Warning this is a yaoi story based on rc9gn if you do not like yaoi please do not read. Thank you and enjoy rated M for matured content

I was midnight, Randy had just got balk from fighting a monster from training he was so tired. "Haaggg" Randy yawned, he put his ninja suit under his pillow and sat on his bed. Randy began to pull of his shirt and nomi walked in. Nomi gulped "um...I...I a..." Nomi was thinking about something but Randy could not tell what it was randy just looked at nomi who was blushing and looking at Randy's six pack. Randy pulled of his full shirt and put it on the end of his bed " nomi what do you want shouldn't you be in book form right now" randy pondering and still looking and the blushing nomi " I just can't hold it in" nomi said with a rush. Nomi turned of the light and pushed randy on the bed. Randy was blushing now and so was nomi really hard. Nomi began kissing randy, Randy was not surprised he knew nomi liked him from the first time he saw him and began to kiss balk. The kissing began to become harder and there tongues linked together and leaving a warm sexy feeling in the both of them.

It was 1:00 now one hour since they were fighting a monster,randy and nomi were still kissing hardly randy found himself pulling up nomi shirt and had pulled of his pants. Nomi was already or had pulled of Randy's pants, there he put his hand and Randy's chest and slowly made his way down to his boxers "n-nomi" randy moaned but nomi did not care and pulled of randy boxers. Randy was filled with excitement at this time and he wanted more of this more of this fun feeling inside of him.

To be continued