Hellow~ Okay, so this is kinda a new start. I wasn't sure whether to post this or not but the idea has been swimming in my head for a good year now so ... here I am!
I hope you enjoy reading this first chapter and I would be very happy about some reviews :333

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the idea.

Alec was walking down the empty corridors, making his way to his classroom for his first lesson. It was still early and he was one of the first students to come in.
Sometimes he liked to come in before everybody else because it made things a little easier and he had time to read a book in silence.
But this morning had been a little different.

He hadn't been able to sleep properly last night and instead of turning around every fifteen minutes, he decided he could also just use his time and got up.
By putting his alarm clock next to Jace's, he made sure his best friend wouldn't oversleep and miss the test. Normally, Alec was there himself to throw the blonde bundle out of his sheets, but today he just needed to get out and move his legs.

After going for a jog at an ungodly hour, with the sun barely up, he decided he could use his remaining time even better and take a look at his notes one last time.
He had barely been able to study the last few days, his mind too occupied, and he didn't want to screw up his grades.
Alec was a straight-A student and he didn't plan on loosing that, since he wanted to be out of here as soon and as far away as possible — and that meant he had to get into a decent college.

High school just wasn't his thing. He was too shy, too introvert and probably a little too smart to really connect and fill into high school society. His mother always said it would get better in college, so that was the only thing he could look forward too.
Because here in school he was just ‚the emo', always dressed in worn out, black clothes and he barely talked to anyone - besides his friends, of course.
Or he was ‚Jace's best friend', because it was obviously the only thing by which he could be remembered since Jace was a typical high-school sweetheart and he was simply … well, Alec.
To be honest, he didn't really care that much about it and so he didn't see the need to put any effort into this - especially, since he knew it wouldn't change anything.

Jace was different in this matter. He liked his reputation, his status. He liked being the golden boy of the school who everyone wanted to be friends with. He never said so and just waved it off but Alec knew he wouldn't like to give this up so easily.
And also Jace never understood why Alec didn't care about any of this stuff. He actually had tried to get Alec to be a little more outgoing and gather new friends and be a ‚cool kid'. But after weeks he had to admit that it was futile wanting to change Alec and he just accepted him the way he was - which Alec was quite thankful for.

And Isabelle was different in this matter as well. This was probably the thing that was the most curious to people, because Isabelle was his sister.
Isabelle was not as much a sweetheart as a kick-ass-woman.
She didn't like being told what to do or what to wear or how to behave or what to say. She did whatever she liked, whenever she liked.
Alec was a little jealous of Isabelle's self-esteem and sometimes he wished he could have just a tiny bit of it.
If someone offended her, she had no problem in kicking that someone's ass - literally.
Boys mostly loved or feared her - and often it was a mixing of both. But Isabelle chewed her boyfriends up and spit them out like chewing gum. And mostly she walked over them like it was chewing gum as well.
And adding up to that, she knew she was beautiful as hell. And she had no problem using that.

But he, he was Alec. Just Alec. No bad-ass-character, no sweetheart.
And he didn't really care as long as he had Jace and Isabelle by his side. They were the most important people to him and he was really glad to have them.

Alec was being ripped out of his thoughts when someone grabbed his shirt, yanked him back and slammed him harshly against the wall. The black-haired boy let out a surprised gasp, his eyes shut tightly.

„Good morning, Alexander." A voice purred into his ear.

Right. And then there was that.
Alec opened his eyes, seeing familiar spiked hair with here and there a touch of glitter.
A soft cheek was pressed against his own, much less noticeable than the hard body that was pressed against his own and made sure he was trapped against the wall.
Alec flinched and gasped out of surprise when a wet tongue licked along his ear shell.

„I said: Good. Morning." The voice whispered again, this time a slightly dangerous undertone in it.

„Magnus. What do you want!?" Alec tried to snap, but his voice came out more in a pant than an angry growl — and he hated himself for it.

The boy against him chuckled and leaned back slightly, never breaking the body-contact between them. He leaned his forehead against Alec's and those glossy lips split into a wide smirk.

„I was looking for you, darling. I haven't seen you around in a while." It was, again, just a whisper and Alec refused to let himself shudder.

„Well, I was around as always." Alec answered, stiffly. „I was just trying to avoid you."
Alec dared to lift his eyes and found himself staring into mesmerizing, golden-green ones. No matter how big the asshole, Alec thought, he couldn't deny that he loved those eyes. They were probably the most beautiful ones he had ever seen — apart from some golden ones, of course - but it didn't really help the situation.

The hard body pressed against his own even more and Alec pressed his eyes and lips together in order to not make a sound, turning his head away.
Why did his morning have to start out like this? Wasn't it enough that he didn't sleep and therefore was tired as hell, but now he got harassed in the school corridor? Again!?

„Don't be so mean, Alexander." Magnus purred into his ear. How did he always manage to drag out his name like this and make him shudder? Alec hated his full name and yet it got a completely different meaning when Magnus said it.

He didn't want to give Magnus any more satisfaction from this. He didn't want to give him any signs that would encourage him to continue this — although he would, probably, no matter what he did or didn't do. Alec definitely didn't enjoy this, but he send out all the wrong messages to say so.
And he could tell that Magnus loved this. He loved to see him so helpless. He loved to see him shudder and gasp. And he definitely loved to see him so damn humiliated.
Alec bit his lip. He wanted to shout and scream and kick, knowing at the same time that it was futile. Magnus was way too strong for him — and they both knew it.

„Just leave me alone." Alec muttered then, opening his eyes slightly, but not looking at Magnus.

And Magnus just chuckled again, pressing a sticky, long kiss — probably cherry lip-gloss — against his cheek.

„Never, my dear Alexander," His hands stroking over Alec's hips and the boy tensed. „Never."

And then suddenly the body vanished, just as quick as it had come, and Alec noticed some faint laughter and steps, announcing students that might just walk around the corner any second.
He looked after Magnus, who was already walking down the corridor with swinging hips, gracefully as always, and waving. „See you in class, Alexander."

Alec let out a breath and leaned back against the wall, allowing his tense muscles to relax.
Maybe a little too much because he slopped down onto the floor as his knees gave out underneath him.
The black-haired boy pressed his lips together and closed his eyes as he hit his head against the wall behind him.

„Fuck." he muttered.

This was not gonna be a good day.

So this is it! First chapter finished!
Did you like it? I really hope you do
If you wanna read more, please leave a review? :3