The celebration at Mamoreal lasted well into the early morning hours, with feasting, drinking and dancing. It was a celebration that was severely needed. Underland needed something to help wipe the sour memory of Iracabeth from it's mind. Alice was relieved that the guests at the wedding chose to stay behind, not following her and Tarrant to the Windmill. She was already nervous enough without having an audience.
The Bandersnatch was pulling a cart behind it, Tarrant and Alice ensconced upon thick cushions. The big creature had apparently decided to stay with Alice, taking upon himself to claim her as his. Tarrant seemed to suffer the beast with his usual good nature. Mirana's words of how the beast was really a gentle creature echoed in her mind as she rocked gently against Tarrant's side. He was a kind and gentle beast, but he was also a creature to not be trifled with. He was fiercely protective of those he considered his people and friends.
Soon the Windmill came into view, glowing softly in the moonlight. Slowly the blades of the big machine turned in the breeze. Tarrant had told her that in the past the machine had been used to crush grain, but ever since the area had become unpopular the spinning of the blades was more for show than anything else. The blades had been repaired with new wood and cloth, spinning with just the quiet hum of wood against wood. The outer shell of the stack had been cleaned and repaired as well, freshly whitewashed. The grounds had been tidied, wild bushes and trees having been tamed. New glass sparkled in the windows. On the small flat plain off to the side of the windmill, the tea tables had also been put to rights with new tablecloths and china, cups sitting upside down in their dishes, awaiting the next tea party.
"Oh Tarrant, you've done a wonderful job." Alice squeezed his hand. "It looks just as I remember."
"I'm glad my love." Tarrant pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. "The inside is much better though."
On the opposite side of the windmill from the tea tables stood a large barn structure, full of straw. Tarrant had made a home for the Bandersnatch. Alice felt tears in her eyes.
"Now don't cry sweetling." Tarrant soothed her.
"You made a place for Bandy." She managed to whisper. "Thank you."
"Well now." Tarrant smiled as the beast pulled to a stop before the door to the windmill, the blades on the opposite side of the tower. The hatter hopped down and undid the harness from the creature before reaching up and helping Alice down. "I couldn't very well leave your noble steed and companion out in the elements, now could I?"
The white and black creature whuffled softy, butting his nose into Tarrant's hand. Long, unbandaged and stained fingers scratched behind one of his small ears, making the creature whine happily. With another snort the beast lumbered off into the barn, turning a few times before dropping down with a happy sigh.
"Shall we Mrs. Hightopp?" Tarrant held out his hand to Alice, grin on his lips, hat shadowing his eyes. Alice nodded and placed her hand in Tarrant's. He pulled her close and swept her up into his arms. Alice squealed with laughter.
"You are so silly, Mr. Hightopp."
"Get the door, will you luv?"
Alice reached out and pressed down on the thumb latch, eyes appreciating the fresh brass fixture. Tarrant managed to maneuver his hand enough to snap his fingers before stepping over the threshold. Lanterns sprang to life, lighting the interior of their home warmly. Using his foot, Tarrant closed the door behind him, locking out the outside world.
Wood flooring. Wood paneling up until the height of the chair rail, then another whitewash type material covered the walls, painted a lovely light mint color. The ceiling above was also wood, high and elegant in the space. Windows circled the room, covered in darker green curtains. There was a massive fire place. Two sofas and several chairs. A bookshelf. Carpets on the floor to cut the chill in the winter. It was cozy and welcoming, spotless and beautiful. All of this was taken in quickly, faster than Alice could process. Tarrant set her on her feet in the middle of the sitting room.
"It's absolutely beautiful darling."
"I'm glad my Alice." His strong hands came up and removed her hat. Beside the door was a hat stand and coat rack. He placed her hat on one of the pegs before reaching up and taking his own loved hat off. She loved watching him.
"I'm nervous Tarrant." Alice admitted. "I'm also a little scared too."
"Don't be sweetling." Tarrant swiftly stole a kiss from her before taking her hand. "I promise you will be safe and enjoy it."
He led her up the stairs to the second floor, both of them passing framed pictures of his family. There were also mirrors dotting the walls, all shapes and sizes. On the second floor were two rooms, a washroom and then their bedroom. Their room was basically a suite, very large and having it's own attached washroom. The colors were darker, more relaxing and soothing than those below. Forest green mixed with a navy blue and was accented by both dark rose and natural wood. A large window faced the west, the ocean visible between two hills. Moonlight glinted on the water, a faint sparkling. The bed was huge, easily large enough to hold several people. The bedding was rose colored, a brighter point in the dark room. It looked incredibly soft and welcoming. Alice's heart began to pound.
Large hands cupped her chin, tilting her face up to Tarrant's. His eyes were velvet dark, a rich deep purple. All of his considerable attention was on her, making her feel utterly loved and important. Slowly he lowered his lips to hers, pulling her close. Soon Alice was swept up in his spell like always, the world around her ceasing to exist. Her husband was set in seducing her, and she was more than willing to let him have his way. He tasted like man, all hot and dark, with a chaser of sweetness from their wedding cake they had eaten. He was devouring her, pulling her heart into her throat.
