A/N: ... Hi again. First off, I'd like to sincerely apologize for not updating since last December! My laziness was a major factor until stuff happened to my house and had to go under repair. And don't get me started on school. Ugh, anyway, as promised on my bio here is chapter 4! As I've mentioned before, in my story Teiko High is basically substituting for Seirin but with a few adjustments here and there. I will say upfront that my chapters will not be fully focused on the games so I won't go into much detail as to how they play unless it is needed. My objective is to illustrate Tetsuki's life as a basketball coach and a homeroom teacher, and the influence she has on others. Thank you for all the support you guys have continued to shower my story in, and I will try my best to update as soon as I'm able. Hope you like this chapter and please review!

"A practice match against Kaijo High?!"

Tetsuki nodded. "They've never disappointed us before." All the first string regulars were gathered around the phantom coach, listening intently to each word. Kagami stood beside her with hand on his hip.

"Their strength is at the national level," he said. "They play in the Inter-High every year."

Momoi looked down at the clipboard where all her data was recorded, Kaijo High School in particular. "Each player has their own sets of talents, and consists of three third years and two years. Nine years ago, their captain at the time led Kaijo to multiple victories," Momoi informed, "And has continued to do so to this day."

"I don't get it." Aomine drawled as he picked a finger inside his ear. "Wouldn't he have graduated by now? Unless he flunked for nine years."

"The only one flunking will be you," Kagami growled impatiently. "What she means by that, is that Kaijo's basketball captain nine years ago has now become Kaijo's basketball coach."

Midorima raised his glasses higher on his nose. "Who is the coach?"

"Kasamatsu Yukio."

All eyes turned to the smallest bluenette of the group. "Kasamatsu-kun vowed both as a captain and coach to win at the Inter-High. He is a very determined person when on court and even more so as a coach." When she finished, Kagami barely noticed the almost pained looked on Tetsuki's face that held for only a brief second before returning to its natural state.

The tiger cleared his throat before stating, "We'll have the first years be on the court for this game. Nijimura, you'll be there too."

Nijimura nodded. "Who else will be on the bench?"

"Three other first string's who have recently advanced from second string," answered Tetsuki. "As well as Haizaki." Just at the sound of his name, everyone gave either a disappointed or annoyed look.

"I still don't understand why you keep him in the club," Midorima sighed, looking down at the bluehead with eyes averted.

"Because Kuro-chin is too nice."

"I don't recall you being five-foot-one and having blue hair, Murasakibara." Murasakibara pouted at the greenhead's comment, munching on his chips in dejection. Tetsuki patted the giant's arm in comfort, brightening his mood instantly.

Kagami brought out a box that was sitting on the bench, and opened it to reveal jerseys. "You'll be needing these." Pulling out the uniform, he passed out them out to their respectful owners. Upon reaching the last jersey Kagami looked around, trying to find its owner but to no avail. "Uh, where's Kise?"

The phantom coach turned to the obvious line of loud, fawning high school girls where at the front of the line stood Kise, giving out autographs for his newest magazine. It was evident to everyone he was enjoying all the attention by the flirtatious grin he held with each passing girl. "There." Tetsuki pointed, indifferent to the multiplying number of people inside the gym.

Aomine grasped the ball in his hands tightly. In his mind he imagined he was crushing a certain model's head. "Die Kise!"

"So this is what a celebrity in public looks like," pondered Akashi. Tetsuki gave a pat on top of his red mop of hair.

"You're kind of a celebrity yourself, Akashi-kun. What about that chauffeur you drives you every morning?"

His crimson eyes looked away. "I don't know what your talking about," he avoided only to make her smile at his embarrassment. As if he was created to ruin the moment, Kise began frantically waving at Tetsuki over the crowd.

"Kurokocchi!" he called to her, a ignorant smile plastered on his face. "Kurokocchi! Do you want an autograph too? It's free if you give me a kis—ITA!"

Tetsuki turned Kagami and found him steaming with rage, which she guessed explained the ball that was chucked at Kise's head. "Basketball is a deadly sport," she concluded bluntly.

