thor'sday Thursday celebration." Hammerfist said. He was a big man with a wild beard; he was also Merrideth's right hand man. "Wildeyes, are the ropes tight enough?"

A small red haired woman with big blue eyes turned and gave him a thumbs up.

"Then let's get out of here," Matthias said. "I don't even want to look at that thing."

Bufflegs laughed. "You're just mad because it caught you off guard during the hunt!"

As they left the arena, the dragon slowly stopped struggling. It was beautiful. Its blue scales caught the light and shone bright. Freyja couldn't stop looking at it.

"I totally forgot about the celebration!" Blitzen face palmed himself then turned to his brother. "Dad gave us till then to fix the fence right?"

"And the fishing nets too." Alpha grumbled. "We should probably get started on it right now."

"But, what about dinner?" Blitzen frowned.

"I was going to go up to the Great Hall for dinner, you could join me." Stoni offered.

"I guess we could get some food before we get to work," Alpha said. "What about you Freyja?"

Freyja reluctantly took her eyes away from the dragon. "What?"

"You coming to the Great Hall or not?" Blitzen asked, tilting his head in a way that reminded her of a dog. Freyja turned her gaze back on the dragon lying in the arena.

"I…I'll catch up to you guys. Go ahead."

"Alright, we'll see you up there!" Stoni smiled. Freyja watched her friends leave. Once they were out of sight she ran over to the arena door and walked inside. She looked at the dragon, lying helpless and bound on the stone floor.

As she inched closer the dragon stirred. It opened its blue eyes and Freyja was left breathless. Its eyes glittered blue like the sea. It was beautiful, but also gave her that horrible feeling that she would drown in them. She always got that feeling around water, ever since…

Freyja shook her head and tried to get rid of those thoughts. She kneeled down next to the dragon and gently touched its shoulder.

The dragon's pupils became small slits and it growled through the ropes so loud it made her flinch. She retracted her hand quickly.

"Shh. It's okay; I'm going to help you, alright?" Freyja soothed the dragon as she placed her hand on the dragon again. It jumped slightly under her touch but made no sound.

She felt horrible about the dragon that had been killed by Sigrid today. Freyja couldn't help but feel that it was her fault, that if only she had done something to stop it, the dragon would still be alive.

Here was another chance to save a dragon.

Freyja took a deep breath and unsheathed her knife. She began to cut the ropes.

Freyja walked though the big wooden doors and into the Great Hall.

The air smelled of roasting meat and smoke. Vikings sat at tables and ate with each other. They laughed and yelled. It hurt her ears.

She spotted her friends sitting at a small table near the back of the hall. The table was located near where Sigrid and the other viking teens sat. Freyja's friends sat with their backs turned to them.

Freyja sat down and grabbed some bread and a piece of meat from a tray. She couldn't tell what animal the meat had once been but she was too hungry to care.

"I think I'm getting really good though," Blitzen gushed. "Dyri even suggested I start training with Wildeyes. She can hit bird with an arrow from a hundred yards away!"

"I'm proud of you." Stoni smiled. She saw Freyja and jumped a little in her seat. "Oh! Hi Freyja! I didn't hear you come in, sorry!"

Freyja mumbled that it was fine through a mouthful of her dinner. Alpha cleared his throat.

"So what were you doing back at the arena?" He raised an eyebrow at her. Freyja didn't meet his eyes.

"Stuff," She lied. "I left something back in the Training Arena this morning. But I got it back so…"

They all looked at the other table as a rowdy laugh went up. Freyja saw Rockhead get up with a blushing face and walk away. He walked over to Freyja's table and sat down next to her.

"Um, you okay dude?" Blitzen asked. Rockhead sighed and shook his head.

"Yeah, I just…sometimes they can all get kind of annoying." Rockhead said quietly. His gentle personality was not one you'd expect from someone who hung out with such rude people.

"Oh Freyja," Alpha said. He crossed his arms and leaned over the table a little. "About your broken sword, I asked my father about it and he says he can't fix it this week. So maybe you can choose a new one? I have plenty at home, if you want to… come over some time maybe?"

"Oh, yeah sure. Would tomorrow after training work?" Freyja asked. Alpha beamed and brushed some hair from his face.

"Yeah that would be great!" He said.

The doors to the Great Hall burst open, and their chieftain Merrideth the Merciless walked in. She was a big woman with braided red hair and armor made from dragon scales. She stomped into the building, Hammerfist behind her. Freyja quickly averted her eyes as she came over.

"You," She growled. She turned Freyja to look her in the eye. "You set the Sea Storm dragon free, didn't you?"

Stoni gasped. Alpha's eyes widened. "You did what?"

Freyja looked up defiantly at Merrideth. "So what if I did? All you were going to do was kill it!"

