Warning: This fic is rated M for adult scenes and language. There will be full BOY ON BOY, BROTHER ON BROTHER SEXYTIME. DON'T LIKE THAT? THEN DON'T READ THIS, IT ISN'T FOR YOU. There's some slight angst and much fluff / incest on the way. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters therein.
'That is the last time I let him embarrass me! I'm going to throw his shit out the minute he gets here, I fucking swear!' I seethed.
The university roommate I was given likes to enjoy his social life every night of the week- For me this means my room always smells like sex.. and nine times out of ten, you can find his clothes and semen stains strewn about.
This time they seem to have fucked on my futon, (judging by the Black Butler blanket that usually covers the fabric, protecting it from Suigetsu's drool when he sleeps over... which is now balled up and disgusting in the corner.)
I had Suigetsu and Utakata with me today when I came home to Sai Yamanaka's stink and messy half of our bedroom. I seriously wish he wouldn't fuck in our room. If he had been home when I got there, he wouldn't have lived another day. I am so done with his bullshit respect as a roomate! My friends should not have to make up excuses to bail because the better half of my room reflects a sexual war zone.
I gather up my linens and comforter, refusing to sleep in sheets that hold the residual smell of Sai's weekend activities and I march myself down to the laundry room. Upon reaching for the door handle, a body presses up against mine and beats me to it, ushering me in as they push the door further open.
My heart speeds up and my face is heated as I spin around and prepare to glare down this nuisance, only to see Itachi walk past me with a smirk. "Well, hello there little brother," he drawls.
That smug voice fucking grates on my nerves.
My eyes follow him as he innocently opens a dryer and checks his clothing. 'Damn that arrogant bastard.' I think to myself with a sneer, 'Always confident and egotistical. For an atheist he seems to think he's some god given gift to the world. What the fuck is he doing now?'
I would love to knock him down a peg or two. Itachi is such an ass that at this point he doesn't actually have to do anything to still piss me off.
A little too roughly, I stuff the machine full and pour a bit extra detergent into the wash for good measure. Turning around, my brother is less than a foot away from me, practically staring me down.
"What's wrong, Otouto?" He cocked his head slightly to the right and seemed genuinely concerned, but I knew better. He just likes to play his roles to completion.
Mom warned him to look out for me before I left for college... Well, it was more of an ultimatum. Either he could grant her request or she would ban him from coming home for the holidays.
"You seem tense. Has something happened? Do you need me to straighten anyone out for you, little brother?" Despite his words, he had a gleam in his eyes that spoke of amusement.. an inside joke maybe? What the hell ever.
I narrow my eyes at him before looking away, "It's none of your business, Itachi."
My anger towards Sai bubbled to the surface again. 'Actually, I bet I can get Itachi to do something about my roommate situation if I play nice. Hmm..'
"Maa, Maa, I'm just looking to help. Don't nip the hand that offers, little bird." I ground my teeth at that. 'I hate that nickname!'
I want to growl at him.
Instead, I step closer and look up into his depthless onyx orbs, "If you want to help me out Aniki, then get rid of that damn inconsiderate roommate of mine that the resident assistant paired me with."
I watched as the look of amusement morphed into one of unhidden interest and curiosity.
A cold shiver ran down my spine at the thought of how unclean our shower likely was.
"Get me a clean roommate who respects my boundaries."
Itachi's gaze on mine darkened and it frightened me for a second, until he closed the distance, effectively backing me up to the washer and pinning me there.
"Why don't you just ask me to be your roommate," Itachi leaned down to breathe the last word on my neck,".. Sasuke?"
I did not tilt my head away to give him more access.
I only wanted space from his intense actions that were making my thoughts muddled.. I swear.
I held no lingering interest for whatever antics my big brother was up to, and he'll never have any proof stating otherwise.
I swallowed hard, bemused at his antics and quietly asked, "'tachi?"
I really didn't like how my voice nearly squeaked or the way that he smirked at me from above.
"Yes, little bird?" Itachi asked slyly nuzzling a little closer to my neck.
"W-what are you doing, Aniki?" I couldn't help but stutter out.
My brother stretched his arm behind me and started the machine, the sudden disruption making me want to jump out of my skin.
"Hmm, what do you mean Sasuke? I am offering to be your roommate," he said, backing away a little. "Why?" Itachi asked with an amused look on his face.
"... What did you think I was doing?"
"Nothing, you idiot." I said as I planted my hand in his face and pushed him away from me. "You can be weird as hell sometimes, Oniisan. Who the fuck would want a sibling for their roommate? Just get me someone I can tolerate!"