Akashi nodded at that. "It truly is."

"It hasn't changed at all," commented Kagami as he observed the high school of Kaijo from its entrance.

Tetsuki came up next to him. "Teiko is no different."

At her sudden input, Kagami yelped in surprise. "You really need to stop doing that!" She shrugged at the suggestion before turning to the first years who were doing their own share of sightseeing. Kagami took note of her behavior, the same behavior she's been harboring since she mentioned the practice match with Kaijo. "Alright, out with it." Blue eyes looked up curiously at him, making him even more pent up with her. "What's bugging you?"

"Why would something be bugging me?"

Kagami furrowed his brows. "You didn't even eat the breakfast I made this morning, and that's saying something since you hardly have any appetite as it is." Crossing his arms, he once again pressed, "You gonna talk or do I have to force it out of you?"

Glancing over at the colorful first string regulars, Tetsuki sighed in defeat, "I have a feeling today will not be in Kaijo's favor."

He raised a split brow at that. Kagami hated to admit it, but with the reputation like Teiko's, when did the other teams ever even stand a chance? "What do you mean?" he inquired nonetheless.

"This year," she began. "Our first string is stronger than its ever been." Tetsuki had a solemn look on her face as they started to make their way into the campus. Akashi and Midorima walked beside each other with Murasakibara not too far behind. Kise and Momoi were conversing excitedly about their game while Aomine was dragged by Nijimura for trying to sleep longer in the school bus. "Nijimura was our strongest player before. Now we have five players ten times as strong combined into one team."

Kagami was having trouble trying to see where the problem was within her words. "So your upset because the team this year is the most awesomest team that we've ever had?" He received a jab to the stomach for that.

"Don't summarize my words," she scolded the tiger then sighed. "Kasamatsu-kun is determined on winning the Winter Cup this year, just like the others. What do you suppose Teiko will say about that?" The adviser was silent, Teiko's doctrine echoing in his head.

Their attention returned to the teens, specifically Kise who was whining and latched onto Tetsuki as they walked deeper into the campus. "Kurokocchi, why did you train us so hard yesterday? I don't think I can walk another step!"

"Lazy and ungrateful. Tch. You sure know how to pick your players, don't you Kuroko?"

Said woman looked up and was greeted with the presence of Kasamatsu with furrowed brows as always. "Hello Kasamatsu-kun."

Kasamatsu smiled down at the bluenette. "Long time no see," he said before wrapping his arms around Tetsuki for a quick hug. Apparently not quick enough, as he was oblivious to the several deadly glares the Teiko first string was shooting his way. Once he released the unresponsive coach, he felt a strong hand grip his shoulder. "Yo, Kagami."

Kagami grinned. "Yo Kasamatsu! How are you?"

The raven haired coach's smile instantly turned into a frown. "No honorifics?" Kasamatsu gave a punch to Kagami's stomach making the tiger double over. "Respect your elders brat!"

Tetsuki sighed, and helped Kagami stand straight. "I warned you before we arrived Kagami-kun," she said with a shake the head. She turned to Kasamatsu. "Will you be escorting us?"

He nodded. "This way."

"Let's have a good match!"

Aomine grinned in excitement when the ball was thrown in air by the referee, officially starting the game. He and Kaijo's center both jumped for the ball however was it was in Teiko's favor when Aomine smacked the ball and into Akashi's hands. Running ahead to their side of the court, Akashi dribbled the ball until some players came to block him. Skillful as ever, he passed the ball back to Aomine who took the opportunity to make the first dunk of the game.

Once he came back down to earth the dark skinned teen looked to Tetsuki with a smile only to have his glory interrupted by the sudden shrill of girls screaming. He turned behind him to see his annoying blond teammate waving ignorantly at the gathering fangirls that arrived in the gym due to the rumor that the famous model Kise Ryouta was at their high school. Aomine growled at the attention the small forward was receiving. Kise hasn't even done anything yet!

Outside the court, Kasamatsu stood on the sidelines with both hands on his hips and an upset look on his face. "Does this happen often?"

