A/N: another story for me, hope you guys enjoy it.

This takes place after the training with Uub and Goku only spent 5 years not 8, none of the stuff that happened in GT will happen here, so read it and tell me what you guys think. :)


The cold breeze drifted through the small kitched window and brushed against her skin, it was always cold during this time of the year on Mount Paozu, normally she would shiver but right now it did nothing to her already cold soul.

She stared at the steam rising from her hot cup of tea that sat between her bony hands, she was finally able to drag herself from her bed, the bed that she refused to leave for the past week, but there was no more tears to shed no matter how hard she tried, they have abandoned her leaving only the pain and anger.

That's what she is now, a mass of pain, anger and resentment.

A bitter old women, that's what he left her.

She can feel herself slowly losing her mind, she tried to remember the good times she spent with him, but it was in vain, every time her mind went blank, she tried, not for him, for her kids, Gohan and Goten, they were so worried about her always trying to coax her into eating and talking to them, and she only pushed them away, they looked like him so much that seeing them only brought feelings that were swallowing her whole.

She couldn't even look at them and she hated it, her kids were nothing but supportive of her, they did nothing wrong, they tried to be there for her and she pushed them away, God did she hate him for making her like that.

She tightened her hold on her cup, it was starting to get cold and she hasn't even taken a sip of it, she sighed and looked around her house, it was clean obviously not her doing, she looked at the dinner table, this is where it happened, this is where she broke


Chichi served the food to her husband, and sat down on her chair, Goten was out on a date, probably because he knew his parents needed an alone time, he only returned yesterday after all.

She noticed that he wasn't eating with the same ferocity he always ate with, in fact his behavior ever since he came back was was awkward but she didn't give it much thought, after all he's been gone for five years.

"is there something wrong with the food?" she asked with a threatening look.

"of course not, it's great as always" he said looking more nervous than ever.

"well... You're not eating like you usually do"

"I ate not too long ago with Goten" he lied,

"hmm .."

The rest of dinner went silent, none of them saying a word to each other, once they finished, Chichi picked up the plates and placed them in the sink.

"um Chichi?"

"yes?" she replied with a smile and watched as he avoided her gaze, she frowned her husband was really acting weird.

"wh-when you're done, there's something ...uh ..there's something I need to tell you" he sounded so serious making his wife worried 'oh God, what did he do this time?'


Goku sat down back on the kitched table and watched as his wife washed the dishes, his hands were sweaty, his stomach clenched in knots, and he felt oddly cold.


"I want a divorce, Chichi" his voice echoed in the Son house kitchen, as much it did in her mind, her face was expressionless whilst her brain struggled to process what he said, there was a lump forming in her throat, and her heart ached.

"this is a joke, right? ... Please tell me your joking" she pleaded, her husband was never the type to kid like this yet she needed to ask, she hoped it was.

And to her disappointment and horror her husband shook his head. Chichi blinked, freshly formed tears fell from her eyes, struggling to swallow the lump in her throat and in this eerie silence you can almost hear the sound of her soul shattering into million pieces, her lower lip trembled as she struggled to speak "what did i do wrong to make you ask for divorce all of a sudden? Please tell me, Goku" she whimpered and continued "I know I yell ... And shout all the time but ... I only do it because I love you"

Her husband kept his head down and spoke in a soft tone "it's not like that, Chichi"

"what is it then? Is it because I'm too old now?" her voice was shaky and the tears never seized

"No, it's just... I don't think what we had is love. Chichi...I think I'm in love with someone else" he bowed his head in shame.

At this moment for Chichi, the world seemed to stop turning and her heart seemed to stop beating " you're leaving me for someone else?"she asked.

Her eyes widened as his declaration started to sink in, her husband tried to speak only to be interrupted.

