There is a time after the chaos where everything is silent and tensed muscles finally got some calmness. It was in that time where everything decided to slow down and even the wild sound of the city gave humanity a break. Something as sweet and peaceful as a couple dancing under car lights was possible at this particular moment, it gave birth to slow caring movements and breaths in sync destined to heal passed sorrows, warming those who had felt cold for so long.
As the song ended; Toby, still having Happy against his chest, hugged her softly and placed a slow kiss on her forehead.
-Thank you, Happy- he whispered- you've just given me my first good memory of college.-
Happy raised her head to be able to look at him but remained in his arms. Seeing Toby upset had urged her to dance, of all things. No matter how much she denies it, it felt so good when they were together.
-I guess college isn't so bad any more.- she smiled.
Toby smiled back for a second but seriousness soon replaced it quickly.
-We'd have been like this a long time ago if it wasn't for me.- he said sadly.
Happy nodded, for once with a peaceful expression.
-I didn't make it easier having my shields up, I guess.- Toby kissed her forehead again, and as they separated, they remained holding hands.
-It's not your fault. I promised I wouldn't disappoint you but did it anyway and I'm so sorry... I just keep screwing it up like last time, like all the times- he seemed to be talking to himself now with his head bowed and lost gaze- how could I not learn something from all of it?-
-When you were with Amy you were so anxious- Happy broke his line of thought hesitantly caressing his hands with her thumbs- you decided that you didn't deserve her and that you needed to change yourself to be worthy. I know you had a big crush but I've never seen you more stressed than when you were with her trying to be someone you're not, and we all know what happens when you're stressed…-
-I now can see that it was not meant to be and I'm okay with it, I just wish it hadn't ended so badly.- he grabbed a lock of hair that had fallen over her face and put it behind her ear.
-And I wish you had turned up for that date.- she said sincerely, without shielding for once- because I want this, Toby. For once I actually care for a relationship to work.-
-I want us too.- he answered, looking into her eyes- and I know we can make it work.-
-Of course we can make it work, you crazy shrink. We just need to take it slow.- and there she had it, Toby smiled widely and laughed.
-What's gotten into you tonight? Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled- he said as they slowly walked hand in hand towards the driver's door.
-Christmas spirit- Happy answered dryly.
-There are still weeks for Christmas-
-Bah, who cares about time.- she dismissively waved her hand.
-Does that mean I can get my Christmas present early?- Toby smiled as he stepped in front of her, his hands on her waist.
-You might not get any on the very day, then- Happy crooked an eyebrow cheekily.
-I'll take the risk- Toby whispered.
And with that, with smiles on their faces, they slowly made their way to each other's lips.