Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Naruto or Star Wars , the only thing I own is my OC.




-Rise from the Shadows-

For 300 years the galaxy has remained in turmoil, a war that has stretched across all known systems. Billions of lives destroyed by the hands of the Sith and billions more to suffer at the hands of Darth Revan and Darth Malgus. The Jedi Order has done all they could to minimize the collateral damage but to little effect. However a plan was formed by the Jedi and the Republic to harness a legendary shipyard only called the Star Forge. It was a giant automated shipyard, designed to create the most powerful army of all time; created by an almost extinct empire called the Infinite Empire and its rulers the Rakatans.

The current dilemma, however, was the whereabouts of said shipyard. Only a select few Jedi were chosen to undergo and delve into the belly of the beast in Korriban to achieve the coordinates of the Star Forge. Of the twelve Jedi that was sent, only one remained; a Jedi Padawan named Axelon Skyborn. However the experience on Korriban and the horrors he witnessed happen to his fellow Jedi had left a weary impression on Skyborn. He started to question his belief in the Jedi and their Code, though he wisely kept such thoughts to himself. However he still was Jedi and he wouldn't betray the Order, even with such doubtful thoughts still lingering in his mind.

After the 'successful' mission on Korriban a year ago, Axelon was promoted to the rank of a Jedi Knight; at the age now of sixteen, it was an incredibly rare honor for someone of his age to be bestowed with such a title, but Axelon merely took the title in stride, merely feeling indifferent but with a small bit of honor behind it. His master, Grand Master Satele Shan, noticed the change in the boy ever since that mission. She taken him as her apprentice at a young age, feeling a unusually strong connection to the Force within him; a power she slightly feared could match Revan eventually. Satele feared that same power could be turned towards the Dark Side.

-Rise from the Shadows-

Jedi Temple; Coruscant

Axelon meditated in solitude within his chambers, his lightsaber floating in midair and deconstructed. The small and large mechanical parts of the lightsaber circled around the silver crystal, the same color as his hair. A grin appeared on his lips at the thought it, the self-irony of saber matching the color of his hair. Quickly reconstructing his lightsaber once more, he activated it; hearing the hum of his blade come to life. It had a slightly higher pitch than the normal lightsaber, thought to the untrained ear it wouldn't make any difference. The dark gray and black hilt was of a regal design with a slight curve towards the bottom of it.

Axelon observed his work of art with a benign sense of affection, he had spent many months perfecting this particular lightsaber and with strong dedication he had finally completed it. He stood from the floor and grabbed the hilt which continued to float in midair, twirling it with expert precision and finesse; the penmanship of Form II Makashi. While Axelon was dedicated practitioner to Form II, he was not a master of the elegant form. He was curious of the other combat forms for many years, wondering how to effective use of all of them in his own unique style. The other form that intrigued the young Jedi almost as much as Makashi was the sixth form Niman. With the power of the Force integrated with lightsaber combat, he was surprised at the lack of users of Niman but discovered why a few years back; the fairly relaxed bladework left the user with little to the imagination though one could guess that was the purpose of it; overall moderation, no significant advantage but with no significant drawback either.

Precisely the type of form Axelon could possibly combine the two forms together to create a hybrid form, the perfect blend of bladework and Force powers. A terrifying blend of precision and power, Makashi was already very adept against lightsaber combat but it lacked kinetic power to defend against more strength based forms such as Ataru and Djem So, however with the inclusion of the Force-centered Niman it could balance that weakness to an overall moderate defense, depending on the will of its user.

Axelon performed a deep lunge with his lightsaber, practicing his newly developed blade. His feet glided across the smooth surface with perfection, no signs of fault noticeable as he continued his training regimen. A half hour passed before Axelon took a quick break, perspiration beading along his forehead as he took deep breaths to calm his body and mind. Glancing at the table behind him, he stared at the holocron that seemed to beckon at him. The holocron had a unique shape of a four-sided pyramid and it was slightly larger than a Human's hand, but what surprised the silver-haired Jedi Knight more than anything was the surprising lack of Sith symbols.

After stealing the holocron from Darth Revan's clutches back on Korriban a year ago, Axelon never tried to open the holocron. A part of him was afraid of trying to and another part of him was afraid of what he might discover. But day after day the temptation lingered at the air, almost calling his name in vanity. Picking up the holocron Axelon inspected the small pyramid, he had to admit the design was fairly unique and appealing to the eyes. He placed the holocron back onto the table only for it to fall off a second later when a sudden explosion rocked the entire Jedi Temple complex. Axelon braced himself over the table and once the shaking had stopped, he felt an overwhelming wave of the Dark Side spread across the Temple; the Sith had invaded Coruscant.

