Mable: Here we are with more 9 Christmas shorts! See if you can spot which one gave me a hard time. XD I don't own 9, Enjoy!
Short Days of Christmas
9xChild: Mistletoe
As Child finished tying the piece of green plant to the doorframe with a red ribbon, he asked Nine curiously, "Have you ever put up mistletoe?" Nine was embarrassed to admit it, but he hadn't, "Not before now." Child gave a nod and started to climb down, "Do you know what Mistletoe is?" Once again, Nine was embarrassed to admit it, but he hadn't, "I don't." He rubbed his arm and gave a sheepishly lopsided smile. "Mistletoe is parasitic plant that's incredibly poisonous to humans," The albino male got an amused smirk as he spoke.
"So they used to hang it on the ceiling and when two pass underneath at the same time they kiss." The younger male was intrigued by the suggestion and hummed as Child stepped down. "It is actually rare to find fresh Mistletoe. Somehow Moss harvested a bit and, well, here we are." The zippered male looked upwards before getting an amused smirk, "And what happens when Cat and you end up passing through at the same time? Won't you be terribly embarrassed?"
"I already expected that. From this point on, Cat's banned from my house, or at least until Christmas is over. He always tries to squeeze through doorways while I'm passing through," The Albino explained and stepped forward. "So, Poppet, would you like to try it?" Nine got a small blush and questioned, "Wouldn't that be cheating?" Child responded with, "Are you teasing me?" Nine smiled playfully in response, "Can you or can you not tell?" Definitely teasing. "And when's that stopped you?"
That was an obvious offer and Child moved forward and pulled Nine into his arms affectionately. With them situated right under the mistletoe, he looked upwards to make sure they were, he turned to his younger mate and took his lips in a tender kiss. Nine kissed back eagerly with a soft hum of delight, losing himself briefly before chuckling lightly in amusement, breaking the kiss. "Hmm?" The albino inquired and the zippered male pointed out, "We're going to be stuck in the doorway a lot, aren't we?"
"I'll make sure of it," Child casually replied as he rested the other's numbered back against it. "Less I have to move it into the bedroom." Nine got a cheeky smile, "Yeah, I could see you wanting to kiss like this after waking after five hours of sleep, spending all night working, and not yet having coffee." Child hesitated and considered this, "…Perhaps we should leave it here… But only because it's outside the kitchen, so I'm within arm's length of the coffee." He leaned to kiss Nine's neck who added over soft chuckles.
"And if I drink your coffee first?" He knew the answer, he just wanted to hear it. "Then all the more reason to kiss you." Now Nine actually laughed and allowed Child to continue kissing and hugging him, looking upwards to the mistletoe. Child had to teach Nine a lot of different Christmas traditions and did so usually like this; by showing through affection. Child called Nine naïve, but he still didn't realize that Nine was only pretending not to know what's been happening. After all, Nine would rather relearn the holidays, it was much more fun.
7xCat: Making Snowmen
"You start by building a small ball of snow," Seven explained with a smile, looking upwards at Cat who watched intently. She then began to build the ball and the male attempted to help, scooping snow with his claws. Their hands brushed as Seven began to smooth the lump and Cat purred in delight. "Then what?" Seven was amused by his eagerness and quipped, "Ah, ah, a little bigger. This ball has to be solid and big enough that we can roll and get more snow. Then we'll have a proper base."
She continued her work until it was the proper size. "Now we do it again. Twice, in fact." By this point Cat was getting a little antsy about how long it was taking. "I'll make one and you can make the other. About this size?" He pointed a claw to the snowball and Seven shook her head, "A bit smaller than that, then I'll make one even smaller for the head. Just take your time and make sure it comes out round; we can always adjust size later." He gave her an amused smile, four, metal fangs poking out and reflecting on the light.
