Austin's eyes flew open when the alarm went off. He turned it off and turned to Ally, who was still sleeping. "That cloud is beautiful," she muttered, her eyes still closed. She was talking in her sleep again. "Sorry Cloud Watching Club," she continued, "but I have to get the triplets to school for their first day of school..." Then she turned her body, causing her back to face him.

Smiling, Austin covered her up. "Keep dreaming sweetheart, I'll get the kids up and ready for their first day," he said, all the love in his eyes as he ran his hand down her cheek and kissed it.

Sitting up, Austin threw the blanket off of his body and stretched.

He then entered his son, Andrew's room. He was the first to be born out of his brother and sister. He had brown hair and hazel eyes; cute little freckles on his cheeks. He had more of Ally in him than Austin; he was shy, and he liked to write like Ally. He even went with Ally to the Cloud Watchers Club at times, and he loved going outside. He liked to walk their dog Prince, although at times the dog would go a little fast for Andrew and Austin would have to take the leash.

"Hey buddy," he said, slightly shaking the little by away. "You gotta wake up if you don't want to be late for your first day of school."

Andrew's hazel eyes opened. "School!" he said excitedly, sitting up in his bed and standing up. Andrew was excited about starting school; he was already reading. "I'm going to school daddy!"

"That's right," Austin smiled at his son that was so much like his wife. He saw so much of her in him. He picked him up. "Now let's go wake up your brother and sister."

He and Andrew made their way into Ariel's room. Ariel had Austin's blond hair, but her personality was like both Austin and Ally's. She liked romance, unlike her brothers. That was on that Andrew didn't like but his mother and sister did. Her eyes were ocean blue, and she looked a lot like Piper at times. She loved the ocean, like her aunt. She loved spending time with her family, even though her brothers drove her crazy.

"C'mon sweetie," Austin shook his daughter awake gently. "You have to get up."

"But daddy," she whined, "I was having a good dream. You and mommy were flying on a magic carpet, like Aladdin. And Andrew was there, too, he was the parriot."

"Parriot!"Andrew repeated. "If anything I'd be the tiger!"

Ariel ignored his comment. "Alex was the monkey."

Austin smiled, almost wishing he was on that carpet now, with Ally. "Who were you Ari?" he asked.

The little girl shrugged. "I don't know, that's when you woke me up," she said.

"Aww I'm sorry honey. Who was the Genie? If you got to that part."

"Uncle Dez," she answered. Austin knew that, Dez was a goof.

"I didn't mean to interrupt your beauty sleep sweet girl but school is waiting." He helped her out of bed. He knew she was nervous, more than Andrew.

The three went to the room across from Ariel's room, which was Alex,Austin's other son. Alex had blond locks and big brown eyes. He may have had his mommy's eyes, but he wasn't like her. He was just like Austin. He loved giving Prince walks in that park, and sometimes the dog would go to fast so Austin would have to take control. Alex didn't like to admit when he was wrong; it was because of his pride. But he wasn't the only one in his family.

Surprisingly, Alex was already up, sitting in his bed. He wasn't hard in the morning; Ariel was the hardest. He was getting dressed. Ariel snuck up behind him and said "BOO!"

"Ah!" He jumped, then turned around and sighed. "Ariel!"

"I scared you didn't I?" she giggled.

"I wasn't scared! I was just...startled. There's a difference you know," he said.

"Whatever little brother," she teased.

"We're the same age, Ari."

"Yeah butI'm older by 5.6 seconds!"

"Oh yeah," Andrew cut in. "I'm older than all of you, right dad?" He turned to Austin.

"Yeah buddy." Austin smiled, remembering their birth, how scary it was for him and Ally. He and Ally knew they were going to have triplets, but they were in no way prepared for it. They knew they needed to move, and they had a few months before the triplets were born. They moved in a safe and quiet neighborhood near Lester.

"Dad, can you carry me?" Ariel asked, lifting her arms up.

"Of course sweetie." He picked her up. "Now, your old man is going to make his famous pancakes and bacon," he told his children.

"Yay!" they all said, running down the stairs; Austin going more slower because he had Ariel in his arms.

Once in the kitchen, Austin got out the supplies. "I love pancakes," Austin said, sighing. "Alex can you get the pancake mix?"

"Sure!' He got it for him.

"Thank you," he said, "now how many do you guys want?"

"Two." One answer.

"One." Another answer.

"What about you Andrew?"

"Two," he answered on the table, coloring in his coloring book that was left on the table.

"Alrighty," Austin said, beginning to make the pancakes.

Alex went to the living room and turned on the TV. "Ohh SpongeBob!"