Distantly she felt her tight dress loosening, breasts being freed from their confinement. Heat and electricity ran through her, coiling low in her belly and between her legs. Warm, rough fingers tickled her spine, forcing her to pull her mouth from his with a laugh. Alice realized her fingers were buried in Tarrant's bright hair, holding him close. His eyes were heavy, color riding his on his cheeks, grin nothing but pure sin. Another pulse of heat rocked her core and her nipples hardened. He stepped back, and her dress fell to the floor leaving her in nothing but her own skin. Mirana had convinced her to go without undergarments, whispering to her that her husband's reaction would be well worth it.
"Beautiful." He captured her hands as the instinctively came up to cover herself. "Don't hide yerself lass, ah want to see every inch of yer delicious body."
Tarrant's Outlandish chased shivers along her spine, making her body clench and gush. She was craving something that was just beyond her ability to understand. Her body felt like it was of fire. She watched one of Tarrant's hand reach out and caress her right breast. Her knees became weak and the area between her legs began to get slippery. His rough skin felt delicious against her soft breast, making her gasp.
"That's jus' ah tease." Tarrant moved his hands to his shirt, pulling it from his kilt and over his head. His chest was porcelain, chiseled and defined in a way Alice had never expected. Muscles shifted and slid as his hands moved, undoing the fastening of his kilt. Scars were scattered across his skin, badges of battles that he had survived and won. She was helpless to keep her hands from his skin, wrapping her fingers around his biceps. He was warm, almost hot and smoother than marble.
His kilt hit the floor with a thud and Alice nearly swooned. He was impressively beautiful, all big, hard and painfully erect. His skin was flushed darker than the rest of him even as it stood out from a base of fiery orange curls. She would have thought he had been carved of marble he was so magnificent, but a large vein curled around it, pulsing with his heartbeat. An ache suddenly filled Alice, centered between her legs. Swallowing he looked up and met the eyes of her husband.
"We will get there, my Alice." Tarrant took her hand and led her to the bed. "We have all the time in the world."
He helped her climb onto the bed before following her, looking all the world like a predator stalking it's prey. Alice's thighs slipped against each other as she scooted back on the bed, rest her head on the pillows. Her head was spinning from a heady mix of desire and fear.
"Relax and enjoy." Tarrant murmured. "Ah know ah will."
His hands were everywhere. Slowly they teased her nipples and breasts, making them tight and aching. When she thought she wouldn't be able to take anymore, he lowered his head and wrapped his mouth around her left nipple. Alice came off the bed with a moan, hands gripping the sheets underneath her. His tongue, hot and wet, caressed the bud, wetting it thoroughly. His hot mouth worked it's way south, loving a trail down to the juncture between her legs.
Alice watched as he moved one of his hands between her legs, jerking as she felt him dip his fingers into her. She had been told there would be a stretching, but all she felt was a delicious pleasure. Long, extremely talented fingers stroked and swirled between her lips, making her restless.
"Gods, you are so wet already." His voice was deep, sparking lightning in her veins.
"Is that a good thing?"
"Very." Tarrant pulled his hand from her and shifted onto his knees between her legs. The head of his manhood slid along her skin, silky and hot before settling against the outside of her lips. "It means you are ready to be mine."
Emboldened by the look on her husband's face and the darkness in his voice, she replied breathlessly,
"Are you ready to be mine?"
He pressed close, the very tip of his head slipping into her body. Together they sighed happily.
"Ah've been ready to be yours for years my Alice."
"Then have me." She slung her arms around his neck, arching her back and hips as she felt him sink further into her. She was deliciously full, her world coming to center on where they were joined. All her nerves were alive, making her even wetter. He slipped deeper with ease, pushing through her maidenhead with nothing more than a pich.
Soon his pelvis was pressed into hers, his manhood seated deep within her. Alice felt incredibly powerful even though she was the one on the bottom. She was all woman now and was addicted to the pleasure a man and woman could enjoy. Her thoughts must have shown on her face because Tarrant whispered,
"Hold on tight wife. Yer about to be Hightopped."
Before she could ask, he pulled his hips back and slammed into her roughly. A scream ripped from her throat as her legs locked around his waist, pulling him even deeper into her. Several times he thrust hard, the feel of his flesh sliding against hers deep inside pushing her closer to the edge. She was almost there, reaching for something she didn't know when Tarrant changed tactics.
Now he was moving slow, rolling his hips. A slow pull and even slower push. Dragging out the sensation of his sex running through hers. His chest brushed her nipples, adding to the inferno within. Her hands had found their way to his shoulders, gripping him tight. Her name fell like a chanted prayer from his lips, eyes focused on hers. They were black from desire.
He pulled back again, paused for the briefest of seconds and then slammed home with a feral grin. Alice shattered underneath him with a scream, holding him as close as she could. Inside Tarrant was pulsing, jerking as he poured his seed into her. Each pulse was timed with hers, tightening the space inside her in a way that made tears leak from the corners of her eyes.
This was love. Beautiful, wild, glorious. She was home where she belonged. As their sex meshed in the way only a man and woman can Alice knew she had found her purpose.
It was a wonderful realization.