Natsu Dragneel was the first dragon slayer in the history of the world. The dragon's he was trained by cherished him and taught him everything they knew. Even how to have immortality. That came with a price. Taking on that much power made him have more dragon instincts than what a normal dragon slayer should have had. After a few hundred years, Natsu got tired of the world and decided to go to sleep only to be awaken when she was born and fully matured. His one and only, the girl born for him. It had been over a thousand years since then, now that he was awake. He was hungry.


I remember when I was a little kid and Weisslogia used to tell me all kinds of stories about Natsu Dragneel, the first human to ever gain dragon slayer magic. Natsu lived thousands of years ago amongst some of the very first dragons. He was trained by all the fire dragons -powerful or not- in his time and became even stronger than the dragons themselves. I heard stories about how he protected the world many times over and lived happily with the dragons for many, many years. I was also told that he went into a very deep sleep not to be awoken for a very long time. I was told all of this believing it to be true. So I just have to ask.

Why, the fuck, was there a pink haired man sitting naked in my kitchen eating all the food?


I took a deep breath as the mouth-watering scent filled my nose. It was a mixture of vanilla and honeysuckle. The scent was intoxicating, and it began to slowly arouse me from my slumber. Slowly, very slowly, I opened my eyes to be met with darkness. I blinked once, twice and still the darkness remained. My body felt stiff and sore like I was made out of stone. I don't know how long it was until my body followed commands and began to slowly move until I was standing with the support of the wall next to me.

I felt weak. And I hate feeling weak.

I felt a familiar boiling rage fill my whole being. In an instant I was on fire. I brought my flaming fist up to my face and watched as the fire danced around on my hand speaking their crackle of what might seem like danger and destruction to most people, spoke of familiarity and warmth to me.

The light produced off of the fire allowed me to look around the very large room. I was met with familiar stone walls I had grown up around. It was the same room I had remembered falling asleep in many years ago after my conversation with all the others. The only difference from them now was, there wasn't any dragons here now. From the smell of it they haven't been here for a long time. I looked around again down at my bed made from animal fur in the middle of the room. The spots where they lay now vacant, no proof they were there in the first place.

I took in a deep breath, catching the scent again. I followed it out the cave tunnels and out into the open air. I looked around the open field to see a weird building in the distance. It wasn't like anything I've ever seen before. It was huge and white, and way taller than any of the dragons had been. I began to walk towards it.

"Hey!" A deep voice called out from behind me. I turned around to be met with a man with stark white hair and familiar golden eyes. He looked how I looked when I saw my reflection in the water. Tall, stood on two legs, and well, looked nothing like the dragons I grew up with.

It was weird.

The familiar eyes winded as they looked at me. "Natsu?"

My head cocked to the side as I looked at him. I've never seen a man in such weird clothes before.

"Natsu is that you?" He asked a small chuckle finding it's way through his lips. "Well, I'll be damned, It really is you. I'd recognize Igneel's kid from anywhere."

Did he say Igneel? And that voice, it sounded familiar.

"Come on, Natsu, let's go get you something to eat. It's been a while I'm imagine since you've last eaten." He said gesturing towards the strange building.

I took a breath and sniffed the air, his scent definitely smelt familiar.

I tried to open my mouth to question who this strange figure was, but my voice seemed to not be working.

The figure began walking toward the strange building, and away from the direction the mouth water scent was coming from. I took one glance behind me taking in the sweet aroma coming from that direction. I made a silent promise that I'd be back to for it soon and followed this strange man into the strange looking building.


"Dad?" I asked as I looked at the man in front of me. He was sitting on the ground in front of the fridge a pile of food in front of him as he quickly scarfed it down. "Dad, who is that?"

Weissilogia looked up from his seat at the table. "Oh, Sting, you're home already."

"Yeah, um….Dad, why's there a naked guy in the kitchen?" I asked.

It was true, the only thing he seemed to be wearing was a white, scarf like thing around his neck.

He looked in thought for a moment before answering. "Well, Sting this may come to a surprise to you, but remember the man I used to tell you stories about when you were a boy? Yeah, well this is him."

I blinked once, twice.


I looked down on the pink haired man in front of me. This was my childhood hero? He looked barely older than me. Maybe eighteen, nineteen years old at most. And definitely not over a thousand.

I felt the need to laugh at my father's humor. Sure it wasn't funny, but maybe if I did he tell me this was just a joke and he found this guy outside and we decided to take him in like a lost puppy. One look from his face told me otherwise.

"Dad you're joking right?"

"Afraid not son," Weissilogia stood up from his place at the table walking over to me. "Keep an eye on him would you. I have to make a call and sort some things out."

"B-but, Dad what!" I called out, but he was already gone from the room. I let out a sigh. Natsu looked up from his spot on the floor for a second before going back to gorge himself on all of our food.

I let out a sigh, walking over to the table and watched him while he ate. If this is what having kids is like then I'm never having any.

a/n: I didn't know when to stop this exactly so I just stopped it here. Next chapter should be up soon and stuff. If you haven't read my other fanfic, Demon Within, you should. It has a lot more chapters than this one and stuff. Drop a review below if you want.

(WC: 1272)