Here's the epilogue! :)


Lorelai wandered into the kitchen, heavily pregnant, and due any day. "So what are you cooking tonight?" She asked.

"Out!" Luke said pointing to the living room.

"I'm bored!" Lorelai pouted. "I promise I won't try to help this time."

"Yeh like you promised before. Out." He smirked.

"You're no fun." Lorelai pouted.

"I want it to be a surprise." He said. "It is sort of our date night what with the kids at Sookie's."

Lorelai softened a bit. "Fine..." She said.

"It will be done soon, I promise." He said.

Lorelai went through to the living when she suddenly felt water fall on the floor. She froze and looked down. "Um Luke?" She called.

"It'll be done soon! Watch some tv!" Luke called.

"No, Luke, I think I'm in labour!" She called.

"Yeh nice try! I'm not falling for that again!" Luke chuckled from the kitchen.

"No seriously!" Lorelai called. "Either I'm in labour or I've wet my pants and I think I've got past stage." She said. Suddenly she felt a contraction. "Arghh.." She groaned. "Luke please!" She called.

Luke heard something different in her voice and went through and his eyes widened when he saw the wet patch on the floor and Lorelai grimacing in pain. He ran over to her and grabbed her hand. "It's ok. It's going to be ok." He said. He waited until the contraction had finished. "Ok we need to get you to the hospital." He said rushing upstairs to get her bag they had packed. He then ran back downstairs and led Lorelai to the truck.

"The kids..." Lorelai said.

"I'll call Sookie on the way." Luke promised. He got her into the truck and he drove off to the hospital.

"She's beautiful." Luke smiled down at his daughter as he sat next to Lorelai holding their baby girl. He looked up at her and leaned over to give her a kiss. "And you were amazing."

Lorelai smiled. "She's perfect." She agreed.

"Definitely." Luke smiled. He looked up at her. "So we're agreed on the name then?" He asked.

Lorelai nodded.

Just then the door got pushed open and Sookie came in with Rory and Jess. "Is it ok to come in?" She asked.

"Yeh come on in Sook." Lorelai smiled. "Thanks for bringing them."

"No problem. Aw she's so cute!" Sookie cooed over the baby.

"Thanks Sook." Lorelai then looked at Rory and Jess. "Come on over you two."

They walked over to Luke who was holding their new sibling.

"Rory, Jess, meet your new sister, Alice Mia Danes." Lorelai smiled.

"Aw Lorelai, Mia's going to be touched." Sookie smiled.

"Well we thought about how much she means to both of us. We wanted to show her that." Lorelai said.

"She's so small..." Rory said gazing at her sister.

"Babies are meant to be small." Jess smirked.

"What do you think?" Luke asked them.

"She's great!" Rory grinned.

"Pretty cool." Jess said.

Over the next few years, they built an extension onto the Crap Shack making room for a bedroom for Jess as he had been sharing with Rory since Alice had been born. Lorelai and Luke had discussed moving but the house meant too much to them so they agreed to just expand it. Alice grew up with her own unique personality. Her favourite item of clothing turned into a backwards baseball hat as she wanted to look like her dad. She was a right daddy's girl but she was as close to her mom as well. She loved playing with Rory and Jess as well.

Lorelai and Luke enjoyed married life immensely. They went to Martha's Vineyard for their honeymoon while Sookie and Mia looked after Rory and Jess. They doted on Alice and loved how their family had grown so much since they started dating. It had taken Rory and Jess about year but gradually Rory started calling Luke dad and Jess started calling Lorelai mom. After the first fewl times trying it out, it started to become more natural and they felt like a proper family. Rory and Jess' bond was special. They had a strong brother/sister like bond and they loved each other's company. They were inseparable. When they finished at Stars Hollow Elementary School, they started going to Stars Hollow High along with Lane.

Lorelai hadn't talked to her parents since the wedding. She told Luke snippets of the argument they had had but she never really wanted to talk about them. She was happy and wanted to enjoy what she had. She had the best husband and three amazing kids. Her life was good. She also got promoted to assistant manager at the inn after which they all had a celebratory meal at Sniffy's. Luke liked taking the family there as he wanted them to have a relationship with Maisy and Buddy.

It's not very long, I know, but epilogues aren't normally! I hope I gave you an insight in what happened in the years leading up to the sequel! Thank you again for all your support for this story! The sequel will be up tomorrow probably and I may add stuff in that about what's happened before. Keep your reviews coming as I love hearing what you think! I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you all decide to read the sequel. Thanks again! :) x