Disclaimer: I don't own Drop Dead Diva

Grayson Kent would never forget the day that his life changed. It wasn't the day that Deb died. No, that was the day that he died himself. He wasn't physically dead but without Deb he was as dead as her. The day he would never forget began on April 4th, shortly after he and Deb had gotten engaged.
Grayson had been finishing up some paper work and getting ready to come home to Deb when his cell phone rang. He recognized Deb's number and the picture of her smiling on his phone. When he picked up the phone however he could tell something was very wrong. She was practically hysterical. It took her minutes to calm down enough to formulate actual words.

"Honey," Grayson said, "What happened? Where are you?"

"I'm... at the... station," Deb said, "They... accused me of... murder!"
Grayson wanted to laugh. Deb, murdering someone? She wouldn't even kill a fly- LITERALLY!

"Deb," he said, "Stay calm. I will be there as soon as I can. I'm leaving right now."
He hung up the phone. Parker saw him walking out in a hurry.

"Kent," he said, "Where are you going so fast? You don't get out of work for another hour!"

"Deb is it big trouble," Grayson said without bothering to look at him, "She's been accused; ridiculously of murder"

"Oh," Parker said, "That's a different story. Are you going to be defending her?"

"Hell yes," Grayson said.

"Do you need a second chair," Parker asked.
Parker was good friends with Deb's father and he loved Deb like a daughter.
Grayson nodded.

"Let's go," Parker said, "I'll drive."

"Thank you Parker," Grayson said, "I really appreciate this."
They got to the police station in less then 20 minutes but to Grayson it felt like hours. For Deb, it felt like days.

"Kent and Parker," Parker said, "Here for Ms. Deb Dobkins."
The officer led them into a dull gray room. It was a little dark and a little cold. Deb was pacing the room. As soon as she saw Grayson she ran over to him hugging him tightly and letting him swallow her up in a hug.

"Alright," Parker said, "Let's talk bail hearing."

"Judge Harris is ready to oversee that in 15 minutes," the officer said.

"I'm going to need a copy of her arrest report," Grayson said.
The officer went to get the arrest report. Grayson read it several times highlighting certain portions and making several notes.

"It's going to be alright," he reassured Deb, "This is a tough case but there's no way we're going to lose."
After what seemed like forever Grayson Kent, Jay Parker and Deb Dobkins were escorted to the bail hearing.

"Your honor," Grayson said, "My client is an upstanding member of the community. She has been accused of a crime that there is absolutely no way she committed and she is not a flight risk."

"We're not expecting you to release Ms. Dobkins ROR but we would like you to set a bail and release her into the custody of Mr. Kent."

"Mr. Kent," the judge said, "Do you understand that you will then be responsible for her? If she skips town you will bear the responsibility."

"Yes," Grayson said, "I understand that."

"Well," the judge said, "Does the D.A. have any reason why I should not release her into Mr. Kent's supervision?"
The D.A. stood up.

"Your honor, Mr. Kent has a personal relationship with the defendant," she argued.

"Yes," the judge said, "However I am a court room judge not a judge of relationships. As long as Mr. Kent is willing to adhere to all the rules I see no problem with their relationship. Is there anything else?"

"The DA feels if that is to be the case she should be subject to the bracelet-"

"OBJECTION," Grayson shouted.

"Sustained," the judge said, "jury selection will be set for May 15th at 2 o'clock."

"Your honor we ask bail be set at $500,000," the DA said.
Grayson was only half listening. He didn't give a damn how much money he had to pay.

"Bail will be set at half that," the judge said, "250 thousand dollars."
The judge banged his gavel. Grayson went to the bailiff and wrote the check.

"Come on Deb," he said, "Let's get you back home. You need a long hot bubble bath. I'll order some dinner for us."

"Thank you Grayson," she said, "and I promise I'll pay you back-"

"Don't even think about it," he said, "The cost is well worth it."
She hugged him again.

"Grayson I love you," she said.

"Deb," he told her, "I love you as well. I've loved you since day one. I will always love you."
Deb asked the next question in a whisper.

"Am I going to die," she asked.

"No," Grayson said, "Of course not."

"Grayson I'm being charged with a capital murder," Deb pointed out.

"I know," Grayson said putting an arm around her, "But that doesn't mean you are going to lose because there is no way in hell I'm going to let that happen."
As Deb got in the tub Grayson made a few calls. First he ordered a pizza. Deb usually didn't eat fattening but she needed comfort food tonight. Next he called his father. His dad was a judge. If anyone could help him plan a strategy and understand this it was his father. The phone rang 3 times before Marcus Kent picked up.

"Grayson," his father said, "What a nice surprise."