"Quite often, yes," Tetsuki answered for him out of thin air, giving Kasamatsu a taste of heaven.

"Don't just appear out of no where!" The spiky raven haired coach grabbed at his heart. "Why are you even on our side and not with your team?"

Tetsuki had a solemn look on her small face. "Are you entering the Winter Cup this year, Kasamatsu-kun?" she asked, surprising the taller coach.

"Of course. Why wouldn't we?"

She averted her eyes away from him and focused on the game. "I was hoping you wouldn't say that," she whispered to herself. Kasamatsu raised a brow when he was couldn't understand her mumbling. Tetsuki looked up at him again and the Kaijo swore he saw a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Whatever the outcome is today, promise me you won't let today affect tomorrow."

Kasamatsu rubbed a hand at the back of his head. "You sure sound poetic today," he said. "I'm not sure what you mean, but sure."

Tetsuki knew her friend wasn't taking her words to heart just yet, but she knew by the end of the match he'd fully understand the truth in words. With a nod, she walked back to Teiko's side of the court and sat down next Kagami. His face sketched with seriousness. "What did you tell him?" he spoke the second she sat down.

"What I thought would help," Tetsuki told him watching Midorima shoot from the three point line and effortlessly landing the ball through the hoop. She didn't miss the shocked looks on the opposing team's faces.

"He'll be fine," he reassured her with a pat on the back. "It's not like we're entering the Inter-High."

The blunette gave a bitter smile. "I just... I don't wish to see Kasamatsu in that state ever again." Kagami stayed quiet as his memory went back to their high school days when Kaijo went against Teiko. All he could do was rub Tetsuki's back in comfort while they watch their team lead 21-8 in the first quarter.

By the time second quarter ended, Tetsuki could clearly see the contrast between the two teams. It wasn't impossible for anyone to see that outcome of the game had already been decided. Kaijo's players listened to their coach breathlessly with head's faced down, while her very own players seemed to hardly break a sweat.

"You guys were amazing!" Momoi praised the first years as she handed each of them a bottled water. "I almost lost sight of the ball!"

Kagami stood in front of them with a grin etched on his face. "At this point, we got this win in the bag!"

Aomine scoffed as he used his towel to wipe off any remaining sweat from his neck. "What do you expect? The only one who can beat me is—GAH!"

The tiger scowled down at the dark skinned know-it-all and mentally patted himself on the back for hitting the teen upside the head. "If you're so insistent on repeating the same sentence over and over, write a damn song!"

While the two continued their cat fight, Tetsuki noticed Kise at the end of the bench sitting rather quietly. "What's wrong Kise-kun?"

Kise looked up to his coach abruptly, coming out of his thoughts. He waved it off and smiled up at bluenette. "It's nothing-ssu!" he lied with a laugh. However, even he knew better then to lie to his own coach. "Well, it's been bothering me since the first few minutes of the game," he stated before asking, "Why do they keep trying?"

Tetsuki would be lying if she said the question caught her off guard, but her face remained the same. "What do you mean?"

His blond eyes glanced over at the opposition's bench who looked completely drained of all their energy. "I'm pretty certain they know they're going to lose at this point, so why bother trying? It'd be better for them to quit now then to keep using all their strength. It's useless."

With every word that Kise spoke, Tetsuki's fear for her team was becoming more and more a reality. Over the past five years she had spent as a basketball coach, she had tried with every ounce of power in her to teach her players the true meaning of victory. So far, her teachings have been proved successful as she was able to lead Teiko to true victory in those five years. Without a doubt, even she could admit that this year would also be a victorious one. However, not the victory she hoped to have.

"What do you consider victory, Kise-kun?" Tetsuki asked the blond. When he remained silent, mostly from surprise, she continued, "Do you consider victory by the larger number of points or by the dedication you put into your team play?" Her blue eyes looked to the score board, 70-22 turning back to Kise. "If you truly believe it is useless, then the way I see it, today's victory belongs to Kaijo."