"Why Dove, it's almost like you already know that something's going to go wrong," He quipped playfully and she giggled slightly. "That actually reminds me- Last winter I took the twins out to make a snowman. They had trouble getting the head on the torso because it was a little too big. Four lifted it and Three was spotting her from behind, and I came out just in time to watch Four's grip tip backwards and have it fall right onto Three, and of course it immediately exploded on impact and snow went all over her!"
She continued giggling at the memory and Cat chuckled as well, amused. Seven and the twins were certainly close, even though Seven had recently moved into her own place with Cat. He suddenly volunteered, "Hey, we should head over to One and Two's later and make a snowman. Their yard's huge." The Warrior smiled at this, "I would love that… But since you're the newest addition you'll need to sneak in and steal One's clothes to dress it." She finally finished on the head. "Alright, you keep working on the middle and I'll be back."
She entered inside the house and grabbed a few choice objects that she had left out; a small carrot, a top hat that looked like it once belonged to Two, an old patched scarf, and a small box of golden buttons. When she stepped back outside she was surprised to see Cat currently setting the head on the middle, which was already on the bottom. "I thought you never made a snowman before," She playfully quizzed with fake suspicion. "I managed to figure it out," he playfully responded as he turned to her, finished with the head.
She handed over the buttons and carrot before putting on the hat and securing it so that the wind wouldn't blow it off. Cat dug out the eyes a little and stuck two of the buttons inside. He then worked on getting the carrot nose in while Seven tied the scarf around. "There we go," Cat announced as he got the carrot fully in. "I shaved a little off the top, but it shouldn't be noticeable." He then shook his hand to get the loose carrot skin off. Seven smiled and poked a few buttons down the front, "He looks very handsome."
"He does! I guess I've got competition. Good thing I've perfected the skill of lifting snow," Cat playfully remarked as he put an arm around Seven's waist, the female amused by the comment and kissed his cold cheek lovingly.
6x8: Wearing Christmas Jumpers
Eight scowled as he fit the large sweater over his head and body. It wasn't as embarrassing as some of the other choices that were left over from past Christmases, but there was something about wearing a sweater with a large Christmas pudding on the front. It just somehow managed to look degrading and currently the Guard wasn't certain how. The rest of the sweater was mostly dark green with the occasional band of burgundy or red wrapping around. It was a step higher than last year, but that wasn't saying much.
"You almost done?" Eight called into the bedroom quizzically. Six had hurried inside in a desperate attempt to find the least embarrassing of the sweaters, though Eight doubted it was anything better than a giant pudding. "Yeah… Eight, can I wear one of yours?" Six called back, pushing the door shut slightly. Eight raised a brow at both the action and the comment, "Sure. Might not fit. Might have a giant, cross eyed reindeer on it." Six peeked out slowly, "Good, because I already did." He meekly admitted and appeared, "What do you think?"
When Six stepped out Eight couldn't help but stare. It was the crisscross patterned sweater he wore some time back; incredibly busy pattern and color-wise. Yet as the baggy arms hung on Six's and the sweater's bulk fit more like a dress than a top, Eight couldn't help but find it completely adorable. Especially how Six tried to shyly grip his key through the sweater sleeves, the tips of his fingers somehow poking through the knit material. "Eight?" He inquired curiously, wondering if it was a bad sign.
"I think… You look great," Eight sputtered out and Six got an amused look, though a slightly concerned one, "R-Really? You don't have to say that." He looked downwards with a smile and a blush settled on his cheeks. "I'm not having to say that," Eight clarified further, "You look cute." Now Six was even more baffled and got an amused smile, "That's not a word I expected to hear out of your mouth." Eight smirked back and quipped in an answer with, "Keep dressing like that and I might have to start using it more often."
Six was blushing harder and came forward to pass the larger when he was suddenly stopped by Eight. "Hold on…" The Guard seemed to almost sound hesitant as though he was thinking something over, slowly coaxing the smaller back towards the bedroom. The Artist caught on and blushed harder as he tried to stop the larger male. "Eight, wait, if we're late One will-." Eight got a slight smirk, "He's not going to notice. It'll just be a few minutes… You don't even have to take your sweater off…"
The tone was clearly suggestive and Six suddenly gave in entirely. "Just as long as I don't have to get undressed… Since I look so cute." Eight seemed to almost growl as he took the striped male's soft lips before shoving the bedroom door shut behind him.
