Authors note- this is a sequel to Captured, if you haven't read it I suggest you do, but if you really don't want to then ignore the few details which may confuse you and enjoy the story! Here is a small recap and extended summary of this story and Captured. The NW's (New World Order) are a militant group who have forgotten about ninjutsu. They run solely on technology, and have already enslaved the ninja before by stripping them of and restricting their chakara. They view ninja as primitive beings, who are still barbaric and medieval in their views. The NW's treat them more as animals than human beings, and they would have remained that way had the ninja not risen up and fought back. Orochimaru and Kakashi were the main reasons the NW's were stopped, however, on one fateful day the NW's were spotted once more.

It turned out that the ninja had not stopped all the NW, but merely one city. The villages, Cloud, Sand, Leaf, Mist and Stone were all relatively close by, they were in the south of the world. They did not realize the north held many more threats. But having technology meant living became easier, the NW society grew faster than the ninja. They had better health facilities, and they surpassed their areas carrying capacity. When the population became to high the NWs were forced to branch out. Leading to the meeting of ninja and NW's. One of their main cities was destroyed by the ninja, and after proper preparations, the NWs have returned to recapture the shinobi. Enjoy ~

"Today I am someone different. Today I have finally become who I really am."

Orochimaru felt something hard whack his head giving him a minor headache. He breathed out and turned over in his bed to gain distance from the source of pain. His efforts earned him another whack, followed swiftly by two more until finally he felt four heavy feet trampling him. He sat up in his bed and glared at the dog which had been bounding around on the bed in excitement. His golden eyes moved to the small clock beside his bed and he sighed out.

"Kakashi, he is hungry." Orochimaru stated, brushing black hair out of his still tired eyes.

Kakashi made a half hearted effort at replying, but it was still dark outside, and he hardly felt like getting up to feed the hound. He was a much heavier sleeper than his lover anyhow, the serpent woke up if the branches outside so much as lightly touched one another. Orochimaru breathed out irritably, the dogs were Kakashi's. He had chosen to keep his summonings in the house with him. The whole pack of them, from Pukkun to the large mastiff. Orochimaru was about to complain about the hounds when he realized it had been his idea to allow them in the house at all.

Kakashi had warned him of their disturbances, but the natural maternal instinct had pleaded the Sannin fight for the cute looking animals. He regretted it. The dogs were loud, and even though they were more than capable of producing human speech they persisted on barking and whining. Orochimaru dragged himself out of his lovers arms and free from the warm sheets of their bed. He walked across the floor till he reached their bedroom door. Dogs from all over the room leapt to their feet at the sound of the click of the door handle. They half ran the snake summoner over, if it hadn't been for his reflexes he would have been trampled. He swiped at his blurry vision and he navigated the dark halls. It was no earlier than three in the morning. Why the summoned dogs decided they needed food at such a time was beyond the snake Sannin, but they had refused to eat supper that night and finally starvation kicked in. Orochimaru noted that next time he would stuff their dinner down their throats.

The Sannin entered the kitchen followed by many hungry eyes pinned to his slim figure. He dished up food in his half asleep state and placed each bowl on the ground for the canines. They all seemed eager and plunged into their bowls. All except the smallest member.

"I didn't want food." Pukkun stated. Orochimaru looked at the food which would now go to waste.

"Then let someone else have it." Orochimaru said disinterestedly.

"They can't have two portions they'll pick up weight. Which means you'll be taking them on extra walks to lose that weight." Pukkun warned.

"Off one extra meal?" Orochimaru chastised, " you know what fine."

He hastily picked up the bowl and tossed its contents into a container before heading back to his and Kakashi's room. He happily claimed his space in the warm sheets and felt the copy ninja wrap a strong arm around his waist. Orochimaru looked back at his lover and pecked him on the forehead. He chuckled to himself. Even at night Kakashi covered his mouth with a mask. Such a private man he was.

The copy ninja refused to let anyone see his real identity beneath the material, well almost everyone. Orochimaru had seen beneath his mask many times. As he lay in his partners arms he brushed white hair away from his sleeping lovers eyes. He ruffled the messy hair in attempts to rid it of some of its knots. From a bad habit of moving bases the serpent found it hard to sleep once he had awoken. In the past sleeping was always in short bursts, so trying to allow his body to realize it was okay to ease up proved difficult. He ended up fussing with the copy ninjas hair to occupy himself in the darkness until a strong but gentle hand guided his slim fingers away. Kakash moved his lovers hand back down and opened a sleepy eye.

