Disclaimer - I'll say this here so I don't have to say it again and again, I DO NOT OWN POKEMON Or any of the cannon characters, but all the characters created by me belong to, well, me. So if anyone wants to use them be sure to ask for permission OR ELSE...

Timeline-Story starts near the end of the Mewtwo movie, which happened after the giant Gengar and Alakazam episode, I think.

Credit-The credit for the conception of this idea goes to Sakura Lisel.Who has graciously allowed me to use her idea and let my imagination run wild...

Summary-During the battle against Mewtwo, on New Island, there was one more Clone created that no one knew existed and who was accidentally left behind after the final battle. So come on, let's join him on his adventure as he makes a new identity for himself.


Prologue: Identity

By: WhenWindWhirls


What is identity?

Identity is…a person's conception and expression about their own individuality or group relations…

Or so the dictionary says.

Identity is a very complex subject, made up of one's thoughts, memories, personality and idiosyncrasies.

But in a nutshell a person's identity is how he views himself, how he interacts with the world and how the world recognizes him.

But what do you do, when you have no identity, when your identity is no longer yours. Or it was never yours to begin with.


Such a simple word that has so much meaning to it. I've only found its significance now, that I no longer know who I am.

Who am I?

Am I the person my memories say I am or I'm just a copy of him?

Am I just an hour old, who has done nothing significant in life, other than existing, or am I a ten year old boy, who has travelled across the region, made friends, rivals and again memories.


The bigger question is …

What am I?

My memories say I'm a human, a normal human with normal life.

But is that true anymore?

I was made by a machine and a Pokémon hell bent on destroying the world in his rage.

But I guess it doesn't matter anymore…the person I once was, is still there, living his life ignorant to what happened and its consequences.

Huh…ignorance is truly a bliss.

But I've set out on this world because even if the identity I was born with wasn't mine, I can still create one for myself… Right?


Chapter 1: Beginning

By: WhenWindWhirls

Deep inside of a secret laboratory on New Island a lone figure lay floating inside of a cylinder filled with glowing blue liquid.

The figure is revealed to be the sleeping form of a naked young boy, who looked to around 14 years old with short spiked white hair, and was curled up in a ball inside of the cylinder.

The machine connected to the cylinder made a 'bing' sound and slowly the boy, along with all the fluid filled within, was sucked into the tube on top of the cylinder. As the tube gently deposited the boy on the floor along with some of the blue fluid, the boy's eyes fluttered open, but closed again with a snap just as swiftly when a searing pain shot through his brain.

The boy curled into a ball as a gasp of pain escaped his lips. Unknown to the boy his closed eyes and the rest of his body glowed with a bark blue glow with bright pink outline. The surrounding machines and objects also gained the same blue-pink hue, as they were squeezed and crushed by the immense pressure applied on them. Even the ground around him cracked as crater was formed under him.


'My Ashy'

'Wow! Is that a Pokémon, professor?'

' Sorry Ash but all the starters have been given all I have is…'

' Smell Ya later Ashy-boy'

' I will be the best Pokémon trainer in the world'


One after another a veritable flood of memories rushed through the now recognized, Ash's, head with the last being his struggle with the machine as he tried to stop it from cloning Pikachu but was dragged with him.

'What? What happened?'

'Ash' stood up, his feet shaking even now wondering what happened and looked around. His eyed landed on a window pane and his eyes widened when he saw the reflection on it.

'What? Why do I look…older? And my hair and eyes…what happened to me?'

Another glance revealed another astonishing discovery which overtook his mind immediately.

'And where are my freaking clothes!'

After some looking around, 'Ash' found a few rooms that looked like store room filled with clothes, food and other material that looked like scientific equipment to him. And the sight of food like always made him hungry.

A few minutes later, fully clothed, and fed, 'Ash' decided to investigate the Booming noises that were came from above and to find out where his friends were and how much time has it been since he entered that machine and was likely knocked out, it was made for Pokémon, not human use, after all.

As 'Ash' went up the stairs, where the battle ground was located, if he remembered correctly, he heard a loud yell of "STOP!" and the voice was suspiciously like his own.

Now breaking into a run, as soon as 'Ash' reached the opening in the floor and peeked up and froze with shock when he saw a boy, looking just like he did before he woke up, commanding his/their Pokémon along with Brock and Misty, who were standing with him.