-Rise from the Shadows-

Darth Malgus descended the ramp of the crashed ship, his yellow eyes scanning his charging enemies quickly closing the distance. His eyes holding malice and malcontent withing, the true eyes of a Sith as he reached for his lightsaber, its crimson blade indicating the upcoming bloodshed of his enemies. One by one the Jedi fell under the rageful strikes of the Sith Lord, leaving none alive in his wake.

As Malgus easily lifted a Jedi over his head with a single hand, he countered the blow of another to his left without a second, quickly dispatching him. He hurled the Jedi in his hand over his shoulder onto the floor, he locked blades with Jedi Master Ven Zallow. Green and crimson blades struggled in their lock however Malgus took quick control of the fight and took the lead, launching powerful slashes towards the Jedi. Ven Zallow dodged the attacks with small acrobatics and leaned back from the current strike, however it left the Jedi Master open to a spinning kick from the Sith, sending the Jedi a far distance away from the fight. Ven Zallow recuperated with a midair back flip, slowly his momentum with the Force. He dispatched the Sith Warriors behind quickly who attempted to strike him from behind. The Force alerted the Jedi of an impending attack, to which Ven Zallow leaped out of the way of closing lightsaber thrown by Malgus himself.

Malgus again saw an open opportunity and used a powerful Force Wave to throw the Jedi threw a wall of debris, destroying the wall in the process. As Ven Zallow tried to recuperate, a mighty yell of Malgus echoed the halls of the temple as he pierced the ground below him, missing his target however. Igniting his blade once more, Ven Zallow charged at Malgus head on and the two traded blows, two masters of the Djem So technique. The sounds of blaster fire from the ships above Coruscant laid waste to population below.

A well-timed blow from the Jedi's elbow landed on Malgus' respirator, knocking the Sith unbalanced for a moment. And as the Jedi prepared for the killing blow Malgus spun around at the last moment, around Zallow's blade and dealt the killing blow himself. Ven Zallow dropped his lightsaber, his saber extinguished.

"You were deceived." Malgus spoke for the first time during their entire duel. "And now your precious Republic shall fall."

The Jedi Master fell to his knees as the last images in his life would hold the image of starships destroying the very Republic he held dear to him, finally succumbing to the cold embrace of death.

As Malgus was about to depart from the Temple, he felt the presence of another warrior closing in behind him. A familiar presence from a year ago...

Axelon landed over the destroyed of debris and knelt beside the fallen body of Ven Zallow, anger filling his senses. Malgus didn't acknowledge the Jedi Knight but did acknowledge the anger and hidden potential within.

"So you were amongst twelve Jedi that invaded Korriban." Malgus commented. "And you have Revan's holocron as well, how does it feel to be the one responsible for the deaths of your fellow Jedi?"

"I doubt you are destroying Coruscant and every living being here just for a holocron. Now leave Coruscant with your troops now." retorted Axelon igniting his lightsaber, settling into his stance. Malgus continued to stare at the destruction outside, ignoring the Jedi Knight. Suddenly Malgus ignited his crimson lightsaber and engaged Axelon in combat.

Axelon noted the signature style of strength based attacks from Djem So and figured it would be the best time to test his new hybrid combat style. He used the Force to levitate several tons of debris behind him and threw the barrage towards the Sith Lord. The Sith merely slashed through the debris and threw them at the side easily, continuing his walk towards the Jedi. Axelon charged towards the Sith and landed powerful strikes against Malgus' lightsaber. Malgus took note of the strength behind the boy's attacks, much stronger than the previous Jedi though he could sense that the boy was enhancing his strength through the Force. Taking advantage of this knowledge, Malgus landed a devastating punch against Axelon's face, a strand of spit flying out of the silver-haired Jedi's mouth.

Axelon nearly landed on the floor face first but retained his balance quickly, leaping backwards to gain some distance from the Sith. Malgus eyed the Jedi with amusement, something he wasn't used but he planned to capitalize on it.

"Where is the holocron boy?" demanded Malgus, his respirator making his voice deeper and very intimidating. Axelon didn't respond, greatly annoying the Sith Lord as he retaliated with a powerful Force Push and launched Axelon through two large marble pillars. Pain enamored Axelon's body, his vision becoming blurry as he tried to get to his feet; only for another intense feeling of pain to course through his face as Malgus used a Force-augmented kick to send Axelon flying once more, crashing into another pillar only indenting it this time.

"I will slaughter every man, woman, and children in Coruscant and I will torture you in every way you fear until you reveal the location of the holocron." threatened Malgus, his yellow eyes becoming blood crimson to match his blade. He struck his blade through Axelon's shoulder, a primal scream of pain emitting from the Jedi Knight as Malgus lowered the blade inch by inch until the top of the hilt pressed against the flesh of his enemy. Smoke rose his wounded shoulder, Axelon gritting his teeth as he felt helpless to defend himself and as the pain started to overwhelm his senses even further. He closed his eyes and waited for death's embrace but it never came as the pain subsided in his shoulder.

