Hey this is basically just a funny moments thing for young justice hope you enjoy also please go to my youtube channel KIRO PLAYS GAMES if i get more subscribers ill upload faster!



Robin: What are you doing man?

Wally:Eating dick at a chinese place. man its soo juicy and it tastes soooo good down my throat!



Bruce:Alfred old buddy,old pal,friendo, what's good fam!

Alfred:Master Barry,you can't steal Bruce's phone again.


Alfred:He rigged it to explode that's why.

Alfred:Master Barry?...Barry? I told you.



It:That's why I fucked Lois Lane.

Superman:I hit it first.

Young Justice halloween. pt 1.

"Yo! what's shakin' guys? Kid flash asked as he walked into the cave. It was the day before the justice league halloween party. Everyone was debating the theme of the party.

"I say we repeat last years party and do a dragon ball Z theme." Superman said.

"Bastard you just want to be Goku again!" Batman said.

"Well we are running out of options. And I refuse to do a hellsing ultimate theme again. Why did I have to be Seras? Just cause of my big tits?"Wonder woman questioned.

"Bitch please hawkgirl is way bigger than you."

"Fuck you Hal!"

"What about a Naruto theme?" Robin spoke up.

Everyone froze.

"I call sasuke."Batman screamed before he ran from the cave.

"Shit I got Naruto!" Superman screamed.






"Well we can do all nine Jinchuuriki." Robin said to his teammates.

The end.

Let's roast kid flash. part 1

"When KF walks in we have to roast him."

"Why Robin?" Aqualad asked.

"Because broski, it's his birthday and we gotta screw with him. ASTEROUS huh?"

"I don't trust it. He already has dirt on all of us but you Rob." Megan said.

"What does he have on you?"

"He saw...something horrible."

"What your internet history because I have seen all of yours. Aqualad likes blondes."Robin said.

"Fuck you."

"So what if your favorite show to watch is called

"Thick hoe likes it in the ass." No judgment." Robin said.

Thanks for reading please review fav and blah and also check out my youtube KIRO PLAYS GAMES