I am so very sorry! It has been forever, but I just been so busy! Again I am very sorry, hope you enjoy

Chapter 13

Gibbon was frustrated, himself along with Alecto and Amycus Carrow have been waiting for Snape, who claimed it was under Voldemort's orders. Didn't think they would wait nearly an hour for Snape to tell them the rest of the plan.

"Let's just go, clearly Snape lied to us about this mission" Gibbon growled.

"But what if he isn't lying? The Dark Lord will be very upset if we didn't do as we were asked. We will be lucky if he doesn't kill us. So let's just stay, just in case." Alecto reasoned while Amycus nodded in agreement

"Fine" hissed Gibbon. "We will stay, but I won't stay here all night."

Soon, they all three heard a noise and out came Snape. "Sorry, the Dark Lord was discussing the mission, sadly it has been canceled, under some interesting circumstances." Snape said with this weird smirk.

"What do you mean, interesting circumstances?" Asked Amycus who was just as suspicious as the other two.

Snape just smirked again "Even if you get back to the Dark Lord, he trusts me almost completely, just a warning" than Snape quickly disappeared into the darkness.

For a split second, the three of them sat confused, and then out came the Order. Trailing in front was Hermione and Peter, she insisted to be first in the action. Also in the front was Peter's siblings, as well as, Harry, Ron and the elder people of the Order. Including Dumbledore and Moody.

All the order pointed their wands and casted Stupefy but quicklyGibbon was able to invade the spell and was about to get away. Fortunately Susan had caught this move and shot an arrow in his back. This didn't kill but it hurt him a whole crap ton.

The Order took the three of them to 12 Grimmauld Place. But what no one knew is that someone was lurking in the shadows…

12 Grimmauld Place

The three Death Eaters been there for day, scowls on their face and wands broken. There hands were tied and mouths gag, so they couldn't do wandless or nonverbal spells. They were put in separate rooms and were isolated from everyone.

Students and Professors went back to Hogwarts and the only memebers the Order still there were, Sirius, Remus, Tonks and Moody.

Now Moody was getting frustrated, he wanted to integrate the prisoners now. He expressed his anger to the others "Now why in the world do we have to wait so long?" He growled while banging his hand on a table.

"Dumbledore wanted us to wait for the weekend. Hermione insisted to be apart of the integration but won't miss any classes." Sirius explainedexplained, trying to calm down Moody.

"That's Hermione for you." Remus said and gave a short laugh while the other nodded in agreement.

Moody growled again "We are wasting time." He pointed to the three separate rooms where the three Death Eaters were held "We should be questioning them right now! It just gives them more time to think!"

Tonks gave a stern look (which really didn't do much) but then after she gave a little smirk "Well if we can't question them, let's have so fun. I know a few good spells."

They all looked at one another and all gave the same smile, even Moody. Well it was more of a frustrated smile.

Gryffindor Common Room

"Uggh I can't take it! Those monsters are waiting all pretty while I am trying to figure out what to do with them! And I barely am finishing the homework we got today!" Hermione almost screamed out.

Peter tried holding back a laugh., but couldn't. When he did, Hermione shot him one of her best death glares. This made him laugh louder and Hermione gave a little pout.

Peter calmed himself down and pulled her into his arms. He gave her and kiss on the forehead and sighed.

"Baby I am sorry" he gave her a kiss on her cheek this time and gave some puppy dog eyes "You can forgive me right?"

Hermione gave a little smile but turned her head "I don't know, maybe."

Peter sighed again and held her hand. Then he pulled her on his lap "Look I know your stressed, but that homework isn't due to the end of the week. And I can help with your little plan."

She stayed silent but with another small smile. Peter than pick her up and laid her on the couch. "Is that the best smile you can give?" He gave her a lopsided grin. And stuck his tonge out a little.

Hermione giggled a little "Your such a child Peter."

"Yeah babe, but I am your child. Your stuck with me." He gave her a kiss on the nose.

"I am not sure about that." She giggled just a little more and with a fake glare from him, she stopped. Or tried to.

"Is that how you wanna play?" He then started tickling her till she had a fit of laughs. Then they both stopped for a breathe, he went down and gave her a sweet kiss.

"I love you Hermione." He whispered.

Hermione laughed "What was that?"

Peter kissed her all over her face "I said I love you."

Hermione laughed again, sweeter. She quickly jumped up and ran up the stairs, "Couldn't hear you, baby. Wanna come and tell me again?"

Peter grinned and followed Hermione "Oh your so going to get it."

Again I am so very sorry! Anyways who do you think is the mysterious person who was watching the Order? And don't you just love the Hermione and Peter scene? I will try to update sooner!