'What's going on? Why does he look like me and why are Brock and Misty with him and why…'

'Ash', almost robotically went back down and sat on the chair by the machine he woke up by.

A storm of questions passed through his head as his mind tried to comprehend what happened and how all of it was possible. Dozens of reasons and logics went through his mind but were discarded just as quickly as his brain as his brain calculated and cross referenced it with all the know variables about the current situation. In his dazed state he didn't even question how he was able to do all this without much effort.

Unable to answer the questions and not liking the only logical answer he found, 'Ash' went up the ramp and peeked out again. The boy that looked like him was even now with his/their friends while both Psychic cats fought above them. Even Team Rocket was there, fighting against the clones with their Pokémon.

'So I wasright. Ifhe's up there and Pikachu and my other Pokémon are followinghim, thenI'm a clone too...' 'Ash' thought sadly to himself, as he starts to pull away from the opening, as he reached up to pull on his white hair to look at it for a moment, as a scowl appeared on his face for a moment, 'that explains the hair and eyes I guess. But if I'm supposed to be hisclone, why's the heck is my hair and eyes different than his?'

Unable to come in terms with all of it, 'Ash' went back into the lab and sat down, to think.

'I have to see what's going on up there, but I can't let the other me and the others see me. Seeing how Mewtwo hates humans,' 'Ash' thought silently to himself as he sat in the barely lit room, as more rumbles could be heard above as the lab shook from the force of the attacks from the battling Pokémon.

As his curiosity got the better of him and he started to creep back up to the opening above him, being careful to not draw attention to himself as he watched the battle from the safety of the hole, 'there's no telling what Mewtwo would do if he sees me and realizes what happened. I'll just have to be careful and not be seed by anyone.'

And so 'Ash' watched the ensuing battle between original Pokémon and clones from his hiding place in the underground cloning lab, just as Mewtwo and Mew started launching their own attacks at each other as the battle ensued.

As he watched the battle, he felt sadness fill him as he watched Pikachu refuse to fight his own clone, and winced in sympathy as the electric rodent let itself get beaten up by its clone until the clone became too tired to fight


"All of you have to stop this before you get hurt!"

Hearing his own voice shouting out, he turned his gaze back towards the group of trainers only to see his own original rushing out into the battlefield, heading straight for Mewtwo and Mew and getting in between them just as

the two legendaries launched their attacks at each other.

The force of the blast from the combined attacks, sent everyone flying, and the ensuing light show caused 'Ash' to cover his eyes and duck back down to the lower floor as he heard Brock and Misty's scream out his name.

Once the light died down, 'Ash' uncovered his eyes and rubbed them for a moment as they came back into focus as he blinked a few times, as he noticed that the sounds of fighting had stopped above him, and he could hear the voices of Misty and Brock and the other trainers voices, as Misty's voice calling his name again reached his ears.

Taking a chance, he climbed back up and poked his head into the opening of the floor once more to see what was happening now, and looked in his direction of the other Ash, only for his eyes widen in shock and horror at the sight before him.

The original Ash still stood where he was when the attacks had hit him with a stunned look frozen on his face with a blank eyes staring sightlessly at nothing at all, with his body still in mid run before finally toppling over to lie lifelessly on his side and unmoving, but as everyone watched the young trainers' body slowly turned to stone.

'Ash' could see Pikachu rushing over to the other ones side, as it tried to revive their fallen trainer by shaking Ash's stone body with his paws and calling out to Ash, and even going so far to shock him back to normal repeatedly several times only to get no result, before Pikachu finally stopped after a few minutes and started crying, as Misty and Brock rushed forward and broke into tears as well when they saw there was nothing they could do.

'Poor Pikachu. I wish I could help him...' 'Ash' thought silently to himself, as he watched as Pikachu's attempts at waking up Ash failed, as 'Ash' felt a jealousy fill him, as well as sympathy for Pikachu's loss, as he felt his own tears come to his eyes, when he noticed something strange happening with the Pokémon.

As he glanced around, and saw that Mew and Mewtwo had stopped fighting each other when they realized what they had done, while the other Pokémon and their clones had stopped their own fighting to watch what was going on, and as 'Ash' watched, he could see all of the Pokémon, minus Mew and Mewtwo, were breaking out into tears over Ash's loss, and as the cried the Pokémon's tears seemed to give off a strange glow as they started floating away from the Pokémon and fly towards Ash's frozen body.

