A/N: First please keep in mind that this story is purely just fantasy.

Second if you can't handle lemons maybe you should skip this first chapter?

Third Richelle Mead is the rightful owner of these characters and I'm only just playing with them ;)

Fourth... Rated M due to lemons and bad language and what not...

Fifth... Enjoy!

Chapter One

Eddie was the best out there, any kind of fake I.d you could need he was the person to go to and since it's my eighteenth birthday we needed fake I.D's so that we can go to the bar down town and party like it's the end of the world.

Lissa was going to pick me up at eight and then we'd head over to the bar together. I am ready and waiting, dressed in a skin tight black dress that nearly showed my ass off and I left my hair down, curled and my make up was minimal and sexy. When Lissa called to say she was outside I had to become the best ninja ever to sneak past my dad. He would let me out when ever I wanted but he'd never let me go if he saw how I was dressed. I held my six inch fuck me heels in one hand as I make a mad dash out to Lissa's car and throw myself into the passenger seat.

"Let's get fucked up!" I shout as Lissa speeds away laughing.

Lissa is dressed similar to me and yet she looks different, maybe it's the curves she lacks?

Once we find parking and get out Lissa laces her fingers through with mine. "We are going to forget Adrian and that tramp Camille, tonight is our night." Lissa says, yeah, not only am I turning eighteen but I'm recently single due to my ass-hole ex-boyfriend cheating on me with the school skank, Camille.

"I want to get laid, I feel like I could really use it." I tell her.

"That's why we are here, to fuck strangers that we will never see again." Lissa says. When we get to the door we're forced to show our I.D's before going in but that's okay because we got in. The place is crowed tonight and the music vibrates through the floor and walls. "Let's go to the bar first!" Lissa shouts and I nod in agreement. I admit, I'm a Margarita person and that's what I order. As we sit at the bar we are bought a couple of shots from different men around us and after awhile I drag Lissa out with me to the dance floor and during the weeknd we somehow end up dancing with two guys from the bar, I have to admit they're not bad, sexy even and they know how to dance which is a added bonus. It's while I'm grinding on Mr. Stranger when I see him. I make eye contact with him and he stares openly at me. He's fucking perfect, he's tall, and his hair is tied back into a bun, he's wearing a suit but it's unbuttoned and untucked and somehow looks so freaking hot. He's it, he's the one I want and with the way he's watching me, licking his lips, I think he wants me to. I look back at Lissa and give her a smile that hopefully says found him.

I pat the guy on the shoulder and walk off to the bar once the song was over.

"Another, beautiful?" The bartender asks when I walk up to him two people down from the man I really want. I nod with my man eater smile. "Please." I tell him.

I lean against the bar and look for Lissa who is already watching me. She gives me a questioning look and I nod in the direction of Mr. Hot stuff. When she finds him her jaw drops and she nods her approval before looking at him again. I let my eyes wander over to him to only to see he's still watching me.

A tap on my shoulder gets me to turn around and I find my drink ready and waiting for me, when I take a sip and take a peek over my shoulder Mr. Hot stuff is gone, bummer. I grab my drink and turn when I almost wreck right into someone.

"Sorry." I say before looking up at him. Ah, there he is. "Sort of."

He raises an eyebrow at me, "Why sort of?" He asks.

"Well I finally got to touch you, that I'm not sorry about." I tell him. He's much taller than me and damn when he smiles that right there alone is panty dropping.

"I think most men would agree that I'm the lucky one. I'm Dimitri." He says leaning close so I can hear without him yelling. He has an accent that is so freaking hot.

I place a hand on his chest, "I think I'm the lucky one, all these females around here watching your every move but glaring at me and I'm Rose."

He laughs, "Do you want to go somewhere quieter?" He asks, one hand touching the bare skin just below my dress.

I bite my bottom lip and nod, he takes my hand and leads me through the crowd. My heart is pounding, when he leads us up a set of stairs in the back. I've never done this before, Adrian has been the only guy I've ever been with.

"A buddy of mine owns this place, they won't mind if we disappear up here for awhile." He says. "Rose, I'm going to be honest, I'm not exactly looking for anything but just a night of fun. I just recently got out of a relationship and it's been a while, I just want to let loose."

I laugh, "Yeah, that's fine, me to. I just found out my boyfriend is cheating on me and it's my birthday." I tell him honestly.