"Will you go to sleep." He said tiredly.

"Your dogs did this." Orochimaru said.

"It's three in the morning." Kakashi reiterated.

"Tell your-" a loud bark broke the Sannins voice off and all the large hounds lunged onto the bed half stepping on the two humans. Kakashi pulled Orochimaru toward him and shielded his fragile form from the many paws. The serpent chuckled under the larger mans protection as Kakashi winced from the claws accidentally hitting him.

"Will you guys knock it off." Kakashi said, but his voice was calm as always and they hardly listened. The doorbell wrung and the two lovers rolled over to look at the door. It was hardly the hour for visitors, even considering their odd choice in friends.

"I'll get it." Kakashi stated. He climbed out of bed leaving behind many eyes. The hounds bunched around the serpent who watched the other man leave. They all leant on and sat down by the Sannin, almost in a protective manner as the copy ninja exited. Kakashi trotted down the hall and stepped over a large constrictor on his way down. He glanced at the python and it hissed what he hoped was a greeting. He internally sighed, between his dog summonings and the Sannins snake summonings they were running half a zoo. Orochimaru had learnt each individual dogs name and personality, their dislikes and likes. However Kakashi struggled to identify any of his lovers pets. They all looked similar to him, he couldn't tell male from female. All except one, Auria, the one which always struck at him, he knew that one even in the dark.

Kakashi reached the door and pulled it open , he was met by worried eyes the Jounins hand inches from ringing the bell a fourth time.

"Kakashi-sama. Thank god you're home." The man said.

"Where else would I be at three in the morning." Kakashi stated, slightly jabbing at the mans choice of timing.

"There have been sightings." The man said.

"Sightings?" Kakashi questioned.

"They're back." The man said his eyes fear stricken. Kakashi looked at the man in confusion. He couldn't figure out who they were. He couldn't understand the mans fears, until he heard the bang.

"Kakashi!" Orochimaru yelled from inside, he came rushing out the house still dressed in his light purple gown. His black hair swished with his movement, his white skin captivating in the night almost as brightly as his eyes. He rested a hand on his lovers chest as he confronted the man.

"Are they NW's?" Orochimaru asked, Kakashi realized the panic and looked back down at the other man.

"They wear new armor, new suits... But they have been marked with the same letters yes." The Jounin stuttered, "elites have been asked to meet at the Hokage building."

"We will be there shortly, where were they sighted?" Kakashi asked, the dogs came barreling through the door. They sniffed the air and started growling and panting in anxious anticipation.

"They aren't far." The Jounin said.

"Are they purposefully heading towards us?" Orochimaru asked.

"It seems so Orochimaru-sama." The Jounin stated.

"We will head out immediately." Orochimaru replied, he didn't bid the man farewell. He rushed to don his shinobi uniform. He placed the black Jounin outfit on and and watched as Kakashi returned wearing his usual green one. How the NW's had managed to resurface was something the two ninja cold not fathom. They had personally destroyed every last military soldier around, how there could be an army in new suits approaching was a nightmare come true. They entered their streets but they never managed to get to the Hokage building. As if history truly did repeat itself, the two elite ninja felt their sense sway and their energy drop. The village blurred and spun until it fell out of their eyes.


It had been two months since the attack, and every night the ninja awoke they felt as if they would find themselves back in their beds, anywhere other than the nightmare they'd tried so hard to escape from. But it was never so, and they awoke to the same eyes patronizingly watching their every move. Orochimaru hissed in annoyance as he awoke. The NWs were arrogant every time they had the ninja. The NWs had attempted to go around matters differently, they had offered the ninja an ultimatum. They had suggested ninja forfeit their jutsu and allow themselves to be cleansed from their primitive fighting styles. It was all a choice, the NWs did not simply wish to steal the ninjas chakara, as that would mean it was not a proper acceptance of the terms. Many ninja had fallen a part after a month of being prisoner and had agreed. Once a ninja had agreed to the terms they were released into the NWs city, to live a supposedly free life.