I stormed out of the laundry room; my thoughts a tornado of confusion.
"Hmm. Just you wait, little bird. I will take care of it for you." Itachi said softly to Sasuke's retreating back. He smirked and stalked out of the laundry room in search of his adorable sibling's roommate. They had some things to discuss.
Returning to my room, I grab my phone and ring Suigetsu- knowing that he'll have a party hookup for this weekend and hoping he feels like going out to get smashed, because I am definitely in that kind of mood.
"Yo, Raven. What's up," the relaxed voice calmed my nerves.
"Do you have any tests coming up? I want to go out tonight and have a good time. What do you say?"
"Uh.. Yeah, sure. My schedule is clear until the 8th. We can head to Okinawa if you want. Karin and Jugo just opened that new club, so you won't have to deal with an ID check. Sound good?" he replied after only a slight hesitation.
"Perfect. I'll come by within the hour and we can head that way." I reply and hang up on the silverette's listening ear.
'I suppose it's my turn to let off a little steam...'
When Monday morning came along and I finally made it back to my room I noticed that all of Sai's belongings were gone.
'What the fuck? Where's that horny bastard? I was planning on throwing his stuff out mysel-,' my internal monologue was interrupted by who I'm pretty sure is the piss-ant who assigned me a shitty roommate in the first place.
"There you are, Sasuke!" A chirping voice from behind me. Turning around, I saw that it was indeed my Resident Assistant, Deidara.
"I was looking for you this weekend."
"What do you want?" I asked harshly, not really in the mood to be nice with him.
"Now, now Sasuke, no need to be so unpleasant, un." the blonde T'sked at me, "Especially when I have such great news for you."
"Oh, and just what would that be?" I looked at him suspiciously. My head was pounding and my body ached. I really should know by now that the only thing I would get out of partying all weekend with Suigetsu was a major headache and a horrible mood.
"Hmm. Now I'm not too sure I want to tell you. You are being really rude." Deidara jested, examining his freshly painted nails.
I glared at him, "Out with it already."
He sighed deeply. "Fine, fine. Well, it is my pleasure to tell you that you no longer have a roommate. Sai has requested a transfer of rooms, un. So until I find you a new roommate, you have none." He informed me with a grin on his face.
I was stunned for a moment. 'Sai left?'
"What?" I think back to my confrontation with Itachi on Thursday. "When did this happen?" I asked.
Deidara inclined his head "This weekend. That's why I was looking for you but you were gone. Are you not happy?" He looked confused.
"Not happy? I'm ecstatic. That asshole is out!" I snickered.
'Finally I don't have to deal with his shit anymore. Goodbye nympho; hello peace of mind!'.
"Good. I will let you know during the week when I find you a new roommate, alright?" Deidara said before turning and walking toward his room. I nodded, though slightly disappointed since I couldn't keep the room to myself and closed the door. I was determined to make the most of this alone time.
It was Wednesday when Deidara knocked on my door again. "You're here," The art major exclaimed, "Perfect. I found a roommate for you. He should be moving in sometime today, un."
"Yeah, I got it." I nodded, turning away.
"Wait... who is it?" I mused out loud, but found that he had disappeared before I could ask. 'Damn' I muttered. 'I hope it isn't another pervert. I will be the one moving out if that happens.'
I spend the next hour blasting Disturbed through my earphones as I scrub the shower and scour the floors.
Not too long after I'd rearranged the furniture, I heard a knock at the entrance.
"Coming," I sighed out, grunting as I got up and opened the door only to freeze when I saw who was there.
"What are you doing here, Itachi?" I glared at my older brother who only smiled.
"Why I'm your new roommate, Sa- su- ke- kun."
I look at him blankly for a moment, taking in the satchel and sizable box in his arms.
"Wait, what?" I yelled.
"You're my new roommate?" I asked somewhat frantically. My sibling nodded. "But- why? You had your own room! Why trade it for a shared dwelling?" I was completely confused, and more than a little cranky.
I had been hoping for a hottie as a roommate that I could befriend.. not this.
Honestly, I hadn't taken Itachi to heart when he suggested that we be roommates in the laundry room six days ago.
"Well, I felt a little lonely. When I had heard officially that you no longer had a roommate, I decided to apply." He explained, skimping on the information that he had needed to "bribe" Deidara several times to finally get his request granted.
Both having Sai booted out, and having himself paired with Sasuke had cost him several days' worth of favors to the RA until Deidara had no grounds to ask him for anything more and the greedy boy had finally caved in to Itachi's requests.
