The pain was too much, He was on the verge of passing out. Harry had tripped on some rubble in what was once the schools Great Hall and in that moment Voldemort had caught him with the Cruciatus Curse. Harry knew that the second he blacked out would be when Voldemort killed him and took over the Wizarding World. Just as his will power failed and his vision blurred the pain seemed to lessen, yet there was a new voice added to Harry's screams of pain. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Luna grabbing his left hand and wrapping his arm around her neck, she then put her own arm around Harry's waist to support him, this seemed to weaken the curse but still caused both of them major pain as well.
Luna watched Harry flailing on the ground and could not allow her friend to be tortured and killed by Voldemort without trying to do something, and with that thought Luna wrenched her arm out of a teachers grasp and ran to Harry. As she hugged and supported Harry she could feel the tremendous pain of the Curse entering her body as well.
Harry's vision cleared slightly and he could make out Luna screaming next to him, before he could try and think of something to do the pain lessened again as Hermione emulated Luna and had grabbed his right arm and was supporting him as well. As his pain level dropped a third time he felt hands on his shoulders and Neville's voice telling him that he was not alone and that they were all here to help him as he had helped them. As more people joined what could only be called a group hug, the air in front of Harry started to shimmer and turn a golden color.
Voldemort could not explain what was happening, he had killed Potter yet here he was obviously still alive. On top of that he had fought Voldemort to a virtual standstill and if it hadn't been for the rubble may have eventually won. Now the same people that should be fleeing in horror as their hero dies once again were actually running towards them and somehow adding their strength to the boy. He couldn't even tell his people to attack as he was using their magic to increase his even though that no longer seemed to be helping him as he watched a golden wall begin to appear and deflect most, if not all, of his magic.
Harry felt the pain of the Curse dissipate and as he was finally able to get his feet under himself once more he looked around at what was happening. To his left was Luna, Susan Bones and Prof. McGonagall and to his right was Hermione, Prof. Flitwick and Haggrid. Behind him stood Neville and flanking him stood Bill Weasley and Fred Weasley with what was left of the Weasley clan gathered in behind them. If Harry could have seen it from above it would have caused him to weep with happiness, the entire student body as well as staff, villagers and anyone else who had showed up to help defend Hogwarts was crowded behind Harry adding their magic to his. The most astounding thing he would have seen, but could hear, was Fawkes appearing above his head, for the very last time, and singing a song so pure it purged any dark thoughts from their minds.