'What's going on? This almost reminds me of that story the tour guide at the harbor told us before we left,' 'Ash' thought silently to himself eyes widening in shock at the site, as he watched the growing amount of glowing tears seem to gather over Ash's body, and envelop him, seeming to sink into Ash's body as they disappeared from sight, just as Ash's body gave a strange glow, 'Is what happened in that story happening now for real?! If so, that means...'

As he watched in disbelief, 'Ash' could see the glow die down, as Ash's body become flesh and blood once more, as the other boy sat up in confusion about what was going on just as Pikachu pounced him and Misty and Brock ran over and gave him hugs as happy tears ran down their faces when they saw he was alive again.

'I guess that's good, that they have the original back. Mom won't have to be sad at losing him if he had stayed dead,' 'Ash' thought silently to himself, as he felt jealousy fill him again as he watched his 'friends' hug and comfort the other Ash, while Pikachu and the rest of Ash's Pokémon surrounded the group of humans while Mewtwo and Mew and the rest of the clone Pokémon all watched what was going on.

"He sacrificed himself to save the Pokémon," Mewtwo's psychic voice was saying, causing 'Ash' flinch a bit when he heard the psychic Pokémon's voice in his head, as he watched as Mewtwo used his powers to start lifting up all of the clone Pokémon from the ground.

As Mewtwo explained that he had seen that he was wrong about humans, and that he was going to take himself and the clones far away from the prying eyes of humans, and that he would erase the memories of everyone there so that they wouldn't remember what happened there and send them back home.

'What?! He's going to erase everyone's memories? What about me?' 'Ash' thought frantically, as he watched as Mewtwo and Mew flew off into the air with the rest of the clones, 'If he mind wipes everyone...'

It was all 'Ash' could think because just then, in a flash of light Mewtwo and the clone Pokémon's disappeared and took everyone's memories of that incident with them.

Mewtwo also teleported all of the trainers, their Pokémon and even nurse joy to the mainland. He left, thinking that the island was deserted and no one was there, and it would've been true if not for a certain white haired, red eyed clone.

In a now forgotten laboratory, deep within an island whose existence was known to none except a certain duo of Psychic cats, a figure lay prone on the ground.

As a ray of sunshine, coming through the higher windows of the lab, shined on the face of the, now revealed, white haired boy, a groaning noise filled the empty lab. The boy slowly opened his eyes, looking around in wonder as if seeing everything for the first time; he shakily got on his feet but lost his balance and fell on his knees.

The boy looked around from his kneeling position in amazement and seeing bright light shine from the opening in front of him and crawled to the ramp and then came to an open field which looked destroyed, as if a war was fought here, not that he could deduce any of this.

The boy, after thoroughly scrutinizing his surroundings, turned his attention inwards and it was with dawning horror that he realized that he knew nothing about…himself, anyone, anything.

His heart began to race, as he tried to find even a shred of memory in his blank and empty mind. He panicked as he found his mind was as empty as the island he currently inhabited, like a blank canvas, from which a lifetime worth of paintings had been erased.

He would have shouted for help, maybe curse the heavens for his predicament, but all that came out of his throat was an animalistic scream. He tried to form words, sentences but he knew no words, no language, he remembered nothing.

A wordless thought…

A soundless scream, was all he could let out in his state.

His head hurt, something was pounding from the inside of his chest, a rushing sound rang through his ears, his limbs were shaking and if he wasn't already kneeling he would have definitely fallen. He squeezed his head between his arms in a futile effort to drive out the pain, but to no avail.

His breathing was labored, and something was squeezing his torso as he tried to herd his thoughts in a meaningful direction, but the more he struggled, the more trapped he felt. His agony filled thoughts were now incomprehensible to even himself, as the phantom knot in his chest seemed to tighten…


He couldn't bear it any longer….

It hurt…so much…

Maybe it will be easier if he let go, maybe the pain will vanish, and maybe he will find peace, maybe he should…


A thunderous roar filled his ears, as his migraine spiked, and something in his head gave in with a 'POP' as he was assailed with 10 years of memories, once again in less than 12 hours.

