as promised: CAVIVA WEDDING! And like I said, feel free to PM suggestions (or REVIEW with suggestions!) and I'll credit if I use!

R&R as always? :3

I look around for my book. I had just gotten to the good part! Primrose Everdeen had been reaped. And I had just started it last night! I check my room- not there. Finally, I see it and grab it, then sit down on the circular table and begin to read. Now where am I...


I look up from my book to see Chris Kratt, my adoptive dad. He motions for me to come over, and we dash into my room. Then he locks the door.

"Yes?" I raise an eyebrow. "I was in the middle of The Hunger Games!"

"I got the ring," he whispers, leading me away from the door. "And we're headed to New Guinea now. Aviva loves the Lawes' parotia, and her favorite thing in nature is their courtship dances. Could you try and get the birds to dance for her? Maybe even hold up a banner?"

"Why me?" I shrug. "Sure, 'Queen of the Wild' and stuff, but it isn't real. It's a nickname for myself. Even if it did work..."

"You told me that your mom, Alessandra was trustworthy, and she called you the true Queen of the Wild," Chris explained. "Can you try?"

Queen of the Wild is my nickname. After living in the wild for two years, I came to understand the animals. The birds taught me songs (and I maybe taught them Let It Go) and it apparently works everywhere. My 'power' worked on the African savanna, even though I'd never been there before.

"I'll try. I want you guys to be happy."

"Thank you!"

Chris picks me up in a hug, and I just smile. Aviva, my adoptive mom, totally deserves a guy like him. I love the entire crew. It's amazing on the Wild Kratts team. I get to be with animals! It's one of the most amazing things to be.

"What does the bird look like?" I ask Chris.

"One minute..." Chris taps buttons on his Creature Pod, and I get to see the bird. It's a picture of a black bird with some color on its chest. I think it's a pretty bird, and I can see why it's called a "bird of paradise." They're really beautiful birds.

"They're pretty!" I exclaim.

"Shh," Chris whispers. "Aviva."

"Oh, right!" I roll my eyes. "I can't wait to get there! So when are you going to make the banner?"

"How about now?" Chris suggests, pulling a long sheet of paper out of his pocket. Then he points at a bunch of Sharpies.

We make a banner together, and it spells out Turn around. It's all in shades of purple- Aviva's favorite color- with drawings of different birds of paradise. Chris is actually a really good artist. I know Aviva will love it! Because she loves Chris! And they are meant to be!

"Hey, you got some on me!" I exclaim, pointing at a bright blue streak on my arm.

"I'm not done yet there either!" Chris grabs my arm and draws a blue and black bird on my arm. "It's a blue bird-of-paradise."

The bird is black with bright blue wings. It has a blue-white colored bill, dark grey eyes with a white circle around them and grey legs. There are also long tail feathers, and I guess it's a male bird. I know male birds are usually more attractive in color to attract the duller-colored females who protect the eggs.

I wait until the Tortuga lands in New Guinea, and Chris and I have walked out of my room by then. It's actually pretty soon after we finished, maybe fifteen minutes or so. I'm brushing my hair, and then braid it in a side braid. It's the type of side braid that starts on the side of your head, and braided all the way down. The dark brown hair covers my right ear, and I feel like letting it go.

"Chris! Do you still have your Lawes' parotia disc?"

"Of course! Right here." Chris holds up the disc. It's dark red, pink-ish, with a bird on it. "Why?"

"Maybe Leilani can try it out." Aviva smirks. "She can borrow my suit... if I can find it. Martin might have accidentally moved it."

"I'm taking her on a climb when we get there." Chris elbows me, smiling. We are? Oh, wait, right.

"Yeah!" I agree. "If he can keep up with me."

"Hey, he's been climbing longer then you've been alive." Martin enters the room, smirking. He's probably right. I'm only 14, and Chris is what, 24? That's believable. He'd be ten... but did kids really start climbing at that age? Eh, whatever.

And does Martin even know what we're really going to do? Probably. I trusted Marcy with all my secrets. Family's forever.

"Well, here." Aviva tosses us climbing gear. "We're here."

"Race you!" I exclaim. "Both of you!"

"You're on!" Martin replies.

"I'm in!" Chris adds.

"Ready... set... go!"

And we all run so fast we smack into the door. The entire crew laughs, and finally the Kratt brothers and I laugh too. Everyone makes mistakes, but this was just an epic fail. I love being (well, soon to be) Kratt.

"This is how you walk out a door." Martin stands up, smirks and runs into the wall.

"Sure, bro." Chris stands up, then helps me up. "We'll be going now."

Aviva laughs. "Leilani, don't let them kill themselves."

"I'll try!" I roll my eyes.

And all three of us walk out the door the right way.

Blue birds-of-paradise are actually a real species of birds of paradise :3 I looked them up. Did anyone find the Frozen reference?