Kagome was bored. She looked down at her desk as she dropped another rolled up paper wad. There were probably about a dozen of them already scattered around her desk. She let out an annoyed sigh when she glanced up and saw the teacher was still writing on the board. 'Only a week here, and I'm already bored,' she thought.

Movement in front of her caused her to glance at the one in front of her to catch green eyes glancing at her. 'What was his name again? Ah, Laito, that's what it was,' she thought as she stared back at him. Her eyebrow rose up, silently asking him what he wanted. He snorted before turning around and facing forward.

Not for the first time, her thoughts went to him. She could tell he was different, just like his brothers and others at the school but she couldn't figure out what it was. He wasn't like anything she had run across before. She winced and looked down as she realized she had cut her finger while wadding up paper. Even with that, she didn't miss the tensing of Laito in front of her, nor of his other brothers in the room.

'Well, at least I know his senses are as good as demon ones are,' she thought. She quickly stuck the cut finger in her mouth since her saliva would heal it. Her powers couldn't be called upon in public but she could channel it into her saliva and no one would know. 'Or someone will notice,' she thought when she pulled her finger out and the brother's all seem to flick a glance in her direction.

'Shit,' she thought as Laito glanced at her again, or more specifically at her finger. His eyes zeroed in on her now healed finger and she swore she could fill his aura shift. 'Bloodlust,' she thought as she curled her finger into her hand and wiped the blood off with her sleeve and glanced back up at Laito. 'Maybe more than bloodlust,' she thought as she caught the gleam in his eye. Being around Miroku had at least taught her one good thing.

When she realized they all kept glancing at her, she decided to ask to be excused. This was probably a bad idea though, as the only way to the door was to walk by every single one of the brothers. Once she made it a little ways from the classroom, she broke out in a run. She didn't know why but she ended up running up the stairs to the roof.

She had only made it a few steps from the door before she felt the back of her uniform snagged. Before she could even retaliate, she found herself pulled back into a hard chest. One hand was holding both of hers behind her back and another hand was snaking its way up her stomach, then between her breasts and finally it stopped as it wrapped around her throat.

"What do you want?" she snapped as she turned her head enough to see that it was Laito holding her. Her mouth opened in shock but no sound came out as the hand around her throat seemed to tighten in retribution for her attitude.

Kagome let out a whine when she felt her head forced to the side and she felt Laito's nose trailing along her neck until it settled into the crook between shoulder and neck. She felt him take a deep breath and couldn't stop the goosebumps from breaking out across her flesh or the shivers that the action caused.

"I think you know, Cho," Laito said, his breath ghosting over Kagome's neck. He was enjoying her reactions to him. Ever since she had appeared a week ago as a transfer student, her blood had instantly called out to him and his brothers. They had planned on just ignoring her for the time being and if her blood still drew them, then they would have made a plan to take her, but after smelling her blood tonight and her healing herself none of them wanted to wait anymore.

Kagome ground her teeth in annoyance and started to say something but all that came out was a squeak as Laito's tongue traveled up her neck and stopped just behind her ear. A blush spread over her cheeks and down her neck before she could stop it. She was doing everything she could to push her blooming arousal out of her mind because she knew he would be able to smell it but that all went out the window when his fangs nipped the back of her neck.

"Don't," she managed to moan out as she tried to pull away from him. A tremble shook her whole body when he licked where he had nipped.

"Oh," Laito said teasingly, "I don't think you want me to stop." Despite her trying to hide it, he could feel her budding arousal and he planned on using it against her. Since he was the first up here, his brothers would leave capturing her up to him. And if he had a say in it, he was going to enjoy her and get a sample of her sweet smelling blood. With his hand still around her throat, he could feel her swallowing nervously. He could also feel her pulse quickening.

Kagome was at a loss on what to do. She didn't even know what he or his brothers were and yet with his hand around her throat, she couldn't think straight. She knew she was kinky and all but never had a stranger managed to turn her on before. His dark aura was also at the edge of her senses, as if he was surrounding her with his energy and it was sending delicious tingles all over her body. She pushed back with her own energy and was shocked when his surged, pushing hers back easily. A small moan escaped her lips and her eyes widened as she glanced at Laito to see if he knew what he was doing.