Kise could see the fierce determination in Tetsuki's eyes as they stared into his own. But for some odd reason, he couldn't shake off the boiling jealously within him. She was practically defending other team! He couldn't help it; things like this come easy for him! "Victory, huh." Kise scoffed just at the sound of the word and stood from the bench. Subconsciously, he looked to Kaijo's coach whose face hardly broke its strong-willed expression despite being the losing team.

For reasons he couldn't explain, it whole situation completely pissed him off.

Tetsuki stood behind him, slightly cautious when she saw the look on his face. Perhaps she had gone too far. "Kise-kun?" she tried to call out to him.

But her call fell on deaf ears. Trapped in his thoughts, he almost missed the call for the third quarter to begin and moved to follow the others on the court. It seemed he was trapped in too deep to realize the back of his hand hit something rather harshly.



The next thing he heard was a body hitting the ground. It was then Kise realized that something was a someone. He turned around to see Tetsuki's fallen form, her sky-blue bangs covering her eyes until she lifted her head to look up at him. Her face held no pained expression but the trail of blood that dripped over her closed right eye said otherwise. The whole court was shocked into silence, until Kasamatsu called to the referee for a time out.

Momoi rushed to her side, as did the others. "Tetsu-chan! Are you okay?" Her eyes glistened with tears, for this was the first time she's seen the bluenette injured.

Kagami helped her up as she brought one hand to her head. "I feel lightheaded," she said softly.

"You idiot," the adviser scolded to the coach. "Are you okay?"

Tetsuki breathed inwardly. "I'm fine. Please continue the game." Just after she said this, she fell down almost to gracefully.

Luckily Kagami was able to stop her from impacting the hard wooden floor, but his eyes were wide with disbelief. "Kuroko?!" Quickly he placed her down on the bench with his jacket bunched up under her head for support.

The sight of her blood shocked Kise to the point he couldn't move his own limbs. Until a fist was twisted into the collar of his jersey, and brought him face to face with an unhappy ace.

"What did you do Kise?!" Aomine yelled furiously at the frozen blond. "What did you do to Tetsu!"

Nijimura grabbed the dark skinned wrist, pulling it away from Kise's jersey. "Stop this! Think with your head not your fist," he ordered Aomine before shoving the first year away from Kise. Sighing, the raven haired captain turned the blond. "Kise, you should sit this one out." Pulling out his phone, his expression turned sour. "I'll call Haizaki."

Wordlessly, Kise agreed without complaint. Approaching the bench he sat carefully beside the space where Tetsuki's head laid, now wrapped with a white bandage over her wound. As the game resumed its play Kise awkwardly stared at the floor in fear he could hurt Tetsuki with a simple stare. Bringing his hands to cover his face, the blond sighed in shame. He knew Tetsuki had good intentions and was only trying to advise him in the best way she could, yet he didn't listen—he didn't want to listen. And thus because of his selfishness, Tetsuki was laying beside him with a blow to the head.

"Kise-kun," her voice called softly.

Said teen rose his head to look down at his coach. His eyes filled with worry and regret. "Kurokocchi, I..."

But Tetsuki shushed him with a light shake of the head, and brought a hand to cup Kise's cheek. "No matter how good a player is, a title remains a title. What's important is the player's effort in what they do, and what they could do for the team." A small smile appeared on her lips as she stared up to his golden eyes. "True teamwork is the key to victory."


"Kise-kun," she said once again as she continued to stare into his golden eyes, holding her smiling after she removed her hand from his face. "In basketball, you'll find nothing is useless."

The blond lowered his head, silent at her last words. Tetsuki turned her head to see Nijimura on the phone when a sudden deadly aura formed around him. He turned his head to the fallen coach with dark eyes. "Haizaki is absent with a cold," he informed.

Right then, Kise stood straight up from the bench and turned to bow his head at Tetsuki. Loudly and proudly, he yelled, "Please put me in the game, Coach Kuroko!" Tetsuki knew right there and then, that this was the first step to creating the next generation. The generation of profound basketball players who would achieve true victory—no matter how lost or misguided they become. And if that day came, she would do everything in her power to protect them at all costs.