"What a idiot, happy birthday Roza." He tells me brushing my hair back behind my ear. He pushes a door open to a small dark apartment and he pulls me in, shutting the door behind us before pushing me up against the wall and bringing his lips to mine. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist making my dress bunch up around my waist. He grinds his hips into me making me moan, his hands roam down my body then from my knee down my ass before massaging his fingers deep into my flesh. I start to work on his jacket pushing it off his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor. My fingers work quickly on the buttons of his shirt and it joins his jacket on the floor. I've never seen such a sexy chest, dips and curves of muscle and I want to feel it all. I feel my dress unzip and then Dimitri's hands at my waist before he sets me down and the dress fall freely from my body. I know exactly what he will find, braless and now wearing only my heels and thong. He mutters something in another language, I don't know what?

"You're fucking beautiful, Roza." He says as his eyes roam very appreciatively over my nearly naked body. I take a step forward and touch his chest, letting my fingers lightly touch down his body across the 'v' shape that goes into his slacks. I unbuckle his belt and slide the button out of place before letting his pants drop to his ankles. He steps back, finding a couch to lean against and pulls off his shoes, kicking off his pants, his boxers are fucking silk! I close the distance between us, bringing my lips to his chest and planting a soft kiss. I do this a few times before I start going lower on him and lower and lower till I'm at eye level with a tent. I put my hands on his thighs and let my hands slide up his boxers, reaching the waist band I yank them down his legs and let his thick long shaft spring free. I look up at him and find him staring intently down at me with a lust filled gaze. I lick my lips first before leaning forward and kissing the tip of his hot cock. He groans out and a shudder runs through him, I do it again and this time run my tongue along his slit and down his shaft and back up again, I wrap my lips around him and suck on the head a bit before finally taking as much as possible, what I can't reach I use my hand, twisting it in a similar motion as what my tongue is doing. He hisses and curses but his eyes never leave mine and when I start to pick up the pace his fingers scrap against my scalp before he takes a fist full of hair and starts fucking my mouth but always so careful with not making me choke.

"Ugh, that pretty fucking little mouth." He grunts before yanking me up by the hair and kissing me fully. He lifts me up and kicks his boxers to the side before walking us to the bedroom. He sets me down and pulls my heels off first and very slowly my thong is next. He lays me down and pushes my legs wide and one nearly touching my chest that is when I feel the tip of his cock push into me. I know already that Dimitri is bigger, thicker than Adrian so I know I'm about to feel so different than what I normally feel, inch my inch Dimitri pushes in. "Ah, you're so fucking tight, Roza." Dimitri says throwing his head back a bit before leaning forward and planting his mouth on mine. "Flexible to, you're fucking perfect." He says sliding in and out of me while one hand holds me in place and the other rubs my little nub making me moan uncontrollably. He's hitting places that I never knew of and he's getting me so fucking close as our bodies come together again and again. I scream out my first orgasm while Dimitri still fucks me. I'm shocked when I feel my second one coming and he's not even done. My toes curl, my heart races and Dimitri's name leaves my mouth like a prayer over and over and then I feel his hot warmth fill me, spurt after spurt until he drops my leg and collapses on me. Even though he's a much bigger person than me his weight felt amazing against my overly sensitive skin.

"Stay." He gaps as he's trying to catch his breath.

"What?" I ask.

"Stay with me for... Just the night." He says as I brush his soft hair back from his face.

I nod. "Okay." I tell him as he brushes his lips over mine again.


When I wake up in the early morning I'm a bit confused at first to where I am until I feel Dimitri holding on to me from behind. Ah, Dimitri, such an amazing man, it's a shame I can't stick around.

I carefully climb out from under him and smile down at him, this man should be considered the sex god of all sex gods. Oh man am I sore but in all the right places. I tip toe away as I find my stuff, I've got my heels, my cell that had been tucked away in my dress but I can't find my panties anywhere. I text Lissa telling her to come get me at the club. Fuck it, I sneak into his bathroom and steal a pair of sweats and a white shirt I find folded in there, I wash my face and use his brush to get all the knots out of my hair, I gather my belongings and head out the door.