While 'Ash' was assimilating his now recovered memories, he was completely unaware of what was going on outside.

His body was ablaze with the same blue-pink Aura, only it was multiple times bigger. The field around him was cracked and the boulders crushed to fine dust, under his feet was a crater of at least 20 meters in diameter.

Boulders were raised out of the ground and smashed into pieces, crashing into each other or colliding with the walls. Many bricks stones, glass pieces and metal were orbiting around him as if he was the center of their gravity.



If 'Ash' had thought that after getting back his memories everything would be all right he was sorely disappointed. After all he regained his memories, only to remember that he was just a 'copy' created by a machine and that too by mistake, no one even tried to create him, he was just a bloody, stupid mistake.

'Why? Why is this happening to me...'

'Am I just a copy of Ash Ketchum, do I have no identity of my own...'

'Of course I don't. Mom named only one boy Ash after all...'

'Oh God Mom'

Thinking about the ever cheerful woman and mother of Ash Ketchum, bought forth a new round of tears in 'Ash's' eyes.

'I can't go back, Mom' might accept me but it would be too awkward'

Ash' knew that Delia, the kind woman that she was, would gladly welcome him in her home with open arms, but he also knew that how difficult the situation could be if the secret of his origin came out.

Mewtwo erased everyone's memories for a reason after all

It was only now that 'Ash' opened his eyes and lay his gaze on the utter destruction around him.

The place was even more trashed than before and that was saying something, two legends did battle here after all.

The big boulders some crashed into the walls and some smashed into small pebbles. He even saw some fine soil, likely formed from crushed stones.

But what stunned 'Ash' most of all was the Blue-Pink Aura engulfing him and the objects orbiting around him.

'D-Di-Did I , Did I do al-all of this?'

A totally gobsmacked 'Ash' thought to himself.

'Bu- But how me, I, Ash has never done anything like this before' thought a amazed 'Ash', and it was true, never had he seen something like this.

'Thi-This is so...

Wait I've seen all this before, couldn't Sabrina do all this? and with her mind too...' 'Ash's thought rapidly.

'Maybe I'm like her, a Psychic...'

Looking at the Blue-Pink Aura around him 'Ash' could only conclude that yes, he was like Sabrina a Psychic.

It was during all this inspection that somehow 'Ash' lost focus on his powers and the Aura along with force keeping the objects afloat around him went off, leaving a tired and huffing 'Ash' in its wake.

But 'Ash' clearly remembered that her powers were visible only as pink hue around her.

'Why is mine different from her? Is it different for different people or is it something else.' 'Ash' wondered.

'Ash can't do this. So that means that I'm, I'm not the same as him, I'm different. I'm my own person. I'm a separate living being'

Untold amount of joy and euphoria filled 'Ash' as he finally accepted to having a distinct existence, different that the Ash of Pallet.

'Yes, he might be Ash of Pallet but I'll be a different, separate person of my own'

'I'll go on a journey of my own'As he thought this 'Ash' had a flashback of when his mother and other town's people came to wish him good luck on his journey, he remembered the bear hugs of his mother, hugs he was likely to never enjoy again.

'make new friends'An image of Brock, Misty, Bill, Sabrina and many others came to his mind.

'Find new partners' Pikachu, Bulbasaur and all of his beloved Pokémon went through his head.

'New rivals' A image of Gary with his cocky smirk.

'I'll be the best trainer in the world or my name isn't...' His eyes fell on a piece of glass beside him, looking directly into his Crimson eyes.


His joy was cut short as his heightened state of emotions caused his powers to go out of control and cause a minor earthquake.

He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and thought, 'After I get my new powers under control. Beware world here I am.'

Hey, so this was the first chapter of my first fic 'I'm Red'. As you can imagine Red is a clone is Ash and will go to Hoenn now on his journey and adventure.

If you want Red to have any certain Pokémon do tell me and I'll se what I can do. Most of the team is selected and there are only a few slots left so, hurry up.

Ohh I almost forgot, I've adopted this story idea fromSakura Liseland have used one or two pages from his story too, I hope he/she doesn't mind(-_-)"

So stay tuned, and as this is my very first venture into the world of writing, plz do tell me if you spot any errors, I welcome all the criticism I get, but please do tell me to correct said error.

Well with all this said and done, until next time,

We'll meet again...