"Teiko, member change!"

With a score of 98-32, Teiko won the practice match against Kaijo. Thrill filled the hearts of the colored haired teens as they basked in their first win as high school basketball players. The phantom coach couldn't have been more happier for her team in their moment of glory—not that she had any uncertainty to begin with. She shared a look with Kagami, eyes filled with pride. Without a doubt, her boys would eat good tonight.

Subconsciously, her sight traveled to Kasamatsu. Just at a glance it seemed he was trying his best to brighten the moods of his defeated players, most likely reassuring them that the game was simply a practice and a time of improvement was in order. Tetsuki admired the Kaijo coach for that; his perseverance was his weapon. Returning her attention her own team, Tetsuki was greeted with the sight of Kise's crocodile tears as he held her small hands in his. The bluenette deadpanned while trying to make sense of what the blond was saying.

"—I'm sorry for hitting you in the face and I'm sorry for not listening to you and I'm sorry for being selfish and, and, and—"

Kagami interrupted the crying model with a shout. "Alright! I think she get's it. Geez, what are you, a first grader?"

Tetsuki brushed off the tiger, and gave a short pat to Kise's head. "You are forgiven," was all she said before being engulfed in Kise's embrace as he continued to wail miserably. In the midst of Murasakibara freeing her from Kise's grasp, her eyes caught Kasamatsu walking out of the gym with a indescribable look on his face. Skillful in the art of disappearing, Tetsuki slipped away to follow her fellow coach.

Kasamatsu stared down at outdoor sink, both hands grasping the rims tightly. What was going through his thoughts, Tetsuki wasn't sure. Deciding to reveal herself, Tetsuki spoke, "You have interesting players this year, Kasamatsu-kun."

The spiky haired coach jumped and turned to his side to see the bluenette right beside him. "Don't do that!" he cried, startled. "Well, I can't argue with you there. This year is full of weirdos."

Tetsuki nodded. "It would seem so. One of your players had come up to me and confessed he would drop out of Kaijo and play for Teiko if it meant I would be his 'cute' coach."

Kasamatsu felt a headache forming just from hearing of her unfortunate encounter. "That's double training for you Moriyama," he cursed under his breath. Silence was held between the two coaches until he stood up straight and looked straight at Tetsuki. "Kuroko."

His long time friend looked back, her big ocean eyes anticipating his unspoken words with patience. But before he could even open his mouth, Kasamatsu was interrupted by the voice he could never (regrettably) forget.

"What's this? Finally confessing your love are you? Mou~ You sure took your time haven't you Yukio-chan?"

Tetsuki followed the new voice that sounded behind her, and in an instant, a smile appeared on her lips. "Takao-kun," she greeted happily in her own deadpanned way.

Takao Kazunari smiled down at the tiny bluenette, bringing his arms around her and spinning her around as he held her tightly in his grip. "I've missed you Tet-chan!" he exclaimed once he set her down. Placing his hands on her shoulder, his smile merged into a playful pout. "You don't call me anymore. Did you forget about me already?"

"It is hard to forget someone like you, Takao-kun."

He laughed at that. "I'm not sure if that was a compliment or an insult..."

The forgotten coach entered the scene, doing himself the honor of unlatching Takao's hands from Tetsuki's small frame. "I'm pretty sure that was an insult," grumbled Kasamatsu.

Takao brought an arm around Kasamatsu shoulders next, sighing dramatically. "I've only been here for a few minutes and you're already grouchy? Is that anyway to greet your colleague, Yukio-chan?"

"I told you not to call me that, you asshole!" Pushing the uninvited guest away, Kasamatsu turned to Tetsuki continued with their conversation. "Kuroko. I want you to enter the Inter-High."

Tetsuki's eyes widened. At a loss, she spoke aimlessly in hopes of avoiding the subject completely. "Teiko doesn't require their basketball club to enter such an event. If the school deemed it unnecessary, I cannot—"

"That doesn't mean you can't not enter either." When she remained silent, Kasamatsu brushed a hand through his hair with a sigh. "I know the reason you don't enter the Inter-High is because of me."

