The land that Joan found herself in was both unfamiliar and unsettling. The sky was covered in darkness, littered with red clouds. Rock formations lined with dust crystals littered the land, with the fractured moon of Remnant completing the scenery. Joan decided to just explore this eerie land and see what it had to offer. After walking for miles, she had arrived in front of a large, gothic inspired castle, with wisps of fog swirling ominously at the bottom.

Joan walked towards the front doors, her left hand coming up to trace the intricate designs on the ebony wood carved into the doors, looking at depictions of Grimm littered throughout. Eventually Joan pushed the door open, taking in the interior of the castle. The hall was massive, although she wasn't terribly surprised about that. The walls were of a dark amethyst in colour, and there was a red carpet that led to the grand staircase. Right above it were three sets of large gothic windows. Other than various torches present, the hall was bare. Right before the grand staircase was a figure whose back was turned to her. Joan walked closer to get a better look.

The figure, she assumed was a woman from the way her hair was styled, was wearing a black robe with the sleeves rolled up, exposing her sickly white skin with red, almost pulsing, veins. Joan felt a chill run through her body, as she guessed that whoever this woman was, if she was even human, she was not someone to be trifled with, yet Joan was in this gothic castle in the middle of a Hadean-esque landscape, so it must be for a reason, and this woman must have something to do with it. Steeling her resolve, Joan moved closer, now just ten feet away, and called out to her.

"Excuse me, miss? My name's Joan and -" While she was talking, the figure turned to face her, and what Joan saw killed the words that were coming out of her mouth. The woman's hair was styled with a large bun in the back and six distinct… tentacle things, with three on each side. As interesting as that was, what was most captivating was her face, with blood-red sclera and pure black irises. She had red veins near her eyes, and her looks were finished with a black diamond on the middle of her forehead. With the reveal of the woman's face, and the words dying on Joan's tongue, there was silence that permeated throughout the hall. The woman looked at Joan, her eyes scrutinising every inch of Joan's body, and the blonde had never felt so violated in her life. Finally, the woman's face settled into an expression of understanding, before she walked forwards towards Joan, her hand extending towards the blonde's face.

"And how did you get here, sweetling?" She said, her hand cupping Joan's face, her hands colder than anything the blonde has ever felt before, sending chills all throughout her body.

"It matters not, you are here and that's all that matters. You interest me child, and I'll be sure to watch your progress closely." After the figure said that, she turned away, and Joan saw a flash of light and she woke up in bed next to her twin. She quickly sat up, trying to catch her breath and simultaneously wipe the sweat that had accumulated on her face. She was successful after a while, eventually settling on watching her brother sleep, something which never failed to soothe her nerves. She leaned in closer to him, and set about tracing his face with her finger.

Ever since the beginning, they had been together. From the moment they entered the world - with Jaune coming out first and her coming out immediately after, clutching his foot - to now, seventeen years later, Joan knew that whatever may come, she would be by her brother's side to face it, and that includes finding potential relationships outside of each other. Joan knew for certain that Jaune was the only man for her, the only one that she would ever give herself to, both in a physical and emotional sense, she had a feeling that the same might not be true for her twin. Oh, her brother loved for, of that she knew without a shadow of a doubt, but he was also a man, who possesses a man's appetite for women, and -

Her musings were interrupted by the feeling of her twin stirring awake next to her, and then immediately after wrapping his arm around her, running his finger up and down her arm, causing her to shiver at the feeling.

"And what are you thinking about so intently, sweet sister?" He asked, causing Joan to turn around to face him.

"Us, our relationship and what we'll have to do when we get to Beacon."

"We've gotten better at hiding what we are, ever since -" Jaune had started to say, but

"Ever since mother found us out four years ago." Joan finished for her brother, the twins silently remembering their mother Joanna, the indomitable matriarch of the Arc family. She was a beautiful woman, possessing the blonde hair and blue eyes which her children would later inherit. While she was never a huntress or drifted anywhere near the profession, instead choosing to dedicate her life into learning business, which would later help their father later in life when they married and she helped in running the business. Their mother also loved her family fiercely, her children most of all, so it was a surprise to her when she found her precious twins and their misdeeds.