Laito couldn't help but to tease the woman in his grasp. He could tell she had some kind on power and wanted to know what type and decided to test her. He pushed his aura out to where it was surrounding her and a fang peeked over his lip when he grinned in excitement when she actually responded. She was shivering in pleasure with goosebumps all over. He then pushed against her with his aura and was even more delighted when she shoved back with her energy and moaned. When she glanced back at him, he felt himself harden. She was responding so beautifully to him.

Kagome felt the grip tighten around her neck and her head leaned back, exposing more of her neck and she couldn't stop the moan that escaped her lips.

"That's it. Moan for me, my little Cho," Laito breathed out across her neck. He then slid to his knees on the ground, bringing her with him. She had hesitated as if she was going to resist, but when he tightened his hand around her throat and her hands in his grasp, she had given in pretty quickly.

Kagome wanted to resist. She really did, but it was too late for that. As long as he wasn't hurting her in a way she didn't like, she knew she was already hooked. No one had ever flipped her switch and put her in this mindset this quick and she wanted to see what else this male was capable of. So when he tried to bring her to the ground she only resisted for a moment before deciding. 'What the hell, why not? I can always fight back later if things don't go the way I want them,' she thought as her knees hit the ground.

Another lick up her neck had her breathing quicken in anticipation. The other side of her neck soon received the same type of treatment. She tilted her head back as far as she could to give him access to her entire throat. This action both terrified her and excited her at the same time.

Laito let out a pleased growl when Kagome exposed her throat to him. He could feel her excitement, almost taste in on his tongue and the little bit of terror that laced her scent made it even better. He flashed his fangs at her and was shocked when she pushed herself up against him more. 'Interesting,' he thought as most women screamed or tried to run when shown fangs and yet it only seemed to excite her.

Laito took her up on her offering her neck and leaned down and licked another trail all the way up to her chin. Without any warning to Kagome, he pushed her forward sharply and released her hands at the same time. Before her head could hit the ground, his jacket was there. He was pleased when she didn't fight him and instead her fists clenched in his jacket. Her gaze was still on him as best as she could see from the new angle. One cheek was laying on his jacket, on the ground but the other was facing him, leaving one eye to gaze up at him.

Kagome felt her face flush as she gazed up at Laito. Part of her was screaming at herself for letting him get this far and the other part was screaming for her to beg him to continue. The fangs only turned her on even more as she had only ever had demon lovers and enjoyed their fangs very much. She had never had one be so forceful with her before though. Most of them feared her power or Sesshoumaru's, so they usually steered clear or it took her approaching them but Laito was showing no fear or hesitation, though he probably didn't even know what she was or who she was. She guessed it was only fair though, since she knew nothing about him either. Rational thinking seemed to disappear after that last thought as she felt a hand on the back of her leg.

Laito admired Kagome's leg as he sensually drug his hand up the back of her leg and then began to slowly work his hand sensually up the back of her thigh. The muscles in her leg jumped and twitched under his hand as Kagome started squirming even though she was trying to hold still. He then used his other hand and repeated the same to the other leg until both of his hands were on her thighs. He could tell she was trying to be quiet as he could hear her giving small moans and she was biting her lip as her legs shook under his touch.

He pulled back suddenly to look at his handy work and he heard her disappointed groan. "Don't worry, my little Cho. I'm not done with you yet," he said teasingly as he put his hands underneath her top and traced her back lightly, using his nails to leave behind small welts.

"Laito," Kagome whimpered out. His touches were driving her insane.

"Ah yes, my little Cho. I like it when you call out my name," Laito whispered as he leaned over to lick her neck again. His hands were wrapping around to her stomach where he began tracing designs. He used his body to cage her in, so she couldn't move away from him even though it didn't look like she would try.

Kagome bit her lip to keep from screaming out. She wanted to just beg him to quit teasing her but at the same time she was enjoying what he was doing. A hiss followed by a moan slipped out of her lips before she could control it when she suddenly found his hands on her breasts without warning. He started out kneading them softly but started gradually getting rougher until she allowed a loud moan to escape her lips, while pleading with him not to stop.

