AN: This story is part of our big christmas event, more information will be added soon

Inuyasha & Kagome

Kagome's raven hair whisked around her back, as she spun in the kitchen and made herself a sandwich. I need to tell him soon. Otherwise he'll smell it and would be annoyed I didn't tell him in advance… But first I need something to still the hunger. So the woman went on to devouring the food.

"Mh", she purred. "That was delicious." She petted her flat stomach. "Now on to telling Inuyasha."

"Telling me what?", a voice asked. Kagome whirled around to see her husband lean against the doorframe. His long silver hair was held in a high ponytail, his white dog-ears twitching atop his head. "So?", he raised an eyebrow. "What?", Kagome shook her head. I really need to concentrate and not just stare into his golden eyes loosing myself!

"You wanted to talk about something with me.", Inuyasha closed the distance between them, pulling Kagome into an embrace. "We can speak about anything", he paused, "Something in your scent has changed"

"I made some ramen for you.", Kagome hurried to say. "Do you want to eat it now or later?"

"Now of course!", Inuyasha ran past his wife towards the cooker. "I love ramen!" Kagome lifted an eyebrow and put her right hand onto her hip. "Is that so?", she pointedly asked. The triangles on her husband's head twirled at her tone. His body froze in mid motion. "Of course I love you more darling.", Inuyasha hurried to say. "I would never dare love anything more than you, sweetheart." Giggling Kagome petted him on the head: "Good boy"

"Kagome", Inuyasha whined. "I am not some kind of dog!"

"But sometimes you do behave like one."

"I don't"

"You do"




"Your bitch"

Inuyasha laughed and pulled Kagome close, nuzzling her neck. He loved her scent of waterfall and sakura. Never ever would he turn Kagome down. Never in his whole life! She was his sunshine, his beautiful wife. Her sparkling brown eyes lit his day whenever the hanyo felt down. However sometimes she tried to avoid themes so obvious he couldn't help but wonder, how he ever hadn't caught on to it, like her jealousy of Inuyasha's ex-girlfriend Kikyo. Kagome had been quick enough to distract him, whenever he asked her about it. I was such a scamp at times… I was too wrapped up in my own world to see what I had right in front of me. But not today. Inuyasha held Kagome at an arm's length to look into her eyes. "You wanted to talk about something.", he smirked at her surprised expression, "I haven't forgotten about that."

"Okay, we'll talk.", Kagome nodded her head. "But you'll want to sit down."

"If I sit down or not is my choice." Kagome shrugged her shoulders. He's always been a bit stubborn. Oh well, if he wants to hear the news, he'll hear them right away. "Okay", Kagome thought for a second. "How to approach this…"

"Just tell me", Inuyasha bluntly said. "Spit it out. Can't be that bad, right?"

"Right", Kagome laughed nervously. "It isn't bad at all… Just… Surprising." Inuyasha furrowed his brows. He hadn't seen his girl that nervous since she confessed to him. What could the news be to cause her this much nervousness? Kagome took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "You know what? I am going to let you guess what it is about.", she decided. "I'll give you a few hints."

"Can't you just tell me?"


Inuyasha rolled his eyes. Kagome always had a thing for riddles and adventures. That was probably why she hadn't run away, as he had snarled at her to leave him alone at their first encounter. She refused until she knew, what was going on with him.

"Okay. Give me your hints." Kagome tilted her head to the side in thought, tapping her index finger against her lower lip.

"It has something to do with your new moon night."

"What about it?"

"That's what you have to find out."

Inuyasha lifted one lip to show one of his fangs to Kagome. "How do you suppose I should conclude from my monthly day to any news you might want to tell me?"

Kagome groaned: Is he playing dumb or doesn't he get it? Oh boy! It's not that hard to guess! Kagome blinked slowly, looking at Inuyasha with hooded eyes. "Next hint. It is connected to my appetite and mood."

"The weather?", Inuyasha stared at her with huge eyes. "Oh dear!", Kagome face palmed herself. "How did Izayoi do this? I should have asked her…"

"Asked her about what?"

Kagome shot Inuyasha a glare. "Talk about moody…", Inuyasha's ears fell to his skull. However suddenly they jumped back up, nearly toppling over. Wait a second! Night of the new moon? It's a monthly thing. Appetite and mood? My mother? No… It can't be… He saw how Kagome absentminded stoked her stomach. Golden eyes widened in shock. "D-Don't t-tell me-e you-you're p-p-pregn-nant-t…", Inuyasha stuttered, causing Kagome to beam at him. "I told you to sit down, darling.", she winked at him. But Inuyasha hadn't heard her. He was too busy running around in circles, trying to wrap his mind around the thought of his wife's belly growing until she gave birth to their pup. And he would have to keep her especially save during these months. Oh Kami, he had left her alone far too often in these last days. Inuyasha needed to change that!

"Are you going to run in circles all evening?", Kagome asked. "You have to sit down!", Inuyasha pushed her into a chair. "You need your strength."

"But Inuyasha, I am not due until another eight months and some odds. I don't need to calm down just yet."

He gave her a look. "Just stay calm. I'll handle everything! You just keep yourself and our pup save." Kagome sat there in her chair, leaned her head into the palm of her right hand and sighed. These are going to be the longest eight months of my life… I hope Inuyasha is going to calm down again and this is just the initiate excitement about the pregnancy…

AN: The riddles will be added soon