Moon Bathing
Rick woke up from a restless sleep and stared up at the ceiling. His mind buzzed with images from the day before. The wall coming down, Deanna's death, and her last words plagued his mind. She told him that they were all his people now. Moments before the wall came down, he had a conversation with Michonne on their porch. He told her about a plan to draw the herd away. She was not pleased when his plans did not include any of the Alexandrians. That was when she told him that we were all in this together. Now that the wall has been patched and the herd is gone, he realized that one way or the other, he had to start to think of everyone as his own. Because, he was now their leader.
He sat up in his bed and looked at his two children sleeping. With all that had happened earlier, he was grateful to have them both. He looked to his right and saw his son Carl sleeping soundly with an opened comic book on his stomach. It pleased him to see him reading again and he had Michonne to thank for that. She was the one who rekindled that interest in Carl when she brought him comics and Western novels from her trips while searching for the Governor. Since then, she has always found reading material for him whenever she went on supply runs. Not far from the foot of his bed was Judith's crib. In it she slept. He got up and walked over to her and looked down at her little face. Maggie was right. She was beginning to look like her mother, Lori. Next to her was a little stuffed lamb named Lamb Chops by Carl. Another one of Michonne's finds on one of their many excursions in search for food. He picked up the toy and looked at it and smiled marvelled by its softness. Then he placed it back gently next to Judith.
Leaving the room, he thought of helping himself to beer in the kitchen. On his way he noticed Michonne's bedroom door was wide open but didn't think anything of it. Like him, she always slept fully clothed and kept her door wide open in case they had to make a run for it. Both never let their guard down. Even after arriving to Alexandria, it took them a while to get out of the habit of keeping watch. It was just in the last few weeks they started to find their old sleeping routines again. He passed the third bedroom and could see Morgan asleep in his bed, snoring away. His trusty staff leaned up in the corner next to the night table. Down the stairs he went and just as he was about to enter the kitchen, he noticed the front door was open. From where he stood, he could see Michonne standing outside on the porch. She had the comforter completely wrapped around her shoulders covering her petite body that even her feet could not be seen as the ends draped on the ground. She looked as though she was wearing either a large kimono or a small tee-pee. It was a cool night so he thought nothing of her strange attire. He went outside and stood next to her. She wasn't startled one bit by his sudden appearance. Some how she sensed him approach. They both seemed to always know when each other was close by.
She turned her head, looked at him, smiled and said,
"Couldn't sleep either I see."
"After all that happened today, I thought I'd be asleep by now. I don't remember clearing that many walkers before. What kept me awake was thinking about what Deanna told me earlier, before she died.", Rick said.
He leaned forward and rested his arms on the rails. Relaxed, he looked out at the tall grass and low trees in the empty lot across the street in front of the house. The moon was out and it shone brightly. Under its influence, everything it touched took on a mysterious appearance.
"She asked me to look out for Spencer as though he were one of my own. She told me that everyone is now my people.", Rick added still staring ahead.
Michonne turned completely around and faced him. She looked at him and he too turned and looked at her. She didn't say anything as she knew he still had more to say. She looked into his eyes that were now sincere.
"You were right. She was right. We're all in this together.", he said giving a slight nod.
She responded with a smile and nodded back. She was glad he finally got the picture. That he understood that there was no longer 'them' and 'us'. That it was now 'us'. Still smiling, she turned back around and held her head forward once again. The low bearing moon hung just above the tops of the trees in the distant past the protective walls. She closed her eyes for a second or two and sighed. Then she spoke.
"When I saw the moon light coming in through my window tonight, I had to come out here and look at it. Haven't you seen anything more spectacular?", Michonne said.
"Yes I have. As a matter of fact.", Rick said inwardly looking at her thinking how beautiful and spectacular she looked in the moonlight. Instead, he said, while not taking his eyes off her,
"It is a beautiful night."
Feeling his eyes on her, she blushed and continued to say, "Especially on a night like this when the sky is this clear and there are no clouds in the sky, I thought that this is a good time to go moon bathing.", Michonne said and sighed at the remarkable sight before her.
"Moon bathing? I've heard of moon gazing and star gazing and sun bathing. But, moon bathing?", Rick said giving a chuckle.
He slowly shifted on his feet and returned to a more relaxed stance. He leaned forward on the rails again and looked up at the moon. He thought how brilliant it looked. In its light, everything took on a black and white appearance. The scene before them was like out of an old classic film, only better. He turned and looked at Michonne. The silvery rays caught her rich smooth skin. She seemed to have become illuminated in it. Her oval shaped face, pretty, was set aglow. He noticed that she always had a way of saying interesting things that made you think and forget about the horrors of the world around you.
"My high school friend, Nicky, claimed the full moon brought her good luck. She always related her firsts to the moon. First date, first kiss, first dance.", Michonne said.
"You two kept in touch since?", Rick asked.
"Yes. We did. After college, she moved to Denver for a teaching position at the university while, I stayed in Atlanta. We kept in touch right up until the world changed. It was a day before it all happened I emailed her pictures of ...", Michonne began to say and faltered a bit.
"Anyway, the moon reminded me of her.", Michonne quickly ended.
Rick detected a sudden sadness in her voice and said, "Whenever you feel ready to talk, I am here for you.".
She looked at him and quietly nodded. She was glad he didn't press. That was the way it was with him. He never pressed.
For a minute they stood side by side gazing up at the moon before Rick asked her about Deanna's plans. He wanted to keep her talking and her mind off whatever made her sad just now.
"Did you take a look at Deanna's plans?", he asked.
"Yes. She wanted to expand beyond the south wall to allow for the planting of crops. Corn, wheat and oats, fruits and vegetables. Some livestock and..", Michonne's words were cut short by Rick planting a solid yet gentle kiss on her lips.
