Disclaimer: I don't own Hunter X Hunter or Nanatsu no Taizai

Summary: After escaping from her home after her people turned against her, Kai a former fairy queen decided that her new goal would be to pass the hunters exam and figure out what she wanted to do with her life. Killua X OC

Warnings: Slight crossover, don't need to read Taizai to understand. Violence and killing, because assassins ad knights and sins.

Chapter One:

This wasn't something that Kai liked, having to keep her feet on the ground. Flying was just natural to her, and it was one of the few things she still had of that life... Yet when on a boat with the whole thing moving around her, if she where to fly it would have to be a never ending movement, ever adjusting to the speed of the movement around her... Kai could of course do it, but the effort that it would take to pull off didn't make it worth it, not for the amount of time that this trip was going to take.

They weren't even close to the destination left, actually having to stop at a few more islands along the way to the place which held the hunter exam. It wasn't exactly that she minded not being their early, as long as she wasn't dead last which would be horribly embarrassing.

The young girl tugged on her green black and orange ensemble, noticing that it was still in rather pristine condition. This was good, because she didn't really bring another. It was bad enough that she had to carry Chastiefol the entire way there; she didn't want to have to carry something else as well.

The shouting of a boy who just entered the boat could be heard, claiming that he was defiantly going to reach his goal and become one of the best hunters.

Kai couldn't really bring herself to believe that.

The boy just sounded too innocent, too naïve to be able to become an amazing hunter like he claimed. He would need to get rid of those rose coloured glasses if he was going to get anywhere with the job.

Completely ignoring some of the people who attempted to talk to her as always, she moved into her room on the ship as on the edge of her senses she could feel a storm coming. There was no way she was going to risk getting thrown overboard which, with her poor physical abilities was quite likely.

Some people poured in, some realizing that it was going to storm, some just looking for some rest. Eventually though, the Captain of the vessel came in as well, and he didn't seem happy.

Meeting with a few of our eyes he ordered in a gruff tone, "You guys, follow me."

With a wince, Kai nodded and moved to take after the man, hoping that she wasn't going to be asked to do anything too much, and dragged her feet as she walked, her green and orange boots scuffing against the floor.

"First tell me your names, and then tell me why you want to become a hunter."

Kai tilted her head slightly, studying the man before them. How weird, to ask such a question with the storm that was currently going on. That wouldn't stop Kai from doing so, it wasn't like it mattered all that much to give her name and reason, and they weren't personal.

The young boy that looked about the same age as her physically was the first one to respond, "My name is Gon, and I want to become a hunter like my dad so I can understand his reasons for doing things."

The wide eyes that the kid had nearly made Kai soften her heart for the first time in quite a long time, at least since she had met with Diane. Now that she thought about it, it was the same voice as the boy who said he would become one of the best hunters ever back on the deck.

"I'm Kai, my reason for becoming a hunter is because I don't really have any clue what I want to do with my life and I'm hoping I can learn some direction well I'm there."

As Kai answered, she pulled one of her pigtails over her shoulder and started to twist the hair subconsciously, her other hand grasping at Chastiefol's pillow form.

"Oi! Don't answer him! He's not an examiner he can't boss us around." The old looking man said rudely, pointing at the Captain.

"Just answer the question!" The Captain harshly retorted.

The others just refused, the stubborn blonde and older looking man. Kurapika and Leo-san, if Kai remembered correctly. Eventually the Captain was forced to confess that he was actually somewhat of an examiner for the hunter exam, and that if the other two wanted to pass they would have to tell him their reasons.

What interesting reasons they were.

Kurapika wanted to avenge his fallen people, something Kai could relate to at one point. Yet she also knew that it only lead to heartbreak in the end, something that the former queen didn't even want to think about.

Leo-san had a far different reason. Money and it seemed that Leo-san thought it would by a whole lot of happiness considering his reaction.

Eventually the two came nearly to blows, and exited the room. It didn't really surprise the physically young girl, the two where the opposed ends of the spectrum as far as reasons for being a hunter where concerned.

"Should we be concerned over the fact they might kill one another? Or just end up getting themselves killed considering current conditions?" Kai asked the Captain, clutching Chastiefol even closer.

Gon answered for the man however, "Aunt Mito says that when someone is arguing over something big like that, it's best to allow them to get it out of their system and have them sit down for a long talk afterward."

Raising her eyebrow toward Gon, Kai couldn't help but be a little bit incredulous that the kid thought parenting techniques would work out well in a situation like this. Then again, those two where acting like children.

Eventually of course, shit had to go down.

Gon went to work with the sails, but that wasn't something Kai wanted to do, causing her to look up at the Captain with her best puppy dog eyes, only to get a stern look in return as the man pointed toward the door. If those eyes read anything it was, 'If you can't handle this, how can you handle being a hunter.'

That of course, wouldn't stop her from going as slow as she possibly could to get there.

At the point that she did get there, Kai couldn't believe her eyes, Gon was practically throwing himself off of the boat in an attempt to catch a sailor that had been going overboard. He had thrown himself too far, and Kurapika and Leo-san couldn't reach him.

Without even thinking much, Kai could feel herself act. Chastiefol beneath her as she raced to catch the two over boarded members on the surface of her pillow/weapon. When she gained full control over herself again and looked to meet their relieved eyes, Kai couldn't help but give a small and sincere smile for the first time in quite some time. She was actually quite glad she saved the naïve Gon from a horrible and untimely death. It just seemed that he was destined for so much more than that.

Kurapika and Leo-san quickly got over their gratefulness and started wanting to ask questions about just how there was a floating pillow and how it worked, which was interrupted with good news a moment later that amazingly had the other two completely forget their line of questioning.

"You guys pass, and you will go onto the next part of the hunter exam."

Reactions where varied, but all extremely positive.

Kai was smiling that small but sincere smile again as she hugged Chastiefol, it was a good day.

End Chapter:

Authour Note: Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing here. I just like, I don't know. Why can't I concentrate on just one story...?! Oh well, nothing for it I guess. This piece of trash came from my head so don't expect too much, but I'd still like to hear some feedback if you are willing soo...

IMPORTANT!: Someone in a review pointed out that you don't know what Kai looks like. My own fault, because when I posted this first on Quotev I had drawn a picture of her. So here we go in my best description voice; She looks pale white, light brown hair in two pig tails, she has a long shirt which comes down to about her miscaff, it's fashioned more like a sweet shirt with a hood on it. The colours are green, orange, and black. Under the shirt she was a pair of black pants that end just under her knees. She has boots on with the colours orange and green which come up just above her ankles, and she has a tattoo on her calf, her 'Sin' tattoo.

For a better visual just google 'Seven Deadly Sin's King' and that's basically the male version of her.

Here is a good imagine address if you can be bothered, I'll attempt putting it up on my profile but I'll space it out here. I lost the link to my personal picture but if you search the story on quotev if you are really curious I'm sure it can be found: hvi gne t/nanatsu-no-taizai/images/5/5a/Kin g_ani me_charac ter_designs _ /revisi on /late st?cb=2014 1116 111500

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