Joan and Jaune's history of exploration started off innocently enough, with little kisses on the mouth here and there. Eventually however the nature of their relationship changed as they grew older, and so too their curiosities with their bodies, which eventually resulted in their mother finding out about them. After that things had changed. Joan's room went from being right besides Jaune's to being moved across the other side of the mansion, with instructions being placed on the servants to inform Joanna of whenever the twins crossed into the others' room and for how long they stayed. They were warned that what they were doing, especially with each other, was wrong, and that they must never do it again, otherwise she'll be forced to separate them on a more stricter basis and tell their father. Her warnings worked, and the twins stopped their misdeeds, and their relationship had even seemed to head back into the familial love it was always meant to be, until the death of their mother threw everything out of order, and in their grief the twins threw themselves at each other and the cycle began anew.

"We'll do what we've always done." Jaune replied, confidently and casually.

"Well what about other people?" She asked, still uncertain, looking away. Jaune put his hand under her chin and forced her to look at him, blue met blue.

"It's you and I, until we die." The twins let Jaune's admission hang in the air, before Joan placed her forehead on Jaune's and burst out laughing. Jaune was stunned at the sudden shift of his sister's moods before just deciding to accept it and laugh as well.

"Thanks Jaune, that helps." He kissed her, and was about to verbally respond before he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I'm sorry for the interruption, but the pilot wants you to know that we're currently a half hour away from Vale."

"Thank you Cassandra." Jaune said, before rolling off the bed and reached for Joan's bra before turning and tossing it to her.

"You heard the woman, half an hour to Vale. We have to get ready and look like we haven't just had a toss in the sheets." With that he turned back around and began to dress himself.

When they found themselves presentable, they left the room and headed back into the seats they occupied previously and waited for the time to pass. Eventually they landed at the airport and boarded the private bullhead reserved for staff and VIPs that will ferry them to Beacon.

During their time in the air, they saw what was essentially going to be their home for the next four years, and the view astounded them both. It was during this time that the television near them cracked to life, revealing the illustrious visage of Glynda Goodwitch.

"Hello, and welcome to Beacon! My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honour of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsman and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world." With that she disappears, leaving the twins to dwell on her words.

Joan looked at her brother, who was staring intently at the screen where Goodwitch was previously at.

"Anything to say, brother? You are staring quite heavily at the screen, I think some drool is coming out of your mouth." She even moved closer and went to touch the corner of her mouth with her hand before he hit it away with his wrist, a smile on his face.

"Come now sister, you know I have a soft spot for beautiful blonde women." He said with a smile, causing Joan to roll her eyes.

"Besides, I've always held a torch for Goodwitch ever since we saw her in action all those years ago." Joan rolled her eyes yet again, familiar with hearing this story for the thousandth time.

"Yes, yes. We saw Goodwitch flawlessly dispose of those Grimm when we were eleven and that was the beginning of your sexual awakening. I know Jaune, you've only brought it up half a million times." Jaune just laughed before enveloping his twin in a crushing hug, which she returned, before he squeezed her butt, causing her to let out a low moan, and he put his mouth near her ear before continuing.

"While it did start with Goodwitch, it ends with you dear sister, never forget that. I am yours, and you are mine." That was all the confirmation Joan needed, before nodded against his chest, and they were content in the contact with the other.

It wasn't too long until the bullhead came to a stop, before a voiceover told them that they had arrived, and to have a nice day. The twins walk out of the ship and head down to the front of the school, where they take the sights in.

"And here I thought that the view from the sky was amazing."

"Not as amazing as you." Jaune said, causing Joan to roll her eyes and push her brother away.

"The first time was endearing, now it's just annoying." Jaune just raised his hands, acquiescing to his twin.

"Where should we -" Jaune was cut off by an explosion in this distance, catching the attention of the twins. They looked at each other before nodding, and made their way towards the source of the disturbance. As they were making their way there, they saw two figures, one clothed in black and the other in white walk away from the crater in the ground. As they got closer they saw a girl in red inside the crater talking to herself.

"Welcome to Beacon…" she said, before she saw a shadow come over her

"Hey… I'm Jaune, and this is my twin sister Joan." He said, holding out his hand to her. She looked at his hand tentatively, before she took it with a blush.

"Ruby, and have I seen you two from somewhere?"

The trio made their way through the path, taking in the scenery while getting to know each other.