Her eyes were downcast, afraid to look him in eyes without being ashamed. But when a hand tip her head up from under her chin, she was met with a grin that took her all the way back to their high school days. Embarrassment caused her cheeks to glow a faint red and averted her eyes elsewhere. "I just," she started. "I did not want you to relive that day again." The last thing Tetsuki wanted was to see her friend defeated not just as a previous player, but as a coach as well.

Kasamatsu smiled, and flicked her forehead lightly. "Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. But you know the only way to settle this is on the court."

The phantom coach nodded. "Hai."

"Yay! I get to see Tet-chan more often now!" Takao celebrated their agreement by hugging Tetsuki to the brink of suffocation whilst blissfully laughing like a fool.

"T-Takao-kun... I can't.. breathe..."


Aomine groaned loudly for all of the bus to hear. Most of them either ignoring the teen or throwing annoyed glances his way. Looking over the seat before him, he rested his arms over the headrest where Tetsuki was quietly seated as she looked over some paperwork. "Tetsu."

"Yes Aomine-kun?" The bluenette asked halfheartedly.

"Can we get food?"

Tetsuki set down her chart and looked up to the dark-blue haired teen, whom was playing with a strand of her hair just like he used to when he wanted something. She turned her gaze to the rest of the first string. "Are you all hungry as well?" To that she received several nods, including Kagami whom was driving the bus. Tetsuki smiled, they did deserve a treat after all. "Alright, I will treat you all to dinner."

Kagami and Aomine shared a shout of victory. Until Tetsuki added, "Except you Kagami-kun." With his mood deflated, the adviser remained silent for the rest of the drive until he parked at the nearest structure. As they all boarded off the small bus, Tetsuki realized she had no absolute idea as to where their meal would fit her budget. Looking around the area, she looked all over to all the possible restaurants to choose from which happened to be none that was to her wallets liking until—

"Let's go here," she said pointing to the rather inviting sign. All eyes followed her direction to the advertisement with eye-popping designs.

Akashi stood beside her, taking the liberty of reading the sign aloud. "Super Volume 4 kg Steak. Eat in thirty minutes or less and it's free. Those who fail must pay 10,000 yen."

Conceitedly, Aomine crossed his arms with his nose head high. "Heh! Like I need thirty minutes to do that!"

Tetsuki didn't make haste, and was the first to enter the restaurant. She bowed respectfully to the owner. "Would you like something, Momoi-san?" the bluenette asked.

"Ah, I'm fine!" Momoi said with a smile. "I'm actually on a diet right now."

"I see," Tetsuki said, looking over Momoi's figure. "I think you look fine just the way you are."


Missing look of pinkette with hearts in her eyes, Tetsuki called to the owner. "Excuse me, eight 4 kg steaks please." Taking a seat on the cushioned chairs, everyone followed suit with Kagami on her right and Momoi on her left. Sitting in front of her was Aomine and Kise while Murasakibara, Midorima, and Akashi sat the table beside theirs. Waiting for their order, Akashi asked the phantom coach. "Where is Nijmura-senpai?"

"I've sent him to take care of some business," she answered. Just as she said that, Nijimura entered the restaurant holding a beaten up Haizaki by the hair.

Nijimura frowned. "Come on, say hello."


Everyone in the room was speechless at the sight of their fellow teammate in such a state, yet they all shared the same thought. Haizaki's face looks terrible! Nijimura seemed to be in a brighter mood and wrapped his arm around the shoulders of the crippled Haizaki. He spoke with a chipper smile and face beaming like the sun. "A second stringer found him at the arcades. And since we should celebrate our win as a team, I brought him here." But now he's on his last breath!

Tetsuki clapped her hands together, her face blank. "Nice you to join us, Haizaki-kun. Please have a seat." Kagami gulped. Despite her expressionless face and monotone voice, he could see the murdering aura forming around her. To save himself he got up and placed Haizaki in his place.

Haizaki tsked and grumbled lowly. "Fine, whatever. Why am I even here? The game is already over."