However they were marked, and ninja had different rights to pure breed NWs citizens. An NW citizen still frowned upon the ninja, they still treated them as lesser beings. As it stood, minority of the ninja had chosen to rot in their cells rather than give up their jutsu. Orochimaru and Kakashi were one of the few left who had refused. Even they were losing hope. Unlike their previous arrangement, the ninja had no freedom around their situated area.

Orochimaru sat beside his lover leaning into his supportive chest as he played with his hair morbidly.

"How long before we die of depression." Orochimaru said glancing up with irritated eyes at the copy ninja.

"You? Die? I don't think that's happening any time soon." Kakashi said trying to make light of the unfortunate events. Orochimaru wasn't having any of his jokes or humor, he was hardly in the best frame of mind. A man entered the room, both ninja looked up at him.

"No." Kakashi said before the man had asked anything. The man nodded and left. It was the same thing every day. The man would enter and offer them their potential freedom for the trade of their power. They would deny the man.

Orochimaru looked at the man as he left, there were a number of ways to kill a man. The only problem being was the fact that the man could at any second, at the click of a button have both of them euthanized. The machines latched onto their wrists had been programmed to insert pollution into their systems dare they try anything. It in turn would shut their bodies down resulting in immediate death. The man reentered the room with two needles, as always they extended their arms. The man then injected the substance into their arms to stunt their chakara and ensure they could not use jutsu. It was only temporary, but it didn't make much of a difference given the fact that they could not regain their chakara due to constantly being injected every day. The man then asked Orochimaru to follow him, he did as told and Kakashi walked as well. The man gestured for the copy ninja to remain where he was.

"Where are you taking him?" Kakashi asked.

The NW ignored him, and as Kakashi was about to demand an answer he felt a current of electricity run through him. He stumbled backwards more out of sudden fright than pain. Orochimaru hissed at the man for daring hurt his lover, but he remembered past experiences.

If anything, saying or doing something would end his partner up in more pain than he originally was in.

"I'll be fine." Orochimaru said. Kakashi watched with cautious eyes, he wasn't buying it, but he knew acting out would endanger them both so he settled himself. The man ignored them both and requested the Sannin follow him further. They left the copy ninja behind as they walked down the pure white halls. It felt as if they were in a lab rather than a prison cell, and Orochimaru was moved to a different room. The man left him alone in the room and locked the door. The Sannin spent all night alone in the room, not a single window, merely a slightly blinding light in the middle of the roof, a bed, a small bathroom and table. Orochimaru looked around the area which mirrored what he had moments ago been sharing with Kakashi. He had been warned about this, if ninja were too stubborn they split them from any forms of socialization. He and Kakashi were to be left alone in their holding cells till they caved. Orochimaru breathed out, it was a truly hopeless life. There were few options, and fewer reasons to exist at all given the circumstances.

Days passed on like years, and the snake Sannin swore he had lost his mind. He had never been the most stable minded person, everyone knew that, he was renown for his psychopathic tendencies. He had vandalized his own room in the space of three months alone. He had smashed the light, toppled the table. The bed was intact only because he wasn't physically capable of doing much to it. He yelled at the men outside his door to free him, he would hit the door, he would lean against it and speak of nonsensical things to who ever lay beyond his room. He had lost it. He had officially gone mad in the cell. The next time the room door clicked open he looked up at the man with brightly lit golden eyes. The lighting of the holding area was dimmed due to the light being smashed, and the snakes golden eyes were the only other thing which was perfectly visible due to their brightness. He sat elegantly on his bed, one leg hanging off the edge, the other tucked under him. The man seemed unnerved, he knew the snake Sannin had become unhinged during his time away from his companion. The man was new, new blood, he awaited an answer but the Sannin didn't give one.

"Would you like to go through with the procedure?" The man asked, the Sannin watched him intently. The man sighed, he would have said yes had he wanted to. The man left and then returned with his needle in hand.

"Are you going to be watching me instead of that other old bastard?" Orochimaru asked in a slightly hushed voice, his tone some what implying other things. His entire manner suggestive. His brushed his long hair out of his eyes, his sharp features captivating the man momentarily.

"Just for the next week." The man stated, "arm please."

"What a pity." Orochimaru said feigning disappointment, he slipped his sleeve up gracefully them moved his hand just out of reach, "will you leave once you have given me that?"

