Day 7: Anything

"Come on Artie! Hurry up and open it!" Alfred was on the verge of imploding from overexcitement. His big, blue eyes fixated on the giant box sitting on Arthur's lap.

Arthur chuckled. "Yes, well, your gift better be as impressive as you've made it out to be, love."

Steadily, he drew the box cutter down the centre of the box. He lifted one flap, then a second flap, and peered inside to see what this amazing gift was.

He was met with another box. Arthur looked up, raising an unimpressed eyebrow. Alfred grinned like a Cheshire cat. Arthur expected there were many more boxes to come.

He was right.

Eight boxes later, their living room was filled with boxes and stray paper. It was ridiculous.

"If this goes on any longer, I won't have a gift."

Alfred said nothing, merely gesturing for Arthur to continue.

Another eight boxes went by, until Arthur was left holding a match box covered in decorative tape.

Arthur stared at the little box sitting on his palm. He wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. Either would have been an appropriate reaction. No wonder Alfred had been so excited. Without looking at the American, Arthur violently chucked the little match box in his general direction.

Moments later, he felt larger hands close around his. Alfred knelt before him, timid smile on his face and holding the match box out towards him. He chuckled nervously.

"Okay maybe this wasn't the greatest way to go about doing this but Gilbert brought it up once and I thought it was super creative and I wanted to surprise you." Alfred took a deep breath. He looked up, straight into Arthur's eyes, blue eyes overflowing with love and emotion and affection and everything Arthur could have ever asked for.

"Do you know how much I love you? So much, darling, so much. I'm not great at words like you, or as expressive as those fancy books you read, so I'm going to have to do my best here. I had this speech planned out, you know, but I love you so much and I'm at a disadvantage here, so I'll just stay in familiar territory. I love you, so, so much. So much. And I can't see me anywhere without by my side, calling me a git, setting our kitchen on fire, and yelling at me for staying up later playing games. I want to be at your side for the rest of our lives, even though you're the crankiest person that's literally ever existed. But I really love you, you know? So this is my offer to you: marry me, and I promise I will do my best to never let you down and always keep loving you."

Alfred pushed out the match box tray, revealing a thin platinum band.

Moments passed in silence, Arthur's eyes darting between the ring and Alfred.

Then, slowly, Arthur reached for the ring, slipping it on his finger.

Alfred whooped, grabbing Arthur and swinging him around without giving him the chance to admire how his new ring looked on his finger.

Arthur was still going to kill him, for that stunt, but at least he got a fiance out of it.

And that's a wrap! Thank you for all your feedback and I hope you enjoyed this last drabble ^^

Edit: Sorry, I've fixed the formatting of this chapter now.