Opening his eyes, he saw his master kneeling over him with her glowing blue palms over his wounded shoulder. He turned his head to see where the Dark Lord of the Sith was, but Satele's palm cupping his cheek brought him out of his stupor.

"Focus Padawan, Malgus and Revan have retreated." stated Satele. "We received a distress signal and arrived with reinforcements, and it seems we made excellent timing."

"I'll say." groaned Axelon, his shoulder still sore. He sat up, ignoring the pain in his ribs, and surveyed the destruction of the temple around, many dead and wounded bodies were scattered. "This isn't good Master, the Sith are becoming too powerful for us. They attacked us on our hometurf!"

"I understand your plight Axel but you are in no condition to do anything at the moment, you have four shattered ribs and one cauterized shoulder." Satele replied. "You need to rest, that's an order."

Axelon opened his mouth to retort but heeded his master's orders. Satele could sense the growing burden of guilt swell inside her Padawan as Axelon shifted and pulled a small pyramid from his pocket.

"It's Darth Revan's holocron, I took it during the mission a year ago. I don't know what it contains but I figure this is partially the reason why the Sith invaded." said Axelon. He kept his focus on the ground beneath him, not having the strength not courage to face her directly. Satele took the holocron from her Padawan and inspected it before looking at Axelon.

"And why did you feel the need to hide this from me?" inquired the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.

"I don't have an answer Master." That was the only response that Axelon could give. Satele sighed as she stood up, deeming her work finished.

"It seems that during the ransack of the Temple, Revan managed to take all the Jedi holocrons including the Great Holocron. Once you are ready and able, we'll start our search for them." ordered Satele as she helped Axelon to his feet and helped towards the medical bay. A powerful surge of guilt struck the Jedi Knight even harder than before.

-Rise from the Shadows-

5 months later...

A ship descended onto the platform on the jungle moon Yavin 4. Intel had reported that Revan set up a base camp there, and giving the previous moon's history with the Sith, it seemed the most logical place to check. As Axelon and his master descended the ramp, a dark surge of power surrounded them.

"I feel the Dark Side in this place master, we must be close." commented Axelon.

"I sense it too. It's coming from the west." Satele pointed towards the left. "Prepare yourself for battle, we may not return from this."

"Well, that's comforting." Axelon mumbled to himself as he prepared a nearby speeder. Waiting for his master to take the lead, the two sped quickly through the forest. Some time passed before they could see a massive temple in the distance.

"That must be where Revan is." Axelon stated. Satele acknowledged with nod, not replying verbally. Halting their speeders at the entrance, Satele and Axelon cautiously exited their vehicles and surveyed their environment. Wildlife leeched itself onto the decaying stone pillars that decorated the courtyard, the stone floor carved with Sith symbols that seemed to be encased in dried blood. Satele pulled the hilt of saberstaff from her belt but did not activate it, with Axelon follow his master's strategy.

"Keep a cautious eye out for a trap, knowing Revan the whole temple could be wired." cautioned Satele.

"Yes Master." replied Axelon. Before they could take a step towards the temple, the sky turned dark and hurricane-like winds ravaged across the temple, almost throwing the Jedi into the distance. However they anchored themselves with the Force and slowly crept their way towards the middle of the courtyard. An ominous figure suddenly appeared, as if he was waiting for them the entire time.

"This is none of your business Jedi, leave now! You've been at my heels far too long." The figure ordered. "I knew the invasion of Coruscant was a long shot, but I needed a distraction."

"Not until you return the holocrons that you stole from the Temple, Revan." Satele demanded. She activated her lightsaber, shadows of blue light showcased her striking features. Axelon activated his lightsaber as well, following his master's lead. "And it's been one big deception hasn't it? You aren't even the man you claim to be."

"You don't know what you're talking about. Besides I'm afraid that's beyond your control, it'll take more than the Grand Master and her apprentice to strike me down. You have no idea what I have become do you? What I AM?" Revan turned his back to the Jedi and removed his mask to reveal a fair skinned male in his thirties with medium length brown hair. "I spent three hundred years in lock step with the Emperor's mind. I know what he's become, what he wants. I was prodigal Knight and I was the Dark Lord of the Sith. I was powerful-but also weak. Not anymore. Now I'm pure, unburdened. I can finally have revenge on my jailer and save the galaxy doing it! I have the power- and you have nothing!"

Purple energy engulfed Revan's hands as the winds kicked even stronger than before, sending Axelon and Satele flying into the pillars. Axelon crawled over to his master to make sure she was alright. To his relief, she was fine but the question lingered on how they were going to defeat Revan.

Meanwhile Revan channeled his power into the sky above and a dome of purple energy cascaded around the Temple, trapping all three of them within.

