! Welcome to Sororius Vires! This is a story writen together by .Kellyanne. and .Kayah.. We met on Fanfiction.net, and our crazy sense of humor made us stay in contact though e-mail intil we decided to write this fanfic! J K Rowling, that fantastic author we all love, owns all the Harry Potter infomation you already know and love. Kelly owns her character Kelly, and I own my character Katie. Maticuno owns himself. We hope you like our fanfic and don't take our threat against Harry, Ron and Hermione too seriously! :D

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.Sororius Vires · Chapter One.

The two sisters, so alike in many ways, yet so different in others, stowed away their trunks and bags under the seats on the Hogwarts Express.

One, a blonde haired, blue grey-eyed girl, sank wearily onto the soft train seats, using her smallish overnight bag for a pillow as she lay down. She wore a bracelet of a snake, that curled around her wrist, the name Kelly carved into the snakes back. The two sisters were the only in their compartment so far, and they hoped it stayed like that.

"Nice of Dumbledore to take us in…" the other sister murmured softly, mimicking the actions of her sister. She pulled her cloak out of her trunk and rested it over herself; slightly chilly in the Muggle clothes she was wearing.

They both had shoulder length hair, although Kelly's sister, Katie, had ebony black hair instead, that contrasted well against her pale white skin and deep blue green eyes.

They were both exhausted. It had been a long night of travelling to make it to Kings Cross Station, but it had to be done. Hogwarts was the only school that would ever accept them, given the sisters…problem…

Well, it wasn't exactly a problem…many saw it as a gift…and, also, many saw it as a burden…a curse. The sisters didn't really care about it. There was nothing they could do to stop it, so why complain? They accepted it, and tried to cope with it as best they could.

Kelly hadn't replied to Katie's soft murmur. Both too tired, and also they'd gone over it a million times, ever since they'd received the Owl stating his decision.

This would be their third magical school they'd been enrolled in. Thrown out of their first and then after a certain incident they'd decided to throw themselves out of the second. Their problem/gift was the cause of this. But now they were going to Hogwarts, and they could tell they'd stay there for a long time, hopefully to the end of their seventh year. They were joining straight into their fourth year, since they had the magically learning to be at that grade. They were going to be sorted after the new first years, after Dumbledore had introduced them to the school, giving them special mention due to their special reasons for joining Hogwarts so late. Kelly and Katie didn't like the special attention, but as Dumbledore said, it would be easier for the students to know their reasons, otherwise they'd make up their own.

Katie shortly drifted off to sleep, leaving Kelly to her thoughts.

Another school, another chance at learning more about our secrets…our powers…our burdens. Kelly watched her sister as she thought how much she looked like their father…
Forever gone…

Kelly sighed. At least here at Hogwarts we'll have Professor Dumbledore to help us, and Draco and Maticuno as well…Back at Veneficus and Marker everyone separated us from them unfairly…but at Hogwarts that won't happen…

Katie murmured in her sleep, her fingers interweaved with the necklace around her neck, the one Maticuno had surprised her with in the summer they'd spent at his house.

Kelly sat up, wishing she had a pillow instead as the books and other objects in her bag dug into her head and neck.

Her fingers held the silver snake bracelet fondly as she remembered the guy who gave it to her...he was as special to her as Maticuno was to Katie...but Kelly couldn't think of the guy anymore...not at this moment anyway...

Being a full-blooded family, which was held in high respect was good sometimes. After all, when an Auror who, on mixed up information had killed their parents, they knew they'd never fall into trouble. No other families would ever give them strife, and they'd never run out of money. Even if she and Katie bought fifty mansions, they'd still have enough to survive. As much as they hated to admit it, these days, you had to have money to survive.

That Auror had taken his first mission way too far...especially how his orders had been to investigate, then bring in for questioning if anything unusual was found. But no. He had killed both their parents, leaving Katie, at seven to look after her, at six. But the Malfoy's, Narcissa being a close friend of their mother's, had helped them though their hard times, and, Kelly especially, had quickly formed a strong friendship with Draco. It had been several years since she'd seen her childhood friend though…

Kelly sighed, and her fourteen year old features reflected in the glass, sighed as well. She just wished they were at Hogwarts already, so they could settle in someplace warm…someplace to call a second home. She hated travelling, especially when her other half wasn't with her or asleep.

Suddenly, three third-years burst into the compartment, talking loudly and looking generally happy to be together again. The three pushed Kelly's bag off the chair and dumped their own stuff on the ground.

"Oh Harry, it's so good to be going back to Hogwarts!" a bushy haired girl exclaimed.

Kelly snapped out of her thoughts with a thud as Hermoine bumped into her as she sat down, and Katie was rudely awoken by Ron's clumsiness.

"What the-? Oh bloody hell…" Katie muttered and Kelly glared darkly at the imposing three.

"Whoa…" the tallish red haired, shabbily dressed murmured as he took a step back.
"Oh, sorry, we didn't know someone was already here. This is usually our compartment see…" the girl pointed out snobbishly.

"Get out of here before I curse you…" Katie growled. She was always grumpy after waking up. And a sixteen-year-old girl was something not to be messed with.

The three stood again to face the sisters as they gave Katie a questioning look.

"We can make you two match your scared friend here." Kelly added, annoyed at how the three younger students thought they could waltz in and own everything.

"Don't you know who he is?" the annoyingly nerdish girl asked, looking at the messy black haired, vivid green-eyed scar cut boy pointedly.

