Chapter One

Hermione just stood there crying, how dare he just up and leave her in the middle of New York City to go off and chase some bleach blonde slag. She thought he was finally going to propose, after all it had been ten years since their first kiss in the Chamber below the school. And two years since they started dating, everyone including his parents were expecting it to happen this weekend but instead here she is all alone in Time Square.

It was getting dark by the time she realized she was lost and standing outside Stark Tower, thinking to herself that he must be a very rich man for a muggle. As she was standing there admiring the building, she was being watched from above. Hawkeye was always watching the coming and goings from Stark Tower ever since Loki tried to take over New York, but for some reason he felt as if he needed to watch this young lady a bit closer. While she was just staring at the tower Stark called "Hey Legolas, can you find out why Jarvis is saying that all the electronics in the building are malfunctioning?"

"Don't know if it has anything to do it or not but there is a young lady standing right outside the building, she looks to be alone and sad. I would suggest allowing her into the building so we can make sure she gets back home safely, after all we wouldn't want anything to draw more attention to the tower now would we?" Hawkeye said as he saw the young woman pull her coat around her as if she was cold. Suddenly a young man with bright red hair came over and they started arguing, "Ron just leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you right now. Hell I don't even know how you found me, so why don't you go back to that American Slag and shag her senseless. I thought you were going to propose on this trip, it's what everyone wants. They all are saying that's about time that two members of the Golden Trio get married, even your mother is already planning our wedding." She said with disgust in her voice.

"Why shouldn't I get to shag whoever I want, my so called girlfriend seems to be shagging all her way through the Quidditch sports teams starting with Krum. I saw how he was looking at you last month, and then the way he was touching you a week ago. I know that your shagging him Hermione, hell half the wizarding world knows your shagging him. If those blokes our good enough for you to shag, why in the name of Merlin are you not shagging me?" he said.

Hermione just stood there crying as she heard the words coming out of his mouth, how dare he accuse her of cheating on him. The only reason she was talking to Krum was to help him get the nerve to ask his best mate's sister out, she wasn't shagging him. Hell she has never shagged anyone, "Ronald Billius Weasley, the only one in this relationship that is shagging is you. Krum was trying to get the nerve to ask a girl he has known his before the Yule Ball out and he was asking me to help. That's why I have been seen out with him lately, as for the other so called men I have shagged that's all lies trumped up by that stupid Rita Skeeter. She has had it out for me since she caught me hugging Harry at the tournament in fourth year, so guess what I am threw being second fiddle to some American slag. When I get back to the hotel I am switching rooms and then going sightseeing in the morning, since you don't want to be bothered to take me to a musical I might just go myself." She said as she slapped him across the face.

Luckily before Ron could hit her back, Bruce came out the front doors of the tower. "Excuse me, my friends and I heard the commotion and was sent me to be of some help. Would you care to come inside, while we call a cab to take you back to your hotel?" he said as nice as he could.

Hermione looked from him to Ron and back, "I think I will take you and your friends on the offer, maybe one of you would like to escort a pretty girl a musical tomorrow night at a repayment?" she said flirting a bit. She wasn't really sure if she was doing it right since she never really flirted with any guy before. "Well I can't say about the others but Musical's don't seem to be my thing and plus I get uncomfortable in tight spaces. My names Bruce Banner and I seem to overheard your name being Hermione, so Miss Hermione shall we go?" Bruce said with a smile.

He could tell that she was trying to flirt but was really afraid of failing at it, so he just held out his arm for her. As she reached out to take it, his phone rang "Barton, no I don't think that is necessary; yes, I think the young man can find his own way back. Go ahead and call it night after we see Miss Hermione home, Stark has declared movie night. I think it's Star Wars again, since Steve is never around to watch it. I believe Natasha is taking care of that as we speak, I will meet you upstairs." he said before hanging up his phone.

"Sorry about that my co-worker works with the Military and likes to keep a watchful eye on things from above. In fact, he was the one to suggest we invite you in, he saw that you were lost." Bruce said as they walked inside leaving Ronald standing there. "Good luck finding a place to live when you return home, I will make sure you're not welcome even at Harry's. Oh trust me everyone will believe me when I say that you dumped me so you could shag some American." Ronald said as he turned to walk away.

Hermione just stopped dead in her tracks, turning around she said "You know what I think I will take that job offer Kingsley offered me, after all I am the smartest one of the Golden Trio. So once I get back I will remove my things from your flat and return here to New York to work as a liaison between our world and this secret government company that is so damn hard up to get me. Besides Harry will know truth before you even get back, I sent him a letter this morning telling him that you ditched me to go chase some American tail. Then I got a phone call from your sister, you remember her right; the only girl in the family. The one who is six months pregnant, hormonal and can kick your stupid arse to Egypt and back. Well she took it upon herself to contact your remaining brothers, who by the way love me to death and they will be waiting for you upon your return.

"Let's just say you would be better off going to Egypt and getting yourself locked in a tomb then going home. Oh by the way your mother is changing the locks on the house, that way you can't go crying home about being mistreated. So Ron I suggest you not even try to slander my name or I will make sure that Charlie takes you to Romania and makes you food for the dangerous animal's he works with."

Ron just stood with as his face went white, he knew that everything she said was true. In fact, that agency she was talking about had tried to recruit them all including Harry but since Ginny didn't want to leave London he declined. Ron didn't want to join because that meant he had to quit playing Quidditch, he was hoping to marry Hermione before she had a chance to accept. But his stupid arse screwed that up by chasing tail again, sighing defeat he took off back towards the Hotel they were staying at.