But the phantom coach heard his words clearly. "A team that wins together, eats together," she said shortly though her voice cold as ice. "Don't worry, it's my treat."

The ignorant silverhead smirked. "If you say so." Right then, a heavy, greasy four kilograms of meat was dropped down in front of him followed by the seven other orders. Haizaki could feel his eyes on the verge of popping out of his skull. What kind of creature did this come from?!

Tetsuki smiled, eyes closed as sharp as a knife. "Dozo."

With a growl, Haizaki stabbed his fork aggressively into the thick meat and ripped off a good chuck. He held the piece of steak in front of him and shoved it straight into his mouth, as if the sight offended him. Instantly he regretted the decision. As he was gallivanting around during the time of the game Haizaki had already stuffed himself with the first fast food place he saw. Now that he was chewing the fattening piece of food, just looking at the whole steak made him want to vomit.

"Is something wrong, Haizaki-kun?" The silver haired teen turned to Tetsuki, face emotionless as ever. Haizaki, being the smart mouth he is, would've said something to the bluenette if his mouth wasn't occupied with chewing. "You know," she began as she brought her eyes to the poster on the wall. "If you don't finished that steak in 30 minutes or less, I would have to pay 10,000 yen." She looked back at him with soulless eyes and voice almost haunting. "You wouldn't do that to your own coach, would you?"

Gulping down his first of many bites, Haizaki stuttered, "N-No ma'am."

Tetsuki hummed with a pleased smile, "What a nice boy."

Midorima swore for the twentieth time that night, that no amount of tutoring is worth this torture. Although he no longer needed help with history thanks to a certain blue haired neighbor, his new enemy was English.


The greenhead scoffed, "What do you mean again?"

Kagami circled the misspelled word in red. "You wrote 'weader' instead of 'weather'."

Snatching the paper to see for himself, Midorima 'hmphed.' "That's what I put. The t and h were just bunched up together." With an arrogant smirk, Midorima raised in glasses higher on his nose. "And you call yourself an English teacher."

"Look here you ungrateful little bastard, you better write the freaking word again or I'm gonna—" But before he could finish, Kagami swallowed his words at the sound of footsteps coming from the hallway. Tetsuki entered the room and joined the two, her head freshly washed from the bath while her towel rested on her head. Sitting on the coach behind the redhead, Kagami cleared his throat. "Aha, what I meant to say was, why don't you try to write it more clearly for me to see?"

While Midorima snickered at the tiger's bruising pride, Tetsuki shrugged and picked up one of her papers to review. After a few moments, her eyes widened briefly. "This is a surprise," she said mostly to herself.

Kagami turned around to face her. "What is it?" he asked.

"Our first opponent in the Inter-High is Shutoku."

The subject peaked Midorima's interest. "Shutoku?"

"Tch," Kagami furrowed his split brows and snatched the paper from the bluenette to clarify for himself. "Takao must've really pushed to play us first this time."

Midorima was confused. For him, he earns the advantage during his tutoring sessions to hear from either Kagami or Tetsuki anything about their upcoming games. So what was so special about Shutoku High? And for some odd reason, he couldn't explain why the name 'Takao' annoyed him at that moment. "Wait a minute," he interjected. "I thought Teiko isn't required to enter the Inter-High."

The basketball club adviser set down the paper on the table and laughed nervously, "Well Teiko hasn't entered for the past five years because of, uh, um.."

"Because of me," Tetsuki finished. It was obvious of the questioning look on her neighbor's face that he was expecting the full explanation. Her blue eyes, usually blank and almost soulless, became softer as the memory she had been trying to forget returned in a second.


Tetsuki walked out of the locker rooms, just a couple minutes after Teiko's win in the quarter-finals against Kaijo. She took her time trying to locate the nearest vending machine, coincidentally passing Kaijo whom were just exiting their own locker room. Tetsuki kept her head down in shame. It was around this time that she was starting to question Teiko's doctrine. If winning came so easy for her school, what was the point in trying to win at all?