"Roza." Dimitri mumbles, oh god don't wake up and find me sneaking out! He stays asleep though and I head into the living room, I see a note pad and pen next to a phone so I take it and write: Best birthday ever, xoxo Rose. I leave the note and head for the door. When I reach the empty night club I cross it quickly and then I hear a female. "Hey Dimitri, you mind helping me... You're not Dimitri." She says stopping.

"Um, I'm just leaving." I tell her.

"You were up there with Dimitri?" She asks, she looks kind of familiar but I'm sure I don't know her. I nod. "Huh, you must be special, Dimitri never sleeps around, I'm Viktoria." She holds out a hand to me. "Dimitri's sister."

"Oh, I'm Rose." I tell her awkwardly. "Um, did you need any help?" I ask.

She smiles, "I like you, no but that's alright Dimitri owes me so he can help out." She says.

I smile, my phone beeps, Lissa is outside. "Okay well I have to go so..."

"Oh yeah, sure no problem, I'll see you around." She says.

I've never felt more awkward as I give a small wave and rush to the door.

I dump my stuff on the back seat and hop in the front with Lissa who is wearing a huge smile. "So, tell me all about it." She says before pulling away from the curb.


"Come on baby, she meant nothing to me." Adrian says. I've been ignoring his phone calls for a few weeks now and finally I just got fed up with it and answered.

"Just like the guy I slept with on my birthday meant nothing." I hadn't told him yet and I wasn't planning on it but he has me so frustrated that it just came out.

"You cheated on me?!" He asks.

"No, we were broken up already." I tell him, annoyed.

He's quite a minute and I'm about to hang up when he says, "Wait, this could be a good thing, like we're even now."

"Have you lost your fucking mind, I don't want to be in a relationship like that?!" I yell at him.

"No everything can go back to normal now." He says.

"No everything can't, I'll never trust you again ever." I tell him pissed. "Besides I don't want to be with you anymore, I'm done with you."

"What are you going to do the two months of summer? What about senior year?" He asks sounding shocked.

"This summer is going to be about me and school, well we can see what I decide by then, I've got time." I tell him.

"Are you going to think about taking me back?" The boy doesn't want to give up, it's really annoying.

"No." I say hitting the end button.


I've been feeling off for a little while now, most of the summer actually, I even chilled with parties. Nearly every day Adrian called me during the summer, he didn't dare come to the house, everyone is always afraid of my dad but now it's time to go back to school tomorrow and I'm dreading it.

I'm hanging out at Lissa's house giving my opinion on what piece of clothing looks best with what as she gets ready for school tomorrow.

"What's wrong with you now?" Lissa asks me catching me off guard.

I shrug, "I've just been feeling off lately, I don't know what the hell to do, what do I do Liss?" I tell her, which it's true I've been feeling so off its strange.

"I don't know if you really want to hear my advice." She says hanging up her clothes.

"Maybe I should just go to the Damn doctors." I say running a hand through my hair frustrated.

"Or... Maybe you should go to my bathroom and look under the sink." Lissa says sounding nervous.

I sit up to look at her, "What the fuck is under your sink?" I ask her confused.

She shrugs, "Stuff, maybe something that can help you." She says.

"I don't get why you can't just spit it out instead you make me get up." I complain as I walk over to her bathroom. "Which sink, you've got two?"

"The one I don't normally use." She says before walking into her closet.

I open it up and let my eyes scan the shelf before landing on what she's been hinting at. "You don't really think that, do you?" I ask picking up the opened box.

She's standing much closer now. "Yeah, I kind of do." She says. "You're constantly tired now, you've thrown up in my bathroom three times this summer without it being just a hung over, you've complained about heart burn a few times..."

I cut her off. "Those things do not mean anything." I tell her feeling like I might puke this second.

"You haven't had a period all summer long and you did say that you and that guy didn't use protection." She points out, I have a strong urge to just call her a bitch and storm out but I don't, she's my best friend and... She has a point.

"I'm on birth control." I tell her still trying to fight it.

"But your doctor had taken you off the last one because there was some recall, she told you to make sure to use protection until they fully kicked in, you didn't wait long enough like she said." Lissa says softly.

"Dimitri " I mumble before nodding. "Okay, I'll take one." I tell her.

A/N: Okay so like I said purely just fantasy, I know that jumping into a situation just like that probably wouldn't happen that fast but in my fantasy story it did. So RxR FxF! Shall I continue? Do you want to know what happens next? let me know?!