Typically, Freshman were supposed to room together. If anyone called them out on it, both Deidara and the Uchiha brothers could be facing punishment for the rule-bending that is currently allowing a junior and freshman to room together.
The dean, Orochimaru Sannin, put that rule into place; since letting freshman and upperclassmen room together made the newbies much more susceptible to bullying and hazing.
"Argh!"I facepalm as I turned around and walked back into my- our room; I grimace at that last realization.
"Whatever. But understand this: first and foremost I will not tolerate being locked out of my room so that you can have sex here, if I need to study. You will get permission before kicking me out. Additionally, my futon is off limits to your sexcapades... My bed is absolutely off limits... and if you choose to fuck someone in our shower, you had better scrub it afterwards!" I growl out each point, remembering the times Sai had crossed my boundaries just to fuck with me.
Unknown to me, Itachi had no plans to be bringing anyone over. However, he did have a few ideas about the shower...
I missed the predatory gaze in my brother's eyes as I sat down at my black computer desk and resumed the Kuroshitsuji fanfiction I was in the middle of, before Deidara interrupted me much earlier.
I was at a part where Claude was biting down on Sebastian's inner thigh when I felt a light tap on my shoulder.
"Why don't we go out to eat tonight so that the next time I see mother, I can tell her that I honestly witnessed you eating properly, hm?"
Itachi didn't comment on the fact that he also witnessed that I was into yaoi.
I want to groan in annoyance, knowing he was definitely close enough for however long I hadn't noticed him to have read the beginnings of yaoi sex over my shoulder...
'No! We haven't discussed it... but surely by now he knows I'm gay. I'm peculiar about my nails and hair. I've never brought a girl home... I've never really even had a female friend. Surely he has some idea. Either way, even if he taunts me for it, I won't apologize or feel bad for whom or what I like.. be it boys in real life, or boys from anime and fanfiction.'
Aniki walked over to his closet and pulled out a freshly ironed shirt. With an unreadable expression, he studied my face and quietly declared, "I'll pay tonight."
I watch as he turns, offering me a view of his right side and he crosses his arms at the waist to slowly pull the shirt over his head.
What I can see of his back and stomach muscles are rippling under his skin in a way that would make my mouth water if he were anyone else.
Itachi lazily folds the shirt before throwing it in the closet hamper and turns to face me as he dons the royal blue button up.
I tear my eyes away before he can meet my gaze and pretend as if I've been staring out the window the entire time.
'I don't spend much time with my brother these days, so what if I'm curious as to how much he has changed? Its not a big deal.' I scold myself, even as the scene from the laundry room comes to mind and I physically shake my head clear of those odd thoughts.
Following my brother's lead, I hastily change into a nicer shirt and lace up my new shoes before heading out.
The restaurant was nicer than I was expecting for a familial dinner. The waiter seemed to know Itachi from somewhere, as he welcomed Otouto with a warm smile and inquired about his usual. In the end Itachi let me pick everything and told me his opinion about which dishes were good and which were not.
I chose a plate of Salmon and tomatoes trussed up to look fancy.
Itachi seemed perfectly at ease and rather than spending the evening resenting his company, I took a page from his book and tried to relax.
We fell into easy banter after that, trading stories about things we had seen or heard during our college experiences, or in my case- what I had put up with. On several occasions I had the opportunity to see him laugh. It reminded me of how close we had been growing up, until he hit high school and moved out with his friends.
I never quite got over that betrayal. I couldn't accept that he would choose anyone over me.
But that was all in the past now.
As that night came to a close and we headed back to the dorm to climb into our respective beds, I had this feeling that we were going to get along just fine.
A few nights later, Itachi got in after I had already gone to bed; the jingling of his keys woke me up.
I didn't move or make any indication that I was awake in hopes to fall back asleep faster.
Hearing silence and curious, I opened my eyes in time to see his slacks slide down his lean, pale thighs and heard the sheets rustle as he slipped between them.
A sigh of contentment escaped Itachi's lips.
Ignoring him, I tried to sleep, I really did.
Not five minutes later, I hear my brother's breath quicken, the rhythm periodically broken by him holding his breath. I'm momentarily confused but it doesn't last.
The older raven's back is turned to me now and his comforter is pulled up past his lightly defined biceps, so any activity underneath the blanket is obscured from view.
That doesn't matter, though. I hit puberty so long ago that I know the signs of masturbation when I see them.
'God damnit!' I'm pissed. 'I honestly thought I would be done with shit like this when Sai left. How the hell am I supposed to make him stop now? He'll know that I've been awake the entire time!'
