Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf

Can't Take My Eyes off You

Chapter Thirteen

Lydia stands proudly beside Kira as her maid of honor with tears in her eyes, fingers tightly clutching her bouquet of dark pink peony blossoms, as she watches her best friends get married. Her smile is uncontrollably wide, reflecting how ecstatic she is to be a witness to their happiness.

For so long they had thought that nothing good would ever happen to them living in Beacon Hills. But even with death and danger always lurking around the corner, they'd realized that they still needed to live their lives. They were supernatural, but they were human too.

As Scott and Kira say their vows, she sneaks a glance at the other side of the aisle. Almost immediately, a blush heats her face and she shyly meets Stiles' gaze with a small smile. A wide grin spreads across his face that makes his whiskey colored eyes shine in the late morning sun as he returns her gaze.

Everything around them fades away and all she can see is just how handsome he is. The way his tux reminds her of just how broad his shoulders are. The blinding smile on his face that she's been able to see every morning and every night that lets her know just how happy he is. But it's the look in his eyes that really draws her attention. They're shining with the only thing she can describe as love and it's directed at her.

It just takes her breath away.

Suddenly the room explodes with applause and Lydia turns in time to hear the officiant name Scott and Kira husband and wife and whatever tears she was holding back flow freely as she joins in with the clapping when they kiss.

Then the wedding party is moving back down the aisle and all she can think of is how warm Stiles' body is and how firm his grip is around her hand as they follow the bride and groom.

But they're separated soon after for the reception dinner with the happy couple sat between them. Then the time comes for them to make their speeches and Stiles' is both heartfelt and hilarious while hers is sweet and somehow longer than it was supposed to be, but no one seems to mind. Dinner runs smoothly just as they'd planned and soon it's time for the bride and groom's first dance. Scott and Kira move somewhat awkwardly through the formal steps they learned, but that's easily overshadowed by the love shining brilliantly in their eyes as they dance. And as Lydia watches them her heart aches for that to be her and Stiles out there.

"Lydia?" She looks over her shoulder and almost as if he read her mind there he is. "Want to dance?" he asks.

Lydia nods and he sweeps her into his arms. They dance to every song that plays no matter what it is, his grip on her firm and comforting, and she can't imagine being anywhere else right now.

A slow, love song suddenly begins to filter out of the speakers and Lydia moves closer to him so that she can rest her cheek against his shoulder. What they're doing now is more swaying in place compared to earlier when the catchy pop song had been playing but she doesn't mind. But as they continue to dance, a certain peace washes over her and she sighs happily as Stiles begins to softly sing along.

And before she knows it, the three words she'd struggled so hard to say come tumbling out of her mouth.

"I love you," she whispers softly against his neck.

Stiles stops singing and the arm around her waist tightens. "I know," he whispers back.

A jolt of surprise runs up her spine at his words and she leans back just enough to look him in the face. His eyes are filled with nothing but warmth and sincerity. "You know?" she repeats.

He nods and hums lightly. "Mhm. I've known for a while now," he tells her as they continue to sway side to side. "Longer than you have, I think."

"How could you tell?" she asks. For so long she thought he didn't know. He'd never once shown any signs over the past several months of them living together so this is a surprise.

"Your eyes," he tells her easily. "You get this amazing look in those big green eyes of yours." Stiles grins and playfully taps her on the nose. "You have a pretty good poker face but those eyes of yours have never hidden anything from me, Lydia."

They've stopped dancing now and his playful express has turned serious now as he holds her hands tightly in his own. The slight tremble of his fingers is the only indication that he's just as nervous as she is. "But now that you've finally told me, what are you going to do?" he asks, amber eyes intently staring into her green ones.

Heart pounding in chest, Lydia threads her fingers through his and leans up to capture his mouth with hers. At first he doesn't respond, completely frozen against her, before he starts kissing her back. Their kiss is desperate and sweet and full of promises for the future and it's the kiss that Lydia didn't know she'd been waiting forever for. When they pull apart, they're both slightly out of breath and Lydia pulls her hands from his so she can carefully hold his face. His eyes widen ever so slightly as she presses her lips to his again for a brief kiss and she smiles softly. "I love you, Stiles," she tells him. "And I want to be with you for the rest of my life until we're both old and gray. I want us to get married and to raise our children together. I want us to be happy together. I was so afraid that if I told you that I love you that it would ruin our relationship and I'd lose my best friend. But I know deep in my heart that's not true. The only way it would ruin our relationship was if I never told you."

There's wonderment and elation and love in Stiles' eyes as he watched her say all of this. And when she finishes, he raises a hand to hold hers against his cheek as he turns to press a sweet kiss against her palm. "Say it again," he murmurs softly.

"I love you," she whispers.

And then suddenly their positions have been switched and Lydia is completely wrapped in Stiles' warm embrace. A breathy gasp escapes her once she realizes how close they are and she clutches at the lapels of his tuxedo jacket to ground herself as she is caught in his intense whiskey eyes.

"I love you too, Lydia," he whispers back before capturing her lips in a ravishing kiss that makes her forget everything around them except for him.