Chapter 3: Stranded
Nessie's POV
Once Emmett stopped scaring my son I calmed down a little. I was happy just to lay there and hold my beautiful baby girl. After I fed her she began to fall asleep. It was a sight that made me smile. The only thing that I truly did wish for more then anything was that Jacob could have been here to see his daughter being born. Remembering his reaction to his son's birth made me tear up a little. I had been looking forward to seeing that same reaction in him again with his daughter. But sometimes things just happen I guess.
"So Nessie what is her name going to be?" mom asked me.
"Well I decided to name her Isabella Rosalie Black"
Both mom and aunt Rosalie smiled when I mentioned my daughter's name. I think they both would have cried if vampires actually could cry.
"Can I hold her?" mom asked with a hopeful smile on her face that I would have never been able to say no to.
"Okay mom" I carefully passed my daughter over to her so that she would not wake up.
"Emmett!" I growled when I caught him glaring at my son yet again as he played with little Carlie.
Can someone please whack Emmett for me?
My father smiled, walked up to Emmett, and smacked the back of his head. The rest of us laughed. Especially Jacob Jr. This was probably the most relaxed I had seen him since I woke up.
"Hey! What was that for?!"
"First of all keep your voice down before you wake up my daughter. Second I told you to leave my son alone" I retorted.
"Fine" he grumbled.
"Nessie don't you have any way of contacting Jacob to let him know what happened?" Esme asked me.
I sighed. "Unfortunately no. It's just not possible. So I know he'll be extremely worried when we don't get back in a few days"
"So Nessie how are you going to get back?" dad asked.
"I don't know" I closed my eyes to keep calm. "After the crash we had Comet and Chad won't be able to fly for awhile. Not until after Christmas that's for sure"
"Chad?" Mom questioned.
"He's Comet's son. A year ago Comet's mate gave birth to two fawns a male and a female. Chad is the male. Feline is the female. The ability to fly is only passed from father to son though. Therefore only Chad got the power" I explained.
Christmas Eve was right around the corner and I had no way of getting home. I didn't know what would happen if I didn't get home on time to deliver presents. I can't bear to think of the billions of disappointed children on Christmas Day. I had to do something so that would not happen.
"It's okay Nessie, you'll be okay" My father's voice startled me as I had not heard him standing by me. He rubbed my shoulder gently and I found it to be oddly soothing. I looked around and realized that everyone else had left the room and it was now just him and I.
"Are you sure about that dad?"
"Nessie if there is one thing I know about you it's that you'll do whatever it takes to help people and make them happy. You aren't going to disappoint any kids. You will find a way"
"Thanks dad" I said happily. My father's words had somehow soothed me. Or maybe he just knew exactly what to say. I wasn't sure but I certainty loved it and appreciated it very much.
I felt the affects of my c-section when I tried to get up. My father instantly but gently pushed me back into place.
"Nessie young lady you need to rest and recover now" he added in a stern voice.
"Dad you really did my c-section?" I asked when I remembered what Carlisle had said.
He smiled.
"Yes I did. Carlisle was busy trying to attend to you and your som so I helped. I have a few medical degrees of my own you know. Anyway, when we realized you were pregnant and your baby was in distress I performed the operation on you. It's the second time I've ever done it. First time was on your mother when you were born"
I smiled. "If the tradition continues then maybe one day you'll be doing a c-section on little Isabella here"
Dad chuckled. "I guess you never know"
"Nessie there is something we've all been wanting to ask you. What happened to you? Your hair? Your stomach? Honestly your grandfather is very concerned about you right now. He was planning on talking to you about it later"
"It's part of the whole Santa thing. Santa has to have white hair and a stomach. Well the giant stomach might also be because of all the cookies and milk. I mean on Christmas Eve I eat about 15 billion calories-"
"You eat how many calories?!" Carlisle scared the crap out of me when he instantly appeared in the room.
"15 billion calories every Christmas Eve. I can't just skip the cookies and milk that would hurt the kids feelings. Plus I enjoy them so much"
Carlisle was horrified for sure.
"15 billion calories" he choked out. "How can you do that and not die instantly?"
"Magic" I answered.
"Nessie just so you know the physician in me just had a heart attack and died" Carlisle said. The look of horror never once leaving his face.
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