"you're leaving me for someone else" she stated in an almost a whisper as she picked up the pieces of her shattered soul and another feeling arose inside her... Anger

Chichi abruptly stood up causing the chair she was sitting on to fall backwards, she walked towards her husband, and before he knew it her palm connected with his face with all the power she can muster in her old fragile body " I gave you everything, Goku" she shouted taking hold of his blue Gi shirt, the tears never stopped falling"everything" she yelled as she slapped him again "my life, my soul"

Goku stood still as she slammed her fists into his chest "how could you do this to me?'' she sobbed

"HOW COULD YOU HURT ME LIKE THIS?" she scratched and kicked.

"answer me" she said as she stopped her assault

"Chichi, if it makes you feel better than hit me all you want" his voice was etched with guilt

She looked up at him with tears stricken face "but it doesn't make me feel better, Goku. I know damn well that no matter how much I hit you it would never hurt you as much as you've hurt me right now...You know what would make me feel better? It would make me feel better if I never heard you say those words, it would make me feel better if I never met you, it would make me feel better if I could just erase all those years I waisted on you, it would make me feel better if I never loved you"

"I never meant to hurt you I swear"

"you've been hurting me through our whole marriage, Goku" she said calmly as she let go of her hold on his shirt

"leave, I never want to see you again.. I don't want you anywhere near this house and you can forget about this family"


''JUST LEAVE AND DON'T EVER COME BACK'' she shouted as she pointed towards the door.

Goku let out a defeated sigh and walked out of the house, closed the door behind him and took off towards the sky, he took one last look at his house and flew away

She slumped on the ground, sobbing with all her might, he left her, he left her for someone else. What did she do to deserve this?


The cold air ruffled his hair and clothes as he flew through the night sky, his house not far now, he hoped he would find the welcoming home he missed for the past week but he knew he was asking for too much, he knew he'd be coming home to a cold, silent house, no smoke rising from the chimney, no food set on the table and no happy humming coming from his mother's mouth, how did things turn this way?

Goten had no idea how his life turned to the worse all of a sudden, he remembered that day a week ago, he came home from his date to find his mom curled into a ball sobbing loudly on their kitchen floor, he tried to comfort her, he asked what was wrong she didn't answer him, he asked where his father was, that's when she snapped and suddenly attacked him, yelling, punching, slapping, scratching and cursing him for looking so much like him. Goten struggled to subdue her, trying his best at calming her down but it was to no avail, his mother continued her onslaught until she finally passed out.

He was so worried about his mother, he had to call Gohan, and immediately he came, he was just as worried as he was.

By the time his mother woke up, she refused to talk to them, refused to tell them what happened no matter how hard they tried, he knew it had something to do with his father, he just didn't know what, the day he came back, everything was perfect, his mother seemed like the happiest person alive, they had a party and invited all their friends, they ate, drank and laughed, next day he went fishing with his dad and they even sparred, yes his father was acting a bit unusual, but he didn't think it was anything serious and he didn't want to spoil the fun, what happened during the time he left for his date? he didn't know.

Goten figured that his father left to train considering he hasn't seen him since, but his father leaving to train is the least unusual thing for his father to do, he knew for a fact that his mother has gotten used it by now so it wouldn't explain her behavior for the last week, there has to be something else.

The demi-Saiyan sighed, he never seen his mother like that, she looked so defeated, he always thought that she was the strongest person in the universe with the way she terrified him, his brother and mostly his father, a smile graced his lips at the thought, he loved his mother even though she yells, shouts and even spanked him when he was younger he couldn't imagine his life without her, her motherly embrace, her warm smile, her loving eyes, her strength and her tasty meals that's why it scared him, seeing her like that terrified him, he didn't know why but he felt like he was losing her. If only she would talk to him.

He can see his house now as he slowly descended towards the ground until his feet touched the grass, he sensed his mother's Ki to see if she's awake and to his surprise she was and he can sense that she was not in her room, hope crept into his heart that his mother is now feeling better, that she actually got out of be bed, it wasn't much to go on on, but it's still a good sign.

He held the door knob and took a deep breath, turning the door knob, he pushed the door forward, he was greeted with the sight of his mother sitting on their dinning table with a cup in her hand, staring down on her cup, she looked so withered no longer the lively person he used to know and love yet he smiled, at least she got out of bed and she's not crying, so he'll take what he's got.

