Leave my face out of this.

chapter 5

Kuroko POV

I hate this so badly...


the speakers to the school went on

''To everyone in this school, we in the photo club has a challenge or more like a bet, we have got many in our school the have collected an amount of money. Anyone that can take a picture of Kuroko Tetsuya's face in this school will get 1 000 000 yen'' this was the first time Kuroko opened the class window and jumped to a tree close to the window in high speed, to hide.

the photo club and almost every other club got in his classroom like an explosion.

''WHERE IS HE!'' everyone screamed while looking around, themselves to see if Kuroko was hiding. when I think about it. They kinda sound like batman.

my face is not worth this shit. I should do as the superheroes do. I am getting the Deadpool suit. that is a logical thing to do.

''THERE HE IS!'' they screamed from the classroom.

SHIT! Kuroko jumped down from the tree. this tree is high. they have to think I am dead after this, maybe I should mix Deadpool with spiderman than I can get katanas, guns, and the web.

''HE IS DOWN HERE!'' a girl screamed. I need to prove myself worthy of the spideypool. no, I need my own suit from darkness and evil...let the hiding begin.

end of flashback

next day Kuroko Pov

I got no clue how I got back to my room yesterday.

I think I should wait for my order to arrive before I get back to school. I don't think the other humans I am living with will be happy about this. but that's fine. tell them or just stay in my room.

''Kuroko!'' Midorima said loudly to get contact outside of Kuroko's door. the door opened they all met with a Kuroko with cuts from last nights running and jumping from trees, white skin that looked almost deadly, while he was try smiling which looked more like a monster deciding who he would love to kill first, the look of Kuroko made the three of them scream.

Kise was the first to calm, breathing heavy in and out.

''We need to get to school'' Kise said with an uneasy smile.

''As much I appreciate how hard all of you, tries. I am staying home until school gets back to normal'' I said sarcastic and went back to my room

''OH Hell no! you are already as unsocial as it gets! you are going to school.'' Aomine said stopping Kuroko. Kuroko turned around glaring at them.

''you have to wait until I get my suit'' I said with a warning.

''What!'' Aomine and Kise said in unison.

''I need to keep my identity secret like all the other bad guys, I won't see any of you before I got it. see you in 3 weeks'' Kuroko says as a matter of fact. there is no other way! I have to protect myself!

''You can't run away from this! and no one knows your identity as it is.'' Aomine said almost annoyed

''yes and how can you even see with those bangs'' with that the door to Kuroko's room was locked.

''Kuroko! we will protect you from anyone that tries to harm you'' Midorima said honestly to Kuroko... outside the looked door. Aomine's phone started ringing just as that happened.

Aomine Pov

''what'' Aomine asked almost annoyed. there is silence on the other line... this either Akashi or Satsuki and I can feel this is far from good.

''Dai-chan that is no way to talk to me!'' oh shit... Satsuki... and she is mad... I don't know who I would prefer to die by at the moment.

''what do you want Satsuki?'' I asked bored... I need to pretend things are fine or she...

''Why is Tetsu-kun kissing a skull?''

oh shit...

''Dai-chan I am putting everyone's rent up. and this is an order from my mother, so there is no need trying to change my mind either. good luck'' she hanged up after that.

oh fuck... this is the end...

''where is the demon of darkness! WE NEED THE 1 000 000 NOW'' Aomine screamed in panic, scaring both Midorima and Kise in the progress

''what happen Aomine?!'' Midorima asked in shock by the sight of Aomine... he knew something really bad happens with that phone call.

Aomine broke the lock and opened Kuroko's door.. this was the first time Kuroko screamed.

''Kuroko show your face now!'' Aomine

''No'' Kuroko said simply while keep going towards the window

''WHY!'' at the moment Aomine was beyond desperate to get Kuroko to do this at any cost.

''I haven't even seen my own face in two years! there is no way I am showing it now!'' Kuroko said darkly. making Midorima and Kise shiver almost by the silence.

''The rent went up we need your face to cover up the rent and food,'' Aomine says desperately

''not my problem! my face isn't worth it!'' Kuroko says glaring at Aomine, while turning his back to Aomine, looking out the window. but Aomine's foot steps made him turn around again.

''How bad can it be?! show me!'' Aomine trapped Kuroko in a corner. Kuroko had almost gone to the point where he was scared.

''NO!'' Kuroko said loudly and annoyed. Midorima wanted to go in and stop it but. books and dolls were thrown in every direction. so he had to hope things would be ok. even if he knew this wouldn't end well.

''Midorimacchi why does it look like Aominecchi is trying to get laid with Kurokocchi?'' Kise asked

''our rent went up and Aomine handles it this way.. by the way, when did you start calling him that?'' this time it was midorima who was curious. Kise nodded

''oh you didn't know he is the one making all the food for us. I always watch him when he is in the kitchen making things.'' Kise says with a smile.

''What! that is him?! all that! it's only been a week! how does he do it? and why are you watching him?'' Midorima asked

''he looks cute when he makes food always a small smile on his face'' Kise says with a grin, while Midorima has a hard time believing him.

''SHOW IT NOW!'' Kuroko manages to get away from Aomine while picking up his sword

''Kurokocchhiii! don't!'' Kise screamed. Aomine grabbed Kuroko's wrists and then he tripled over the new box with voodoo dolls and in the process he took Kuroko down with him. Kuroko let, go of the sword

''AH! No! Stop it!'' it's gone to the point where Kuroko started to get scared over this.

''show me!''

''darkness. I need pow..Get of! AH!''

