A/N: Soooo yeah, hi! Velvette here. So I reeeealllly should be working on my other fic, Alive, and trust me, I will, buuuuuut… I found a story I had written a loooong time ago. An original one at that, but I got to thinking… How awesome would it be to dust it off, revamp it, and put in some Akuroku goodness?! Uhm, yes please lol. I don't even remember where I was going with this story, but hey, trial and error, right? So, this first part is just the prologue and I promise it will make sense… eventually. I'm dedicating this story to my friend, Simply Rexene , just because she's awesome. Like chicken. And hot sauce. And buffalo wings. I'm sorry, I shouldn't compare people's awesomeness to food. I'm just hungry lol so yeah, here's Demagogue Delinquent.

Disclaimer: If I owned Kingdom Hearts, it would be rated X, for X-treme yaoi goodness. But alas, I don't so I have to make do with my imagination.


Past – A Village Somewhere In Egypt


"No, please… No!"

"Have mercy on us, please!"

The village was ablaze within seconds. All hope was lost in the ever-burning flames. All lives obliterated into nothing.

Only one boy was alive.

Everyone else had lost their lives in the inferno.

Except him, Roxas Tarani.

"Sora? Mom? Dad?" he whispered. Where on earth could they be? They had to be around here somewhere.

Silently making his way through the ruins of the village, Roxas looked all around him. His village, his home… ruined beyond repair.

Tears began to prick at his eyes. "What has happened to my family?" he whimpered.

He should've never let them go to the market. He knew something bad would happen. It was foretold on his sixteenth birthday. Today. June 6th.

A sudden rustle in the overgrown weeds startled him. "Wh-Who's there?! Sh-Show yourself! N-Now!" he stuttered, trying to sound braver than he felt.

A young man emerged from the shadows, his vibrant crimson hair swaying gently in the gentle breeze that had appeared, quite literally, out of nowhere.

"May I help you, khered?" the man replied, his voice so alluring, melodic, and seductive it almost turned Roxas' knees to jelly.

The man's cat-like emerald green eyes glittered with wisdom beyond his years.

"Are th-those tattoos under your eyes?"

The man gave an irritated sigh. "Yes, but that's not important. Are you all right?"

Roxas felt more tears trickling down his face like a waterfall of despair. "I just want to find my family. C-Can you help me?"

The young man smiled morosely. "Nay, I cannot child. Your family has been killed. Everyone that has ever called this village "home" has been killed. Except—"

"Me," Roxas finished for him.

The young man nodded. "I know not why, but you have somehow been spared. The demon god that did this… Perhaps you've glimpsed his face, young one?"

Roxas shook his head. "No. I know not of what you speak of. Could you tell—"

The young man's emerald eyes widened in fright. "You do not have much time, khered.(1) You must flee this hell. You—"

"Where am I supposed to go?" Roxas cried out.

He hated this. Why him? Why now?!

The young man looked into Roxas' sparkling cerulean eyes. "Go to Cairo. In Egypt. You will be safe there. First, you must go to the Egyptian Palace. The biggest in all of Cairo. (2) Ask for Demyx, the stable hand. Tell him the Flurry of Flames sent you. Explain to him your situation. He will help you. I must take my leave, khered."

Roxas choked back his tears. "I—I need directions. I don't ever go outside the village."

"I will send someone to help you along the way. Be careful, Blessed Roxas of Greatness."

"W-Wait! Your name?"

The man turned back to face him. "Axel. Take caution, child of light."

Roxas watched as Axel disappeared into the shadows once again.

"Thank you," he whispered into the darkness.

(1) – khered: Egyptian term for young one. Yes, I googled it lol it'll be one of Axel's nicknames for Roxas.

(2) – There's more than one palace in Cairo. How do I know? Mehh I made it up lol

So I apologize if this is confusing. This is gonna be one of those past lives stories, you know, reincarnation and shit like that? So, I've got a majority of chapter 1 done but I have no idea how long it'll take. Please review. They're the bread to my butter and the honey to my bee. That sounded weird. Bah whatever. Till next update! ~Velvette