Merrideth crossed her arms pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Freyja," She hissed. "You cannot keep doing this. First it was the Deadly Nadder last year, and three months ago it was the Swamp Dragon. Now this."

Sigrid got up from her table and mimicked her mother by crossing her arms as well. "You are in so much trouble." She smiled.

Merrideth jabbed a finger accusingly at her daughter. "Don't think you're off the hook either young lady. I heard about your fistfight in the woods. You're both in trouble."

"What!" Sigrid and Freyja cried in unison.

"You two are going to be on watchtower duty, all night."

"But we have training tomorrow!" Freyja complained.

"Why are you punishing me? I had nothing to do with that dragon and-" Sigrid was silenced with a glare from her mother.

"Not now Sigrid." Merrideth ordered. Sigrid clenched her fists and opened her mouth to speak again. "I said not now." Merrideth said.

"Get back to the house and get supplies. We can talk when we get there." Merrideth ordered. She turned and began to exit the hall. Her blue eyes glared back at them with no light in them. Freyja shivered.

"Yes Merrideth." Sigrid said in a small voice. She shouldered past Freyja and left behind the chief. Freyja looked back helplessly at her friends and left as well.

Freyja slammed the door to her bedroom. Blade, who was curled up at the foot of her bed, squawked and fell off the bed. He looked up at her with big blue eyes that reminded her of the Sea Storm Dragon from earlier.

"You are back," He exclaimed in his chilly reptilian voice. Freyja smiled and scratched him behind the ears. "Training went well, yes?"

"Not really." Freyja sighed, she rummaged through the trunk at the foot of her bed and pulled out a spyglass she had gotten from Trader Johan and a small blanket. "I got in trouble again."

"Hmm," Blade padded up next to where she kneeled on the floor. "You are being punished."

Freyja nodded. "I have to be on watch duty tonight with Sigrid." Blade made a gasping sound and hopped up and down.

"May I come? I have good eyesight, I can help you!" He begged. Freyja considered it. It would be nice to have help, and one of a Flamehuffer's best traits was how well it could see in the dark.

"Alright, but you have to hide in my bag, and you have to be completely quiet." Freyja ordered. Blade nodded enthusiastically. He made a face and turned to look at the door.

"They are fighting." Blade stated. What was he talking about?

"Who's fighting?" Freyja asked. She didn't hear anything.

"The big woman and Sigrid." Blade informed. Freyja got up and walked over to the door. Blade was right; she could hear loud voices on the other side of it. Freyja opened the door a crack so she could hear them better.

"I just don't get why you have to punish me! I'm your daughter, can't you just, I don't know, make some kind of exception?" Sigrid said.

Merrideth turned and spoke. "Sigrid, I'm the chief. I can't show weakness or favoritism, as the heir you should know that."

"I do but-"

"You sure don't act like it! As the heir you're supposed to be an example of the perfect viking Sigrid. And from what I'm seeing you're far from perfect." Merrideth growled.

"I'm trying Mom, I really am! I rank third in dragon training! I'm one of the best fighters in the training program! What more do you want from me?" Sigrid looked at Merrideth with big blue eyes.

"Sigrid, there's more to being the heir than being a good fighter. You have to be responsible. If your brother Mirrak was still-"

Sigrid inhaled sharply. "Don't bring him into this."


Freyja was hit with a wave of emotions. Mirrak was the only person she had ever really considered family. They'd had a deep bond since before she could remember. But he had gone missing three years ago on a fishing trip. She missed him so much, he had been the glue that had kept this family together. Ever since then, this family had slowly been drifting apart.

"Sigrid I…I have a tribe meeting tonight. I don't have time for this, just get up to the watchtower." Merrideth huffed and stormed out the door, leaving a teary eyed Sigrid alone. Sigrid took a shaky breath and wiped her eyes on her palms.

"I should probably finish getting ready…" Freyja said.

The climb up to the watchtower was quiet. Her bag was heavy with Blade in it, but he was doing a good job of keeping silent.

"Do you really need all that junk? It's just watchtower duty Freyja, it's not like you're going camping." Sigrid complained. They walked up the steps to the watchtower. Freyja tried to cut her some slack after her fight with Merrideth. She seemed pretty shaken up after it.

"I brought a blanket with me, we can share it If you want?" Freyja offered. Sigrid scoffed and rolled her eyes. Okay, maybe Freyja was wrong, she didn't seem that shaken up.

They reached the top of the watchtower. It was a small stone tower with a shaky wooden roof. Some parts of the roof were missing, and it didn't have any walls, so you could see the whole island from up here. The night sky was dark and cloudy, the near full moon partially hidden. A gentle breeze blew through the open space of the platform. There were a few stone benches along the low walls, Sigrid and Freyja sat down at opposite sides.