The man watched the ninja curiously, his human instinct was kicking in, and the serpent was always one to manipulate that primal desire. He sat making himself appear as feminine as possible, his eyes meeting the mans dull ones.

"Would you have me stay?" The man stated.

"Maybe just for a while." Orochimaru replied getting up from his seated position. His sleeve fell back down.

The man was a fool to think he was getting lucky with the ninja because of the Sannins desperate need for human socialization. He did not know the snake well enough to know that he was used to being alone, and the detainment may have crushed his mental state but his spirit was still as always an immortal. The snake was always one to use temptation to get what he wanted. It always started with a snake. The man moved closer to the Sannin who allowed the man to do so. He then tilted his head upwards to allow the man closer. Naively, the NW guard closed his eyes as he leant down to kiss the mystifying serpent. But he never did manage that, Orochimaru had stolen the device out of the mans pocket. He slipped a piece of jagged glass out of his sleeve, one he had attained from the broken light and drove it into the mans throat.

The NW stumbled backwards and reached for his device, but he saw the snake had it. Naturally the Sannin had ensured that his victim was stabbed in the right place to make sure he could not scream. Orochimaru picked up the syringe and emptied it out on the floor before tossing it aside. All he had to do was await the substance to wear out of his blood stream. Then he would have some of his chakara back.

It would only be moments before he escaped his cell.


Kakashi sat in his cell as he awaited a fate he had no control over. It felt as if he had been away from his lover for decades, and his will to do anything had disappeared. What kept him from agreeing to the destruction of his chakara was his partners voice in the back of his mind. He could hear the Sannin hissing at him, telling him that eternity was not worth giving these men what they wanted. That one day, as they always had, they would find a way to escape. He had no idea how accurate the voice in his head was, how correct that hiss proved to be. His door clicked open and a man entered the room. Kakashi looked up.

"No." He replied dryly.

"Still so much fight in you my love." The man said, Kakashi looked up confused, he recognized the tone of the voice however. Suddenly, the mans face fell away and a pair of golden eyes met his own. Orochimaru watched the copy ninja rush to his feet and embrace him. The serpent had no issues returning the hug.

"How?" Kakashi asked.

"I killed a man, got my chakara back, and morphed into his image." Orochimaru said, "however we only have give or take six days to leave. If you skip your daily injection your chakara will return. Then we can escape. I've already met a few of our friends on the way out of here while I was looking for your room. I swopped out their syringes as well. They'll get out with us when the time comes."

Kakashi shook his head and laughed lightly, what cage could truly hold the snake. An S rank criminal was hardly a good enough status. The serpent was impossible to stop, he would avoid all detainment, he was the death of the army once, he would be the death of them again.

"Who all is escaping with us?" Kakashi asked, still holding onto his lover, the slitted eyes met his eagerly.

"A trip down memory lane." He hissed, "guess."

Kakashi laughed, "I can't think."

"Deidara is one, then I found Hidan. Although he is not my favorite, I found your good friend Asuma as well." Orochimaru said, "I have informed them of a set time to leave. We will all take the forms of our guards after disposing of them. I'll handle the killings as I know how to hide my trails."

Kakashi wondered wether or not that little trick was a good or bad thing. He decided he would see it as good, as the serpent was on their side, and the copy ninja had little reason to believe he would ever not be. Orochimaru suddenly pulled away from his lovers embrace, he had a slightly unsettled look in his lurid eyes, as if the time spent a part had shattered a small part of him.

"I have to go, lingering will be suspicious. I will see you soon." Orochimaru whispered as he leaned up to peck his lovers cheek. He then took the form of another and left the room, shutting it behind him. When he took the form of the NW he even walked the part, it was impossible to tell the serpent from the real guard. It was his ability to lie and deceive which had won him over technology. When one faced a gun, fighting with knife was child's play. However the serpent knew to use poison, the serpent knew how to tip his disadvantage in his favor. Kakashi heard the door lock, all that was left was to await his lovers return, and his chakaras return at that.

For the first few hours Kakashi feared his chakara would not return, that perhaps he some how had a lesser tolerance than the snake, which would stop him from being able to use his chakara much longer. After another hour he started fearing his chakara may simply never return. As he defeatedly leant against the wall a flash of blue ignited around him. His eyes dropped to his hands instantly as he examined the return of his power. He didn't remember just how complete he felt with the natural ability back in his veins.