Highly irritated, I roll over onto my other side, facing the wall. At this, Itachi pauses in his ministrations for a moment before he resumes pleasuring himself and lets out quiet whimpers and moans.
My cheeks flame the instant he moans out the name of my RA.
"Dei... mmgh" I hear a sharp intake of breath, "Ohhh. Deidara... ssss-shit.. aah!"
I didn't know I could feel so embarrassed about someone else's actions.
He stays quiet enough not to set the inhabitants of the next room over on alert, but I've always been a light sleeper.. surely he knows even this quiet little show he is putting on would have woken me up...
I'm beginning to wish that he would have used the shower for this shit. He could clean the mess up later without making me listen to it all.
My brother's panting speeds up and I hear him roll onto his back, but I refrain from looking over my shoulder. It isn't something I'm entirely thrilled to see.
I miss the way his mouth opens in a silent plea. I don't see him turn his head to look at me, expecting me to be watching. I miss the way his back arches erotically.. and I have no idea that this was a calculated move on Itachi's part.
'I get it now. That waiter at the restaurant the other day, and the way he instantly became my roommate... Aniki is gay! That means he must have worked his charms on Deidara to persuade the perverted blonde dolt to give in to his request.. but why the hell would he want to share a room with his sibling so badly?'
The incident plays on my mind for the next few days. I cannot fathom why the hell I didn't realize my brother was gay, when I myself am as well. It also pisses me off that he had the nerve to act like that right after I got rid of my previous roommate for similar perverted behavior.
Returning to the dorm and trying to calm my nerves, I hear Itachi in the shower and wonder briefly if he is alone, or if Deidara is with him. I'm not jealous, I just want to know if I need to disappear to spare my eyes.
My question is answered a moment later when the water cuts off and Aniki comes out alone in just a towel.
Without any conscious decision, my eyes roam his exposed torso and I watch, indifferent as a droplet of water clinging to Itachi's unbound hair falls, cascading down his bare chest.
I stare as the cool air of the bedroom causes his tan nipples to perk and harden.
Apparently, (due to the other night) my thoughts have been straying to this guy so much that even my eyes latch onto him without my permission.
It doesn't mean anything.
Anyone would have their mind occupied with something that shocked or angered them to the degree that I was. It isn't entirely unreasonable. Right?
Itachi smirks and pushes past me, breaking my stupor.
I growl and stalk into the bathroom after he vacates it to take a piss and avoid watching him get dressed.
Aniki likes to do that out in the open.. even with me around and able to see everything, were I so inclined to look.
'I am not interested.'
His response to my nagging is always the same thing, "Why are you worried, little bird? We are family. It is not a big deal."
Something is different tonight though. I lay in the shadows as the moonlight from our window falls upon his porcelain skin in the bed opposite of mine.
I face Itachi, who seems to be asleep. I watch as he tosses and turns tonight; his eyes are closed as he lets out a whimper and he moves under the comforter. Knowing where this is going I aim to stop his stroking by innocently getting up and getting a bottle of water from the mini-fridge, making sure to be loud in slamming the door so that he knows I'm still awake, and successfully avoiding confrontation.
I stand there in my tight black underwear, my back to Itachi and I swallow.
My hands are shaking before I go back and lay down. I look at the ceiling. 'Whew.. Now that he knows any activity on his part will get him caught, hopefully he'll stop for the evening...'
Still saying in the shadows, I silently turn once more to face him.. but he is still at it. He seems to be unfazed and unashamed.
Itachi has one hand on his member under the sheet and the other bent at the elbow, hand tucked under his long black mop of silk.
I had to admit, my older brother has the best genes of the family. Though appalled at his bold actions, I was mesmerized by Aniki's god-like beauty.
I've been selfish and held a grudge against him for so long that I've forgotten.. he isn't so bad on the eyes nor is his character as a person truly deserving of my resentment.
That is, when he isn't being a pervert.
Currently, Itachi is thrusting himself into his palm faster and faster. It looks like he is using both hands now, and my head is propped up by one arm as I watch, fascinated and disgusted at the same time; his eyes are still closed, so I believe I have nothing to fear.
'He won't find out that I know. When he gets close to climax, I'll change my position.. like I've done before,' I admitted shamefully.
I've forgotten how perfect of a genius strategist Itachi is.
He knows I'm watching, because out of the corner of his eye, every few moments he looks towards the shadows and he can see the silhouette of a pale slender arm supporting my head which is full of twisted thoughts.
Itachi doesn't make a sound throughout his entire performance and I'm definitely intrigued as to why he would be concerned about getting caught on one specific night out of many.
