Disclaimer: I'm not old enough to own Godzilla, nor did I like Danny Phantom when it first came out. You do the math.


Blearily, the raven-haired boy lying on a makeshift raft opened his blue eyes. As he groaned at his discomfort, he tried to shift but found himself slipping instead. He latched onto whatever was under his fingers to stop himself from falling into the water pooling around his thighs. In surprise, the preteen's vision snapped into focus and he took in the sights around him while gripping the suitcase straps under his fingers tightly.

Water. That's all he saw in the moonlight: slow, lapping waves of black water that surrounded him on all sides. The ocean around him made a continuous shhh sound, lulling him to and fro and shushing everything so it remained as quiet as it was now. The stars twinkled above him noiselessly and the bright moon brokenly reflected off the surface of the waves.

Wait... Something caught the boy's eye. He turned his head to his right and his eyes widened at the huge, black mass sitting in the far distance. It rose to touch the sky and it refused to sway to the ocean waves, staying perfectly still and erect. It was the perfect, unreachable, impenetrable fortress nobody could touch no matter how hard they tried. It hypnotized the small preteen and he found himself unable to draw himself to look away. As all children are, he was drawn to the idea of an adventure waiting for someone like him to take up.

The boy could only be aroused by other voices of other people. They came from behind him and he had to kick his stiff legs in the water to get his suitcase to turn around. His crystalline eyes made out six other forms floating among other bobbing items he could tell were more suitcases. The other bodies clinging to makeshift rafts were bigger than he was, a lot bigger, but he didn't really mind. After all, they were other people and other people were a good thing, right?

"Hi?" The ebony-haired boy called lightly, tilting his head to the side casually. He blinked as the others immediately perked to attention, looking in his direction. The preteen felt himself beginning to blush madly as he shrunk under their gazes. He wondered where this sudden embarrassment and shyness was coming from but refused to say anything more until he had been spoken too.

He heard a masculine voice say, "Shit! I thought the kid was dead!" It was followed by a hard slap, a loud ow, and a female saying, "Johnny! What the hell?! You can't just say that in front of a kid!"

After that, there was a groan in irritation and another male voice said, "Come here, boy. Join the group. Sorry you weren't with us earlier." The boy heard the other man's, Johnny's, words ringing in his head, saying how they thought he was dead but they quickly vanished. It wasn't a big deal anyway. "What's your name, kid?"

"Danny." The preteen responded instantly, though he was surprised it came out of his mouth. Like a firecracker, it set off a bunch of things in his mind. Without even realizing it, he continued, "Danny James Fenton."

Another unfamiliar voice grumbled, "Is this kid serious? What's the point of giving us his full name? It's not like it matters much now, does it?"

"Shut up." The man who had asked Danny's name called, quickly getting the other male to stop his gripes as he turned his attention to the young preteen kicking his raft up to his. The man, who Danny could now see had green hair in a mohawk with a bunch of piercings across his face, looked the younger boy up and down before scrunching up his face in confusion. "Do you feel any pain, Whelp?"

The preteen hummed, shifted his body around on his raft, and shook his head at the older man. "No. I'm stiff but I'm not hurt."

Danny watched as the others began looking between them. He frowned when he began realizing a lot of them were covered in blood, despite being soaking wet from the murky water surrounding them. Danny looked down at himself and noticed blood covering him too but there were no cuts or gashes. There were only faint, pink lines he could barely make out and light bruises littering his skin.

Startled, Danny looked up quickly when the soaked, green-haired man reached out and began brushing the boy's black strands away from the younger's forehead. Danny was too scared the older was going to do something but the man only brushed his thumb against Danny's right eyebrow. The preteen felt something flake, probably dried blood, but still refused to do anything about the other man invading his personal space.

Much to Danny's surprise, the other man pulled away with a serious look as he said, "You had a cut there earlier today when I checked on you."

The young boy didn't know how to respond so he didn't. Instead, he frowned at the older and gave him a confused look. The others were starting to give him various looks; some glaring, others just curious. Danny shrunk under their looks uncomfortably and laid flat against his suitcase. He let his eyes drift from their faces to the fortress in the distance, refusing to say anything.

A soft breeze suddenly blew over the group, causing everyone's drenched bodies to shiver. Danny shook the hardest, wearing nothing more than a t-shirt and a pair of light jeans. He wanted to complain like some of the other adults were doing but he resisted the urge, smartly keeping his mouth shut out of fear of getting snapped at. His teeth tried to chatter but he grinded his teeth together to stop them from doing so, despite the pain in his jaws that came with it.


Danny's attention was instantly brought to the girl who had snapped at the man named Johnny. Like the other male, she had green hair but her roots were dark brown, the neon color fading away. She was smiling at him reassuringly and Danny found himself smiling back, despite all his discomfort. She gestured for him to come closer to her as she said, "Come here. We'll keep each other warm."

Johnny made a shocked, displeased sound as Danny laughed under his breath. The woman only smiled wider as the preteen slipped off his suitcase, immersing himself into the sea, and paddled over to her little raft. The woman helped Danny crawl half-on it with her before she wrapped an arm around the younger, pulling him close and shielding him from the worst of the wind. Danny hummed gratefully.

