(I do not own Diabolik lovers)

This story will contain violence, bad language and mature themes- you have been warned.

"Akuma's Thoughts"

"Akuma's speech"

"Normal Speech"

"Normal Thoughts"

"combined Akuma speech or thoughts"


I watched as the priest introduced himself with a smile on his face; the other children looked excited at the thought of the man possibly adopting them. I couldn't blame them as even I used to watch new adults with hopeful eyes: just as they do now. However, I learnt the truth about this orphanage long ago; the only way out is if you cause enough problems to get removed and then placed into another; run by the same 'Love Life' organisation. The company is filled with spiteful adults who merely wish to turn children without homes or family into their slaves- using abusive methods to do so. They start by collecting children who roam the streets, taking them in with false smiles etched into their faces; to gain their trust. Promises of food, warmth and love leave their vile mouths as they persuade them to bring along any other lonely 'friends' they may have left behind on the 'dangerous' streets.

That's the first step towards becoming their slaves- accepting their promises and bringing any trusted allies along with you. Once you've settled into the wonderful lifestyle they've given (about a week or so) their true selves are revealed.

Suddenly, you have chores to complete: scrubbing floors, wiping windows, washing both clothing and dishes by hand- even though there are machines that can do this more thoroughly. Your forced into shady jobs: selling 'medicine's', 'borrowing' valuable items from strangers and letting elder's 'comfort' you with their hands. Eventually you realise its all wrong- you feel disgusted or ashamed- and try to stand up for yourself.

This will only lead to something physically worse: punishment.

However, I figured out a way to escape after my first beating. Simply misbehave on an intense level. This included: fighting with the other children, ruining group planned thefts, destroying anything you can get your hands on- plates, jewellery, clothing- injuring the adults who came to molest you and fighting your caretaker.

They got had me removed by the third week. Only to be placed back into another orphanage owned by their company; leading to me repeating the cycle.

However, the orphanage before this gave me a useful piece of information: apparently the owner knew about my purposeful misbehaviour and was livid. They said that I only have one last chance if I mess up my time in this place- as it's the most recently built 'Love Life' orphanage so after this there's nowhere else to send me off to. I remember the chills that rolled down my back at the mention of last chance but I still chose to laugh it off.

Just because I'm eight, doesn't mean I'm easily intimidated.

"Hello, little ones. I am Seiji Komori and this is my daughter, Yui Komori"

My eyes followed the mans gesture towards the small figure cuddling into his priest robes. She had long blonde hair, pink eyes and wore a pink flower patterned shirt with a white skirt and pink sandal's.

"H-hello..." Yui stated shyly, the grip on her fathers robes lessened once she saw the smiling faces of children her own age group surrounding her.

I noticed the way our current caretaker eyed the girl; she's the kind of child this messed up organisation would've loved to have, innocent looking and purely naïve. She's lucky her father happens to be a priest, otherwise they'd have kidnapped her.

"Yui and I were on our way back to the village church, when we saw this orphanage" Seiji said to our caretaker, "We just wanted to see how everything is; the church wouldn't mind holding any charity events if any financial issues arise"

The caretakers response was the usual false drivel I choose to ignore so I focused my attention back upon the blonde girl. All the children were fascinated by her clothing, hair, eyes and even her soft speech. I could see the small amount of envy hidden within their gazes, their kind words were merely plots to convince the girl to talk her father into adopting them and the way they'd gently touch her hair or hands were actions that would try to entice her into joining their wonderful 'home'- just the way they were taught to do.

"You should help her" the voice of my 'other self' spoke within my mind, "The way they're manipulating her is bugging you... so just go already"

I could feel my right eye lid twitch lightly, "It doesn't annoy me at all; anything they do is her fault for being so trusting"

Whilst the two adults conversed with one another, I watched as the other children lead Yui outside with promises of games and fun. The girl looked hesitant at first but after a few friendly smiles, she followed them all with a little bounce in to her step.

"She's a complete idiot, why the hell would she believe such fake smiles!"

My thoughts responded smugly, "Doesn't annoy you, huh?"

"Shut up, Akuma"

Her laughter echoed within my mindscape whilst I allowed my feet to take me outside and followed the sounds of mocking laughter to find the children.

"Well that didn't last too long..."

The scene I had just walked into brought fire to my veins, anger towards my entire being- my fists clenching unconsciously. This was the reason I would have fights with the other children; they had a habit of 'playing' with the newest kids. I could no longer hear the jeers they shot her way due to my own anger induced heavy breathing, the painful words that were once directed towards themselves were now used on the innocent girl before them. They tugged her hair and threw dirt in her direction, throwing words they had no true understanding for; except that it would hurt.