"SpongeBob!" Andrew and Ariel said at the same time, and Austin smiled as he flipped the pancake.

"Dad, come watch with us!" Ariel chirped. "It's the one when SpongeBob loses his identity!

"Honey, I gotta make the pancakes. I don't want them to burn." He hated saying no, and the triplets knew that was one of his favorite episodes.

"But daddy," she wined, "pllleeaassee?" She gave him the puppy-dog eyes.

Awww, Austin said to himself. "Okay." I'll only be there a second. He ran to the kitchen and watched the cartoon with his triplets.

"Do you smell that?" Andrew asked after about twenty minutes of watching.

Austin inhaled. "It smells like something's..." The pancakes, you idiot! Ally is going to kill you!

He ran to the kitchen, and the stove was on fire. Letting out a scream, he grabbed a rag, trying to put it out that way by beating it down. If anything, it made it worse.

Andrew and Alex ran around the house screaming "fire!" while Ariel was trying to dial 911 on the home phone. "What's the number for 911?" she asked the screaming boys, that didn't listen to her. She rolled her eyes. "I'll figure it out myself."

Water, idiot! Use water! he scolded himself, but before he could do anything, he heard a familiar voice yell, "What the hell is going on here?!"


I'm dead. She's going to murder me and bury me alive. Well, maybe that was a little dramatic.

Ally trampled down the stairs, calming down the boys and taking the home phone from Ariel. She went to the kitchen where Austin was just staring at her, terrified. "Move, idiot!" she pushed him out of the way and went under the sink. "If you want something done, you do it yourself," she muttered as she got a bucket and filled it with water; went to the stove, and dumbed it out on the stove. The fire sizzled out and Ally breathed heavily.

She gave him the meanest glare.

Austin laughed nervously. "Looks like your a hero again, you know, because the fire at L-"

"I get it," she said through her teeth.

"Mommy!" the triplets shouted, hugging her and praising her; thinking her for "saving" them.

"I'm taking them to school, and we'll talk about this when I get home."

"But I wanted to go with you-"

"You're staying here," she snapped, "end of discussion."

"Yes mam." Austin looked down at his feet.

The triplets gave their daddy a hug and kiss. He blinked, and they were gone.

I'm really in the doghouse now.

Austin waited for Ally to get him, his hands on his cheeks and elbows on his thighs. The door swung open, revealing his wife. He stood up. "Alls-"

"Don't you Alls me! You started a fire in out own house?! The kids told me you were distracted watching SpongeBob."

"Brats," he muttered, "I-I mean kids."

"What do you think you were doing?! I gave birth to three kids, not four! Start acting like their father instead of their immature friend."


"You heard me," she grunted as she went up stairs, and he followed behind.

"C'mon honey," he tried, and she went into his room. "Let's just talk about this-" The door slammed. "Awww, c'mon! That's real mature!"

"More mature than setting a stove on fire because you were distracted watching a TV show."

"I'm sorry, please forgive me," he begged.

No answer.

Austin slid down the door. He glanced at the guitar and an idea came to him. He grabbed it and started playing.

"Sometimes Austin messes up,

And the triplets back him up,

He's a really good father

And Ally knows it but doesn't

Admit it because she's too proud."

"I'm not proud!" she yelled from the door.

Austin just continued.

"Austin doesn't mean to be an idiot,

It just kind of happens,

But Ally Moon is the love of

His life,

Oh yeah!

Ally Moon the beautiful brunette

That lucky Austy is married to,

Oh yeah!"

If he had opened the door, he would see Ally trying not to smile.

"And he's married with three

Beautiful children that he and

Alls brought to the world,

Brought to the world!

Oh yeah!"

The door opened to a smiling Ally. "You can't write a song for your life, can you honey?" she asked, taking a step forward.

Austin set the guitar down. "No," he laughed.

"I still like your song though, especially the me part," she teased.

He laughed, then grew serious. "I'm really sorry about setting the pancakes on fire," he said sincerely.

"I know, and I'm sorry for yelling. You're such a great father Aus," she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks Alls, and you're a great mother."

They hugged for a few minutes. "Have I mentioned how much I love you?" Ally whispered.

Austin smiled. "No," he teased. They pulled away and he gave her a small kiss.

Their fights never lasted long.

Guess who's back? ME! I mean, who else would it be? :)

I hope you like this! So just so you know, this is kind of like a prologue so there's nothing really here except getting to know new characters and Auslly's stupid little fight. Haha.

QOFD: Would you rather date Austin or Ross?

MA: AUSTIN HELL YEAH (Sorry if this offends anyone it's just my opinion :), what's yours?).

Please review and I will see you soon.