What I don't know is that he is biting his tongue in an effort not to call out my name, not wanting to offend me.
I'm shocked and confused as not two seconds after I lay my head down, Itachi bolts upright and silently strides to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He instantly turns on the shower.
I listen to him as he releases a long drawn out moan and his voice cracks.
My cheeks heat and my heart skips a beat as I think about how many times I've made the same wanton noise.
I think about what causes mine; the feel of two fingers inside me pressing firmly against my prostate. The wet tongue of a lover encircling my nipples after they've been played with and made sensitive.
My neglected length begins to throb as I hear another cry tear free of my brother's throat. This one is loud enough for the neighbors to hear, were they awake. But it's two a.m. and these pleasured calls are mine and mine alone to bear witness to.
I begin to think about what Itachi is doing to himself in the shower and I want to feel it too.
Surely it isn't fair that I go without, while he climaxes each night, seemingly unafraid of being caught.
I run my fingers up my stomach a few times and over my right nipple at the same time Aniki whimpers, sending my blood rushing south.
Acting on instinct and abandoning rational thought, I inhale sharply. My hips thrust up slightly on their own accord and I trail my long pale fingers down to my groin where they entangle in the soft, short hair of my happy trail.
I give a sharp tug to the dark tuft resting above my waistband before sliding my hand further down and into my onyx boxer briefs.
I hiss as the heated flesh touches my clammy hand, but begin to pump regardless; working through it as I hear breathless grunts and desperate hushed moaning in the bathroom.
This is setting my veins on fire.
'When was the last time I indulged in this? It can feel fucking fantastic,' I finally admit to myself. My cock painfully erect, I can almost feel precum beading at the tip when I hear my name being called softly, as if someone is begging me.
As if someone is begging for me.
My blissful state of mind shatters as I come down off my erotic high.
I freeze. My blood runs cold and my breath catches in my throat.
'What the hell am I doing. Masturbating to the sound of my brother moaning? Seriously Sasuke? What the fuck!'
That's when my brother called out my name again.. and I snapped.
What the actual fuck is going on? I sit up, my head turning towards the door and I run over to my dresser, hastily yanking on a pair of sweatpants and a tee. I grab an additional handful of clothing and my school bag before slipping on the shoes I left by the door and practically running outside.
The door slammed loudly behind me, alerting Itachi that he isn't as secretive as he thinks he is.
"Dammit!" The older raven cursed aloud. "I tried so fucking hard to hold it in. I was just messing with him earlier tonight. That's all it ever is! I just want him to see me in that kind of light.."
Itachi braced both hands against the tiles, "Little Bird, can't you see that you do this to me?"
The image of Sasuke's tight boxer clad ass in his line of view floated back to mind as the elder Uchiha brother bit his lip and arched his back- stroking his engorged length once more.
He knew it was sinful and taboo. He just didn't care. He loved Sasuke in ways you aren't meant to love your brother, but he refused to be ashamed of that.
He first realized it in high school, watching his brother during their swim practice.. and after, while they showered.
The boy was all innocence back then and the older raven felt so overwhelmed by the discovery of his feelings, he moved out to prevent himself from taking advantage of the innocent flower that was his brother. It would have been cruel and unfair.
When Sasuke had picked this college, Itachi had been both thrilled and nervous. 'What if it breaks my heart not being able to be with him in the ways I dream about him? Does it even matter, as long as I can be near him again? Oh, Otouto. I love you so much..'
Itachi had figured that with everything his little brother had put up with during Sai's stay, it wouldn't traumatize Sasuke too much for Itachi to try and put himself out there. While that isn't the most ideal way he had planned to capture his brother's attention, the movies and dinner dates hadn't gotten them any closer than they were in middle school. Itachi had thought they had something when he talked Sasuke into taking some food and a picnic blanket and studying in one of the parks near the gorgeous blue pond water, but when Sasuke commits to studying, he has a one track mind...
"Aaahn! Sasuke.." Itachi thinks about the way his little brother looks when he wets his bottom lip just before he bites down on it and his member is straining against his palm once more.
Mentally, he sees a strand of Sasuke's bangs fall in his face as he is diligently writing notes and he imagines himself tucking it behind the boy's ear. Making him look up, caught unaware and unguarded, Itachi sees himself leaning forward. Intent on capturing the ravens lips. A split second before he does however, Itachi cums. Painting the wall in his seed and his satisfaction.
It isn't long before the water runs cold and reality sets in, "I'm never going to be able to show him affection like that.. am I?"
To be continued... xxx