It was only about two hours later that Orochimaru entered again. He looked at his partner with a loving stare as he approached, a soft look he only ever displayed to the copy ninja, as he was the only person the serpent trusted fully.

"I can sense your chakara from here." Orochimaru said.

"You've always had a sense for power." Kakashi joked, "where to now?"

"I just killed the last guard and disposed of him." Orochimaru said, "take his form, we are leaving immediately. Their shifts are over, replacements are coming in. We have half an hour to get as far as we possibly can."

"Then let's go." Kakashi agreed. They headed out the door, the copy ninja allowing the snake to leave first, he waited a few minutes to make sure it didn't seem to oddly timed. He then proceeded and they exited the building. They all held their breath, five other men joined them on their way out. Three must have been the other ninja, the other two actual NW soldiers. Either way Orochimaru took the lead and gave the rest of the group confidence to move forwards. Despite the snakes willingness to follow, when nobody jumped to fill the position he was always first on the scene.

The same strange metallic box with wheels awaited them, the NWs called them cars, the ninja called them death traps. They entered, and the driver looked over at them before gesturing to one of the NWs.

"How's your kid been? Out of hospital yet." The driver asked. The NW faltered, it must have been one of the ninja, however he caught himself.

"Not yet, one more day." He replied, the driver nodded.

"Tell him I send my regards will you." The driver said.

"I will." The disguised ninja said. For the journey home, Kakashi tried to guess which ninja was disguised as which NW, and which two NW were actually who they were. He knew which man Orochimaru was, but he was still trying to figure out which men the other three were. He guessed the man on the far left was Deidara. He sat much like Orochimaru, a little more feminine than most males. Then he guessed the one beside him was Hidan, as he sat comfortably, yet on alert. Much like the immortal to be over confident despite the predicament. He struggled to pin point Asuma, as the other three showed no major differences to normal NWs.

The cab came to a stop and two of the men seemed the most eager to get out the cab, all the men exited, ninja included. They held their breath, they were close to being completely free with out losing their chakara. The cab driver said his goodbyes and two of the men walked separate ways. When they had left Orochimaru gestured they follow, they hadn't walked around the corner as they had wanted to when their forms disappeared.

"My chakara!" Hidan snapped, all the ninja were exposed in their true forms. It was thankfully night so nobody was around besides the odd street walker. Orochimaru flashed irritated eyes around at his team, all of them had been forced to stop their jutsu of disguise. He couldn't figure out why their chakara had once more vanished.

"Where the hell are the stars?" Kakashi asked, the ninja looked up to see a pitch black sky. The only lights around were the street lamps, once they looked upwards it was as if they were looking into a black hole. Not a single sign of any stars around. The ninja watched it for a moment an eerie feeling passing them. Suddenly, stars started appearing almost as if they were man made.

They passed troubled looks at one another. Orochimaru moved closer to Kakashi as he became more anxious and the copy ninja drew him in to provide some reassurance.

"Fuck is this." Hidan snapped, "maybe something passed the sky above us and blocked out the stars."

"Why is our chakara gone again?" Asuma asked.

"We can figure it out come morning." Kakashi said, "for now we should find shelter."

"Where will we look?" Deidara asked.

"We can't set a destination in a land we are not familiar with. I suggest we keep moving north." Orochimaru said.

"Yeah, opposite way from that prison." Hidan said.

"By morning there will be wanted signs of us everywhere." Asuma said, "they will put up our pictures and the whole city will know who to look for."

"In all honesty, I do not think they will." Orochimaru said, "if word gets out we escaped they will be in a bad place. Ninja will know there is hope, meaning they will not agree to the ultimatum, and citizens will panic thinking there are rogues amid them."

"That's true. The fucks have to keep this on the down low." Hidan replied, "come on let's walk."

The ninja carried on down the street until they decided they would rather take a few moments to rest. They ended up under a bridge, in which they stayed under it for shelter. It was windless in the city, it all felt unnatural. As tired as the ninja were they all found it was hard to sleep. They spoke and shared their time in the cell, what they thought of doing during their capture. The mad plans and schemes they considered, and ultimately, what made them refuse to give in to the proposal.

