I'm never gonna love you

"Why?" Louise asked quietly

"I've done things, Louise. Bad things. Things I would never want you involved in."


"I'm sorry Lo-"

"Don't you 'sorry Louise' me, Jackson! You're not a bad man. I know you aren't. What happened last night?"


"What happened last night, Jackson?"

"You wouldn't love me if I told you."

"I bloody think that's my decision to make! Look… Jackson, I'm staying at a hotel in town until everything is finalized with Patrick. Let's go and talk… please. Nothing is going to change."


Jackson left some money on the table and they got up, leaving the restaurant. Louise gave him the hotel address, and they got into their respective cars to drive over. Jackson was nervous as hell. He briefly considered turning and driving in the opposite direction, but he knew Louise would never forgive him for it and that he had to face this. At least this way he had the slim chance of her ever talking to him again. Soon, too soon, they arrived at the hotel. Louise got a key out of her purse, and Jackson waited awkwardly as she turned it in the lock and opened the door. She walked in and held the door open for him to follow.

"Sit" she said, pulling out a chair. He did. Louise sat down in one opposite. "Tell me what happened last night…please"

"I… I snapped someone's neck, Louise!" he spit out.

"Bloody h- why?" she asked, looking him in the eyes.

"He got into a fight with his ex-girlfriend. They were trying to kill each other but I stepped in…and…"

"Was he trying to kill you too?" She asked, motioning towards his bloodied cheek.

"Yeah. Yeah he was. But I shouldn't have killed him, Louise."

"You shouldn't have. But he was a bad man, Jackson, and it was in self defense… Who was that Middle-Eastern man you were talking to the other day?"

"He's an evil man, Louise. A really evil man. He's had me do things in the past… things that I never should have done."

"… like what?"

"Kidnap a girl…in Germany. He told me I was taking her to her mother, but… I was actually taking her away."

"He lied to you. You didn't know, Jackson… none of this makes me think any less of you. You made some bad decisions. We all do."

"I don't want you to get hurt because of me. Because of things I do."

Louise let out a huff of laughter. "I'm a bloody police officer! I can look after myself."

"I know that, it's just…"

"Was the last thing you said to me at the restaurant true?"

"Of course it wasn't. It's just…I feel guilty and ashamed. I feel like a horrible person. I couldn't have you thinking well of me after all I have done."

"So you tried to make me hate you? Thought that would be easier for you, ey?"

"If you had let go of me, never wanted to talk to me again, I thought it would be easier to move on."

"Jackson, you are an idiot!"

"Yeah. Someone tells me that a lot."

They both laughed. Genuinely this time.

"Were… were the things you said before that lies too?"

"Those? No. Those were real"





"So um… would you possibly kiss me now?"

"Yeah… yeah I think I will."

and he did.