"I can't believe I'm stuck up here all night." Sigrid grumbled. Freyja rolled her eyes and unpacked her bag, careful to leave Blade inside. Apparently he had fallen asleep during the walk up.

Sigrid took off her fur jacket and placed it over her face. She flopped down on the stone bench and Freyja guessed she was trying to sleep. Freyja grabbed her spyglass and began to keep watch.

A few hours later, Freyja was still keeping watch. Sigrid groaned and threw her arm over her eyes.

"You know Sigrid, maybe you can, I don't know, help me?" Freyja suggested. Sigrid sat up and yawned.

"Nothing ever happens around here anyways. Why should I look for a threat that isn't there?" Sigrid said. Freyja looked through the glass again at some of the small islands surrounding them.

Then, on one of the small island to the south Freyja spotted the dark silhouette of a boat.

"Um Sigrid, I think I see something." Freyja said. "Were any fishing trips scheduled for tonight?"

Sigrid gave her a weird look. "No."

"Well I see a boat out there."

"What? No way, it's probably just a rock." Sigrid lay back down on the bench. She was so careless.

A small bright dot lit up near the shore of the island. Freyja gasped.

"Sigrid, there's a fire! They might be an enemy tribe! Shouldn't we tell someone?" Freyja considered waking up Merrideth and telling her.

"If you think it's so bad why don't you go check it out?" Sigrid suggested sarcastically.

That was actually a good idea. There were some small boats at the docks big enough for one or two vikings, she could go and check out the island and be back before dawn.

Freyja packed up her bag and ignored the muffled snoring of Blade. "I think I will," She turned to leave. "I'll see you in a few hours."

Sigrid waved her hand dismissively. "Yeah, whatever."

Freyja started down the stairs. Blade poked his head out of her bag.

"Where are we going?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"I just have to check something out real quick, you can go back to sleep."

Blade slipped his head back into the bag and Freyja walked quickly down to the docks. She found a small boat and began to untie it when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned to see Alpha standing behind her with his arms crossed and his eyebrows knit in concern.

"Hi." She smiled. Alpha frowned.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Freyja asked.

"I was fixing my father's fishing nets. Now answer my question." Alpha ordered. Freyja sighed in defeat, she couldn't hide anything from him could she?

"I was just gonna check something. I thought I saw a boat near one of the abandoned islands to the south, I'll be quick." Freyja said.

"I…alright, just be careful." Alpha whispered. "I don't know what I'd do I you died."

Freyja was touched. "Thanks, I'll try not to die then." Alpha smiled blew some hair from his face.

"Just get going."

Freyja stepped into the boat and pushed away her fear of drowning. She picked up the oars and began to row.

She reached the shore of the island in only thirty minutes. She got out of the boat and decided to get as far away from the water as possible. She hated water.

A big boat was resting in the water by the beach. It had to be the biggest ship she had ever seen, on its flag was a yellow dragon with what looked like a barbed scorpion tail. It didn't belong to any tribe she knew of. Maybe it belonged to someone from outside the archipelago?

Freyja poked her bag to wake Blade. He yawned and rubbed his eyes with his claws.

"Do you smell anything?" Freyja whispered. Blade sniffed the air and leaped out of the bag, landing on the sand.

"Smoke," He said. He padded around, sniffing the grass and heather. "and humans, lots of them."

Freyja scanned the forest. She could see a faint glow in the woods. The campfire.

"Get back in my bag Blade." Freyja ordered. She opened the flap to her bag and Blade buried himself under the blanket inside. She stepped lightly through the woods and saw the campsite.

About five or six vikings were at the fire. They were setting up what looked like bedding around the fire.

"Does yours have to be so close to me? I don't want to smell you all night." A young woman with pale blonde, almost white hair, complained to the man next to her. The man rolled his eyes. He had golden hair and blue eyes. He sported what looked like the beginnings of a beard on his face.

"If you don't like it Snowdrop, then go sleep on the boat with the others." The blonde man said. The girl, Snowdrop, scowled.

"Thora chose me to scout the island, I'm not going to disappoint her." Snowdrop said defiantly. A young man with red hair and a scar over his upper lip threw his shoe at them.

"Would you two shut up? I'm trying to sleep here!" he hissed. He rolled over and covered his head with a fur jacket. A woman with dark braided hair and long legs who was tending to the fire, looked in Freyja's direction. Freyja crouched down quickly behind a rock to avoid being seen.

"Where did Thora go again?" She asked.

The blonde guy rolled his eyes. "She went to get more supplies from the ship with Fern and Adda. If you had been paying attention Drew, you would know that.

Freyja heard a twig snap behind her, she looked up to see a big woman with brown hair and blue war paint looking down at her. Before she could make a sound the woman picked her up and clasped her hand over Freyja's mouth. Freyja felt something hard hit her head and her vision faded into black.