"No ways am I living forever with out chakara." Hidan stated, "plus I have way to much to lose, I'm the best there is you know."

"Well we aren't so sure about that last part," Deidara said, "but I didn't want to say yes because the only reason I ever found my purpose was through my art. I wasn't giving that up for a life in a cage."

"I am glad you didn't. I refused to give up all I worked on achieving. Besides, with out jutsu I am weak, and I swore I'd never allow myself to be weak again." Orochimaru said, he glanced at Kakashi, "what about you?"

"Honestly, I had your voice in the back of mind threatening me every day. Kind of felt like you never left." The copy ninja replied, Hidan cackled like a hyena and Orochimaru swiped at him, more playfully than out of anger however.

"Asuma?" Orochimaru asked, the man hadn't engaged in most of the conversation.

"Sorry what was that?" Asuma asked, evidently haven not been listening to their get together.

"Why didn't you give in to the proposal?" Kakashi asked. Asuma shrugged.

"I didn't want to." He said briefly. He didn't say more, and it was clear he didn't want to. For what ever reason he was entranced by the slightly fake looking stars. Kakashi got up to stand by his friend, Orochimaru moved off his lap to allow him room to leave. The serpent then moved closer to the artist, the two haven still maintained their friendship since their last capture. Suddenly the stars departed and it appeared as if morning was arriving. It was getting lighter at a slow rate, once again, at an unnatural rate. But as light filtered through the group realized what they were looking at. There was no sky, or no visible one. A large dome covered the entire city. It explained the windless air, as the city was not outside so no wind could pass through. It also explained the stars, they must have been lights designed to look like stars. Perhaps to give the citizens locked inside the dome the illusion of being under a natural sky. The city was getting louder and suddenly the snake remembered guards chatting about something.

"This whole place is designed to deny ninja chakara." He said, "the dome around us keeps us locked in a toxin which stifles our power, which means for as long as we are in here... We will never have jutsu."

"Crap." Asuma said irritably, "we are stuck in this city anyway."

"Not exactly." Orochimaru said, "we still have a shot at getting out the dome. Then we just need to smash it from the outside and we will free the other shinobi."

"What's the bet the NW haven't figured out how to fully stop chakara as a whole." Kakashi suggested, "if you think about, the reason they want us to agree to the proposal is so we accept we have no jutsu, if we accept it we would never try and use it again. If that's so, perhaps the other ninja aren't permanently powerless."

"It's a possibility. One I hope comes true." Hidan stated, "but daylight is here. We can't sit under the bridge all day."

"We can find a place to stay now that it's day." Deidara suggested, "As we already said, nobody knows we escaped, it's going to be on the down low. And ninja walk the streets now anyway. It won't lead to suspicion."

The other ninja agreed and came out from under the bridge into unknown territory. It was daunting, but there was no point hiding when they were not being sought out.

They waited for more light to enter the man made sky and then they entered the heart of the city near them. They did not know which way would lead them to an exit but they knew which way would lead them far from their previous detainment.

Orochimaru stuck closely to the copy ninjas side, and Kakashi had no issues with it. They had been a part for far too long. The copy ninja could see Asuma still had issues with the Sannin, and although he had come to terms with his and Kakashi's relationship he still harbored some resentment to his fathers killer. He tried his best to hide it however and the copy ninja was grateful for that much.

They passed many NW citizens, all of which sneered at the ninja. Orochimaru glanced at other ninja passing, they all had markings on their wrists indicating they were clear of jutsu. A brand as to speak. The five escapees had no such marking. The Sannin pulled his group aside.

"We need to draw on our markings, if we are spotted with out them we will be taken into custody." He stressed.

"We can just grab some ink and draw a fake one on." Hidan suggested.

"Where do we get ink from?" Deidara asked.

"Any house should have." Orochimaru offered.

Asuma looked at him irritably but then restrained himself from sounding harsh when he spoke to the Sannin.

"We can't ask a household for ink its suspicious." He said.

"I wasn't planning on asking." Orochimaru stated, "during our last capture I robbed a family."

The Sannin recounted sneaking in through the window, it hadn't ended well, In fact he had been caught due to unfortunate circumstances. But the likeliness of getting caught a second time seemed slim, as the previous failure had been out of his control. This time he knew what to do, what to expect and what to avoid.