'' I have to see all of you!''

''this is starting to turn exotic...'' Kise said almost laughing at the sight of Aomine on top of Kuroko. while Kuroko tries to fight for his life. things stopped being thrown around.

''I think we should stop them'' Midorima said walking already halfway in the room and that was when Kuroko kicked Aomine on the other side of the room, grabbed the sword waved it enough times so no one got close while opening the window and escape. but he lost the sword while escaping. so the sword was still on his floor. but Kuroko didn't care he needed to get away.

''good job stupid!'' was Midorima's only response to aomine who had passed out in the process, before he went to his own room. leaving Kise to get Aomine out the room.

one thing was for sure there would be no school for any of them today.

6 hours later Akashi POV

'ding dong' who is at the door at this time. I slowly opened up the door.

''Tetsuya...'' he looks like a mess ripped up shirt, dirty pants... messy hair.. but he is still so cute.. what a nice view. but who did this? wait there are many people from our school around the streets. so he had to escape them too.. but who made him walk out from the house in the first place...

''red-kun... please save me... I can live in a dungeon if you have... I need to be hidden away... '' that would be nice. hidden and mine. but I rather have you willingly in my bed.

''first of you need to take a bath... I will bring clothes. after that, you will tell me what happened..'' I said as an order, Kuroko nodded and agreed.

''Thank you Akashi-kun'' was the last thing he heard before Kuroko locked the door to the bathroom. 'Akashi-kun' did he just call me my name?... heh. as cute as always. I will make some calls now... no, I need to find him clothes. still, I should try calling those three.

40 min later

Daiki isn't picking up.. this means it's most likely his fault.

''Ryouta tell me why Daiki won't answer his phone and why Tetsuya has come all the way to my mansion now'' there was silence on the other side for a few second...

''HE HAS WHAT!... well Aominecchii, tried to make Kurokocchii show his face... after our rent went up and the result was Kurokocchii kicking Aominecchii across the room, taking a sword and make sure no one would go after him, before he dropped it while jumping out of the window... and Aominecchii won't be playing basket for a while, he broke his left arm when he hit the wall...''

I don't know if I should be proud or angry at the moment. after only knowing Tetsuya a week this is what I now expect from him... he is after all the only person I can't read the moves to and that makes things even more fun!

''Ryouta the three of you will have double training, but Daiki will also sleep outside alone in a tent for two weeks. and if any of you scare him this much again. I will make sure you never see the sun again'' Akashi said darkly

''yyyyyyeesss.. sir... I mean... Akashicchii...'' Kise responded shakily...

''good.'' Akashi hanged up after that. now where is...

''Akashi-kun... thank you...'' it's almost weird hearing him being this thankful.

''Tetsuya how long have you been there?'' I asked. the wet blue hair.. seeing him in my clothes. it's like I claimed him mine. I want him so badly.

''the bath was over, 5 minutes ago. but thank you Akashi-kun I hope you get to move in, to'' Kuroko said simply. what! let me guess Satsuki. but I should ask, I need to hear more of that lovely voice.

''what how do you know about that?''

''Momoi-san is my cousin. she tells me everything. where is the dungeon'' I have never met anyone that made me this amused

''Tetsuya I have guest rooms. you won't be sleeping in a dungeon'' the smile was too much for Kuroko.. so the only reaction was for once without any blood. to pass out on top of Akashi.

''heh. so cute'' Akashi smiled warmly

outside of Akashi mansion

the silence lasted too long... before one girl cut it

''did he just confessed to our hot king of the school!'' the girl said in shock, trying hard to figure out what has just happened.

''he even got a smile from him!'' another girl said close to crying.

''Kuroko Tetsuya! you are so dead tomorrow''

one thing was for sure the girl's hatred for Kuroko has grown deeper every day.

Another place

''Aominecchii... Kurokocchii is with Akashicchi'' Kise said with a sigh.

''What! this is all my fault.. if I haven't freaked out...'' Aomine says. even if Aomine's arm hurts like hell, he knew he had only himself to blame.

''for this once I can agree with you idiot... but we have to let him be with Akashi today and we pick him up tomorrow and you will be home and apologize'' Midorima said annoyed over the whole situation

''by the way, Aominecchii have to sleep in a tent for two weeks. it's Akashicchii order.''Kise says completely tired.

''Damn... well fine'' Aomine went to get the tent, while Kise went after him to help. this will be two long weeks.

end of chapter 5

sorry for the reallyREALLY long wait!

as always inspired by Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge/Perfect Girl Evolution^^

thank you all so much for reading this story!^^


I really didn't plan to make you wait so long as you guys have with any of the stories I have here... but a lot of things has happened...

1. my teacher called me and told me there weren't enough people on the study I planned taking. so they took it down... I have to wait till next year... so I freaked a bit out! xD so now I am taking up math... I feel already sorry for the poor souls that will teach me this...

2. I met this really cool person at NärCon at first it was only that I liked her a bit and felt like something was there, but I didn't think of it at all. but we both have a bit of a long distance (I know Sweden and Norway don't sound long, but you can't say that about 5/6 hours with train and it's expensive for a poor student like me.. but I know there are people having it worse than me...) anyway the more I talked with her the more I started having this huge crush on her...-.- I will meet her again in October! :D so yeah so I have been a BIT distract by this... xD this is not normal for me.

3. my best friend taking me to Danmark so we could celebrate our 5-year anniversary... x3 but anyway

I am really sorry for the wait I know I promised you guys giving chapters more often...

but again sorry and I will try harder to post more often... :)

thank you all so much for reading this story^^