5xVelvet: Baking Holiday Treats
"First things first, we put on our aprons." Velvet announced as she slipped hers over her head and tied it behind. The candy cane striped fabric hung before her protectively. Five, meanwhile, slipped on her normal non-holiday one, which was simply red. "And now we figure out what all we're making." She hummed a bit and tapped her fingers on the counter, "What do you think about an eggnog cake?" He smiled at the idea, "Sounds like it would taste good!" Velvet hesitated a bit, "But it's not exactly easy to make…"
Five still encouraged, "We have the time. The Gingerbread cookies…" He looked to the box of gingerbread mix before giving an amused smile, "Are probably the easiest things we could make, so we'll have the time." The female smiled at the comment and headed over to the bookshelf, pulling off one of the cook books and scanning through to find the recipe. Five, meanwhile, pulled out a bowl and began to work on the gingerbread mix. "Okay, I found it!" Velvet called out, "Doesn't look too hard, but I thing I may forgo the homemade icing."
"I bought a few containers of vanilla last time I was out." Five added in and as Velvet passed by she pecked him on the cheek before starting to get the ingredients out of the fridge, skipping the ones that Five had already gotten out with the gingerbread in mind. Soon they were both at work beside each other, each doing their own project in an attempt to make better time. Once the gingerbread dough was finished he set the bowl aside and looked to Velvet who was trying to stir one of her bowls with a wire whisk.
"Need help?" Five offered pleasantly and Velvet nodded immediately. However, before she could step away Five put his arm around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder affectionately and taking ahold of the bowl. "Five, nooo." Velvet playfully giggled, "We're supposed to be baking, not cuddling." He left a small kiss on her neck, causing her to shiver in delight. "I can manage both; I'll just multitask." He continued to stir the mix and she reached back to pet his patch before adding more ingredients into the bowl.
Finally the prep on both batters were complete. The cake was poured into a pan and placed inside the oven before they worked on the cookies, cutting their imprints and adding them to the oven. They took a short while to cook, during which Five and Velvet distracted each other with soft kisses. Once they were done it was time to decorate as the cake still had a while to go. "I'm putting some icing down to hold the buttons down," Five suggested as he did so. "Good idea! I'm just fooling with the eyes right now."
"They're not gumdrops, are they?" Five asked as he paused in laying another button. "No, no. Just icing," the female got an amused smile towards her mate, "And then I'll run through and put some on their arms and legs." She passed him by and he continued down the line only to notice something. "You missed this one," He pointed to a gingerbread man missing an eye. Velvet looked closer before getting an amused smile, "No… That one's right." Five felt a slight blush on his cheeks and smiled back.
4xNone: Snogging by Fireplace
None let out a cry of surprise as a weight was suddenly on his chest. Opening his optics he immediately could see Four above him, looking down at him with a playful smile. She signed to him teasingly, "Serves you right for taking the couch." He was laying on the couch and was on the verge of napping when she suddenly plopped on him, now looking down at him. None chuckled at the signed comment and put his arms around her sweetly. "Maybe I was dreaming of you?"
He teased her, "Or, no, maybe having nightmares of you hoping on me and waking me in the only way that's equally painful and cuddly?" She nudged him a bit before deciding to become fully playful. Her hands went to his sides and he almost shrieked. "Hey, no, quit it!" He cried out in laughter, having his sensitive spots suddenly and ruthlessly preyed on by the female. He continued to giggle until he managed to secure his arms under hers and grasp her tight enough to stop her.