"That's really cool that your family's one of the largest weapons manufacturers in Remnant. I bet you've seen some pretty cool weapons!" Ruby said, her silver eyes twinkling in excitement.

"We've seen quite a few, you really are into weapons aren't you, little Rose?" Jaune said, causing the girl to blush as her love of weapons came to the forefront.

"Yeah, I love weapons and how they work. Here, look at my baby, Crescent Rose!" With that, she whipped out her pride and joy, and the twins watched as the weapon unfurled.

"A scythe," Jaune started.

"And a customizable high-impact sniper rifle." Joan finished, with both siblings nodding their heads in approval, which only caused Ruby's excitement to increase tenfold.

"Yes, yes, yes! I know for sure that if anyone else was gonna get it, it would be you guys! She's my pride and joy, I spent so much time at Signal forging her just to get her right." Both twins laughed before Jaune placed his hand on top of Ruby's head, trying to pacify the buzzing girl.

"What about you guys? I'm dying to know what kind of weapons you have." Jaune laughed before ruffling Ruby's head, causing the girl to puff out her cheeks in protest. Jaune unsheathed his sword and showed it to Ruby.

"This is Crocea Mors, or Yellow Death. This sword has been passed down from my family for generations, has seen action in the Great War and brought much of the world to heel." Ruby just oohed and awed at Jaune's story telling, causing his twin to roll her eyes. Continuing the show, he turned his sheath into a shield. Ruby looked at the shield, appreciating the clean aesthetic of the shield, admiring the white shield with golden accents and the large golden crescents in the centre of the shield.

"This is the companion piece to my sword. While it looks like a simple shield, it's fitted with an upgrade which makes it compatible with certain kinds of Dust. For example," Jaune said before he activated the Hard-Light Dust normally stored in the shield. The shield then activated, causing it to expand, the cyan colour in the extensions also changing the previously golden crescents in the shield.

"That's amazing! What do the other types of Dust do?!" Ruby asked, wondering just how the shield reacts with other types of Dust.

"Maybe you'll see it in action, Ruby. I have to keep some cards close to my chest after all." Ruby just pouted before looking at Joan, an expectant look on her face.

"Sorry Little Red, but my weapon's tucked away with the rest of our luggage." Seeing the upset look that Ruby had, Joan quickly amended it by pinching Ruby's cheeks.

"But when we get all settled in I promise I'll show it to you."

"With that out of the way, it's my turn to ask something, Ruby." Jaune said, causing Ruby to look at him before nodding.

"What happened with the explosion back there?" With that, Ruby looked abashed, grabbing her left arm with her right hand and looking down at the ground.

"My sister ditched me to hangout with her friends from Signal, and I accidentally ran into a crabby girl's luggage. She started yelling at me about proper Dust management while waving around a vial of red Dust, I sneezed and blew us up." Ruby said, her face the colour of her namesake.

"Do you know what this girl's name is, Ruby, the one who yelled at you?" Jaune asked.

"I think her name was Weiss," Ruby said, causing the twins to give each other a knowing look.

"That does sound like our resident Ice Queen Jr." Joan said, causing both siblings to laugh. Feeling out of the loop, Ruby just laughed along as well, although more awkwardly.

"Don't worry about her Ruby, she's like that with everyone." Jaune said, reassuring the young girl, which worked, judging by the smile on her face.

"So why'd you help me out back there? In the courtyard?" Ruby asked.

"Our mother used to say, 'Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet.'" As Jaune said that, he got a wistful look in his eye, something his twin shared. Sensing the shift in the mood, and feeling a bit guilty for it, Ruby attempted to change the subject.

"So where are we going?" The question knocked the twins out from their musings, causing them both to look around their surroundings.

"We're not sure. I think we're supposed to head to the auditorium for our introduction." Jaune replied.

"Do you know where it is?" Ruby followed up.

"Not at all, but I doubt it would be too hard to find." Jaune said, before the trio picked a direction and kept walking.

It's been a while, nearly four and a half years since this has been updated. World's been crazy lately, huh? To be honest, I haven't really been keeping up with the show, not since Volume 4, and for not only this chapter but the others I've been looking at the transcripts for help. I've actually had this chapter nearly finished for nearly two months, but because of school commitments just couldn't really finish it, until now. I also have the rework of another story started, with the first two chapters already done, and will be released soon. That's it for now, stay safe.