Asuma watched him worriedly as did the other ninja.

"I've done it before. These people aren't that aware of their surroundings. Their senses are dulled due to technology spoon feeding them." Orochimaru said, "we just need to go to a lower part of town."

"We have accomplished worse to be honest." Deidara admitted.

"We can't all go in. A crowd won't get away with it." Kakashi stated, he knew his lover wouldn't take the group into a plan which was doomed to fail. If the Sannin had worked out their odds as high he wouldn't test his theory.

"Two of us will go then. I've done it before, so I will be one of them." Orochimaru said agreeing with his partner.

"I'll go." Deidara said, Kakashi had wanted to join his lover but he noticed how eager the blond was and decided not to push for anything.

"Then it's settled. We will locate and assess a potential house in the lower areas." Orochimaru said.

"In the morning? Won't people be in and out of their houses?" Asuma asked.

"I didn't have much luck at night, in fact daytime is probably a better option." Orochimaru said, "it's a petty robbery anyhow, it's nothing major."

"Just be careful." Asuma said again, Orochimaru watched him curiously. He had never heard the man express care towards him.

"We will." Orochimaru replied brushing hair out of his eyes.

The ninja walked amid the streets until they located a house which they deemed suitable. Orochimaru and Deidara headed for the open window on the side of the house, but they kept themselves on low profile. The other ninja moved far from the house to avoid any eyes landing on them either. The two feminine ninja had done enough missions in stealth to know how to avoid detection, with or with out chakara. They helped one another to get through the window quietly and landed soundlessly in what appeared to be the lounge. They ducked behind the furniture as they navigated the room. There was a faint sound of voices nearer the front of the house, but it was to distant to be of any concern to the ninja.

They rummaged through draws but found that there was nothing of use in any of them. Orochimaru gestured for the blond to follow him into the next room and Deidara did as he was told. They entered a small badly lit room which appeared to be an office of some kind. It seemed to be the most promising room in the house and soon enough Deidara pulled on the Sannins sleeve. The serpent looked over at his friend and saw he was clutching a marker. The two ninja walked towards the door and the blond almost threw it open.

Orochimaru grabbed his hand as he heard approaching footsteps.

"He didn't say where he was going." The voice boomed, a mans voice, a rather deep throated man at that. He appeared to be heading straight for the two ninja and they passed worried glances at one another. Orochimaru decided they better not wish and pray the man would pass their room and gestured for Deidara to get into the cupboard behind them. The door clicked open minutes later.

"Just give me a minute!" The man yelled to whoever he was speaking to. He started rummaging in the draws.

"Hope he doesn't need the pen. That could give us away." Deidara whispered. Orochimaru looked over at him with curious eyes, their golden colour bright in the darkness.

"How would that throw our cover?" He whispered.

"It won't be there." Deidara replied, almost as if it were the snake who was being naive.

"... I don't think pens are a high item of theft." Orochimaru muttered. The man sighed in frustration.

"I said give me a minute Jayla!" He yelled.

"Who is he yelling at?" Deidara said, "we would have heard them if he can."

"I'm shocked he hasn't heard us." Orochimaru said looking through the key hole.

"Crap." Deidara said suddenly. Orochimaru glanced over at his friend.


"I dropped the pen." He said.

"We can get it when he leaves." Orochimaru said.

It turned out to be a long wait. The man must have been shuffling through his desk for forty five minutes, each passing second making the two feminine ninja locked in the cupboard regret their decision.

"This Jayla person might as well leave with out him." Orochimaru snapped in a hushed voice.

"I'm this close to just walking out of here." Deidara admitted.

"How did you last in the Akatsuki with such little patience?" Orochimaru asked. Deidara shrugged, he hardly missed the group of thugs. It was a much better arrangement in the new village. They were eventually sitting on the floor of the wardrobe when they heard a young women enter.

"What on earth is taking you?" The women asked.

"I need my my notes. I can't go up there with out them." He snapped, "I know I left them in here."

"Did you check your laptop bag?" She asked.

"I can't find that either." He said.

"Isn't it in the cupboard?" The women asked heading over.

Deidara glanced at the serpent nervously, Orochimaru moved closer to the blond where most of the hanging clothes were. Hopefully even if she did open half of the cupboard, they would be able to stay undetected. It was their last hope really.

