A/N: Excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. If you spot something that you believe needs to be corrected please send me a message.
This the start of the official reboot of this fanfiction! ( What is a reboot and why did I reboot? Check my forums for the answer!)
All characters from the series Inuyasha © their respected owners.
Do not repost this fanfiction or claim it as your own. You can only find the official version of my fanfiction on fanfiction . net, AO3, and the first chapter on my dA account (01309). All other sites have posted this without permission! If you are reading this on any other site please come read it on the official sites!
Reviews give me warm fuzzies!
▌Chapter One
The first thing Kagome became aware of was the throbbing pain coursing through her skull. She groaned and let out a small whimper as she moved her stiff limbs experimentally. She heard soft whispers all around her though her grogginess made it currently impossible to focus on what was being said. The hard ground made rolling onto her side unpleasant and she ended up stopping any attempt at moving further.
"Don't try to sit up," a soft voice cautioned.
"The drugs will make you sick to your stomach and a killer headache if you try to move around too much."
Kagome gave a slight nod of understanding. She didn't even have the energy to attempt such a task right now. Whatever her abductors had used on her definitely had some horrible side effects.
Kagome had been walking home from school like any other day - when she wasn't in the feudal era with Inuyasha and the others. Halfway home she had been grabbed and felt a sharp pain in her neck which was probably a syringe. After that the world spun and now here she was.
Her mother had warned her to be careful recently too. The national news was covering the numerous disappearances of girls and women. Most had vanished from Tokyo and it seemed everyday a new person was missing suddenly.
After the drug's effects felt like they were wearing off Kagome experimentally opened her eyes. Luckily wherever she was had been dimly lit so her eyes didn't throb with pain. She glanced around and saw numerous girls sitting in the large cell they were all contained in. Some were resting on creaky old prison style bunk beds.
"Want me to help you sit up?" asked a petite girl. Her voice had been the one that had warned her to take it easier earlier.
Kagome gave a small nod and the girl took her gently and slowly helped her into a sitting position that allowed her to lean against the concrete wall. Kagome figured she'd been out for hours just based on how stiff her body felt.
"Thank you. I'm Kagome. This will be a very idiotic question, but do you have any idea where we are?"
"Akiko and no, none of us have any clue really. Our best guess is some abandoned prison or some sort of warehouse these bastards converted to be like a prison."
Kagome's eyes scanned the cell and counted the amount of people trapped here with her. In total – including herself – there were fifteen. She recognized a few of them from their photos being released by the news announcing their disappearance. Their ages ranged from her own of seventeen years to probably early twenties. The officials investigating the disappearances stated there had been no connections between them except for the fact they were all female.
"I'm going to assume you also don't know how long any of you have been here."
Akiko nodded with a small sigh as did Kagome.
Kagome had always kept her guard up while in the past with Inuyasha because of the constant danger. She allowed herself to relax while back in her own time because she felt there wasn't really anything more dangerous than what she already dealt with. There were no demons in the present to worry about (well, except for that one time with the demon mask).
Her thoughts were soon interrupted by a loud creaking metal sound in the distance. The object responsible for the noise was a solid metal door that was opposite of the cell door. Two large men followed by a short slender elderly man entered the hallway that created a space of separation between the cells and the door.
Kagome's eyes widened in shock. While the two thugs were human… the old man was a demon! He wasn't some possessed mask but a full-blooded demon in the modern era! Why was he here and why was he holding them all captive?
The elderly demon approached the cell Kagome was imprisoned in and his black eyes scanned over the girls who had rushed to the very back wall where Akiko and Kagome were seated. Without a word he pointed to a girl with medium length hair and was probably slightly older than Kagome.
The thugs unlocked the cell door which scrapped the ground noisily as it opened. The girl who had been singled out screamed protests as one of them entered and grabbed her roughly and threw her over his shoulder with little effort. She bite, clawed, and beat his back trying to get free but it was all for naught.
They left after locking the cell door and the girls who remained whimpered and cried. Akiko shook her head and looked over at Kagome with worry-filled eyes.
"That's the fifth girl I've seen them drag out of here."
It was then that the screaming started. The girl they had taken sounded like she was being tortured as she begged for her assailants to stop whatever it was they were doing. Kagome shuddered and pressed herself into the wall as though she was trying to somehow vanish into it.
The screams soon stopped leaving only the sound of weeping from the other captive girls.
"We have to escape," Kagome stated more to herself than Akiko.
"We've all tried; multiple times. One girl – Mari – tried to squeeze through the bars and got stuck. Another girl slammed her body so hard into the door she had purple and black bruises all over her body. So unless you have some lock picking skills we're trapped here."
Kagome frowned. She wasn't going to just give up. There had to be something she could do to free them and herself. However each plan she thought of and the few she attempted proved futile.
She flopped down next to Akiko and let out a frustrated sigh.
"Maybe if all of us charged the guys we'd have a chance," Kagome thought out loud.
Akiko shook her head.
"I wasn't here when it happened but I heard from some of the others that it was already attempted once and it resulted in one of the girls getting a broken arm and no one escaped."
Kagome was growing more and more frustrated at her predicament. She was trying to keep herself from giving into the fear and hopelessness that burned in the back of her mind. She refused to give up.
Her eyes darted to the solid metal door as the old demon and his human brutes returned. They started to go through the same process as she had witnessed before. The girls rushed away from the cell bars and door and the demon selected one of them.
The singled out girl let out a shriek when the gnarled finger pointed in her direction. Again the cell door was opened and one of the men entered to grab her. Kagome charged at him with all her strength only to hit his body with a hard painful thud. She hadn't even winded him.
"Oh, what's this? A volunteer?" The old demon cackled as the large minion grabbed her roughly.
Kagome struggled in his grip and grunted with the effort to free herself. Everything she did was completely ineffective and she was dragged out of the cell fighting. Akiko had tried to pull Kagome out of the goon's grasp but failed and was shoved back into the cell.
The cell door was slammed shut and Kagome was dragged into the corridor and then past the threshold of the ominous solid metal door.
That's the end of the first chapter of The Change (reboot). There will be some very large changes to the story but the general plot will remain the same.