Yui just sat their curled in a ball with tears pouring from her eyes, sobs wracking her body whilst they pelted her with insults and dirt. I began to march over towards the group- the pained cries of Yui reaching my ears even clearer, fuelling the need to induce pain upon the already broken kids around her.

"Think this through" Akuma warned me, trying to sound more calm than I knew she was, "They said that after this, it's your last chance; remember?"

I hesitated on my next step before shaking off the foreboding feeling that overcame my body and continuing my angry march.
"It doesn't matter" my mind was already made up, "I'll still have another chance after all"

Akuma went silent.

I shoved the group of children away from Yui- my glare froze their hands from throwing anymore dirt-and gently lifted her onto her feet; dusting some of the dirt from her hair. She was still sobbing, big wet tears falling from slightly darker pink orbs and her hands were trembling lightly. When I looked into her eyes I knew that she trusted me already for making them stop; the same quick trusting that got her in this situation In the first place.

Some of the kids ran inside whilst the others stayed, trying to look brave. You'd think the fact that I'm even in this orphanage is because of my 'violent' and 'chaotic' behaviour would scare the children into running away; common sense to not go against the girl who's gotten herself kicked out of exactly twenty-seven of 'Love Life's' orphanages for the same reason. Nope... they're still here, with their fists raised, trying to seem intimidating.

"You all have ten seconds before I get the urge to tear you apart, one skin cell at a time!"

They were all inside before I reached seven.

It was then that I realised the girl I had been defending was holding me as if I was her only lifeline, the tears within her eyes still fell- only a little less than before. I couldn't help but hug the little blonde (who I now see is around my height, as short as an eight year old can be) and I let her cry out the remainder of her tears into my scruffy clothing.

"T-thank y-you so much!" she said between quiet sobs, causing a small smile to rise onto my face. My right hand petted her hair gently; my eyes closing due to the comfort the hug gave me.

"I can't remember the last time anyone hugged me like this... its warm"

Suddenly, the comforting feeling of Yui's hug was ripped away from my body, the chill of the outside breeze replacing it. My eyes snapped open and I saw that the caretaker had Yui within his grip, passing her towards Seiji; who was behind him with a mortified expression directed my way. The caretaker had a smirk on his face as he grabbed my hand and led us all inside- the grip he had on my wrist tightened with each step.

Inside, the children had managed to force tears from their eyes as they rushed towards Yui and her father; phrases like "Yui are you okay?", "She didn't do anything did she?" and "We thought you were gonna die!" left their mouths, laced in false worriment. The caretaker dragged me away from them and forced me to sit in a random chair.

"Well, Akune, what you've done to miss Komori is inexcusable; I'll have to file a removal from this orphanage immediately" he smiled maliciously, "and considering this was your last chance, your punishment is going to be chosen by the owner there self!"


I really should've seen this coming: the kids going inside to tell the bitchy caretaker lies, the dirtied crying Yui as proof, and my removal from the orphanage.
Yui looked in my direction, pink eyes glowing with guilt and confusion, "Father? She didn't-" the bawling of the conniving children cut the timid girl off.

"It was awful!"

"She took Yui outside!"

"And attacked her with dirt!"

"She called her all the naughty words!"

"Then she said she'd kill us all!"

They completed their false tail with the combined cry of, "WE WERE SO SCARED!"

Seiji looked furious, as furious as I've ever seen a priest get as he picked Yui up and went towards the door; "my daughter and I have urgent business to attend to- thank you for having us and may God bless you all"

When they went through the door, I could hear Yui's voice protesting; trying to explain to her father how it wasn't my fault but he ignored her in favour of getting her home- where she could be safe. She's lucky to have a parent who cares enough about her to ignore all things wrong or right to protect her.

~Ding Dong~

My caretaker smiled wickedly, "It's for you Akune, go ahead and answer"

So I did.

Only to be knocked out completely by some form of gas. The final thoughts that echoed within my mind, being:

"One day, I hope to be hugged like that again..."

"Don't worry, I'm sure one day you will be"

Thus, when I landed within the arms of whoever caught me, they would see a whimsical smile etched into my face.

"Thank you, Yui Komori..."

~prologue end~

This is my fist story online :) so some reviews would be nice (please be as polite as you can- criticism is welcomed but impoliteness is not)

I guess I chose to do a Diabolik lovers OC story because I felt that theirs not a lot out there. Hope you enjoy it so far :) and um-

... should I continue?

Angelcakes4life signing off Xx