A/N Set approximately four months after the end of the Mummy. Evie and Rick are still finding out about each other, and forging their careers as the explorers and adventurers we now know them to be. A couple of characters from Evie's past threaten to undo her new found life and confidence, can O'Connell give her the faith in herself that she needs and will she believe in him?

I own nothing, know nothing and am just playing with the characters.

'No.' Rick O'Connell strode around the trunk in the Cairo hotel room with Evie running in an effort to keep up with him.

'Just for an hour?' She pleaded, 'half an hour?'

'No and No.' He said again, making yet another circuit. Rick made sure not to make eye contact, if she trapped him with those wide doe eyes he couldn't deny her anything.

Evie nimbly doubled back and was suddenly standing in his path, her small hands gripping his forearms and those treacherous eyes blinking up at him. Damn!

Ever since they had returned from Hamunaptra, Evie had worked tirelessly to put together another archaeological expedition. It seemed the girl had discovered her inner explorer and Rick O'Connell, smitten as he was, would have followed her anywhere. That is anywhere except the room full of old moneyed stuffed shirt investors that she had assembled downstairs this evening. The plan was to fund their next adventure, but the idea of sipping warm sherry and eating tiny sandwiches whilst having absolutely nothing to talk about as these overbearing prigs looked down their noses, filled Rick with horror. He would feel like a zoo exhibit, her trained monkey. Give him mummies any day.

'It won't be that bad.' She wheedled, one finger tracing patterns on his forearm, all the while glancing up into his face.

'It…will… be… hell…' He grimaced, removing her hands and pushing her gently away. 'You said I didn't have to do this kind of thing. We had a deal, I kill the evil dead things and you deal with the annoying living ones.'

'I did say that… yes…' She continued in the same persuasive tone, 'But I really think it would be beneficial if you could show your face, you know, to inspire confidence? They'll be a couple of my old school friends there and they'd love to meet you.'

'No!' He said firmly.

She narrowed the space between them, her hands resting gently on his chest as Rick looked up, ramrod straight, avoiding those eyes. Standing on tiptoe Evie began to place little butterfly kisses tracing his jaw line

'Please. For me?' She whispered, encouraged that she could feel him relaxing. 'I will be ever so grateful…'

He finally dipped his head so his mouth could claim hers, as the kiss deepened and Evie felt herself melting against him, she nearly forgot about the party altogether.

The knock at the door broke the moment.

'Come in.' Rick called, his eyes never leaving Evie's.

The young Egyptian boy bobbed his head through the door, followed by a flash of black and white which was quickly hung on the wardrobe. With another bob he was gone.

'What…' Rick said pointing at the suit. 'Is that?'

'It's your tuxedo for tonight.' Evie said as gaily as she could muster.

Rick stared at her incredulously. 'I am not wearing that.'

'It's a black tie event, everyone will be wearing one and you will look so very handsome in it.'

'I won't.' He said backing away, 'because I won't be wearing it.'

'Oh don't be silly, it's only a suit.' She snapped. This discussion was rapidly going in the wrong direction. 'What harm ever came from wearing a suit?'

'Or reading a book? Hmm? If it's only a meaningless suit why does it matter if I wear it or not?' he asked, folding his arms.

'Because everyone will be. It's black tie!' She huffed.

'And you don't want me to embarrass you in front of your old school chums is that it?' He was becoming belligerent.

'Yes… I mean no… look it's only a suit. Wear it, don't wear it, I don't care!' Evie threw her hands up in exasperation.

'You suddenly don't care, what about your school friends, what will they think?' He said sarcastically.

'Oh for goodness sake, now you're being childish.' Evie snapped.

'Well I'd better not risk being childish and embarrass you then?'

'Fine!' She turned and stormed out of the door, just in time to hear him shout 'Fine!' before the door slammed behind her.

Evelyn looked in the mirror. Her hair was in a perfect prim up-do. Not so long ago she wouldn't have dreamed of leaving it loose but, if she was honest, she hated wearing it pinned up these days. But convention was convention and best not to alienate potential investors before she started, bad enough she was a woman daring to lead an expedition. The black dress skimmed and enhanced her figure without appearing trashy, at least Rick always said how he loved this dress. She stamped a foot in irritation. Damn him, why couldn't he just once not be so stubborn and just do something because she asked him to! Ok, she knew that wasn't being exactly fair, but she could just see Isobella's smug face when she arrived without an escort. If only she could have told O'Connell the real reason, but the humiliation still smarted even after all these years. She only wanted him to see the best of her, and she couldn't bear it if he laughed at her stupidity too.

'Time to face the music.' She said to her reflection, plastering a smile on her face and refusing to give in to the threatened tears.

The smile stayed in place as Evie wandered through the crowd. She greeted potential investors, shook their hands and made small talk. Outwardly she was a picture of calm and composure, whereas inside her stomach was tying itself in knots of dread. Lady Isobella Carrington-Smythe, the bane of her school existence and her ultimate torturer. Why would the blasted woman want to come here? Evie had no doubt that Isobella meant no good by it.

'Evelyn Carnahan as I live and breathe!' The trill voice cut through to Evie's very soul. Fixing the smile even firmer in place she turned to see Lady Isobella bearing down on her to deliver two loud air kisses three inches either side of her cheeks. The woman was resplendent with her fluffed blonde hair encased under a hat with an enormous feather. She sported a fox fur around her neck, quite ridiculous in Cairo's heated environment. 'Isobella, how nice to see you.' She managed through gritted teeth.

'I'm sure, I'm sure… and how are you, let me look at you.' The newcomer held Evie at arm's length and surveyed her critically. 'You look tired, are you tired?'

'I am perfectly well thank you.' Evie replied crisply, 'How are you?'

'Oh simply marvellous. We are doing Le Grande Tour, it's terribly exciting visiting all these exotic places, or it would be if it wasn't for all the filthy locals.' She snorted.

'Indeed.' Evie said painfully, 'You said we, you and your husband?'

'Oh lord no.' Isobella responded with a theatrical wave of her gloved hand. 'Bertie's my fiancé but he doesn't have time for travel, he works in government you know, the foreign office,' She held up a hand against her mouth conspiratorially, 'Something very hush hush.' Before resuming her previous onslaught. 'Has to be at home. No, my brother Charlie is being a brick and escorting me. You remember Charlie don't you?' There was a little cruel giggle. 'Oh yes, of course you do!'

Evie's stomach did a giant belly flop as her nemesis scanned the crowd, her head bobbing up and down. Eventually she saw who she was looking for and waved frantically. 'Oooeeee! Charlie! I've found her!'