Disclaimer: teen wolf does not belong to me - I can only thank you all for the continuous support and reviews it means so much but unfortunately we have come to the end of the story haha it only meant to be a few chapters but because you all loved it, I kept it going but unfortunately all good things must come to an end, you've all been amazing and I hope you like this closing chapter :)

He lifted her up, making sure their son was safely cradled in Lydia's arms before carrying her out, making his way quickly through the endless tunnels until they emerged back into the fresh air, Mason's eyes immediately widening as he pushed himself off the jeep and scrambled over to them.

"Wait... You had the baby?" He asked before realising how pale and shaky Kayla was in his arms, blood splattered onto their son, "you delivered the baby?"

"Yeah-kinda had to considering she was in labour" trying not to jostle Kayla too much as he fished the jeep keys from his pocket and threw it to Mason, "you need to drive us to the hospital. Where's the others?"

"They haven't come out yet"

"Crap. Okay" he glanced down again at Kayla, holding her securely against his chest, remembering what the doctor said about it being vital she gave birth in the hospital to minimise any complications, glancing at a slightly panicked Lydia who determinedly put on a brave face, sheltering his son from the nippy wind that caught his little body wrapped up in his plaid shirt, "we're going to have to leave them. She needs a hospital - Kayla?"

Her head was lolling against his shoulder, arms wrapped loosely around his neck as she blinked blearily up at him, skin eerily translucent and beaded with sweat, looking exhausted right through to the very core but it wasn't just that, there was something more going on. Weeks away locked up and kept in the damp, dirty tunnels having its effect on her, he didn't know what exactly, but something wasn't right.

"Stay with me okay? Can you do that for me?"

The more he looked, the more he realised the grey-ish tint to her skin, her breathing raspy and lips dry but despite her exhaustion she nodded and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Everything would be fine when he got them to the hospital.

He nodded to Mason, "hospital. Right now"

"O-Okay" the younger boy stuttered, racing around to the drivers seat as Lydia climbed into the front, holding his squirming baby safely in her arms as he got in the back, cradling Kayla over his lap.

"You'll be fine baby, and you did so well back there" he praised, letting her rest her head against his shoulder, "we have a beautiful baby boy because of you, you did amazingly. I'm so proud of you"

Her chuckle was faint but there none the less, "h-he's perfect, isn't he?"

Stiles nodded, kissing the top of her head, "he's our kid, of course he's perfect"

She smiled lightly up at him, "he has your eyes"

He did notice that from the brief time he had savouring the moment of delivering his baby and nestling him in his arms, a surge of love coursing through his veins, "he does. Just like how Claudia has yours"

"I-Is she okay?" She croaked out, "I missed her so much"

"She's totally fine" he reassured, "I promise. And you'll see her real soon, alright?"

But she winced, hand dropping to her lower stomach and he flared up with panic, glancing down at her battered body but she just screwed her face up, gripping at the flesh.

"What? What is it? What hurts?"

Despite the agony she was in, she snorted, "I-I just gave birth... I wonder" a playful sarcastic tone evident in her voice but that was cut off with a sharp, prolonged wince which felt like a stab to his gut, hating seeing her in pain.

"Kayla, talk to me" he pleaded, holding her tighter, "what can I do?"

"N-Not knock me u-up again" she joked but her voice was much weaker, barely above a whisper, her eyes glazing over a little as he swiped some stray hairs away from her sweaty forehead, her skin cool to touch.


"I'll be f-fine" she promised, clenching up as the pain assaulted her once again, "just... c-can I hold h-him?"

"Of course... Whatever you need" he rushed out, helping Lydia lean over the seats to gently place the squirming little bundle on her chest and almost immediately their son immediately settled, his head with small tufts of short wispy hair turning to nuzzle into her breast bone, soothing himself at the sound of his mommy's heart he had become accustomed to over the last nine months"

She broke out into a wide smile, laughing gently which Stiles wasn't sure if it was half sobbing or not, shaky hand reaching up to cup the back of his head, her other hand stroking his bare back.