When he slipped a hand underneath her bra, Kagome lifted up giving him room. He pulled on both nipples at the same time, making Kagome cry out again and unconsciously made her spread her thighs even further apart.

Kagome raised herself up on her arms, trying to bring order to her mind. She wanted, needed to question him, but his fingers were far too skilled. Finally, after a few more pulls of his fingers she opened her mouth to question him, "What are…" was all she managed to get out before one of his hands was in her underwear. His actions seemed almost designed to keep her from speaking. And little did she know how true that thought was.

Laito let his head fall back as he laughed at Kagome's expressions, his hand never stopping its movement against her. Once he knew she was wet enough he slipped in three fingers almost harshly, at the exact time he grabbed her hair and pulled her up on her knees with her back to his front. This seemed almost too much for Kagome as she cried out, not seemingly caring who heard her, begging for more.

"Oh, my little Cho, if you want me to quit teasing, then you're going to have to beg better than that," Laito said as he worked his fingers in and out of Kagome in a teasing pace. He would speed up and once she was close, he slowed down, drawing out her pleasure.

"Laito! Please stop teasing me, please. Make me cum, Laito. I beg you," Kagome managed to squeeze out her pleas between moans.

Laito was pleased with her begging and decided to add another finger while using his thumb to rub her clit. This made Kagome squirm in his hold. He knew how close she was to a release so he kept pushing her closer and closer to it. He reached up and wrapped his free hand around her throat. Right as she was about to hit her release he squeezed hard and sunk his fangs into her shoulder.

Kagome cried out Laito's name in both pleasure and pain. She couldn't even decide which overrode the other, only that it seemed like an endless cycle as the pain pushed her into another orgasm. "Laito!" she cried out as he lifted his lips and sunk his teeth into her other shoulder. She was shaking all over and she knew that soon her legs would give out.

Laito knew that her legs would give out soon, so he reluctantly pulled his one hand out from her underwear and wrapped it around her chest, securing her to him. He didn't want to pull away from her just yet. Her blood was amazing. After a few minutes she finally began to struggle as she must have realized how weak she was becoming from blood loss. He didn't let go of her neck until pretty much all movement and resistance stopped. He then swiftly stood up with her held princess style in his arms. He was surprised that she was conscious, though too weak to fight back.

Kagome looked up at Laito, trying to figure out what he wanted now. She was also beginning to suspect what he was. Only a few creatures truly drank blood like that. Demons would taste it but didn't indulge in it like he did. She could feel unconsciousness creeping up on her, so decided to get one question out. "What do you plan on doing with me, Laito?" she managed to ask in a whisper. Her head leaned on his shoulder as she fought to stay awake long enough to hear the answer.

"I'm taking you home, Cho," he knew to keep his answer short since she was on the verge of passing out.

Kagome gave a soft, "Okay," before passing out in his arms. She couldn't sense a killing aura around him; though she knew once she woke up she would be mad about how much blood he took. Vaguely, she wondered if his brothers would be there as well and whether or not they would try taking a bite as well but decided that could wait until after she rested.

Laito knew school had let out already so he walked over to the edge of the school. His brothers had already left as well so he teleported himself as far away from the school as possible and then began running home. He only hoped that one of them had grabbed the girl's stuff. He also couldn't wait to have more time alone with her. She had been so responsive to him and there was so much more he wished to teach her. He also wondered more about her powers, which is one of the reasons he drank so much of her blood. He wanted her weaker and hopefully more docile so he and his brothers could gain information from her.

'This will be so much fun,' he thought as he thought about all the ways they could get the information out of her.

Perhaps what he and his brothers should have been thinking of was ways to get her to agree to stay with them instead of ways of forcing her to stay. But that's what hindsight is for. After all, Kagome Higurashi never did anything she didn't want to. And they should have given her power more credit.

AN: So this is the first time writing a story like this and my first Diabolic Lovers crossover. Please read and review. I don't mind critiques but please don't turn them into flames. I'm not sure whether to continue this or not, it depends on how well it's received or whether or not I should just do a chapter with each brother.