"hey mom, are you feeling better now? '' She didn't answer or even look at him and he knew why, he never resented the fact that he looked so much like his father as much as he did in the past week.

Chichi snickered, was she feeling better? No, she felt dead, just a shell filled with anger and pain but she continued, she needed to do this.

Goten watched as his mother finally lifted her head and looked at him, he felt a twinge of pain tug at his heart when he saw the cold eyes his mother bore for the last week.

"Goten, I need you to go and bring your brother here, there's something very important I need to tell you two"


''something has to be wrong'' Gohan said as he paced back and forth "No way dad would do this... It's just not like him''

Unlike his brother, Goten was seemingly more calm as he sat down on the couch clutching his hands together but inside he was distraught, Gohan didn't spend much time in that one day he came back in as much as he did and he didn't notice his father's strange behavior, he exhaled heavily and he was angry and he couldn't help the resentment building up for his father, did his mother mean anything to him? He comes back for one day just to destroy his mother and leave?

"so that's why he was nervous '' Goten whispered but both his family members heard him. Gohan couldn't believe what he was hearing and it pissed him off how his younger brother just accepted what his mother informed them, it pissed him off how little faith they had in his father

''No...No, I don't believe this, I know dad, he would never do something like this, something's not right, maybe he was being controlled or something ''

Chichi watched angrily as her son paced back and forth in their living room coming with all sorts of excuses for his father, it irked her how much he was defending Goku.

''who could control dad? '' Goten asked immediately silencing his brother but Gohan wouldn't relent, he just couldn't believe his father would do that to his mother and to them.

'' well I won't believe it until I see him, I know dad loves mom so he wouldn't leave h-''

''you think I'm lying to you, Gohan'' Chichi glared at her oldest son, she has had it with his pathetic excuses for his father with no regard to her own feelings.

''it's not like that, mom''

Chichi snickered ''you know that's exactly what he said'' her sons stared at her as she continued ''do you know what else he said? He said that he didn't think what we had was love '' Chichi struggled to swallow the lump in her throat as the feelings she tried to keep down came back at full force '' he said that he was in love with someone else '' she whimpered as the tears ran down freely from her eyes '' it explains why he always leaves me behind though''

Goten held his head down and clenched his fists he was both sad and angry, he couldn't stand seeing his mother cry like this, it broke his heart and he was angry at the one responsible. Gohan didn't know how to react or what to say but he still couldn't give up on his father just yet '

"mom, dad-'' his mother stopped him '' I'm done hearing your excuses Gohan, I know you worship your father, I know you even preferre him over me''

''that's not tr-'' his mother cut him in again ''Gohan, if you're going to continue defending your father then I don't want to hear it'' his mother stated harshly, she could explain how much she's been hurting, how unbearable the pain she's feeling, how betrayed she felt, she was tired of constantly shedding tears over their father and to explain to her son would only hurt her more, she wiped her tears and sighed, she looked at her youngest who sat there, head held down and a sorrowful look on his face, and then to her eldest with the same look ''I don't want you two seeing your father again'' she ordered bitterly, both her sons looked at her stunned and Gohan once again decided to rationalize his mother ''mom just calm down, I'll go see dad and see what's going on, I doubt dad even knows what divorce means''

Chichi clenched her fists ''just do what I tell you'' she spat but her eldest decided to fight back ''I'm not a child anymore mom, you can't tell me what I can and can't do'' he almost yelled and immediately regretted it, he saw as her eyes widening and the tears that she barely manged to hold back now streaming on her face, he never meant for his words to sound so harsh, he never meant to hurt his mother but he thought he was the only one rational at the moment

''do I mean so little to you too, Gohan? Does my feelings even matter to you? Do you even know how much it hurts to see your father and hear him his voice tell me that he doesn't want to be with me anymore? And I believe him, you might not but I do, you know why?'' she asked but it was a rhetorical question, one she planned answering herself ''because what kind of a loving husband would leave his wife and family for so long? Your father spent more time leaving than he actually stayed with his family, and even when he's here, he spends most of his time training, what kind of a loving husband that would just leave without even bothering with a proper goodbye? Through our entire marriage, it was either I was crying over him or spending the rest of time taking care of you two, and all this time I never even once thought about leaving your father, not even when he died that I thought about moving on, because I kept deluding myself that he at least loved me'' her voice was breaking at the end and she furiously wiped her tears, she didn't want to look so weak in front of her children ''and even that is taken away from me'' she whimpered.