"H-How could we make s-something so p-perfect?"

He smiled despite her attention being completely and solely focused on their son, adjusting her exhausted body in his grip.

"Hi baby... Hi" she cooed gently, tears filling up her eyes, "I'm s-so sorry... This wasn't h-how I wanted you-wanted you to come into the world" she whispered, "but you're s-safe... And that's all that matters t-to me"

"I c-can't wait until... Until Claud's see y-you... She will l-love you so much" she continued quietly, her voice breaking with emotion and exhaustion, "just like m-mommy and daddy do. Y-You're so special... Don't forget that. Never forget t-that"

"I uh..." She peaked up at him, half delirious with pain and tiredness, fatigue taking over her entire body, "I r-really like t-the name... Uh... The name..."

"Kaylz?" He asked, totally alarmed as her eyes started slipping shut, "no, no, hey, open your eyes, Kayla" he said a little more sharply, grabbing her withering attention as she slowly refocused, "what name do you like?" He rushed out, desperate to give her something to cling onto, something to focus on to keep her awake until they reached the hospital, "tell me the name Kaylz"

She blinked several times, grip loosening a little around their son as her breathing shallowed, "... n-name?"

Pure frenzied worry surged through his entire being at her delirious state, tears stinging his eyes, "yeah, the name for our son. What do you want to call him?"

Her eyelids drifted shut again, breaking out into a fresh sweat at the intense pain ripping through her abdomen and coursing though her body but instead of it making her be more awake and alert, it was having the opposite effect, causing her to fade and fade fast.

"Kaylz, tell me the name!"

"M-Mommy l-l-loves yo-you" she whispered faintly, thumb stopping brushing their son's bare back, "a-and... d-daddy will... ta-take good c-c-c... C-care... o-o... of you..."

"No, no, hey, stop it" he panicked, shaking her a little to try and rouse her, "stop talking like that, you'll be fine. Just open your eyes for me Kaylz. Open them so we can keep being a family. Me, you and our children. Kayla!" But she never responded, head dropping forward as she gave in to the pain, breath raspy and shallow and a few tears cascaded down his cheeks, only now realising the blood soaked into their clothes and along his arms.


A week and a half in intensive care wasn't what anyone was wanting but to Stiles it was better than dying. At least she was in hospital and getting the care she needed but seeing her lying there, plugged into all these different machines, a tube down the back of her throat to help her breathe was not a pleasant sight.

They had got to hospital in time just as she started haemorrhaging rather seriously yet the doctors worked a miracle and got her stable again, stitching her up and fixing the bleed only for one of the nurses to flag up concerns about an infection which escalated quickly, an entire team of doctors and nurses rushing into the room only to declare a diagnosis of septicaemia.

Sepsis as in blood poisoning from an infection which then further snowballed into her developing pneumonia which was why she was currently being supported by a ventilator as they pumped her full of antibiotics and other medicines, the fact she had just given birth making her much more weaker and susceptible to failing quickly.

And it was the worst week and a half of Stiles' life.

Watching the girl he loved fighting for her life as he tried to reassure Claudia that no, mommy wasn't leaving them, that yes she would wake up really soon and that she loved her, having to stop Claudia from hugging her mommy because of all the wires attached to her and it broke his damn heart having to hush her pained cries.

Then there was their son. His unnamed son. He couldn't bring himself to name him anything without Kayla's Input, especially because she was so fixated on a name she never had time to say before she passed out and never woke back up.

So for now he was just called 'baby' or 'buddy', his son that he had to look after and bond with despite feeling worried and so alone without Kayla there to help them. And he was growing so fast, already having changed so much from when he was first born he want sure if Kayla would recognise him or be able to bond with him properly.

But all his fears were put to rest a few days later as Kayla groggily came around. For the first couple of days she was incoherent and out of it but she got stronger, first being able to open her eyes for prolonged periods of time, then move her hands and feet and before long she was sitting up and talking - still tired and weak, but looking much healthier.

