Day 5

I woke up to the sound of papers shuffling. I trudged downstairs, only to find Doofenshmirtz with papers scattered all over his desk. I went over to see what he was doing, and he grabbed all the papers, and said, "I'm not doing anything," and ran to his room. I was baffled why he did this. Maybe it was a new invention or something when we get back, I thought. I poured a bowl of cereal, doused it in some milk, and sat down to read the morning newspaper, and as I did this, in the corner of my eye, I see another ad for another luau. You don't even need to think what I thought in my mind for the next moment. No way, Jose. Not again. I finished my breakfast, and Doofenshmirtz waddled into the room. I gave him an evil stare, and went to my room.

I got into the shower, got dressed, put my contacts in, and went to the bathroom. I came out of the bathroom to the sound of something. I shrugged it off, and went downstairs and sat on the couch. I switched on the tv to my favorite show, Unidentified Suspects. Soon after Doofenshmirtz finished breakfast, he sat down beside me. "I gotta go to the bank and pick up something," he said. I did a thumbs up at him, without taking my eyes off the tv.

I got up after a few minutes, and Doofenshmirtz grabbed his shoes, put them on, and headed out the door. I grabbed the car keys and chased after him.

I slammed the door as a result of my rush, and jumped into the car, and turned the ignition. The car sputtered to life, and I backed out of the driveway, off to the bank.

I drove on the main road for a few minutes, and turned onto the freeway. I drove on that for a few minutes, and turned off at the exit.

A few minutes later, I stopped at the bank's entrance. Doofenshmirtz jumped out with excitement, and ran to the entrance.

A few minutes later I heard an an alarm going off. I whipped my head towards the bank, and stared at Doofenshmirtz in horror to see him carrying a large money bag. He plopped it in the trunk, jumped into the passengers seat, and I didn't move. I punched him in the face, jumped out of the car, flew the trunk open, grabbed the bag, and ran into the bank.

I trudged out of the bank, 2 policeman on each side, my hands cuffed behind my back. I got shoved into the police van, and the policeman ran toward our car, handcuffed Doofenshmirtz, and shoved him next to me in the police cruiser.

I stood in the interrogation room, Doofenshmirtz at my side. "Okay," an interrogator said. "We don't have to take this to court. We already have a tape that says everything. Long story short, you are the accused stealer."

I saw the officer's bony finger cast at Doofenshmirtz. "And you," the interrogator said to me, "I'm sorry we treated you wrongly. Thank you for returning that money, so the state of Florida is paying you $200,000 because there was $3 million in that bag, so you, while returning the bag, had any opportunity to steal money. But you didn't. So you can go."

I ran out of the building as quickly as I could until I reached a bench at the police station's front yard. I felt so happy, but I knew exactly what I could do with this.

When I was getting into the car, Doofenshmirtz was in handcuffs and shoved into a police van. I head the police officer say, "Since your friend returned the money, you only get a day in county jail."

I started up the car, and drove to the homeless shelter. I stopped at the entrance, and looked at my bank account, and it had 200 grand more than usual. I went inside, and deposited 200 grand into their service. I left without saying a word.

I got into my car, my eyes tearing up because the woman was so happy to see someone who would give so much. She said the most someone had given before that was under $200.

I drove down the freeway, happy tears running down my cheeks, until I hit the exit to a restaurant.

I ordered the chicken salad. After lunch, I slid $100 under the receipt for a tip.

I went home to the beach house, then I plopped in front of the tv. The first thing that popped up was the report on my honesty to the bank, receiving 200 grand, then giving it to the homeless shelter.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door. I opened it, and there was a man standing there with Doofenshmirtz at his side. The officer said, "this guy apologized to what he did, so we let him out."

The door slammed behind us, leaving Doofenshmirtz and I standing in our beach house. I stormed away from him, into my room, and slammed the door. Hard.

I stomped onto my bed, and laid down for a quick nap.

I woke at around 3:08 pm. I went out of the room to the kitchen, where Doofenshmirtz was sitting alone at the table, reading a book. When I chattered, he jumped, and said, "how about we go somewhere, like the mall?" I shook my head, sitting down in exhaustion. Doofenshmirtz sat down by me, and I was a wreck. I felt my eyes watering, and I just sobbed. Doofenshmirtz picked me up, ran out the door, and jumped in the car, throwing me into the seat beside him.

A few hours later we returned from a psychological checkup, in which the psychologist said I had a stress breakdown, and then went to dinner.

I opened the door, shuffled to my room, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, took my contacts out, and went to bed.