Once she was stopped in her tickling he playfully claimed her lips and she relaxed against him. Her lips were softly rewarding and his were rougher, but just as tender. None slid upwards a bit so that his back rested against the pillow propped on the armrest and pulled the smaller female into his lap. Their lips resettled into a comfortable position. His hands began to do circles over the others' back and sides, feeling over coattail on her back. Sometimes he forgot that she was partially a glove, and when he remembered it would amuse him to no end.
He hooked his hands under her hood and pulled it back to reveal her full head and facial features. None smiled into the kiss and continued to suckle at her lips. They were so soft, she was so soft, and as her hands playfully pawed at his zipper pull. It made a soft click on his track and sent strange shivering along his spine. It was hard to believe that he could feel something as light as her tiny touches, but they were incredibly clear to him. He moved one hand down to pet hers and after a few seconds they clutched together.
Finally they were running out of air and Four had to lean back with a silent gasp. None was panting lightly as well, but still smiling at the tiny female who shyly smiled back at their boldness, playing with his zipper pull again. She looked down to hide her visible glow of a blush as her heat was mixed with the warmth bubbling from the nearby fireplace. "You look so cute when you're all embarrassed," None pointed out with a chuckle and almost a blush on his own face, though managing to keep it suppressed well enough.
She clasped her hands on her face shyly, giggling with flickering optics before leaning forward to kiss his forehead. None sighed and reached upwards to clutch the female closer, delighted as the smaller curled into his chest. There they stayed cuddled before the fire.
1x2: Watching classic holiday film
The film came to an end and Two turned it off to save them from watching the credits, uncurling himself from the couch. "Now see, was that so terrible?" He playfully joked at One who had been reluctant to watch his arrangement of Christmas movies. "We have quite a selection remaining. Why don't you choose one out of, oh, I don't know… These three here and I'll go pop more corn." He showed the movies and looked back only to notice something strange.
One was looking away uncomfortably, lightly trembling and seemingly massaging his temple. "One? Is something wrong?" Two became concerned and stood only to tsk at him, "This isn't another of your fake headaches when you're annoyed with a movie, is it? Come now, the film is over, let's just…" One waved his hand, "It's nothing. I'm just tired." He immediately regretted saying anything as his voice gave away what was occurring. Two's optics widened and he sputtered, "One, are you… Are you crying?"
"No," One denied and stood, "I'll get the popcorn. Put something on." Two was in alarm, "Dear Creator, you are crying!" He came forward, "But, One, he lived at the end. Why on Earth are you crying?... Unless they're tears of joy?" One scoffed, "I'm just mourning the fact that he lived. He sung too much and spent much of his time breaking the lay and endangering children." He started to get the popcorn to pop when he noticed Two now beside him, smiling that Two-like smile that was so familiar.
"Don't look at me like that, I never said I was crying, you said I was crying." As much as One denied and as much as One was recovering there was no denying what Two saw. "One, it's not something to be ashamed of. I think it's very sweet that you show so much care. I was just… Surprised." The Leader protested with, "Stitchpunks cry at movies all the time." He almost felt satisfied until Two added in, "Not at Frosty the Snowman." One needed a defense and stuck the popcorn into the microwave.
"I just- He- He just reminded me of you. There." He stated as though that was a defense, not meeting Two's gaze or his sudden delighted smile. "The way you play with children and be reckless with your health…" He commented, finishing as a pair of arms wrapped around his middle from behind. "Oh One, that's terribly sweet of you… Even if you're covering your own backside." He followed with a warm chuckle and nuzzled into the ruby cape on his shoulders.
One couldn't help but sigh at the affectionate touch and reached back to pet his mate's hand. He then took ahold of it and tugged it forward, giving it a light kiss as the popcorn began to pop rhythmically in the microwave. They didn't separate until it was time to take it out of the microwave, and as One moved it into the bowl Two headed into the living room to choose the next movie. "Now where in the world did I put the rest of those recorded Frosty movies…?"
Mable: Hopefully I can get the rest of these finished quickly! I hope you enjoyed, and early happy holidays!