Gohan was heart broken, seeing his mother like this wasn't something he's used to see, she always tried not to cry in front of them but he knew she did, every time his father left or died, the time when his father decided to stay dead for seven has certainly took it's toll on his mother, every night he would hear her whimpers and sobs while she thought he was asleep and during daytime his mother held herself for him, thank God for Goten, his little brother helped both of them get over their father's death, still he knew his mother was still suffering, and he loved his mom just as much as he loved his father, and he understood both of them which is why it was difficult for him to stand here and try to keep a level head, he sighed he didn't know what to do anymore, how to fix the situation.

"I'm sorry, mom "

"you can side with your father all you want Gohan but you're going to have to forget you have a mother if you do so " she spoke calmly before she headed towards her bedroom to wallow in her own pain leaving a stunned Gohan behind. He sighed knowing it was probably the anger inside his mother speaking and not her and it would be pointless to try to reason with his mother when she's like this, he turned around to look at his brother, he was still sitting on that chair staring aimlessly at the floor, during this entire 'family meeting ' Goten barely spoke, he knew it was harder on his little brother to see their mother like this, Goten was more attached to their mother than he was being the only parent he had for first seven years of his life ''are you okay, Goten ?"

"is mom always going to be like this? "he asked almost child like, his voice was etched with concern, his older brother walked towards him bowing to his level and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder "don't worry little brother, mom is strong she'll get through this''

Goten nodded '' I hope so " though he wasn't entirely convinced.

''get some sleep, Goten'' he nodded

Gohan sighed again, thinking about how he's going to deliver the news to his wife and daughter, he still hasn't accepted what he heard, his mind seemed to just reject what it heard, he ruffled his hair and decided to head to his house, glad that it was right next to his parents's


One week earlier

He slumped on a rock, as he returned to the village he's been staying in for the last five years, leting out a deep breath, placing his elbows on his thighs and burying his face in his hands, his stomach still clenched in knots, his heart ached as he remembered the look on her face, he never wanted to see her like that, he never meant to hurt her.

He felt a hand on his back and turned to face the presence that sat beside him to see a a women with black hair, green eyes and slightly tanned skin.

''how did it go? '' she asked

''not good'' he answered

''Oh, Goku. I'm so sorry'' she tried to comfort him rubbing his back in small circles.

''I don't think I can do this'' he declared frantically as he got up and paced back and forth, running his hand through his unruly hair anxiously

''we already talked about this, Goku'' she tried to reason with him, she looked slightly annoyed.

''but you haven't seen the look on her face, she looked so... Hurt'' he stated guiltily and continued ''I don't want her to be sad''

The women got up and faced him ''but what about you, Goku. We already talked about this, Don't you want to be happy?'' she questioned.

''I wasn't unhappy with Chichi'' he answered slightly angrily.

''you weren't entirely happy either'' she retaliated

''that's not true'' she sighed and got closer to him ''Goku we love each other, you wouldn't even touch me because you don't want to betray her'' she cupped his face ''we deserve to be happy and if you think you're saving your wife the heart ache by staying with her out of pity then you're wrong''

''I can't stand the thought of her hating me'' he stated, she brushed his face with her thumb ''I know you love her and you always talked about how strong she was, she'll be alright''

''you think so?" she nodded ''I tell you what? Let's give her sometime to calm down and then we'll go see her together, I'm pretty sure she'll understand if I talked to her'' she smiled and he nodded, letting out a heavy sigh somehow he knew it wouldn't be that simple.

That's it for the first chapter.