It was a peaceful night in Beach City. Most of the residents were using this time to relax, but two local kids by the coast were using the time to have fun.

"I'm Connie! Fear me and my sword skills!" the boy, Steven Universe, swung around a couple of paper towel rolls taped together. He was in the girl's, Connie Maheswaran, t-shirt and shorts. They didn't quite fit, due to the fact that he was shorter and stout, and she was taller and lean, but he didn't mind.

Connie giggled, then said in a husky voice meant to mimic Steven's "I'm Steven! I'm a crystal gem!" Connie waved around a big piece of cardboard that was cut into a circle and painted pink.

Steven's three (yes, three) moms looked on at the kids' skit. Pearl, the worrywart, called out "Be careful, you too!" Amethyst, more of a fun big sister than a mom, shoved Pearl playfully and said "Ha, Come on, dude, don't be such a stick in the mud!"

"I am not a stick in the mud." she hissed through gritted teeth.

"Both of you, stop it" Garnet, square mom said softly yet firmly. If Steven and Connie had noticed Pearl and Amethyst going at, they sure didn't show it.

"You can't defeat me, cluster!" Steven shouted as he smacked a stack of multi-colored blocks down to the ground.

"You stay away from my i Connie! /i" Connie cried out, knocking fiercely into another stack of blocks as if they were the Cluster themselves. They both continued to knock block towers over, Steven only hesitating to readjust Connie's shirt (which was about a size too small and exposed half of the rose quartz gem on his belly) and Connie only pausing to pull up the jeans she'd borrowed from Steven (they were too big for her waist, but she didn't care). The decimation continued until all the blocks lay in disarray on the floor. The two held hands and bowed once their reenactment was over.

All three crystal gems clapped.

"So, you two fought off the cluster by your selves?" Garnet, sensing Pearl's rising panic, placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Yup!" Steven said proudly. It was awesome... and terrifying…."

Pearl tensed. "The children are fine, Pearl. Do not worry." Garnet said.

"Whoa, mama!" Amethyst yelled out, mesmerized. "You two kick BUTT together!"

"Not so loud, Amethyst…" Pearl rubbed her temples.

"Uh-oh, Look out everyone! It's a stick in the mud!" Amethyst waved her hands sarcastically.

"Amethyst…" Pearl said through gritted teeth.

Amethyst snickered. "It's fun getting under your skin."

Garnet hushed both of them. "I'm very proud of both of you." She smiled down and Connie and Steven.

Steven beamed. "Thanks Garnet!" He readjusted the turquoise shirt Connie had lent him.

Connie blushed. "Oh, w-well, it was nothing…that means a lot coming from you!" She tugged up the jeans she'd borrowed from Steven.

Garnet squatted so that she was at their level of view, then smiled at both of them. "Fighting off clusters is not an easy deed.

"You know what'd mean a lot to me?" Pearl gestured around the room. "Cleaning up this mess! It's a disaster in here!"

"Oh yeah! Sure, Pearl!" Steven began picking up various blocks.

"I'll help, too!" Connie started to clean some blocks up too. At one point, Steven and Connie both reached for the same block, their hands making contact.

"Oh… uh…" Steven looked up into her eyes and blushed, but didn't move his hand.

She looked into his eyes, her face also flushed. "Heh, sorry, y-you can take it…" Connie hesitated at moving her hand, but handed the block to Steven.

"No no, i you /i can take it" Steven said shyly and pushed it back into her hands.

"N-no no, i you /i can put it away" she placed it back in his hands.

"No no, I insist"
"Will someone take it before I go crazy?!" Pearl was never known to be very… i understanding /i of human interactions. Steven and Connie both put it away, glancing back at each other and giggling. They had more fun planned after they finished straightening up.

((I'll write a part 2 later))