At first she was startled by it for it was unexpected, but quickly relaxed and calmly closed her eyes. She wanted this. For the longest while she waited on him to make that move. She wanted him to make up his mind on his own and be certain of this, of them. Now, as they shared their first kiss, she was certain he was ready. He slowly closed his eyes enjoying her mouth and her perfumed skin. To her, his lips were amazingly soft and fruity. She parted her mouth just enough to give him the entrance he needed. His tongue delved into her sweetness as he tasted and sucked upon her full soft lips. He gently held her face in both his hands and kissed her more. Her cheeks felt soft and cool in his warm calloused hands. He stroked them with the pads of his thumbs. All the while, as they kissed, time seemingly stood still. She moaned softly in his mouth tasting him, delighted in his warm sweet desire.
He moved in closer to her, closing the gap between them. She opened up her arms and wrapped the comforter around them. He moved his hands from her face and down to her body only to find much to his surprise that she was not wearing any clothes at all. His hands coming in contact with her warm soft skin. His eyes shot open and he stopped kissing altogether. She opened her eyes too and smiled back at him, seductively when she felt his hands cupping her bare buttocks. He smiled devilishly then drew her in close, coiling his muscular arms about her, holding her snuggly, he kissed her more deeply than before. His hands roamed and found her bosoms. Full and round, they felt delicious in his hands. He gently squeezed them eliciting low sweet sounds from her. He paused from kissing and looked into her eyes. She gave him a knowing look that seemed to say, "I am ready, are you?" He nodded yes. He bent down and in one smooth move, he swept her clear off her feet and carried her inside, pausing to lock the door behind them as they went. He took her upstairs and straight to her bedroom. There, behind closed doors, they made sweet quiet love.
Several orgasms later, they snuggled while catching their breaths. There on the king sized bed, they held each other. They could hear Morgan snoring down the hall and they chuckled to themselves.
Michonne's head rested on Rick's shoulder while he lightly ran his fingers up and down her arm. She held his left hand and intertwined her fingers with his and took it and held it up to her lips. Placing a tender kiss on it, she noticed his wedding band was gone.
"Your ring.", Michonne remarked by its absense and she looked up at him.
"I took it off. It was time to let go.", Rick replied.
"I love you.", Michonne declared. She was not hesitant in any way to say this.
"I love you, Michonne. Very much.", Rick replied. He said this all the while looking directly into her eyes. He gently stroked her cheek with back of his hand before he tilted her face up to his and kissed her. After they kissed, Rick asked,
"Not that I am complaining, but as my luck turned out, you were naked under that comforter tonight. How come?"
"Normally I don't do this, but, after I had a bath I was too tired to dress and just crawled under the covers before I fell asleep. Then, I woke up and still didn't bother to dress and came downstairs. Then you came along.", Michonne replied.
"So, was this your first kiss under the moonlight?", Rick asked.
"It was. It would make the first on my list of firsts under the moonlight.", Michonne said.
"You know, there are other things I could so to help you to top your friend's list.", Rick said.
"Oh? What things?", Michonne said arching her eyebrow what he meant.
"Grab the comforter and come with me.", Rick instructed and hopped out of the bed. Rick threw on his boxers and draped the comforter on Michonne's shoulders and lead her downstairs and out the front door. On the porch, Michonne asked, "Now what?"
He led her to the very spot he found her standing earlier on. He told her to stand as he found her before. While she stood behind the rails, he went under the comforter and positioned himself between her legs and gave her the most an unforgetable oral sex she's ever had. He licked and sucked her folds and played with her nipples at the same time. She mewed softly enjoying the sensations building up in her body.
"Oh Rick. Hmm. Oh.", Michonne softly mewed. She licked her lips delighted in his naughty mouth. He picked up her leg and rested it on his shoulder which gave him a better angle as he went about performing cunniligus on her. She responded favorably, thrusting and gyrating her pelvis on his tongue and lips. Her juices flowed and he lapped every drop. He moaned as he tasted her and hearing his sounds turned her on even more. She threw her head back and smiled up at the moon. She was close to baying at the moon like a wild animal. His fingers worked tirelessly on her nipples. Rolling and tugging them while he licked and lapped away. He knew she was near. He could feel the urgency building up in her. He squeezed her breasts and pinched and milked her nipples with his needy fingers. Heart racing, blood pounding in her ears, she drew her leg tighter around his head. She wiggled her vagina on his mouth for she was seconds away from having a gargantuan orgasm.
"Michonne. Have you seen Rick?", Morgan asked standing at the door.
"Wha-what?", Michonne responded breathlessly. Feeling disappointed and interrupted, she felt robbed of the orgasm of her life. Now, Morgan was pissing her off.
"Rick. I didn't see him in his room. Have you seen him?", Morgan insisted.
Meanwhile, Rick paused and kept still. He didn't want to blow their cover. He wondered why the Sam hill Morgan was asking for him at this ungodly hour.
"No.", Michonne replied in sounding pissed off in the worst way.
"Ok.", Morgan replied. He seemed to be satisfied with the reply and turned on his heels and went back inside.
"Is he gone?", Rick whispered from between Michonne's legs.
"I think so.", Michonne whispered back.
"Maybe we'd better go back inside in case he returns.", Rick suggested.
"No! You are finishing this!", Michonne demanded.
Rick had no problem whatsoever in starting from scratch again and the second go was even better than the first. Michonne had her cluster orgasms and Rick got more acquainted with her body. Still, he wasn't satified. He wanted more. Before she was through getting over her orgasms, he picked her up and carried her across the road and found a thick bush under a tree. There they had wild moonlight sex. When they were through, they snuck back inside and slept in each other's arms.