"You have no where to run Jedi, and your defeat will be swift." boasted Revan.

"Axelon, head inside the Temple and gather as much of the holocrons as you can get. Those holocrons are essential to the survival of the Order." said Satele.

"How? I mean it doesn't matter if we can't even escape from him." Axelon remarked towards Revan.

"You must trust me, I have a plan." reassured Satele with a smile. The Jedi Knight had a sinking feeling that she was about to sacrifice herself for him, adding to the guilt that he still retained those five months ago on Coruscant. "I don't blame you for the invasion that happened, it would have happened anyway. I am proud to have been your master."

With a sad smile Axelon ran towards the temple, past Revan and disappeared from sight. Inside the Temple was just as impressive as the outside, the corridors seeming to reach dozens of meters from his point of view. Axelon dashed through the temple, looking for a storage room where the holocrons could be. Growing frustrated at the lack of success, a cold feeling punched him in the gut as he feel to his knees. His master was dead.

He covered his mouth to repress the scream that threatened to erupt from his throat, tears threatening to fall. He could only blame himself, even if his master told him otherwise. The thud sound of footsteps were dulled by Axelon's overwhelming guilt. He didn't care at the moment that Revan was approaching. However the footsteps continued until a pair of dark sandals that went up to the ankles were in his eyesight.

Curious at the unusual footwear, he glanced up to see a man wearing a black long-sleeve top that covered his neck and chin, a pair of black gloves, a pair of dark-colored pants and a orange spiraled mask with one visible eye slot. Within that one slot showed a glowing red eye, a red eye that brought back memories of Malgus' own eyes.

"Such a shame, a young man like yourself losing the one that you love, Axelon Skyborn." The man spoke with a deep baritone. "When a man learns to love, he must bear the risk of hatred."

Axelon quickly got to his feet and ignited his lightsaber, holding to the masked figure's face. The masked only chuckled in response.

"Who are you?" demanded Axelon, his emerald colored eyes during dark and cold.

The masked man raised his arms in a surrender position. "I don't threaten, I have kept an eye on you for some time. You are powerful for someone of this dimension."

"Dimension? What are you talking about? And why have you kept an eye on me?"

"What if I offered you the chance at salvation? To write the wrongs of your past and begin a new?" offered the masked figure. "I come from a world that you do not know but much like your war, my dimension will also be in peril and I traveled a long way for such help."

"That still doesn't explain why you are in a Sith Temple." retorted Axelon.

"Indeed it doesn't. To simply put it, I had asked Revan for assistance but it seems the poor fool has a one track mind for revenge, vengeance or whatever he deems to call it, which eventually lead me to you." explained the figure. "I know your lingering doubts of the Jedi Code and the Order ever since the events on Korriban. You risked your life for an Order that serves a corrupt government that is more than likely to spit on your grave; tell me is that worth dying for?"

Axelon retreated his blade from the figure's throat, but remained cautious of him. "So you want me to help you fight a war that is none of my business for someone who has watched me from the shadows, that about right?"

"Consider it saving grace for your master since you couldn't help save her life." remarked the figure. Axelon narrowed his eyes at the ill-timed remark. The figure saw a brief change of eye color from emerald green to yellow before reverting back to green again. "My apologies."

"No, you're right. I wasn't strong enough then and I'm not strong enough now." said Axelon with a sigh of defeat. He glanced towards the figure. "What is your name?"

"My name is Obito." The man now called Obito offered his hand towards the Jedi. "Swear your allegiance to me, and I will offer you what you want most."

The silver-haired Jedi hesitated in accepting when another pair of footsteps made themselves heard. Thinking quickly, Axelon grabbed Obito's hand and immediately both of them were sucked into a black swirl portal and disappeared from this realm of existence.

A/N: Hey guys, hope you guys enjoy this new story and chapter! This story I wanted to do for a long time, especially if you've read my other Star Wars stories ;).

I'm curious to hear on who would you like to see in Axelon Skyborn's harem... I will allow 15-20 suggestions :).

The Naruto universe at this time in the story starts at the beginning of Shippuden, right after Naruto's three year training with Jiraya and this story will go all the way through the 4th Shinobi War till more recent Naruto territory.

Here is the power scale for this story:

Moon to Moon+ level:

Hagoromo Otsutsuki

Hamura Otsutsuki

Kaguya Otsutsuki

Ten Tails

Continent to Continent+ level:

Toneri Otsutsuki


Asura Otsutsuki

Indra Otsutsuki

Obito Uchiha


Country to Country+ level:

Darth Malgus

Satele Shan

Island to Island+ level:

Hashirama Senju (originally alive)

Madara Uchiha (originally alive)

Minato Namikaze

Killer B


Mountain to Mountain+ level:

Axelon Skyborn

Naruto Uzumaki

Sasuke Uchiha