Kelly and Katie regarded the three without interest.
"No, why? Is he like, the garbage collector who everyone knows? If he is, he might want to think of taking his friends' robes. They look like they might be accommodating some lice or diseases or something…" Kelly smirked, as she and Katie just wished the three would leave so they could relax again.

"He's Harry Potter." The girl smirked as well, feeling proud to know something the other girls didn't. "Ohhh…that homeless thing…are we supposed to be impressed some little boy is interrupting my sister and I while we try to rest?"

The three were lost for words.

"Run along…" Katie said still uninterested, lying down again lazily as she kept her eyes on the three.


"Oh please…" Kelly said her fingers warming up with a dull light. "Don't make us give you three a special show on manners, please. Otherwise The-boy-who-lived might not be as lucky. And his two annoying side-kicks who want some lime-light might find out never to bother Katie while she's trying to sleep…" Kelly smirked.

Katie shook her head. "Don't bother with them Kelly, they're only little and naïve…they don't know how rude they're being, or how stupid they sound…just let them run along…" Katie yawned and closed her eyes, as Harry, Ron and Hermione felt themselves being dragged by an invisible force outside the room and the door slide shut in the faces, their belongings at their feet.

"I guess we'll go join that teacher in the other compartment then..." Hermione said, quite put out after their encounter with the two new sisters.

"You can't help yourself, can you?" Katie grinned at her sister, he back hair ruffled in its waves.

"They were so rude…" Kelly shrugged.

"I didn't mean that, I meant how you used…you know to get them out of the room!" Katie smoothed down her clothes. They were her favourite muggle clothes to wear. A long black velvet skirt, three layers of different lengths that had ripped ends, which she loved and a thick, long sleeved green soft mossy looking top. Her school cloak was still spread over her, her black knee high boots showing at the end.

Katie stretched leisurely. She liked the very few months where her age was two years different from her sister; even though Kelly was only eleven months younger then her it was a nice month or so. She got to feel soooo much older.

She watched her sister take to stare out the window again, no doubt thinking about their future. Kelly was dressed almost in the opposite from her sister, wearing a knee-length tan skirt and a fuzzy black sweater. Her boots matched her sister's, though.

Same shoes on our feet, same powers in our hearts. Kelly thought gloomily. It wasn't like she disliked her powers. They came in handy all the time, like just then, getting the three annoying prats out of their train compartment…but sometimes…sometimes they were truly harmful.

Kelly squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to remember what had happened at their first school. She didn't want to remember.

Her mind, though, decided to ignore her attempt to push the memories away and bring them flashing violently before her eyes.

Katie and Kelly were walking down the field to the Quidditch pitch, not really wanting to watch the sport. It wasn't that they didn't like the game—bloody hell, there wasn't a witch or wizard alive that didn't have some liking for Quidditch—but they hated being surrounded by people their age that hated them.

They all resented their powers.

It was a cold, crisp day, the reds and oranges of leaves caught in the wind constantly invading their eyes.

The sisters were walking silently, gloomily, not wanting to bring attention to themselves by talking.
"Did you see the Mudblood sisters yet?" Came the whisper from a boy ahead of them. Both Kelly and Katie looked up, knowing that they were talking about them. Being called Mudbloods didn't bother them because they knew it wasn't true, but today, it hurt. It hurt them both, their pain evident in their cloudy eyes.

The boy was dressed in full Quidditch garb, his broomstick swung casually over his shoulder.

"Don't bother with them. They might curse you our something."

Katie stopped her sister from walking because she knew Kelly would do something she'd later regret. They hung back as the rest of the school's students marched past them, entering the stands happily.

"Kelly…"Katie started slowly, trying to see how angry her sister was. One look into her sister's grey eyes and she knew Kelly was far beyond anger.

With no response, Kelly walked up the stands, taking a seat near the top.

"Kelly. Don't."

"What! I'm not going to sit around like a bloody Muggle and let that arse insult us!!"

"Kelly, we'll get in trouble. You know how the Headmaster told us not to use our powers."

By now, the Quidditch teams had erupted into the sky, whizzing around on their broomsticks like hummingbirds.

Kelly's eyes focused on Dennis Warmings, the boy who had insulted them minutes before. He was a beater, his club in hand; ready to strike if a bludger came his way.

Katie grabbed her sister's arm, making her avert her gaze, "Don't."

Her younger sister rolled her eyes and let her eyes wander through the stands, finally letting them rest on the action in the sky.

It was hard to keep track of who had the Quaffle, but both sisters tried their best to follow.

It was ten minutes into the game when a bludger came sailing towards them, narrowly missing nailing them square in the head.

Dennis was wearing a smug smile on his chubby face, his club held in a way that told he had just hit a ball.

"Are you going to let me bloody do something now??" Kelly hissed in her sister's ear.

Katie took her sister' hand silently and they both closed their eyes, feeling their emotions push their way up to their brains, blood boiling and bodies going cold.

Screams echoed through the stands as Dennis Warmings fell forty feet from his broomstick, hitting the ground with a sickening thump…a satisfying thump.

Kelly shook her head, shaking the memories out of her head in doing so. She looked across the compartment and saw that Katie was still sleeping, her cloak wrapped snugly around her body, giving her a serene quality.

She sighed, closing her eyes again, hoping that this time would be different. Praying that they would fit in for once in their lives. Pleading that they wouldn't be singled out because of their gifts.

But they both knew that none of it would matter because they would always be different.

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So whatcha all think so far? We happen to like it, lol. Feel free to Flame and Review us!