"Found it!" The man exclaimed, the two let out sighs of relief.

"Then lets go, we are already horribly late." The women said as her voice became more distant.

The door closed behind the two NW citizens as they left and the two rogues leapt out the closet. Deidara turned back and rummaged around the cupboards floor. Orochimaru waited for him then reminded him they had kept the others waiting long enough. The two ninja made their way back to the window and clambered out, then they heard a voice behind them.

"Deidara." The voice spoke, the two ninja were outside already, the serpent over the wall. The blond cursed, he hadn't kept himself hidden well enough. Orochimaru didn't seem alarmed however and turned back to look over the wall again. He sat perched at the top as Deidara attempted to get up as well before his name was called.

To the blonds relief they stared into a some what familiar face, one the two ninja assumed they knew from the village.

"I'm Tenten." She stated as she realized the two infamous rogues, who had lost their infamous status may not know a lowly Chunin by name, "a ninja."

"Perfect." Orochimaru said as he hopped off the wall, she seemed slightly confused as he approached her, "you've been marked correct?"

"Uh-yeah..." She replied.

"Can we see it." He asked, she nodded and displayed the brand on her wrist. Orochimaru analyzed it then grabbed the pen from the blond male. Once he had attained the pen he pulled his friends wrist to him and redrew the mark.

"Why... Don't you two have one?" Tenten asked.

"We escaped rather than agree to their terms." Deidara stated, Orochimaru gave him a warning look. He hadn't wanted anyone to know of their feat dare word get out amid the other ninja and they expose their location by accident. He didn't know if he could trust the girl, he didn't know her.

"I didn't know that was possible... I... I would never have given up my jutsu had I-" she broke off, her voice dead as she realized she had lost the one thing she had worked hard for all her life. When she could have simply escaped. Orochimaru shook his head, it was too late now anyhow.

"We have a theory..." He started, "that the NWs do not have a way of destroying chakara permanently. As chakara can be healed... And regenerated. Which means we simply have to get out of the area to restore what was lost. But this isn't something you can talk about. Not to anyone. Don't change how you've been living now. Don't try anything to escape, we will handle that, keep this secret."

Her eyes lit up, her entire energy picking up, she nodded then dropped her hand to her side as he finished sketching the marking onto his friends wrist.

"Stay safe." He said.

"And to you. Both of you." Tenten said, "oh, and watch out for sector C, they're a mean bunch and they are always on the look out for ninja to pick on, wouldn't want them exposing you during one of their... Investigations."

"Sector C?" Deidara asked.

"It's a few towns from here, a three hour walk." Tenten said, "but I assume you'll be traveling for a long time before you reach a conclusion on how to end this all once more. The military we faced was big, but this time, you can times that size by ten."

"We are prepared for anything. They can send their machines in the thousands." Orochimaru stated, "thank you for the advice."

"Thank you for the reassurance, but you should go. And I should get back to work." Tenten stated, picking up a basket which she had placed on the ground when she saw the ninja. She must have been working for the NW household. It was hard for a ninja to find work when they were seen less as human and more as captives.

The two rogues hopped the wall and on their way back to their team Deidara drew the same mark he saw on himself on to the snake Sannin. They had done good jobs of making the brands identical to the others. The three men who had been waiting for them jumped as they approached.

"Thank the gods." Kakashi said as he hugged the Sannin.

"Worried?" Deidara laughed.

"You wouldn't believe." Hidan muttered, "what the hell took you?"

"We had to wait for the residents to leave before we could." Orochimaru stated, "wrist."

Kakashi gave him his arm and watched as the snake summoner drew on the brand. It wasn't an intricate design thankfully and was easy to redo over and over again. Hidan was hasty to get his and extended his arm almost knocking the slim ninja over. Orochimaru glared at him with slitted eyes before drawing the mark. He then moved to do Asuma's. It was slightly more awkward given the fact that they were not on good terms. No longer bad terms, but still not the best ones. Orochimaru finished up quickly then slipped the pen back in his pocket.

They still needed a steady destination, for all they knew so far was to avoid a three hour away location and avoid their past time prison. It wasn't much to work off.

Authors note- hope you enjoyed the story, if you haven't read Captured, and are wondering anything feel free to ask in the review section and I will clear anything up. Catch you guys soon! ~Hourglass8