As she walked passed the blue team in a ghostly manner, among their chatter she heard, "Where's Kasamatsu-san?"

"Ah, he told us to go ahead."

"Is okay to leave him like that?"

Curious, Tetsuki changed her direction to Kaijo's locker room to find the door slightly ajar but enough to see through. The phantom player wasn't sure what brought her there, but hearing about the talented captain being spoken of in such a worrying tone made her worry as well. Peeking inside, Tetsuki almost let out a gasp at the sudden sound of a fist hitting on metal. Holding her breath, Tetsuki eased her way inside the room, only to be greeted with the tragic sight she never expected to see.

There, kneeling against the lockers in the darkened room with tears in his eyes and anguish in his voice, was Kasamatsu Yukio.

His agony reached the tiny bluenette, leaving her speechless and expression hard. Letting out a breath, Tetsuki approached the captain and calmly placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. The gesture eased his shaking, but remained silent. Biting her lip, she took the chance to introduce herself. "I'm Kuroko Tetsuki, number 11 of Teiko's first string," she said cautiously, hoping she wasn't adding fuel to the fire. Joining him, Tetsuki removed her hand from his shoulder and knelt behind him. "If my school is the reason for your tears, I sincerely apologize on Teiko's behalf." Suddenly, the bluenette felt herself become emotionally unstable as well but composed herself as she spoke. "If a basketball game wasn't judged by the number of points but by the teamwork a team produces, I believe Kaijo was the winner today. For what it's worth, I believe Kaijo has an amazing captain. And their going need their captain if you want to win the Winter Cup."

Kasamatsu's tears ceased as she spoke. He took in a deep breath before standing up and turning to face the stranger. Tetsuki stood up with him and stared up at the taller teen. Her face may have held no indication of emotion, but in her head she was mentally scolding herself for trying to console a person she didn't fully understand. His expression was hard as he stared her down, making her feel extremely smaller than she already was. A few moments passed before Tetsuki felt a hand pat the top of her head, the gesture surprising her completely.

With a faint blush on her cheeks, she bowed before him. "Please forgive me for intruding, Kasamatsu-san."


Tetsuki rose up, slightly confused. "Eh?"

Kasamatsu managed a smile. "You're a first year, right? Remember to show respect for your elders," he teased with a tiny flick to her forehead.

Bring a hand to the stinging spot, Tetsuki returned the smile. "Hai, Kasamatsu-senpai." However her smile faded into a slight frown as she looked down with hazy eyes, unable to forget the sight of his tears. "I'm sorry for causing you pain."

"What are you talking about idiot? Do I have any wounds on me right now?"

The bluenette blinked. "Well, no but—"

"Then I'm not in pain am I?" When he received no response, Kasamatsu sighed and grabbed Tetsuki by the shoulders. "I just need time, just like any team that's defeated by their opponent. But don't you worry, we're gonna get ten times stronger. Then, Teiko will face their first loss in history!" Kasamatsu grinned, though Tetsuki knew his reassuring words were more of a promise to himself then it was too her. While she was happy to see his smile, she could only hope she could hold her end of the bargain.


"Teiko won the Winter Cup that year, and the years after that. After I became Teiko's basketball coach, I convinced the school entering the Inter-High was incomparable to the Winter Cup. Thus, Teiko hasn't entered the Inter-High for five years until now. The end."

Midorima stared long and hard at the phantom coach, arms crossed and mood sour. "That is a selfish request," was all he said.

Tetsuki looked down at her folded hands and nodded. "I know."

To go as far as cancel entering an event like that, just how far will she go to protect someone? Unable to push forward on the subject, mostly because he was unsure how, Midorima cleared his throat and offered what little encouragement he had to his neighbor.

"Well, not that I c-care or anything," he said, a nervous blush creeping on his cheeks. "D-Do your best."

The phantom coach smiled. Though it wasn't her on the court, Tetsuki hoped she could try.

Here's some more of the character's ages:

Kasamatsu: 27

Takao: 25

I'm sorry if the chapter wasn't to your liking, it's been a while. But if you did thank you for reading and please review!