The only other girl with them, a woman with long black hair, asked the green-haired man what they were going to do. He responded professionally, saying something about the ocean current taking them towards the island in the distance so they could rest easy for the time being. Danny mostly ignored them though. The adults would take care of everything, after all.

The woman with short, choppy, green hair bent her head down close to Danny's ear and whispered, "So, where do you live, Danny?"

The raven-haired preteen opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out of his mouth. He struggled to remember, his face scrunching up in confusion. There were images in his head and words and phrases he knew but they were becoming blurry, becoming darker with each second that passed. All the bright colors and smiling faces were becoming unfamiliar and no matter how many times he repeated names and phrases, he remembered less and less every time he went through his list. Soon enough, all he had was the name Daniel "Danny" James Fenton and his birthday left.

However, in all of the confusion, there were still things that stayed but were incomplete ideas.

Danny remembered that adults had jobs but he couldn't remember why. He remembered that people lived in cities but he didn't know any names. He remembered that people liked playing games but he didn't know any of the rules. He knew of a building everyone called school but he couldn't remember the name of his. He remembered that adults called teachers did the teaching but he didn't remember any of his. He remembered other kids went to school but he didn't remember any of his classmates. He remembered that kids liked to play with toys but he didn't remember any of the ones he liked. He knew that people lived in houses but he couldn't remember what his was like.

Danny remembered that people had families, who loved and cared and played and did practically everything with each other, but he couldn't even remember if he lived with both parents or if he had any siblings.

Looking up at the green-haired woman sullenly, he shrugged and answered, "I don't remember. I don't remember anything."

The green-haired woman's hazel eyes widened in shock and she reached up to stroke the preteen's hair comfortingly. She eased her expression into a motherly look as she rested her cheek against the boy's head, consolingly saying, "It's alright. I'm sure it's nothing. You'll probably remember everything in a little while. You had a nasty bump on your head earlier from the plane crash-"

"Plane crash?" Danny cut off. He looked up at the woman in confusion.

Despite hiding it well, the preteen could see the older female was slowly growing more concerned about his amnesia with each second. The woman continued to brush it off as nothing, though, as she replied, "Yeah... Plane crash... That's why we're here. If I remember correctly, you were sitting in the very front of the plane with a few other kids who were riding without their parents. You were playing an old Game-Boy while listening to your iPod."

The raven-haired boy didn't bother to mention that he didn't remember what either of those things were. It didn't really matter now, it seemed. The playthings had been swallowed up by the ocean and were forever lost to the depths of the sea.

"Ok, I think we should tell Skulker about your memory loss..." The green-haired woman mumbled, lifting her head in the direction of the man that had brushed his hand against Danny's face.

Danny wanted to say something, tell her his amnesia meant nothing in a time like this, but he was abruptly cut off.


Everyone's attention was drawn towards the impenetrable fortress as the roar faded away into a loud crash that shook parts of the island. Screeches followed and Danny barely made out a massive figure flying in the sky, blocking out hundreds of stars with its body. It disappeared against the outline of the island but a crash followed after, along with another mighty roar that made fear spike in Danny's stomach. He felt the woman beside him tighten her grip on him, holding him closer as the thundering crashes continued. Shrieks and roars shattered the quiet night into a thousand itsy-bitsy pieces.

The battle continued for the next ten minutes, intensifying as each second passed. No one in the group said or did anything as they slowly drifted closer to the island and the destruction taking place on it.

Danny gulped but felt excited when a dull, blue light suddenly began growing in the shape of upright, spiky dorsal fins. They grew in brightness until they were blinding. There was another roar before a beam of the same light flew from a monster's mouth, lighting parts of the island and the ocean as it streaked through the air, colliding with a flying being. It shrieked when it was hit and began dropping from the sky as the beam of light continued its onslaught. As the massive creature crashed into the ground, the light cut off, leaving everything in darkness. A roar shook the night before sounds of the being taking flight again cut it off. After that, it was dead silent.

One of the other males that Danny had yet to hear speak, some young adult with bleached white hair, mumbled, "Oh good God, we're going to fucking die..."

No one voiced their agreements but everyone felt mutual about the ordeal. Well... All except Danny. He was more intrigued by the island because he could remember the monster that had scared the flying creature away. It struck a familiar terror through his bones, despite the curiosity coursing through his veins; something he felt he was taught to feel even when the name was just a passing comment.


They were drifting towards Monster Island and Danny couldn't bring himself to feel as much terror as the others were feeling.

This is easily my favorite prologue that I've written so far. I'm quite proud of it. I dun know why I like it so much. :D

Alright, anyways, we're going to have an epic time-skip in a minute but whatever. That's not the point. If you read Talents, the next two chapters are going to be rewritten versions of ch.7 (since I want it being from Danny's POV). If you don't read Talents, you can find out what happens next by reading ch.7 but that just spoils the surprise and I highly recommend not doing that. *thumbs up*

Alright, see you all in a few days! Hope you enjoyed! :D