God, he had missed her so much.

She was desperate to see her children which was why he left briefly to collect them, holding Claudia's hand as she tottered in slowly, cradling their son to his chest as Kayla's face lit up, immediately reaching out to help him lift Claudia up, wrapping her arms around her.

"Oh Claud... I missed you so much" she cried, "mommy's so sorry about everything. I love you baby" kissing her head then her cheeks as Claudia laughed gleefully, happily clinging onto her mommy for dear life.

"Momma... Love momma..."

"Aw Clauds" she crushed her into another hug, "I love you too, so much"

"Momma no baba in tummy"

It's amazing how in just a few weeks, her speech had improved. So many changes that Kayla had missed out on.

"No... Not anymore" she kissed Claudia again, glancing up at a beaming Stiles who was rocking their son in his arms and her heart swelled with love yet nervousness, scared yet ecstatic to see her baby - for real this time. Everything was blurry. She didn't remember much, just pain and fear and love as she gazed down at her son's face as she cradled him and that was it. It had been nearly two weeks, she had missed out on so much. Would he even know her anymore?

"Is he... Is he okay?" She asked hesitantly, letting Claudia cuddle into her side, soothing herself with her mommy's presence.

"He's amazing" Stiles gushed, stepping up next to bed, "so lively, so energetic. Such a big personality already" slowly leaning down to carefully pass him over to Kayla, "I still can't get over that we... We have a son"

She inhaled sharply, looking down and holding her breath, scared that she wouldn't feel that intense love and affection race through her like what happened with Claudia. She had missed out on the most vital time of her baby's life... What if she didn't love him? What if she couldn't? What if he was, now, a stranger to her? What if she didn't feel for him what she felt for Claudia.

But her worries were immediately put to rest as soon as she laid eyes on him.

She couldn't even describe how powerful the emotions she was feeling were. It was like holding her child, feeling his breathing, watching his little body squirm happily in her grip made her complete. He was her son and she loved his so damn much. He was her life. Him and Claudia, her entire world.

Stiles was watching her carefully, nervous as to her reaction but broke out into a smile as she laughed and leaned down to press a kiss to his forehead, sighing contently.

"Our son..." She murmured, "I love him... So much"

Stiles felt elated, carefully placing himself at the edge of the bed and wrapping his arm around her shoulder, sticking out his tongue as Claudia peeked around at him from the other side of Kayla, laughing as she giggled and reached out to tickle his son's rounded tummy, snorting in amusement as he started gurgling.

"So... What name were you thinking of?" He asked, "I'm dying to know"

Kayla glanced up at him shyly, her expression soft, "I uh... I really wanted to name him after uh... After my brother. He died too young and he would've loved the bones off these little rascals. But I don't know, maybe you don't like it-"

He cut her off with a gentle kiss, their lips moulding together as Claudia giggled and clapped her hands together.

"Are you kidding me? It's perfect" he reassured against the curve of her mouth, unable to stop his gleeful smile, "and Dylan is actually a normal name. I'm shocked" he teased, "was so sure the pain meds you're on would go straight for you head"

"Ha-ha" she joked, kissing him again briefly before glancing down at their baby, smiling as Claudia carefully copied what her parents just did and placed a sloppy kiss to her brother's pouting lips, "I love you Stiles"

"I love you too" he paused, a peaceful content smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, "I love all of you"

A/N) okay I dun of that was too cute or mushy but I had to haha I really hope you enjoyed this closing chapter, it was so fun to write and I'm sad to see it finish but sometimes things are better when they end and don't drag on - so pretty please let me know what you thought of this ending, would love to hear all your thought and I shall see you soon (whether for more AU's or the actual story but knowing me it'll be both haha)

P.S) also have a poll on my profile, if you can spare the time would love to hear what you would like so I can plan What to do, thank u xxx